Trump’s 2nd Impeachment: Timed to Mars Antiscia

Introduction About a month ago, I published an article on the timing of Donald Trump’s political downfall. The focus was on how the solar eclipse of Dec. 14th, 2020 was metaphorically an eclipse of Trump’s political reign. It occurred on … Continue reading

The Trump Eclipse: The Timing of Trump’s Election Loss

Introduction After a month of false accusations of widespread voter fraud accompanied by 6-7 dozen failed lawsuits, Trump’s loss of the 2020 election became official on Dec. 14th, 2020. Without a single court or official investigative body finding a shred … Continue reading

Detriment: A Questionable Distinction | Part 1: Historical Development

Update 9/4-9/20: A little over a month ago, this article was mentioned on a podcast where its arguments were misrepresented, support for the arguments were left out, and specious “additional evidence” for the reconstruction of a Hellenistic doctrine of detriment … Continue reading

Maya Angelou’s Venus in Pisces and Much More

Introduction Maya Angelou lived a very complex and noteworthy life. She experienced life’s lowest lows and highest highs, keeping her humanity in tact along the way. Because he life has such low lows and high highs, and a well-timed birth … Continue reading

Astrological Predictive Techniques | The Ages of Man with Maya Angelou

Introduction Many of the predictive techniques of Hellenistic and medieval astrology seek to time out specific major events indicated in the natal chart. A focus on specific years is particularly prominent, as exemplified in a suite of annual techniques from … Continue reading

Timing Symbolism in the Chart of Adolf Hitler

Introduction When delineating the astrological chart, it is very important to recognize the symbolism and to check it against timing techniques. In that interest, I will note a few key symbolic factors in the chart of a well-known life, that … Continue reading

Twelve Easy Lessons for Beginners | 8. Delineation Part 1: Signs

Introduction We’ve come a long way in this series of lessons. Lesson 0 introduced the study of astrology and why astrology’s history matters. From there, we dove into the symbolism of the planets in Lesson 1. After the discussion of … Continue reading

The Vividly Timed Car Accident of Kevin Hart

Introduction Sometimes astrological symbolism is simply too vivid to keep it to yourself and friends. Today, through social media posts by astrologers Naomi Bennett and David Cochrane, I learned that Kevin Hart had an accident at the time of some … Continue reading

Prince | Part 2: The Timing of his Death

Prince Part 2: Death In the last article, I discussed Prince’s natal chart with a particular focus on his character and career. Prince Rogers Nelson was born on June 7, 1958 at 6:17 pm in Minneapolis, MN. His birth data … Continue reading