Bio Shorts | Lana Del Rey

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Update 02/26/2020: A Note on Birth Time Controversy
Original Instagram Source
At the time that this article was written there was an A-rated birth time of 2:46 am (Gemini with Taurus rising) which was from a supposed comment made by Lana Del Rey on Instagram to an inquiry for her birth time or rising time. However, a couple years after the article’s publication, the accuracy of that time was called into question and the rating was changed to a C on AstroDataBank (and I added a note as to that fact in this article).
This is because the link to the Instagram comment no longer turned up the comment. However, it should be noted that a link to any deleted comment will not turn up a comment. So, the most likely scenario is that the comment was deleted rather than that someone fabricated an entire Instagram thread in order to give Lana Del Rey an inaccurate birth time.
New Twitter Source
To further complicate matters, on June 6, 2019, when someone posted a screenshot of the Instagram correspondence on Lana’s Twitter feed (see here), Lana Del Rey responded that she is actually a Cancer, born at 4:47 pm (again, see here). AstroDataBank then updated their record with the new birth time and gave it an A rating, since it came from Lana herself.
Two Possibilities
This leaves us with two possibilities. One, someone went through a whole lot of effort to manufacture a fake Instagram screenshot just to give Lana Del Rey the wrong birth time. Two, Lana Del Rey is somewhat into astrology, as supposedly she indicated on Instagram, but was really unhappy once she saw her life laid so bare with it all over the internet. She then deleted the post where she provided the time, and when that proved to not be enough, much later did she provide a false time.
Both scenarios are quite possible. Until we have a birth record, it is difficult to say which is the case. I certainly understand and sympathize more strongly with the second scenario. I’ve done similar things myself – both deleting instances when I’ve provided my birth time and given false birth and/or chart info. If you the reader witnessed the original Instagram post, then let me know. I’m assuming that if it was real then multiple people probably remember seeing it on her feed before it was deleted.
Vitriolic Comments
I also lean more strongly toward the second scenario because of the strong wording of the comments on this article and other non-related ones I’ve received in regards to her article and birth time. I’ve had people send me nasty comments that I was trying to intentionally mislead my readers. I’ve also had comments on unrelated articles that I need to change the birth time on Lana’s article, despite having already included a comment regarding the rating change.
My experience has been that interested astrologers tend not to be so harsh about such matters. The vitriolic nature, especially after I had already added a clarifying comment on the source, speaks more to some personal involvement.
Take With a Grain of Salt
In conclusion, this article may be based on bogus birth data, so take it with a grain of salt. If the data had been controversial at the time then I wouldn’t have used it in an article. As I noted, it was A-rated at the time. It became controversial about 3 years later. However, the article is written now, so here it stands for better or worse. I’m not re-writing the whole thing every time Lana Del Rey offers up a new birth time on social media. Sorry.
The Two Charts
I will note that the two charts have some similarity. The new time basically flips the Asc-Dsc, so Venus is on the Dsc instead of Asc. Venus is still the professional significator. Both charts have the Mercury bound of a fixed sign rising. The new time, however, puts the Sun into Cancer rather than Gemini, and flips the chart to a diurnal one. There is also no primary direction of Jupiter to the MC at age 22 anymore. Fool around with both charts and tell me which you think best fits.
Here ends the update and starts the article.
Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey was born on June 21, 1985 at 2:46 am in New York City (see 2020 update above on controversy with this birth time). She was born with Venus rising, in Taurus. Also, the Moon was in Leo and the Sun was in Gemini. In this quick look at her chart, I’ll examine career indications and character. I will not be providing a biography or deep analysis of her life. You can find a bio on Wikipedia.
Natal Chart
Lana Del Rey’s natal chart is picture below with the twelfth-part positions around the outside of the wheel.
Lana Del Rey – Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts
Venus as Planet of Actions
Venus is conjunct the Ascendant in Taurus within a degree! This is one of the most striking features of her chart. You may recall from a past article on the career significator that Mercury, Venus, and Mars are the most significant planets for career. In this case, only Venus is in one of the places noted in that technique. Mercury and Mars are both in the 3rd place, Cancer, the house of the Moon.
Venus is the most prominent planet in the chart, being in the 1st house and strongly advancing. Additionally, Venus is the domicile and triplicity ruler of the 1st house. Therefore, there is a strong identification with matters that Venus symbolizes (the arts, aesthetics, sexuality). Venus is clearly the career significator, signifying an artistic pursuit.
The Role of Mercury
Mercury is in phasis as Mercury departed from the beams of the Sun within 7 days of her birth. This is a form of prominence for Mercury. Also, Mercury rules the bound of the Ascendant (13TAU), so there is an identification with Mercury. Additionally, Mercury is a triplicity ruler of the 10th house, Mercury is in its own bound, Mercury is in the house of the sect light (the Moon), and it is the domicile ruler of the Sun. All of this indicates that Mercury is prominent.
Mercury is in a tight aspect (under 3 degrees) with Venus. Therefore, these two planets have a strong relationship with each other in the chart. This extends to the role of Venus in relation to career. Mercury-Venus combinations with Venus dominant can signify musical careers. Venus is more prominent and is behind Mercury in the aspect so is more dominant in the relationship. The Venus-Mercury combination can also indicate singing as Mercury signifies vocalization.
The Promise of the Directed Jupiter
Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon are all in stakes of the chart, so can also be significant in relation to the career. Jupiter is particularly significant as it is in the 10th place. The 10th place is the most pertinent place for career-matters. Jupiter also closely dominates Venus with its tight right-hand square, and rules Venus by bound.
In relation to Venus and the career, Jupiter promises a fortunate event to be timed to when it culminates at the MC by primary directions (click here for a summary of how to use primary directions).
Jupiter culminated at the MC by primary directions in 2007.
It was in 2007 that Lana Del Rey signed her first record contract.
Mercury and the rulers of the Ascendant are typically the most important planets to examine in relation to the personality. Someone who is famous may use a “stage persona” that is more linked with planets pertaining to the career shown by the lights. The Sun and Moon signify things put more prominently on public display.
In Lana Del Rey’s case, Venus and Mercury are the most important planets for indications concerning career as well as personality. There is a lot of overlap between herself and her stage persona. While she has described her persona as a sort of “gangster Nancy Sinatra”, which implies some theatrics, she has also discussed how autobiographical her music has been.
Mercury with Mars in the 3rd House
There is a notable dark side to most of her music, especially in the lyrics. Mercury is with Mars in the 3rd house, Cancer. Mercury with Mars puts that “gangster” edge of violence and crassness to her lyrics, set amidst the lunar Cancerian backdrop of emotional nurture, subjectivity, and dreamy sentimentality.
Saturnine Love
Additionally, her Venus is opposite Saturn, signifying the strong association of her image with coldness, control, darkness, sorrow, and even depravity. Saturn is in the 7th, the place of partnership and marriage and Venus is also the natural significator of partnership and marriage. Therefore, we see the heavy sorrow of Saturn expressed in terms of relationships, through both Saturn’s place (the 7th) and Saturn’s opposition to Venus.
Cover image attribution
By Jaguar MENA (Jaguar F-TYPE) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Lana Del Rey’s chart is C-rated now:,_Lana Seems like a pointless analysis because of that, sorry. ;( Maybe it’s a good idea to delete this blog post entirely.
A “C” rating means caution because there’s no source. an “A” rating means the source is a quote from the person. It was quoted from Lana Del Rey and there is a screen shot of her discussing the time. It was A-rated on Astrodatabank at the time that I published the article.
Recently they’ve changed ratings from this particular source (the guy who runs Astrotheme) because he’s had bad sourcing at various times in the past. I have no reason to doubt the screenshot which he obtained regarding that correspondence with Del Rey in this instance. That’s a whole lot of hassle to manufacture a screenshot for a fake birth time, especially considering that there’s usually just no birth time on Astrotheme for celebrities. Is he personally invested in her having Taurus rising or something?
It is similar to the birth time of James Randi, in which they rate it C because they don’t know whether to trust him (James Randi, as he is a known skeptic). That should also be rated A as it is a quote from the individual. It should be noted that it’s a quote from him and that he is a skeptic, but that doesn’t change the source type.
A screenshot of an online encounter with a celebrity is better than most of the “quoted” birth time A ratings on Astrodatabank, which amount to, this guy claims to have been told this time at such and such public event.