Trump’s 2nd Impeachment: Timed to Mars Antiscia


About a month ago, I published an article on the timing of Donald Trump’s political downfall. The focus was on how the solar eclipse of Dec. 14th, 2020 was metaphorically an eclipse of Trump’s political reign. It occurred on the day of the electoral college vote that sealed Trump’s loss.

The eclipse, as a New Moon, signaled the important events of the lunar month Dec. 14th to early Jan. 13th. Additionally, as an eclipse it has relevance even beyond the month. See the article on the eclipse for more details. Also see the article on the Six Elements for Deducing Advanced Knowledge for why lunations are especially significant mundane charts.

Distribution through the Mars Bound of Libra

Since late 2019, I have pointed out that the key astrological factor symbolizing a sea change in Trump’s fortune is the activation of Trump’s Mars as distributor. The distributor is the bound lord of the directed Ascendant (by primary directions).

In an April 2018 update to my 2012 article on the distributor technique, I noted that Trump’s rise corresponded with a Venus distributor period. The transition to a Mars distributor in late 2019 preceded Trump’s 1st impeachment. That impeachment itself occurred on the day of an exact transit of twelfth-part Mars conjunct to Trump’s Sun at 22 Gemini (and his natal twelfth-part Mars).


In comments on my article on the Trump Eclipse, one reader seemed to put a lot of stock in the appearance of seemingly positive transits for Trump on the 6th. I noted to him that transits in themselves are insignificant in traditional astrology. The significance of transits is solely in terms of timing out indications from root charts and activation techniques.

In fact, the preoccupation with transits as being the most fundamental predictive technique in astrology is a direct byproduct of the factor-as-index fallacy. This fallacy is pervasive in modern astrology and much astrology of the traditional revival as well.

As I noted in those comments, the eclipse is indicative of the downfall of Trump while the transits merely time out the events. As the factor that most vividly symbolizes a threat to Trump’s leadership and authority is Mars in his chart, one must have a pretty good grasp of that Mars and all its “positions” in the chart.

The Traditional Symbolic Palette

This brings us to the things that the index view further obscures. Indexation not only puts the emphasis on just the natal chart and transits to it, but also toward dismissal of factors that are “merely symbolic”. Such factors include twelfth-parts, lots, and antiscia. In the symbolic view, twelfth-parts and antiscia are echoes of the symbolism of the planet but projected to different positions. In the index view, one just scratches one head, what could these things index? There is little room for symbolic redundancy in the index view.

For a true full analysis of the indications of Trump and the noteworthy Mars timing points, we need to know more than the natal planetary positions. We need to look at the solar return and important mundane charts like the ingresses and lunations. Not only the plain Mars positions and interactions with Mars in those charts must be examined, but we should also be aware of the twelfth-part and antiscia Mars positions.


I will not be delving deeply into all these things in this article, but I will be looking at one of the most overlooked factor types, the antiscia.

I am not immune to overlooking these factors. Only a handful of my articles ever mention antiscia positions. In fact, I also have very few articles looking at fixed stars, which are another crucially important traditional factor. Antiscia has been touched on a little bit in articles on the site, particularly in the analysis of serial killer David Carpenter’s chart.  I have also provided an overview of some of the history behind antiscia.

Rather than a robust analysis of the timing of the January 6th, 2021 insurrection and Trump’s 2nd impeachment, I will only looking at a minor matter of timing. The transit that most pertained to the timing of Trump’s impeachment was a transit by antiscia. As I noted, a transit in itself is insignificant. This transit became significant in timing because of events which were indicated pertaining to the downfall of Trump connected to Mars.

A Mars Antiscia 2nd Impeachment

During the 2nd impeachment, which occurred just after a New Moon (within 24 hours), Mars made an exact transit antiscia to Trump’s Mars. This was a historic impeachment on multiple counts. It was the fastest impeachment and most bipartisan impeachment of all time. Additionally, it was the first time a President has ever been impeached twice and it occurred despite Trump having only one week left in his term.

The timing of this historic impeachment pertains to a number of significant mundane charts. However, here my main focus is on looking at how indications pertaining to Trump’s natal Mars were timed to the event. I have noted that Mars pertains to the indication of Trump’s demise and showed how the timing of the 1st impeachment and Trump’s electoral college loss were closely linked to that Mars. We continue this line of inquiry.

Trump’s Antiscia Positions

In the free and open source traditional astrological software Morinus, you can pull up antiscia positions very easily around any chart. Below is the natal chart of Donald Trump with the antiscia positions around the wheel. Note that Trump’s Mars antiscia is 3 degrees 13 minutes Taurus.

Trump’s Natal Chart with Antiscia Positions Along Outer Wheel

January 13th, 2021 New Moon

The New Moon on the morning of the 13th (and the solar eclipse of Dec. 14th) are far more significant than any transits through the month. That is because these lunations actually say something about the month, while the transits merely time out indications. The New Moon of Jan. 13th from D.C. speaks not only about the impeachment later that day (or rather the next day astrologically, as it occurred just after midnight), but also of other important events for the lunar month.

tMars Antiscia nMars

The New Moon shows the close (within a degree and applying) antiscia of Mars. Below I shows the lunation chart with its own antiscia positions around the outside. You can see that Mars is at 2TAU57, approaching Trump’s Mars antiscia (3TAU13).  Or put another way, you can see that the antiscia of the lunation’s Mars is in late Leo, conjoining Trump’s natal Mars.


New Moon Chart 01-13-2021 with its Antiscia Outside the Wheel

Mars Touches the 10th House While Secretly with the Natal Gemini Sun-Mars

As a reader noted in the comments of the eclipse article, impeachment time to the entrance of transiting Mars into Taurus. This is significant as Taurus is Trump’s 10th house of authority (strongly linked to his rise). Additionally, as Mars is between 2TAU30 and 5TAU00 its twelfth-part is in the following sign, Gemini, co-present with Trump’s Sun and own twelfth-part Mars.

Saturn’s Rejection

In addition to the timing of the Mars symbolism, there is Saturn symbolism (ending; banishment; rejection) all over the chart. The lunation itself at 23CAP13 is in partile (same degree) opposition to Trump’s natal Saturn (23CAN48). Lunation Saturn is at 3AQU02: lunation Mars (2TUA57) is applying a tight square (less than 5 minutes of a degree) to that Saturn while antiscia Trump’s natal Mars.

New Moon 01-13-2021 Around Trump’s Natal Chart

Timing of Trump’s 2nd Impeachment by Transit

Trump was reportedly impeached at 4:33 pm EST on Jan. 13, 2021. During the session for debating impeachment, Mars transited 3TAU13, the exact antiscia position of Trump’s Mars. It concluded as the transiting Moon was conjoining transiting Saturn, both square to that Mars antiscia Trump’s Mars. The Ascendant in Cancer (17CAN) was approaching Trump’s Saturn (23CAN), with its twelfth-part conjunct Moon-Saturn.

Trump’s 2nd Impeachment Transits (4:33 pm EST 1/13/21) Around His Natal Chart


The micro-zodiac of the twelfth-parts is nearly as old as the zodiac itself. Twelfth-part and antiscia positions have been at times hailed as a key to the hidden secrets of the astrological chart, since at least the time of Julius Firmicus Maternus. Noteworthy ancient astrologers like Abu Ma’shar used twelfth-parts across an array of predictive techniques, even in returns, directions, and transits. Still, such “implicit” or “symbolic” positions continue to be neglected today.

The timing of the 1st impeachment of Trump revealed how astrologers ignore transits by twelfth-part at their own peril.  His 2nd impeachment reveals the same for antiscia positions.

To learn more about twelfth-parts and antiscia, please feel free to search the site for relevant articles. If you find yourself biased against even trying out such positions, please check out my essay on the symbolic nature of astrology. For another look at the significance of twelfth-part and antiscia positions in transit, please see the article on the Notre-Dame Cathedral fire.

Featured image attribution: Amir Pashaei, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons: Ceiling of Chehel Sotoun’s mirror hall that contains Āina-kāri art, Isfahan, Iran

The Trump Eclipse: The Timing of Trump’s Election Loss


After a month of false accusations of widespread voter fraud accompanied by 6-7 dozen failed lawsuits, Trump’s loss of the 2020 election became official on Dec. 14th, 2020. Without a single court or official investigative body finding a shred of evidence to support Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud, the electoral college voted.  They made official the will of the people in each state of the USA, with not a single faithless elector. Joe Biden won with 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232.

The timing of the event was very interesting from an astrological perspective. It took place on the day of a solar eclipse. Not just any solar eclipse; a solar eclipse conjunct Trump’s own natal lunar eclipse, and opposing his natal Sun within a degree!  Let’s take a closer look.

Trump’s Natal Eclipse

Donald Trump was born on June 14th, 1946 at 10:54 am at Jamaica Hospital Queens in Queens, New York. His birth data is sourced with an AA Rodden Rating (i.e. it is from an actual birth record).

Trump was born on the day of a lunar eclipse. One can spot the lunar eclipse in his chart right away, as the Sun and Moon are opposite each other (22 Gem and 21 Sag) while both are very close to the Nodes (20 Gem/Sag), where the Moon crosses the ecliptic (apparent path of the Sun). More information about the lunar eclipse on that day can also be found readily on the internet.

Donald Trump’s Natal Chart with Lunar Eclipse Highlighted

The Lights (Sun and Moon)

In my lesson on the planets, I noted that the Sun and Moon both generally “signify powerful and important things”. As well as the MC (point of the zodiacal culminating) and the 10th house, the Sun and Moon are the key factors to examine for timing power and its loss. The Sun is particularly symbolic for leadership, as the leader of planets, especially by day (Trump was born during the day). An eclipse symbolizes a disruption of the natural order.

Shedding Light on the Nature of Trump’s Leadership: Trump’s Lights in Brief

As the lunar eclipse in Trump’s chart pertains to circumstances of leadership and authority in his life, it is appropriate that his own legacy as a leader has so much pertained to the eclipse symbolism; disruption of the established order. The lunar eclipse is across mutable air and fire signs, which in traditional astrology are associated with instability, confusion, and socializing (think Twitter), additional hallmarks of his leadership style.

The Sun in the 11th house of friends and Moon in the 5th house of children is also appropriate. Consider the degree to which Trump has staffed his administration with his own children (5th house) and only the most loyal of friends (11th house), and led through direct popular appeal (11th house popularity). The Sun’s many connections to a cruel, bullying streak in the character (1st house) are also appropriate: 1st house Mars in the Sun’s home and near Ascendant, Ascendant in Mars bound and Sun’s house, Sun in Mars bound, Sun applying to Mars, twelfth-part of Mars conjunct the Sun.

The Trump Sun-Mars Leadership and Character Connections

Rise with Venus

In April of 2018, I added some analysis of Trump’s rise to power to an article on using primary directions. There I noted that Trump’s candidacy and inauguration pertained very strongly to primary directions pertaining to Venus. Venus rules the 10th house (authority, achievement) in Trump’s natal chart. Her twelfth-part also occupies the house. After Venus became the distributor of Trump’s directed Ascendant in 2010, Trump’s political identity became cemented. Trump becomes more politically involved, and more Republican. Within a few years he is already looking into a presidential run. His inauguration came with the period when Venus also aspected the directed Ascendant.

His political rise was very Venusian, in both good and bad ways. On the one hand, he was a popular entertainer appealing to his fanbase. On the other hand, the political rise was marred by one sexual scandal after another. In general, as a benefic, Venus signifies benefits, especially with regards to the 10th house (achievement), due to her rulership and twelfth-part there. The problems accompanying Venus’s benefits are primarily signified by her position in the 12th house conjunct Saturn in the natal chart.

Fall with Mars

If Trump’s birth time were exact, Trump left the period of Venus as distributor of the Ascendant in November of 2019 at which point Mars became the distributor (as it still is). Birth times are almost invariably rounded, at least to the nearest minute. For primary directions a few minutes of clock time can mean the difference of a year for indications. Therefore, we view the distributor as changing to Mars in late 2019. In December of 2019, Trump was impeached. The Senate ultimately voted against his removal from office in early 2020. A common refrain heard at that time from the Republicans was “let the voters decide” if Trump should be removed, as it was an election year.

Timing and Symbolism of Impeachment

Trump’s impeachment started on December 18th, 2019, exactly a year ago to the day as I write this. The timing of the transit of Mars on that day was vivid. Mars was at 19 Scorpio applying a square natal Mars (26 Leo). But more telling was that the twelfth-part of Mars conjoined Donald Trump’s Sun, at 22 Gemini, exactly on that day.

Transits in DC on Day of Trump’s Impeachment 12/18/2019: Note Twelfth-Part of Mars at 22 Gemini – the Degree of Trump’s Sun

The fact that a conjunction of the twelfth-part of Mars to Trump’s Sun timed his impeachment was no accident. As noted, Trump’s distributor changed to Mars just before the impeachment symbolizing a change of circumstances. No longer would Trump’s circumstances be characterized by a benefic Venus bolstering his 10th house. Now they are symbolized by hot and dangerous Mars in the 1st house of the body and identity; a warring character and, as we’ll see, an infected body.

Unpacking Some Martian Symbolism

Mars is a malefic and out of sect in Trump’s chart, signifying a danger of extremes of force and infection. Mars is in the 1st house of the body, character, and identity in Trump’s chart, while ruling the 9th of distant lands and the 4th of home and fatherland. The impeachment pitted him against his own country (4th house) pertaining to attempts to bully a foreign power (9th house) for political gain.

The Natal Promise

The transit of the twelfth-part of Mars to Trump’s Sun realizes the event promised by Trump’s own conjunction of his natal twelfth-part to his natal Sun. The Sun in Trump’s chart applies to Mars by sextile, but afflictions by Mars are more vividly symbolized by the occurrence of the twelfth-part of Mars conjunct Trump’s Sun (Mars symbolizing malefic danger and the Sun symbolizing leadership). Note that transiting Mars itself was transiting in Trump’s 4th house (Scorpio) opposing Trump’s own 10th house (Taurus) at the time of the impeachment.

Trump’s Chart with Twelfth-Parts Outside the Wheel and Mars-Sun Connections Highlighted

A New Mars in the 1st House Threat

Following the impeachment, Trump’s Mars distributor period was immediately followed by another crisis. He downplayed the threat played by the rising global pandemic of COVID-19. Interestingly, this also fits into the symbolism of Trump’s Mars. Mars is the planet most associated with infectious disease. The first house is that of the body, the person themselves. We go from issues of an abuse of power stemming from a display of a Mars character to a recklessness concerning threats to the body, both Mars 1st house themes.

The Aries Ingress of 2020 saw an unusually afflicted Jupiter, besieged by the malefics (separating from one and applying to another) in its fall, in a partile conjunction with Mars in the bound of Saturn. That’s a configuration with symbolism for the world as a whole for that year from late March 2020 to late March 2021, which saw an outbreak grow into a global pandemic that would significantly alter life for the next year.

2020 Aries Ingress from DC

For the US, the ingress was personal, as Mars and Saturn ruled the Ascendant (bound of Saturn in Scorpio) and the Sun found itself in the house of illness and servitude (6th house). The year revolved around COVID-19 concerns of Mars like infection and ongoing issues of bullying by the authorities, particularly police against minorities.

For Trump also, whose 10th house lord, Venus, is at 25 Cancer, the opposition of this configuration from 22-29 Capricorn was a little too personal. The twelfth-part of the ingress’s Ascendant in DC (about 27 Leo) also fell right on Trump’s Ascendant-Mars configuration. Trump not only grappled with COVID-19’s devastation of the US economy but he also got the virus and apparently was a party to a super-spreader event.

The Trump Sun-Mars Leadership and Character Connections

Trump Loses, and Loses, and Loses Some More

While the 2020 election will be known primarily for the unprecedented mail-in vote (due to the pandemic), election day Nov. 3, 2020 kicked off with the Moon in Gemini applying to Mars in Aries.  The most talked about transit of the day though was that of a stationing Mercury, and for good reason. As I noted in the lesson on planetary prominence, a stationing planet is of increased importance. The station is a planet changing direction in the sky, and here the symbolism is literally of a change of direction.

Station to Station

A direct station was considered strengthening for the planet. Mercury naturally rules elections, so its station is particularly symbolic here. Due to the unprecedented mail-in vote, a number of swing states witnessed a large initial Trump lead that would reverse to a very strong Biden one. I’ve noted that I previously attach a lot of significance to Venus when it comes to Trump’s rise (Venus in his natal is at 25CAN44).

It is therefore impossible to overestimate the important of Saturn transiting at 26 Capricorn on election day, opposite Trump’s Venus within a degree. The aspect of opposition signifies obstruction or contrary force, while Saturn is a malefic bringing loss. Mercury (at 25 Libra) didn’t just change direction on election day, but it changed direction directly into an aspect with that Saturn from a partile (same degree) square with Trump’s Venus (at 25 Cancer).

Election Day to Trump: Mercury Changes Direction to Apply to Saturn Who Opposes Trump’s Venus

Shitting the Bed

The month after election day would become dominated by a dozens upon dozens of lawsuits from Trump seeking to overturn the results of the election. In the end, I believe Trump had nearly 80 court losses. His refusal to concede exposed him as the biggest sore loser in American presidential history. His un-American attempts to undermine democracy will certainly become one of the most remembered features of his presidency leaving a sour taste for many years to come. Trump unfortunately ended his presidency by publicly shitting the bed tarnishing his legacy for decades to come and making a whole slew of new powerful enemies that will haunt him for the rest of his life.

Trump Officially Loses the Election

Finally, on Dec. 14th, 2020, the election results became official when the electoral college voted. As Forbes reported it, Trump officially lost his presidency on the day of an eclipse during a meteor shower and the appearance of a moderately bright comet. The Geminids meteor shower was supposed to have started that day and comet S3 Erasmus was perhaps visible with a good pair of binoculars, but we are mainly interested in the eclipse. Trump was born on the day of a lunar eclipse and Dec. 14th marks the official loss of Trump’s bid for a second term.

Solar Eclipse of Dec. 14th, 2020 from DC

The eclipse of December 14th, 2020 was a total solar eclipse in early 23 Sagittarius. What’s so special about 23 Sagittarius? Well, Trump was born with the Sun at late 22 Gemini. This means the eclipse was directly opposed to Trump’s natal Sun, the very planet signifying Trump’s leadership. In fact, the eclipse opposes Trump’s Sun so closely that it is within a quarter of a degree of exact. A fitting end to the reign of the chief disrupter.

The Electoral College Eclipse as Transits to Donald Trump’s Chart: When Trump was Finally Eclipsed

Featured image is of the December 14th, 2020 Eclipse from Gorbea, Chile attribution: CuervoNN, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Maya Angelou’s Venus in Pisces and Much More


Maya Angelou lived a very complex and noteworthy life. She experienced life’s lowest lows and highest highs, keeping her humanity in tact along the way. Because he life has such low lows and high highs, and a well-timed birth chart is available for her, her chart is instructive one for understanding the complexity of significations.

Maya Angelou was born on 04/04/1928 at 2:10 pm (standard time) in St. Louis, Missouri. Her birth time is said to be from a birth record (AA rodden rating).

Note About Objectives

I read Angelou’s debut novel, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” when in my late teens. Additionally, I had the pleasure of seeing a lecture by her about 15-20 years ago. I recall that she emphasized the importance of letting those around us know we love them. She also discussed how all women can tap into the feeling of sexiness no matter their appearance. As the experience was long ago, much of the biographical information about Angelou’s life which I discuss, has been gleaned from online sources.

In this article I’ll explore the complex way that her chart reflects important points in her life. There are lessons on the site which explore the symbolism and this symbolic approach to astrology. My objective is to show how timing techniques enable us to better evaluate competing interpretations of factor meanings.

In Angelou’s chart this is particularly instructive. Her highs and lows were documented in an earnest fashion across seven autobiographies. She also has an exalted Venus and a Mercury in fall. These are particularly pivotal planets in her chart, as she is someone known particularly for her writing (Mercury), as well as art, entertainment, and sexuality (Venus).

Ages of Man

I recently completed an article that broadly surveys her life using the Ages of Man technique. In that article, it was clear that she was quite vulnerable and downtrodden during her Mercury and Venus periods of her youth. The solar period found Angelou much more empowered, as a globe-trotting entertainer and activist. The Mars period saw a full transition to very active writer and poet. We will consider again the Venus period in this article.

Future Articles?

Here I will particularly focus on some strong activations of Venus in Angelou’s life. The major activations of Venus in Angelou’s youth coincided with some of the most difficult events of her life. Perhaps at some point n the future, I’d like to look at many of the other planets in her chart in greater depth, especially Mercury.

Angelou is known for her wisdom (Jupiter), personal triumphant story (Sun ruling 1st house), and fight for civil rights (Mars) as much as for her art (Venus) and writing (Mercury). All of these things are, however, strongly related to each other in her chart (Jupiter rules Mercury-Venus and is conjunct the Sun; Mars rules Sun-Jupiter).  I hope to show the distinctiveness of some of these complex indications.

Venus Exalted and Afflicted

The significations of Venus have been prominent in many of the most important difficult events of her life, but also some of the good ones. Angelou was raped at the age of 7 1/2 by a boyfriend of her mother. Also, later as a young adult she worked as a sex worker and a pimp at different points. Venus is the planet of sexuality.

Maya Angelou is also known as an artist and entertainer. Venus rules her 10th house of actions, recognition, and profession. Venus is symbolic of artists and entertainers.

In this article, I want to start by zeroing in on Angelou’s Venus. It is all too easy to associate the successes in Angelou’s life with Venus’s exaltation. How do we untangle the complicated mix of a planet’s significations, anyway? Timing techniques enable us to separate out and distinguish many of the different, often even contradictory, indications of a planet by what is activated at different points in time. Here we will focus on the significations of Angelou’s Venus for her early life experiences.

Dignity Interpretation

Angelou has Venus in Pisces, the sign of its exaltation. I’ve noted in many articles on dignity and in some on sexuality, that reinforcement by dignity tends to make the planet’s natural significations a bit more prominent (raised up in prominence) in the life.

This is different from the way that dignity is typically interpreted, where it signifies social or political value (high status) or associates the signification with gain or pleasure (benefic). Rather, my interpretation is that exaltation is making the significations of Venus, both natural (sex, art) and accidental (8th house, rulership of X and III, aspects, etc.) a bit more prominent in the life.

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel


Since my work on dignity many years ago, I’ve noticed that it has generally become less emphasized in traditional astrology. I’ve also noticed that when it is emphasized, it is at least re-interpreted. While these are positive developments, some of the reinterpretations have also been concerning.

One of the more popular recent reinterpretations of dignity is that positive dignity shows something coming easy or naturally, while negative dignity shows something that one struggles with. I would caution against this interpretation. It is actually a re-working of the interpretation of dignity as benefic. Many of the arguments I’ve made in the past against the benefic/malefic interpretation of dignity apply also to this interpretation.


The interpretation also tends to diminish the accomplishments of those with planets in dignity.  If, for instance, a writer has Mercury in fall and becomes a great writer, then it is seen to be due to their own perseverance against adversity. However, the same writer with Mercury in dignity supposedly just had it come easy. When one is successful, it is then attributed to dignity (easy talent) or negative dignity (improvement through struggle) when “success” itself is reflected by other factors in the chart, such as those pertaining to eminence. Therefore, too much is attributed to dignity or negative dignity in disservice to actually reading the chart.

Up and Down

When it comes to exaltation and fall, there are some special considerations. Fall was the only sort of “negative dignity” for most Hellenistic astrologers. Exaltation has a sense of raising up and fall of bringing down or depressing. These need not be benefic or malefic in signification. Rather it is again keeping with the interpretation of dignity that I advocate, pertaining to prominence; a type of raising up and putting it out there vs. a type of bringing it down and hiding it away. The planet in exaltation has its matters made more prominent in some way in the life, while the planet in fall may signify a type of being brought low, suppressed, or hidden.

As planets are in signs for extended periods, these are weak significations in themselves. However, when there are multiple similar indications then they can become more significant.

Exaltation as a Form of Prominence

Exaltation does not make significations better, easier, more beneficial, or more socially or politically normative. For example, both Jeffrey Epstein (Venus at 16 Pisces in partile conjunction with Mars) and Harvey Weinstein (Venus at 4 Pisces conjunct the twelfth-part of Saturn) were born with Venus in exaltation.  Sexual circumstances in their lives, like those in the life of Angelou, became quite prominent. As Venus was also strongly connected with malefics, these circumstances tended to pertain to adverse circumstances (not “dignified” ones).

This is not to say that Angelou’s Venus has no benefic significations. All planets in any chart have both positive and negative indications. It is just that the positive or benefic associations of Venus do not necessarily pertain to “exaltation”. Rather, they include being a benefic herself and being ruled by Jupiter (and having a twelfth-part in Jupiter’s bound) among other things. Distinguishing the positive and negative associations of a planet in the chart is very important as different types of meaning will be activated at different times.

In any case, exaltation applies to a planet over a prolonged period of time (in theory one-twelfth the population could have Venus exalted). Therefore, it should be considered an overall relatively weak indication of prominence. Always look for repeat indications of any particular meaning in the natal chart and through predictive techniques.

Turning to Venus in Angelou’s Early Life

Venus and the 7th House in Angelou’s Chart

When it comes to the rape at age 7 1/2 and other such adverse sexual events we are most interested in Venus and the 7th house. This is because Venus is the natural significator of sexuality and the 7th house is the house of sexuality. Some also associate the 5th house with sexuality (it is the Joy of Venus), making the 5th possibly also relevant.

The adverse symbolic associations with Venus in the chart include her being out of sect, in the 8th house (a dark house), in the bound of Mars, domination by Saturn which closely aspects by superior square, and her twelfth-part in Scorpio which is the Place of Affliction in her chart and ruled by Mars.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

The 7th house also has its share of adverse indications. Mars, the out of sect malefic, is present in the 7th house and is in the bound and home of Saturn. It (Mars) rules and squares the twelfth-part of Venus from the 7th house. The twelfth-part of Mars is in the dark 6th house, pertaining to health and accidents, opposite the twelfth-part of Saturn. Mars also connects its significations of violent adversity to the Moon (her twelfth-part is in the 7th). The partile conjunct between Mars and the Lot of Spirit is also noteworthy.

In conclusion, Venus has a lot of adverse meanings in the natal chart pertaining particularly to her location and aspect with Saturn, but also associations with Mars in the Place of Affliction. The adverse associations with the 7th house itself are primarily through Mars, but also its ruler Saturn.

Age 7-8 : Rape, Death, and the Start of Silence

One of the most well-known and pivotal events in Angelou’s life was her rape recounted in her first book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In multiple interviews, Angelou has stated that she was 7 1/2 to almost 8 when the rape occurred. The event and its aftermath altered her life forever.

Angelou was raped at nearly 8 years old by her mother’s boyfriend. Shortly after telling her family, the man was beaten to death. The rape was extremely traumatic for Angelou but the death of the rapist was as well. She believed he was killed due to her reporting the rape to her family. This tormented her as she came to view her own voice as responsible. She in turn went nearly mute for about the next 5-6 years. She spoke sparingly, only with her brother, during those years.

The events bring forth much of the symbolism of the Venus-Mercury conjunction (sexuality; voice) in the 8th house (death) in a mute sign (Pisces) sharply squared by Saturn (death, muting), ruler of the 7th house.

Planetary Years: Venus

The 8th year (age 7) and age 8 are interesting as 8 is the planetary years of Venus. Therefore, the 8th year represents an activation of Venus by planetary years. This points to the significations of Venus as particularly important when it came to events of the time. This indication fits well with the events of the year.

Profection: Pisces 8th House

The annual profection at age 7 is to the 8th house (age 0 is the 1st house). Therefore, the rape occurred at a time when the annual profection was to Pisces, her 8th house, occupied by Mercury and Venus, ruled by Jupiter. Therefore, the year of the rape was not only reflected by the activation of Venus by planetary years, but also symbolized by the activation of the 8th house Venus in Pisces by profection.

The annual profection puts a clear focus on the themes of death, harm, and idleness (8th house, superior square of Saturn, Mercury-Venus in bound of Mars), as well as their relation to sexuality (Venus) and communication (Mercury). Additionally, as we’ll see, after and out of the harm of the 8th house comes an escape to a vast world of wisdom and sense of identity (Jupiter as ruler, in 9th conjunct Sun, ruler of 1st).

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

It is also notable that the profection coincided with Maya briefly living with her mother. The rape occurred due to this brief stint of living with her mother and was at the hands of her mother’s boyfriend at the time. The 8th house, Pisces, is the Lot of the Mother.

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

Solar Return: Age 7

The meanings that are reinforced become clearer in the solar return for age 7.


Angelou Age 7 Solar Return as Transits Around the Natal Chart

Saturn in Pisces

Transiting Saturn had entered Pisces, the sign of the year. This was an activation of the dominating square from Saturn to the 8th house, and particularly to the Mercury-Venus conjunction.

Mars in Partile Opposition to Jupiter, Lord of the Year

The lord of the year, Jupiter was in Scorpio, the natal Place of Affliction, conjunct the natal twelfth-part of Venus, and opposed by return Venus, putting a focus again on Venusian events. When it comes to Jupiter natally, the capacity for upset to Jupiter is through Mars, as Mars is the out of sect malefic and rules Jupiter’s house (Aries). The return Jupiter is similarly “subject to” Mars, being located in Scorpio.

Natally, Jupiter, the lord of the year, is in very bad shape. Mars, the out of sect malefic, is in the return at 16 Libra retrograde, applying a partile opposition to natal Jupiter at 16 Aries. The position of Mars in Libra is significant for other reasons as well. Libra is a house of Venus and is the location of the Moon, indicative of the body.  The rMars conjunct natal Moon also reflects the natal twelfth-part Moon with Mars in the 7th house (bodily harm in the house of sexuality).

Additionally, those with a good sense for twelfth-parts will realize that the position of Mars at 16LIB27 actually has its twelfth-part at 17 Aries, conjunct natal Jupiter.

In conclusion, we see an emphasis on the conflictive and malefic side of the Mars-Jupiter relationship. This is very significant as Jupiter is the lord of the year. Jupiter is also the ruler of the Mercury-Venus conjunction, so both the conjunction and its ruler are afflicted in the return.

Angelou Age 7 Solar Return as Transits Around the Natal Chart

Venus in Focus

I’ve noted a few ways in which Venus was in focus for the year, from the activation by planetary years, to the activation of the 8th house by profection. The solar return greatly intensifies this focus on Venus. It also reinforces what I’ve said about being wary of interpreting dignity as ease or beneficence.

The solar return had the Moon rising and conjoining Venus in Taurus, with the actual bound of Venus on the Ascendant. Additionally, the degree of return Venus is 17 Taurus, the same degree as Angelou’s MC. This is a “status” changing year, but not for the better. Saturn’s twelfth-part in the return also falls in Taurus by the Ascendant (5PIS47 -> 9TAU), again reinforcing the Saturn-Venus natal configuration.

Maya Angelou Age 7 Solar Return


Of course, looking beyond the Saturn-Venus indications, we find that the Saturn-Mercury indications are also in focus for the year. Mercury is in return in the 8th house, while Saturn is also there. Due to the tight applying Mercury-Venus conjunction in the natal chart, the significations of both planets are often strongly related to each other. Return Saturn and return Mercury together in Pisces further emphasize the themes of suppression and muteness associated with natal Mercury in Pisces square Saturn.

Angelou Age 7 Solar Return as Transits Around the Natal Chart

Primary Directions: Saturn to the Moon

The primary directions for the period are revealing as Saturn (by sextile) directed to the natal Moon. This connects Saturn’s significations of affliction to the personal life and sexuality. The Moon is located in the house of Venus and has her twelfth-part in the 7th house with Mars in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn. Saturn’s difficulties pertain particularly to sex, communication and death due to Saturn’s square to the 8th house Venus-Mercury).

Angelou Age 7-8 Primary Directions

Aftermath of Experience

I’d like to take a moment to note the transformative effect that the year had on Angelou. The events were traumatic on multiple levels and would drive her to become a near mute. However, over the subsequent years, Angelou would immerse herself in reading and writing. She would also meet a teacher, Mrs. Flowers, who would become a pivotal role model, eventually coaxing her to start talking again at age 13.

Much of the aftermath is reflected by the natal Sun-Jupiter conjunction in the 9th house and the Moon in the third (female school teacher). The beneficial aftermath consisting of near constant reading and writing would transition to more difficult periods in her late teens and early twenties. Note that the period from age 4 to age 14 is the period of Mercury, planet of communication and study, in the Ages of Man (see below).

Age 14-22: Teen Pregnancy and Struggles

Ages 14-22 are interesting when looking at Venus. Ptolemy viewed the ages of 14-22 as particularly tied into the symbolism of Venus. A scheme that he noted called the Ages of Man creates a set of correspondences between the planets and stages in every person’s life. In this scheme, Venus is representative of the late adolescence, a time puberty puts sexuality and relating into focus and one physically transitions into an adult.

This is a time lord technique used by Ptolemy for sketching the broad outlines of the life. You can find Ptolemy’s full explanation of the Ages of Man in Book IV of Ch. 10 of his Tetrabiblos (follow the link).

For Maya Angelou, these years were some of the darkest in her life, as detailed in her second autobiography, Gather Together in My Name. The period is marked by teen pregnancy, dropping in and out of school, despair, suicidal thoughts, and resorting to crime, even prostitution to survive.

Age 14: Moves in With Mother

At age 14, kicking off the Venus years, Angelou moved from her grandmother, who had raised her since age 3, to her mother in San Francisco. This would have been an annual profection to the 3rd house, Libra, ruled by Venus, and occupied by the Moon. The symbolism of the chart fits, as the Moon, in her Joy in the 3rd, is very symbolic of Angelou’s mother. This would have been the first profection to the house occupied by the Moon since Maya moved in with her grandmother 11 years prior.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Age 15 or 16: First Black Streetcar Conductor

Around age 15 or 16, Angelou became the first black streetcar conductor in San Francisco. This was a job she was very proud of. It is sometimes reported as happening in 1943 (she turned 15 in 1943) and at other times in 1944 (she turned 16 that year), and typically reported as when she was 16. As she got pregnant when she was 16, I’m guessing that this event took place when she was 15, during the profection to Scorpio, occupied by the twelfth-parts of Mercury and Venus, significant for a job (Venus ruled 10th) pertaining to street cars (Mercury).

Age 16: Teen Pregnancy

Angelou’s Venusian troubles didn’t end at age 8. She got pregnant at age 16 (another activation of Venus by planetary years; 2 x 8) by a neighborhood boy, and gave birth to her first and only child at age 17.  Note that age 16 was an activation of the Sagittarius 5th house of children by profection (occupied by Saturn), and age 17 of Capricorn (Saturn as lord of the year).

The solar return for age 16 sees Saturn at 21 Gemini, opposite natal Saturn within 3 degrees. It also sees Venus at 22 Pisces, in exact return within 2 degrees. The lord of the year, Jupiter, a planet that confers children, is transiting through the 1st house of the body and closely trine its natal position. Clyde, who later went by Guy, was to be her only child.

Maya Angelou’s Solar Return at Age 16 as Transits Around Natal Chart

Venus as Distributor: Ages 16-28

The teen pregnancy was not just an activation of Venus by planetary years. It also occurred just after the distributor changed to Venus for the first time. The distributor of the Ascendant had been Mercury since about age 7 1/2, around the time of the rape and the silence. At about age 16, it switched to Venus.

Maya Angelou’s Distributors of the Ascendant Over the Entire Life

The period which began with the pregnancy, also included the desperate years of her late teens and early twenties, as well as her first marriage, and the start of her entertainment career. We see darker elements of the Venusian signification during the Venus developmental years (by Ages of Man), while themes switch to marriage, publicity, and travel in relation to entertainment during the solar ones.

Ages 17-21: Struggles and Criminality

In the late 1940’s, as a young adult (about age 17-21) she worked odd jobs to support her child. This included exotic dancing in night clubs and even serving as a madam and sometime prostitute at a brothel.

Using the Ages of Man technique, we find that the Venus developmental years are largely marked by obscure struggle to survive; a desperation to make a living and support her son. She came face-to-face with poverty, racism, and having to resort to crime to survive, even resorting to prostitution. Almost as soon as the period ended, circumstances changed for the better.

This is the contrast between the heavily afflicted Venus and the very strong and prominent Sun which is conjunct Jupiter. Angelou married a Greek sailor who was an aspiring musician, at age 23, just after the Sun period started. Her and her husband immersed themselves in the study and performance of dance and music. She also changed her name from Marguerite Johnson to Maya Angelou. This change involved her childhood nickname of Maya, together with a modified version of her Greek husband’s last name Angelos.

Age 26: The Venus-Pisces Activation

While the activation of the exalted Venus at age 8 by planetary years was tragic, we may suppose that this was an isolated incident. Perhaps activation of Venus together with the sign that she is exalted in (Pisces) would produce a much different scenario.

One traditional Hellenistic means of looking at an activation of the planet together with the sign is to look at the planetary years of Venus plus the rising time of the sign. The rising time for Pisces in her chart is 18.57 years, which together with the 8 planetary years of Venus is 26.57 years. What happened at about age 26 in Angelou’s life?

Rising Times of the Signs at Angelou’s Birth

Marriage Dissolution

In 1954, at age 25 or 26, Angelou got divorced from her first husband and briefly went back to exotic dancing (1954-1955). This was a difficulty and a setback, keeping with the symbolism of Venus in her chart. It was also a liberation that would make way for her career as a traveling entertainer.

There are some important significations related to the combination of the solar significations of the development period (by Ages of Man) and the Venusian significations of the Venus in Pisces activation. Actually, age 26, the 27th year, is also an activation of the Sun-Venus relationship by planetary years (19+8). One point of contention in the marriage (Venus) was religion (Sun-Jupiter in IX), as her husband was an atheist. Additionally, just after the marriage dissolved, Angelou didn’t just feel freer to worship (Sun-Jupiter in IX) but also to travel as an entertainer (Venus ruled by Jupiter in IX).

Career Takes Off

Starting at age 26, Angelou joined a production of Porgy and Bess which toured Europe. This was one of the highlights of her early entertainment career. While she didn’t complete the entire tour due to a need to return to her son, she visited 22 countries over about a year’s time. It was a significant time for career, travel, and Venus.

Profection to Libra

I’ve already noted how the Sun-Jupiter in IX and Venus in Pisces fit into the equation. However, the annual profection continues the themes of Venus and travel. The profection was to the 3rd house, Libra, occupied by the Moon and ruled by Venus. The Moon and the 3rd are both significant for journeys, while the ruler, Venus, lord of the year, signifies the arts and entertainment. The twelfth-part of Jupiter is also in Libra conjunct the Moon, further reinforcing the themes noted by other indications.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Age 26 Solar Return

The solar return for age 26 shows the divorce and separation from child (she didn’t take her son on tour), as well as the career focus and glory. First of all, 19 Scorpio rises in the return, putting a focus on Maya’s 4th house and her twelfth-part Venus (20 Scorpio). Saturn is transiting in the natal 4th house at the return, indicating a break-up and ending of the home life. This is further reinforced by a partile opposition between the Moon in the 7th house of the return and Saturn in the return 1st house.

Maya Angelou’s Age 26 Solar Return

Libra, the sign of the year is occupied by only the Lot of Fortune (and twelfth-part of return Mercury at 8 Libra). It is unafflicted by the malefics. Venus is lord of the year, and in the return she is opposed to Saturn. I take this as showing a separation from (Saturn and opposition) the difficult home life (Saturn transiting through 4th), through entertainment career (Venus transiting in X) and travel (Moon with Venus in X; natal Moon and twelfth-part Jupiter in Libra III).

Maya Angelou’s Age 26 Solar Return as Transits Around Natal Chart

A Complicated Web

The return Jupiter graces natal Venus with a very tight (within a degree) applying inferior square from the natal 11th house. All in all, we find a very mixed year. The significations of Venus for family and partnership are clobbered by Saturn. Return Mars has a superior square to Pisces which also plays out a return to some of the 8th house Venus themes of sexual exploitation. However, as a stripper she is discovered by a production company and her entertaining career hits a new high.

The distinct career benefit orientation of Venus is shown by return Venus (and her twelfth-part) in X, finally calling the shots in that house sheReadability rules. Therefore, there is a distinct polarity between career success and family upheaval playing out. The malefic reign in the lower chart and the benefics up high.


What can we gather about exaltation from all this? On the one hand, the activation of sign and planet together coincided with some Venusian lows, including divorce and a return to stripping. Yet, on the other hand, it coincided with Venusian highs of career opportunity (Venus ruled 10th) and globe trotting as an entertainer.

Again, I would argue that chiefly what we see is that an exalted Venus is one in which the sign gives the planet more prominence. The activation by sign + years brought forth an explosion of important themes represented by Venus in the chart. An annual profection to Libra certainly reinforced these. However, this is a very complex Venus, and one quite loaded with symbolism of affliction. Many of the themes of affliction through Saturn were reinforced for marriage and home life. At the same time, many beneficial significations follow from Jupiter in the natal chart and its relation to Venus.

Raised Up

It is important to first consider the role Jupiter may be playing. That is, before crediting “exaltation” with all manor of benefit as astrologers are apt to do. The profection falls to Jupiter’s twelfth-part and Jupiter in the return aspects natal Venus within a degree. Natal Jupiter in the 9th conjunct the Sun (recognition, fame) also accords with the nature of the travel and significant opportunities of the year.

In the sense of being “raised up” to prominence, perhaps the exaltation can signify more. As I’ve noted before, it signifies weakly in itself. Planets are continuously in a sign over an extended period, so the signal is not very distinctive. Still, we may see a broader signification of raising up in some sense. In this case, a raised up signification is reinforced by Jupiter, which also signifies loftiness, and return Venus in the 10th house, the loftiest of houses. Angelou was literally raised out of her home and circumstances to tour the world for entertainment (Venus-Moon in X).

A Note on 1965 and the Sign+Planet Technique

Very few astrologers today use symbolic techniques like planetary years and rising times of signs. However, I think they are missing out. For instance, combining rising times with planetary years, we might also want to focus on the time that is about the 37th year and the age 37, 1965. That year combines the planetary years of Mars (15) with its natal house Aquarius (22.18 years), as well as the Sun (19) with its natal house Aries (18.57 years).

Rising Times of the Signs at Angelou’s Birth

1965 is interesting as it marked Angelou’s return from Africa to the US. She had lived in Ghana with her son for the preceding few years. Upon her return to the US she worked with Malcolm X on the new civil right organization, Organization of Afro-American Unity. However, he was assassinate in February of that year. Devastated, she moved to Hawaii to sing again. Yet, she then moved to the Watts neighborhood of LA to focus on writing. There she witnessed the Watts riots of the summer of ’65, the worst LA unrest until the Rodney King riots of 1992.

These events clearly show the importance that the Sun and Mars hold for political activism in her chart. I touched upon how her Aquarian Mars and her Aries Sun relate to her career in activism in my exploration of the Ages of Man. Similarly, we see the value in using planetary years and ascensional times as a form of planet in sign activation.

Jupiter, Saturn, and the 5th House of Creative Fruits: Some Key Years

I won’t be looking at every activation of Venus in Angelou’s life, as that could fill a book. However, I do want to note that many landmark years actually coincided with profections to the 5th house, Sagittarius, occupied by Saturn and ruled by Jupiter. In the article on the Ages of Man, I noted how the 5th house can pertain to creative fruits of all sorts. I also mentioned that Angelou directed her first film to kick off her Saturn Ages of Man period (age 68; also a profection to the 9th house, occupied by Jupiter).  AI also noted that Angelou’s teen pregnancy occurred during a 5th house profection.

Yet, the significance the 5th house Saturn extends well beyond her teen pregnancy or the 68 year old directorial debut. Angelou recorded her first CD in November of 1956 (Miss Calypso), which would have been during a profection to her 5th house (age 28). She also acted in her first film the same year (Calypso Heat Wave), which would be released after her 29th birthday.

Angelou wrote her first book, and most famous autobiography (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings) when she was 40 (1968-1969), another 5th house profection. 24 years later, in January 1993, at age 64, she delivered her landmark public recitation of a poem, at Clinton’s inauguration. The performance catapulted her fame and the recording of the poem won her a Grammy the following year.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Why Jupiter-Saturn?

I bring up these Jupiter-Saturn 5th house activations because they point to an often overlooked part of her chart. Saturn is a malefic and contributes to the harsh significations around Maya’s 8th house Venus. However, Saturn is also a planet in sect, ruled by Jupiter, involved in a trine with its sect mates the Sun and Jupiter. Together with Mars in the VII, we find that activations of these planets have much more to do with productive and successful periods in Angelou’s life than Venus.

This highlights the symbolic complexity of a natal chart. We must go beyond “good planets” and “bad planets” to specify just how certain combinations can symbolize in difficult or beneficial ways. Saturn in this chart is quite mixed, being very harsh in relation to Venus but extremely beneficial in relation to the Sun and Jupiter.

A Couple Key Activations

That first book was not only written when Angelou was 40 but it was published when she was 41 (her 42nd year), an activation of Saturn with Jupiter (30+12). Angelou most memorable acting role was in early 1977, during her 49th year, an activation of Saturn with the Sun (30+19), in Roots.

Venus, Mom, and Character

I want to end this article with a look at character analysis in the chart, as well as some of the significations pertaining to Venus, especially as regards her mother.


In some of the other explorations of character on the site, I’ve noted the key importance of the rulers of the Ascendant for self-identification. There are other factors that are important as well. These include Mercury, the twelfth-part of the Ascendant, Mercury, and the Ascendant lord, the planetary day and hour rulers, the Lot of Spirit, prominent fixed stars, the sect light, and more.

The Sun

The Ascendant lords are always a good place to start though. Angelou was born with the Ascendant in the Mercury bound of the Sun’s home, Leo. The Sun is a key planet for the character in her chart, as both the Ascendant lord and the sect light. We see the Sun’s natural significations of confidence, attention-grabbing, leadership, boldness, and flair in the character.

There are also its natural significations pertaining to its conjunction with Jupiter in the Mercury bound of the 9th house, Aries. We see religion, wisdom, travel, internationalism, courage, teaching, bluntness, honesty, and communication as tied up with these accidental significations.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel


Mercury is the other most significant key planet for character in her chart. It is not only the bound ruler of the Ascendant, but also the bound ruler of both lights, and Jupiter, and Saturn. In addition to being the bound lord of the Sun, Mercury also rules the Sun’s twelfth-part (in Virgo). Mercury can even naturally signify the conscious or rational mind.

Day and Hour?

Even more significantly, Mercury is the planetary day and hour ruler. While these symbolic day and hour rulerships are not strongly emphasized today, they were in the past. Hellenistic astrologers like Valens, Paulus Alexandrinus (Chs. 19-21), and Rhetorius (Ch. 56) noted the planetary day and hour rulers. The day lord was said to preside over the day, while the hour lords managed affairs for their period. These day and hour lords were also given significant weight in some later medieval point-based techniques for finding a chart lord.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Complex and Verbose

Mercury is clever, communicative, and complex. From Angelou’s self-identification as a poet to her teaching and her influential period of near muteness, Mercury in the chart says a lot about who she is. Mercury is conjunct Venus in the bound of Mars, in fall, in the 8th house, dominated by Saturn, but ruled by a lofty and fiery Jupiter. Much of what Angelou has to say is described by this proximity to love and art, and rulership by a planet granting broad opportunity, yet familiarity with abuse, desperation, prejudice, and loss.


Mars is the most prominent planet in the chart in one sense. This is because it is so strongly advancing toward the Descendant and is the only planet in an angular house. In fact, these two factors render Mars an important career significator. This is further reinforced by the conjunction of Mars with the Lot of Spirit. The Lot of Spirit can signify in relation to the character but also in relation to profession.

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

As Mars does not rule the Ascendant, its significations regarding the character are a bit more indirect. Its prominence makes martial affairs prominent in the life in a way that suggests Mars is “busy” in the life. Angelou is very familiar with violence, masculinity, struggle, conflict, and courage. She even had relationships (Mars in VII) with revolutionary men. Aquarius, a human sign, makes the struggle largely a humanitarian one, and connects it with the oppressed and minorities (Saturn).

In the Ages of Man article, I noted that Angelou’s writing career didn’t fully materialize until her Mars period started at age 41. The Mars period saw her as highly productive and extremely politically active. Mars represents the activist, fighter, and hard-working side of her character.


Venus also has no rulership of the Ascendant so its significations too are a little more indirect. She does rule the twelfth-part of the Ascendant though, which gives he some importance for the character. However, Venus is more important when it comes to the career. Venus and Mercury, like Mars, have significance as career significators. There is more identification with Venus-Mercury for matters of career because of their connections with the Ascendant and MC, despite the greater prominence of Mars. Venus-Mercury also both have their twelfth-parts in the 4th house, a stake of the chart. See the first article in the series on career significators for more information about these placements.

The 10th house, Taurus, is ruled by Venus and both her and Mercury closely aspect the MC. Angelou identified with being an artist and entertainer, especially in her early years. She was a singer, dancer, and actor. Even her forays into being a madame, an exotic dancer, and prostitution indicate her associating Venus with making her way in the world (X). Therefore, I take Venus as being less relevant for describing the character itself than in describing an identification with using Venus for the career.

She was eventually able to combine her more personal identification with Mercury with her need to incorporate Venus into her career. Her role as poet and creative autobiographer/memoirist fits the bill. Few professions are a better fit for the symbolism of her Mercury-Venus conjunction in Pisces.

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

A Closer Look at Venus and Mom

Angelou’s Venus is significant on a number of other levels as well. I’ve noted that exaltation, rulership by Jupiter, and its rulership of the 10th house all serve to increase the prominence of Venusian matters. Less obvious is the connections between Venus and Angelou’s mother. This is itself a matter of afflicted hard feelings with prominence, much like Venus.

Pisces is the Lot of the Mother, and Venus is there. Venus has her twelfth-part in the 4th house of roots, and as a feminine planet in the house of roots this is significant for the mother. The Moon, a natural significator of mothers, is in Libra, ruled by Venus. The Moon has her twelfth-part in Aquarius with Mars. There’s much Mars and 8th house in these significations, but also a lot of importance and prominence. The Moon, and Jupiter, tend to show the pleasant side of things here while Venus the more problematic.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

A Pivotal Complex Relationship

Angelou felt abandoned by her mother as a child. Her rape occurred during her brief time living with her mother again, and at the hands of her mom’s boyfriend. Her mother disapproved of her marrying a white foreigner. There was a lot of conflict with her mother in her early life. Yet, Angelou’s final autobiography centers entirely on her complex relationship with her mother. It is title Mom & Me & Mom and was published in 2013.

Maya reconciled with her mother and they were crucially supportive of each other. Her book is a testament to her profound admiration of her mother. It befits a birth chart with a Full Moon in its Joy in Libra conjunct the twelfth-part of Jupiter. She laid out the good and bad of her mother and their relationship in the book, while leading with the theme of her mother’s profound influence and wisdom.

Astrological Predictive Techniques | The Ages of Man with Maya Angelou


Many of the predictive techniques of Hellenistic and medieval astrology seek to time out specific major events indicated in the natal chart. A focus on specific years is particularly prominent, as exemplified in a suite of annual techniques from profections and planetary years to solar returns and secondary progressions. However, there also existed time lord techniques which sought to characterize larger spans of time and broader life developments. These include the use of triplicity rulers to show shifting support, and longer term time lords like decennials, firdaria, and distributors.

The Ages of Man

One such time lord technique which describes the life in broad strokes is known as the Ages of Man. As far as I know, our earliest reference to it is found in Claudius Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos (2nd century CE). It is one of the time lord techniques explored in the last chapter of that work, Book IV, Chapter 10, “Of the Division of Times”.

In that section, Ptolemy first discussed how astrological indications must be couched in terms of context. Context includes what is normative of the culture, race, age, etc. of the native. He then went on to discuss how the ages of the individual are characterized by the planets.

“For in the matter of the age-divisions of mankind in general there is one and the same approach, which for likeness and comparison depends upon the order of the seven planets; it begins with the first age of man and with the first sphere from us, that is, the moon’s, and ends with the last of the ages and the outermost of the planetary spheres, which is called that of Saturn.” (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, IV, Ch. 10, Robbins trans., 1940)

Ptolemy concluded the section with a look at his predictive suite combining primary directions, profections, and ingresses.

Upward to the Stars

The simple scheme has each of the seven planets rule a set number of years from birth to old age in order of the spheres of the planets.

The Moon rules the pliable infant and toddler (ages 0-3). Note that by age 3, I mean until the 4th birthday. Therefore, the Moon rules the first 4 years of life. Mercury rules the flexible mind of the young school child (ages 4-13). This is the next 10 years of life.

For Venus, the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter, the number of years they rule correspond with their minor planetary years. Venus rules the passionate pubescent young adult (14-21), according with her planetary years (8 years). The Sun rules the prime of life (22-40), according with his planetary years (19). Mars rules the crisis of passing one’s prime (21-55), according with his planetary years (15). Jupiter rules the wise years of renunciation, rest, and reward (56-67), according with his planetary years (12).

Saturn then rules the declining years of bodily breakdown (68-death), regardless of how long this period may last.

Classical Impact

The Ages of Man does not appear to have been a popular approach among Hellenistic astrologers. Ptolemy may have even made it up himself. It is simple. Also, it is unclear whether Ptolemy intends it as a serious time lord technique or simply as an instructive teaching tool, showing how human development mirrors the spheres of the planets. It was mentioned by some later medieval astrologers. It was even alluded to by Shakespeare (see below). But its overall impact on the practice of astrology has been slight.

All the World’s A Stage

We can read the poetic description of the seven stages as given by Shakespeare. The division of life into seven stages was commonplace in the arts by Shakespeare’s time (16th century). This was Ptolemy’s legacy as it had been more common to divide life into 3, 4, or 5 stages in the classical world. It is found in the famous “all the world’s a stage” monologue of Jaques in Shakespeare’s comedy “As You Like It” (Act II, Scene VII):

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the bard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.”


Note that Shakespeare associated the 4th stage (Sun) with the soldier, which we would associate more with Mars. Though he did associate it with seeking reputation, which is solar. He also associated the 5th stage (Mars) with the justice, which we may associate more with Jupiter. Still the use of seven stages and their seeming correspondence with the ages noted by Ptolemy belie the antique origins.


My experience has been that most traditional astrologers don’t put much stock in the technique. It is used more often as a metaphor for describing development than as a type of developmental time lord. However, Ptolemy clearly intended it as a type of time lord. He noted that particular qualities can be gleaned from the natal chart, in addition to the fact that the planets naturally reflect the developmental stages.

“And in truth the accidental qualities of each of the ages are those which are naturally proper to the planet compared with it, and these it will be needful to observe, in order that by this means we may investigate the general questions of the temporal divisions, while we determine particular differences from the special qualities which are discovered in the nativities.” (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, IV, Ch. 10, Robbins trans., 1940)

In other words, the planets in the chart have “something to say” about each life stage.

Ptolemaic View of Astrology

Some psychological theories perhaps are doubly indebted to Ptolemy who not only associated the first 4 years of life with the Moon, but also associated the Moon with the irrational mind. Modern psychological astrology also owes a huge debt to Ptolemy for his emphasis on the significations of planets. Ptolemy took the planets as causative of their indications, which is similar in practice to the more prominent view of the planets indexing the underlying causes. In either case, a planet shows the roots of the situation.

This view was at a variance with more typical Hellenistic and early medieval astrology. Typically, many factors had similar indications and would be examined together. Planets, houses, lots, twelfth-parts of planets, and so forth could all say something about a topic. They would have their indications compared and analyzed.

Reductive Simplification

The focus on a planet as the locus for the topic, with the corresponding de-emphasis of houses, lots, and other such symbolic redundancies, was a Ptolemaic reductive simplification that accorded more with the scientific worldview. It became more popular in the late Renaissance, becoming dominant with the rise in esteem for Ptolemy’s astrology. Morinus, in the 17th century, was criticizing it in favor of greater consideration for the combination of house and planet significations.

I note some of these issues with the Ptolemaic view, as well as the indexical view, which it helped foster, in my 8th Lesson, on signs. There I point to how a symbolic view, in which the factors “talk about” matters rather than index them, and indications come about compositionally, is more consistent with ancient astrological practice. I raise these issues here because oversimplification toward natural significations runs into issues in delineation.

Chart Context

It is important in such techniques to consider not just the planet, the context of time and place, and the chart context as Ptolemy would judge it. We want to also include the greater chart context that includes the houses and lots occupied by and ruled by the planet. Additionally, we should consider the twelfth-part of the planet, aspects by antiscia, and possibly other similar matters.

Is it Useful?

The Ages of Man is certainly compelling as a planetary representation of the stages of life. For one, it nicely ties together a number of other planetary significations, naturally relating them to life stages. The stage of the infant and toddler are signified by the same planet that can signify the mother and body. Those of the young school child are signified by the same planet that signifies language, learning, and siblings. And so on. The later years are less obvious but still intriguing. Newly elected US Senators and Representatives  (see Table 1) tend to be in their late 40’s to early 50’s (Mars years). The breakdown of the body tends to accelerate after age 68 (Saturn years).

I have also found the Ages of Man to be a useful time lord technique. However, it has its own peculiar features which set it apart from many other time lords. It has a distinct emphasis on the individual and their developmental experience. It talks of their development and the distinctness of the stages of their life. I’m not saying it is only psychological, but it does seem to be particularly close to character and identity.

When looking at your own chart, you may want to consider how you changed and developed as a person during the period. How is this reflected by the planet in the chart?

Maya Angelou

Now, I’d like to take a closer look at each period. We’ll examine the periods with some brief notes about Maya Angelou’s life and chart. I will also include what Ptolemy said about each period.

Angelou’s life is instructive when it comes to this technique because she has an accurate birth time, lived to old age (86), and wrote 7 autobiographies encapsulating different stages of her life. These autobiographies don’t follow the 7 Ages of Man but are instructive in understanding it.

Her Autobiographies

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings covers up to age 17, the complex years of the Moon, Mercury, and the start of Venus.

Gather Together in My Name covers ages 17 to 20, some particularly trying Venus years.

Singin’ and Swingin’ … covers ages 21 to 27, the end of Venus and the beginning of solar years of travel and discovery.

The Heart of a Woman and All God’s Children, covering ages 29-33 and 34-37, deepen the journey of the solar years.

A Song Flung Up to Heaven ends the exploration of the solar years. The solar years end with Angelou’s transition from traveling entertainer and activist to author of her first book at age 41.

Her final autobiography Mom & Me & Mom is about her relationship with her mom throughout her life. Unfortunately, none of her autobiographies deeply explore the years after the solar years. However, those are also some of the most publicly well-documented years of her life as she became increasingly well-known as a writer.

I have only read her first autobiography, and that was about 20 years ago. I’ll be largely relying on online sources for details of the stages of her life.

Her Chart

Maya Angelou was born on 4/4/1928 at 2:10 pm CST in St. Louis, MO (source: birth record).  She was born with the Mercury bound of Leo rising, during the Mercury hour of a Mercury day. Her Sun is in the 9th house, Aries, the sign of its exaltation, conjunct the sect benefic Jupiter, in the bound of Mercury.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

The Moon: 0 thru 3

“For up to about the fourth year, following the number which belongs to the quadriennium, the moon takes over the age of infancy and produces the suppleness and lack of fixity in its body, its quick growth and the moist nature, as a rule, of its food, the changeability of its condition, and the imperfection and inarticulate state of its soul, suitably to her own active qualities.” (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, IV, Ch. 10, Robbins trans., 1940)

Maya’s Moon

Maya Angelou was born with a Full Moon in the 3rd house conjunct the twelfth-part of Jupiter. Its significations are very important, and mostly beneficial, but also mixed. The Moon has her twelfth-part with Mars in the 7th house. She also has her rulers (Venus and Mercury) in the 8th house severely afflicted (dominating square from Saturn).

Angelou’s first four years were quite mixed. On the one hand she admired her mother’s beauty and was close with her older brother bailey from whom she got her “Maya” nickname. This may be reflected by the Moon ruled by Venus and in the Mercury bound of the 3rd house of siblings. However, her parents marriage was also combative and they divorced near the end of the period.  Sun-Moon opposition (father-mother conflict) and Moon’s twelfth-part in the 7th house of marriage ruled by Saturn and occupied by Mars.

To Grandma Momma

She and her brother were sent to live with her grandmother at the end of the period. They were sent by train without their parents at only ages 3 and 5 (the Moon in the 3rd being strongly connected to journeys, here with the brother). Angelou felt abandoned by her mother.

The trip however brought her under the care of her grandmother (paternal) who was a very Jupiterian figure. She prospered during the Depression due to her store and her wise investments (Moon-Jupiter connections).  The father’s mother may also be indicated by the twelfth-part of the Moon (mother) in the 4th house (parent) from the 4th (father), in the Jupiter bound of Aquarius, with the Lot of Fortune but also Mars.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Mercury: 4 thru 13

“In the following period of ten years, Mercury, to whom falls the second place and the second age, that of childhood, for the period which is half of the space of twenty years, begins to articulate and fashion the intelligent and logical part of the soul, to implant certain seeds and rudiments of learning, and to bring to light individual peculiarities of character and faculties, awaking the soul at this stage by instruction, tutelage, and the first gymnastic exercises.” (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, IV, Ch. 10, Robbins trans., 1940)

Maya’s Mercury

Interestingly, Maya lived was under the care of her grandmother thru about age 13, the Mercury years. These were particularly formative years for Maya’s relationship with literature and sense of identity. We see the importance of Mercury in the chart by the bound of the Ascendant, planetary day, and planetary hour.  These are elements that pertain to self-identification and character. These are pivotal times of high highs and low lows explored in her first autobiography.

Angelou’s Mercury is very complex. It is quite afflicted being in the 8th house, closely squared to Saturn. However, it is also conjunct Venus and ruled by Jupiter. It has its twelfth-part in the 4th house. This period sees Maya laying down new roots in Stamps with her grandmother. While her grandmother is a woman of means and takes good care of her, she also comes face-to-face with the racism in the region. Mercury is illustrative here, as Maya grows up in the store and her brother (Mercury), with grandmother and her disabled son (Venus-Mercury in 8th square Saturn), but in the bound of Mars (violence, racism).

Life Interrupted

At age 7 (sometimes reported as 8, but Maya says 7 in interviews), she was taken away by her father and brought to live with her mother. Soon after this she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend, who briefly jailed and then beaten to death by Maya’s uncles. The trauma of the rape and the violence which she felt she caused by telling her brother of the events, led her to virtually stop talking for the next 5-6 years. She spoke only sparingly to her brother.

So much of the Venus-Mercury conjunction in the 8th house is symbolic of the events. Mercury in a water sign (mute), in fall (hidden, suppressed), and square Saturn (obstacle) all point to the time of silence. The closeness with Venus, aspect of Saturn, and rulership by Mars (especially in twelfth-part) pertain to the rape.

She went back to stay with her grandmother again for most of the remainder of the period. The period ended positively (rulership by Jupiter showing eventuality). She met a teacher, Mrs. Flowers, who furthers her love for reading and poetry. Flowers also eventually gets Maya to start talking again. It is ultimately a period of the voice, both its loss and its discovery. It is the main period of focus for her first and most famous autobiography.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Venus: 14 thru 21

“Venus, taking in charge the third age, that of youth, for the next eight years, corresponding in number to her own period, begins, as is natural, to  p445 inspire, at their maturity, an activity of the seminal passages and to implant an impulse toward the embrace of love. At this time particularly a kind of frenzy enters the soul, incontinence, desire for any chance sexual gratification, burning passion, guile, and the blindness of the impetuous lover.” (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, IV, Ch. 10, Robbins trans., 1940)

Maya’s Venus

Venus is a similarly afflicted and yet mixed planet in Angelou’s chart. I often hear astrologers point to her Venus being exalted and ruling the 10th house of career and actions. These are certainly two significations with Venus pertaining to prominence and raising up (also her rulership of the Moon). However, the activation of Venus by planetary years (8th year) and profection (to the 8th house at age 7) corresponded with her rape, a characteristically Venusian form of violence.

Venus is a benefic and is ruled by a benefic. However, Venus also is out of sect in the 8th house, dominated by Saturn in a tight square, in the bound of Mars, has her twelfth-part in the house of Mars.  The period sees the good and bad of this Venus. She lives with her mother in San Francisco.

Exalted Venus Brought Low

The good is a landmark job as the first black female streetcar conductor in San Francisco (10th house, conjunction with Mercury). She also studied dance and drama at school (Mercury-Mars) and eventually graduated.

The difficulties, however, are great. Actually, they are some of the greatest in her life. She got pregnant at age 16, having her son at age 17. As a young adult she struggled badly to make ends meet and to care for her son, even descending into crime, being a madame, and prostitution to make ends meet. It was a particularly desperate time in her life, pertaining largely to the afflictions of Venus in her chart, particularly by a Saturn in the 5th house of children.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

The Sun: 22 thru 40

“The lord of the middle sphere, the sun, takes over the fourth age, which is the middle one in order, young manhood, for the period of nineteen years, wherein he implants in the soul at length the mastery and direction of its actions, desire for substance, glory, and position, and a change from playful, ingenuous error to seriousness, decorum, and ambition.” (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, IV, Ch. 10, Robbins trans., 1940)

Maya’s Sun

The solar years are a long and complex period of Maya’s life which has been explored in depth in four of her autobiographies. At the start of the period she gets a more stable job and moves back with her mother to spend more time with her son. She also falls in love and gets married to a Greek sailor, but there are significant clashes with her husband over religion (he’s an atheist) and they end up divorcing. The Sun in a woman’s chart can show the partner and here is in the 9th house of foreigners and its ruler is in the 7th of marriage. It is also with Jupiter and the 9th, signifying religion, and her partner not being religious ended up being a point of contention.

The period is most marked by entertainment, travel, and political activism. Maya’s Sun is in the 9th house which pertains to long distance travel, foreigners, wisdom, and religion. Jupiter there also connects it strongly to positive and lofty opportunities and important people. The rulership of the Sun by Mars in the 7th in Aquarius (air sign) connects it with the fight for humanitarian rights.

A New Woman

During this period Angelou truly changes her name from Marguerite Johnson to “Maya Angelou” for her new dancing and singing career. The Sun rules Angelou’s first house so it pertains strongly to the character and self-identification.

She traveled as a performer to 22 countries in a European tour of Porgy and Bess. The period is marked by a lot of travel, not just for entertainment, in numerous plays and other gigs, but also for political activism and to get to know Africa. While an entertainer she becomes increasingly politically active, helping to organize rallies for Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. She also lives for a few years in Ghana at one point in the period.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Mars: 41 thru 55

“After the sun, Mars, fifth in order, assumes command of manhood for the space of fifteen years, equal to his own period. He introduces severity and misery into life, and implants cares and troubles in the soul and in the body, giving it, as it were, some sense and notion of passing its prime and urging it, before it approaches its end, by labour to accomplish something among its undertakings that is worthy of note.” (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, IV, Ch. 10, Robbins trans., 1940)

Maya’s Mars

As Ptolemy noted, this is the age when one sees oneself passing one’s prime and seeks to due something notable. Politics, activism, or maybe just freaking out and trying to recreate oneself are all hallmarks of the period. Angelou had been a writer and editor at times during the solar period. However, it was in 1969, at about age 41, when her first autobiography was published. She immersed herself in writing over the next 15 years. Maya published her first four autobiographies during the period, but also screen plays, articles, documentaries, short stories, poetry, musical scores, and more. She received thirty honorary doctorates and became a full-time professor. Not bad for someone without a bachelor’s degree!

Mars is the out of sect malefic in the chart, so this course of events may come as a surprise to many astrologers. However, while Mars afflicts many other planets, it is itself in relatively good condition. It is also the most prominent planet in the chart, strongly advancing toward the Descendant. Mars rules and is seen by the Sun and Jupiter, while it is ruled by Saturn which it also sees, and is with the twelfth-part of the Moon.

The Bridge

Mars connects the 4th house origins with the twelfth-parts of Mercury and Venus with the 9th house Sun-Jupiter. It is a powerful crux of the chart.

Maya went back into the difficult conflicts, violence, and struggles of her past. She relived them as she wrote and sought to present a picture that was as honest as it was politically forceful. In some ways, she used her own story as a potent force for change and to give the oppressed a voice.

She married (her longest) and divorced during the period (7th house). It was also a politically potent one. However, much of the personal development pertained to bridging together Mars and the houses it rules, the painful but creative roots and the soaring illuminating wisdom. We also see a pull toward work for work’s sake, shown by Mars’s twelfth-part in the Capricorn 6th house in the bound of Mercury. Maya Angelou is a work horse on fire during the period.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Jupiter: 56 thru 67

“Sixth, Jupiter, taking as his lot the elderly age, again for the space of his own period, twelve years, brings about the renunciation of manual labour, toil, turmoil, and dangerous activity, and in their place brings decorum, foresight, retirement, together with all-embracing deliberation, admonition, and consolation; now especially he brings men to set store by honour, praise, and independence, accompanied by modesty and dignity.” (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, IV, Ch. 10, Robbins trans., 1940)

Maya’s Jupiter

Maya’s Jupiter in the 9th is a wise Jupiter. It is also an outspoken and political Jupiter, one conjunct the Sun, ruled by Mars, and in the bound of Mercury.

The period saw Angelou concentrate primarily on teaching and public speaking. She was on the stage and sharing her wisdom. A particularly pivotal point was her public recitation of a poem at the presidential inauguartion of Bill Clinton in 1993 (she was 64). As opposed to the prior period of intense focus on works, this was a period of celebrity and lecture.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Saturn: 68+

“Finally to Saturn falls as his lot old age, the latest period, which lasts for the rest of life. Now the movements both of body and soul are cooled and impeded in their impulses, enjoyments, desires, and speed; for the natural decline supervenes upon life, which has become worn down with age, dispirited, weak, easily offended, and hard to please in all situations, in keeping with the sluggishness of his movements.” (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, IV, Ch. 10, Robbins trans., 1940)

Maya’s Saturn

Jupiter rules Maya’s Saturn which is trine Sun-Jupiter. Both Jupiter and Saturn are also in the bounds of Mercury. There was largely a smooth transiting between the Jupiter period and the Saturn. Maya continued to teach and lecture, though there was also a push toward greater commercialization.

She directed her first feature film in 1996 to kick off the period. The 5th house is the Joy of Venus and the house of children, pertaining strongly to creative works. It is interesting that the period would mark her foray into a number of different types of creative works, starting with film direction, but extending also to greeting cards and new album appearances. She also published her two last autobiographies during the period.

Angelou wrote four books in her last ten years of life despite being in constant pain, as her son noted at her memorial service. She died without any apparent breakdown of her senses and intellect.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel


While the Ages of Man will not point to the specific years of major events, it is still useful as a time lord technique. People change as they go through life. Much of what we perceive as the more static unchanging character may just be representative of those prime 19 years. Few feel they are the same person as an adult as they were when they were 14 years old. How did early development impact one? How might middle age change one? These are questions for such a time lord technique of life stages and ages.

Are there other techniques like this? Yes, in Hellenistic astrology there were other long-term time lord techniques, such as triplicity lords and decennials. There was also the use of the quadrants of the chart to indicate four stages of life. However, the Ages of Man has a unique personal focus on the self’s journey outward through the spheres of the planets. I think it’s worth a consideration.


Ptolemy, C. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. (F. E. Robbins, Trans.). Cambridge, MA: Loeb Classical Library. Retrieved from

The featured image is Orbium planetarum Terram complectentium scenographia by Andrea Cellarius (17th century) and is in the public domain.

Timing Symbolism in the Chart of Adolf Hitler


When delineating the astrological chart, it is very important to recognize the symbolism and to check it against timing techniques. In that interest, I will note a few key symbolic factors in the chart of a well-known life, that of Adolf Hitler. The symbolism of these factors is checked against annual profections and solar returns.

I think it goes without saying that I don’t like this guy, but I’ll say it anyway. I’m analyzing this chart to illustrate astrological symbolism and its activation across time. This analysis is in no way intended to show any support, sympathy, or affection for Hitler. I detest Hitler’s beliefs, his actions, and racism in general.

Note About Principles and Techniques

Some readers may be unfamiliar with the principles or techniques used here. I rely upon traditional symbolism and techniques of Hellenistic astrology. In terms of the significations of planets, houses, lots, signs, and so forth, please see the series of lessons on the site. Also see links in this article to articles on specific techniques employed. I strive for consistency with traditional basic symbolism always.

I focus on just a couple of basic predictive techniques in this article, namely profections (annual profection of the Ascendant) and solar returns (the transits at the Sun’s return to its natal zodiacal position). These are two of the oldest and most important predictive techniques of horoscopic astrology, being found in texts that date back almost 2,000 years. I link to basic explanations of their use in the article. They continued to be popular techniques through the Middle Ages. Typically, I also bring in planetary years, primary directions, and an additional ancient techniques which give a fuller picture. Here I wanted to keep things simpler.

In terms of my philosophy of chart interpretation or what astrology is, it is an uncommon one. I take a symbolic approach to the chart, not one that depends on factors having any intrinsic indexical link to some underlying reality, psychological or occult. For more on this, please see the 8th lesson on the site.

Birth Data

Adolf Hitler’s was born on 4/20/1889 at 6:30 pm in Braunau, Austria per birth records (AA-rated source).

Rise to Power

In Hitler’s chart, one of the clearest indications of his rise to power is the Moon’s applying conjunction to Jupiter. The Moon signifies power by its light and its rulership of the 10th house (Cancer), as well as its separating trine from the Sun. Jupiter signifies fortune and opportunity, connecting it to the Moon and the 10th house. Jupiter is also the exalted ruler of the 10th house and both planets aspect it.

Adolf Hitler’s Natal Chart

Age 45: Seizes Power

Hitler seized dictatorial powers in Germany on 08/02/1934. He was 45 years old. Age 45 is an annual profection of his Ascendant to Cancer, the 10th house, ruled by the Moon. As noted, the Moon is conjunct Jupiter in the natal chart, with both pertinent to the 10th.

The solar return for the year had the return Moon in the 10th house. Therefore, the Moon, lord of the year, highlights here significations related to the 10th house, which pertains to leadership, authority, and actions. Additionally, return Jupiter was transiting in the 1st house of the self, in the Jupiter bound of Libra. The indications for the Moon-Jupiter conjunction with respect to matters of leadership become realized.

Hitler Solar Return Age 45 Around Natal Chart

Marriage and Death

In 1945, much of Germany was in ruins and it was clear they had lost the war. Hitler made his last public appearance on his 56th birthday. Eight days later he married his longtime companion Eva Braun. Two days after that they both committed suicide.

In Hitler’s natal chart, Venus rules the Ascendant by sign and bound and occupies the 8th house. This connects the symbolism of the self (1st house and Ascendant) with death (8th house) and love (Venus). The applying partile (same degree) conjunction between Venus and Mars puts passion and violence into the equation of both symbolic statements.

Mercury also connects to both themes in the natal chart as it rules the Lot of Love (Gemini) and is in the 7th house (partnership). It is on the descendant (setting/death) in the bound of Saturn (death) and ruled by Mars which is in the 8th conjunct Venus. Mercury also symbolizes death by rational decision (calculated suicide).

Hitler’s Chart with Lot of Love

Saturn’s Shadow

Saturn, the natural significator of death, squares the natal 8th house Venus-Mars configuration, reinforcing its relevance for death. As Venus is Hitler’s Ascendant lord, strong connections between it and significations of malice (Mars and Saturn) and death (8th and Saturn) go a long way toward characterizing his identity.

What is less obvious from the natal chart is that Saturn and Venus-Mars are antiscia each other almost exactly (within half a degree). Saturn’s shadow (antiscia) in the 8th conjunct Venus-Mars certainly brings out the configuration’s connection with death as well as other significations of Saturn.

Hitler’s Natal Chart with Antiscia Positions Around the Chart

Saturn’s Secret Spot

Saturn rules the Moon-Jupiter conjunction in the natal chart. That connects its themes of death and endings to it. This connection is much more apparent by the twelfth-part position of Saturn. Saturn’s twelfth-part is in Capricorn with the Moon-Jupiter conjunction, adding to the potential combination of their symbolism.

Hitler’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Part Positions Around the Chart

The twelfth-parts of the chart are actually very revealing on many levels. For instance, Venus-Mars with their twelfth-parts in the 2nd, opposing their natal positions. Both are still in dark houses and the opposition symbolizes increased tension inherent in their symbolism and and with respect to the symbolism of Hitler’s father (Sun and Saturn; more on this below). There’s much more, but we’ll focus on Saturn for now.

The End: Age 56

As noted, age 56 quickly brought Hitler’s marriage and then death. Those were the two biggest events in that 10 day last year of his life.

The profection at age 56 was to Gemini, ruled by Mercury. Gemini is the Place of Love (location of Lot of Love). I’ve noted how Mercury, ruler of the Lot of Love, conjunct the Descendant in the 7th house and the bound of Saturn readily signifies regarding death and marriage. The other thing to note about Gemini is that it is aspected by only two natal planets, Mercury and Saturn.

The solar return shows Mercury (lord of the year) in return in the 7th house with return Venus. Therefore, the connections with both marriage (Venus, 7th) and death (7th, 8th lord) are both reinforced.

Saturn Comes for the Moon

Perhaps even more strikingly reinforced is the symbolism of Saturn with respect to the natal Moon-Jupiter conjunction. The Moon-Jupiter conjunction was noted as pertaining to the rise to power (10th house). Its vulnerability to the symbolism of Saturn shown by Saturn’s rulership of it and the twelfth-part position of Saturn on the configuration. At the return, Saturn was at 5 Cancer, in the 10th house, opposing the natal Moon-Jupiter.

Similarly, the Moon in the return was in Leo, with natal Saturn. Therefore, the symbolism of a final end to the personal fortune signified by Saturn with the Moon-Jupiter is clear and dramatic. Another instance of it is return Saturn’s position in the same bound of Cancer as the natal Lot of Fortune itself.

Hitler’s Solar Return Age 56 Around Natal Chart

Death Transits

The transits at the time of death again reveal the importance of the symbolism thus discussed. The Mercury-Venus conjunction became partile at the time of death. Saturn’s opposition to the natal Moon was near exact (2′ of a degree), with death on a Moon day and Saturn hour. Interestingly, Hitler died as the transiting Sun (9TAU51) was in partile conjunction with his 8th house twelfth-part Sun (9TAU36). The fatal gunshot was heard at the setting of Mars and culmination of Saturn, at about 3:30 pm.

Event Chart: Reported Time of Death of Hitler in Berlin

Hitler’s Death Transits to Natal Chart

Early Years

We’ve seen the symbolism of some pivotal years in the personal rise and fall. Let’s look now at some pivotal early years of life.

Hitler moved to Germany when he was 3 (profection to 4th house Moon-Jupiter), but he and his family returned to Austria a couple years later.


Both Saturn and the Sun connect to Hitler’s father, but particularly Saturn. This is because Saturn can both naturally signify the father and it rules the 4th house of fathers. Saturn also rules the Place of the Father by lot (Aquarius).

Hitler’s Chart with the Position of Select Lots

Hitler was often in conflict with his father (Saturn) over Hitler’s lack of discipline (Saturn) and skill or interest in farming (Saturn). The conflicts would often turn physically abusive (Venus in 8th conjunct Mars, squared by Saturn).

Hitler’s father died suddenly on 01/03/1903 when Hitler was only 13 years old.  This represented an annual profection to the 2nd house, ruled by Mars. The solar return saw Saturn (death) in the 4th house (father) Capricorn (cardinal/sudden). It is sharply squared by return Mars (lord of the year) in Aries (cardinal/sudden; violent) within 2 degrees. Return Mars is in partile conjunction to natal Mercury and Descendant (setting/death).

Hitler’s Age 13 Solar Return Around Natal Chart


Hitler’s mother is most readily signified by the Moon in the chart. Not only can the Moon signify the mother naturally but she is here in the 4th place of home and origins. Venus can also naturally signify the mother and Mercury rules the Lot of the Mother.

Post-Father’s Death and Mother’s Death

After the death of his father, Hitler was more free to pursue his main passion which was art. Hitler’s self-identification with art is symbolized by the strong role played by the signs of Venus and Venus herself in the chart. Venus rules the 1st house of self and is in her domicile Taurus where she is with and rules the sect light. While his father conflicted with his artistic ambitions (Saturn square Venus), his mother was supportive (Moon trine Venus).

However, Hitler’s mother died on 12/21/1907 when Hitler was just 18. This left Hitler leading a Bohemian artist’s life of selling paintings to survive, catching musical performances for entertainment, while living in Vienna. It is thought that his racist ideas developed in Vienna or soon after.

Mother’s Death

The death of Hitler’s mother when he was 18 was a very important event in his life. He was very fond of his mother (Moon-Jupiter conjunction; Venus ruling 1st). As with his father’s death, it was marked by a year with Mars as lord of the year, actually the first profection to one of Mars’s domiciles since the death of his father. This time it was to the 7th house, Aries.

The solar return at age 18 is absolutely striking. Return Mars, the lord of the year is at 8 Capricorn, conjunct his natal Moon-Jupiter (partile to Jupiter). The return Moon (mother) was at 14 Leo conjunct natal Saturn (death) within a degree. Additionally, return Venus and return Saturn are conjunct each other within a degree in the 6th house of illness (death was from breast cancer).

Hitler’s Solar Return at Age 18 Around Natal Chart

Younger Brother’s Death

As might be expected from a chart with a strong focus on an 8th house cluster that is square to Saturn, this is a life defined by death.  One of the more influential early deaths in his life was that of his younger brother Edmund on 02/02/1900 from measles. Hitler would’ve been age 10 (11th year), so the profection would have been to the 11th house ruled by the Sun and occupied by Saturn.

Both the Sun and Saturn have connections to death in the chart. The Sun is in 8th and rules Saturn.  Saturn naturally signifies death, squares the 8th cluster, and rules the Lot of Death. Younger brothers are typically shown by Mercury though. Also, in Hitler’s chart Jupiter rules the Lot of Siblings (Pisces) and the 3rd house (house of siblings).

Jupiter and Death

It is worth noting that Place of Death is also in the house of siblings (Lot of Death is at 6SAG54). Both Jupiter and the Lot of Death are pertinent for the house of siblings. Jupiter as there were 6 children in total from his parents (his dad had more from a previous marriage. The Lot of Death as the three before Hitler died in infancy and the one after him (Edmund) at age 5. Only his young sister, Paula, lived a long life.

Age 10

As noted, the profection at age 10 put a focus on the Leo 11th house, ruled by the Sun and occupied by Saturn.  As the Sun is the lord of the year and is in return, we will be particularly concerned with return transits to the Sun, through Leo, as well as those involving Saturn (Leo’s occupant).

Hitler’s Solar Return at Age 10 Around Natal Chart

What we find in the return is Mars, the natal out of sect malefic (harm), at 2 Leo, in the house of the profection with natal Saturn (death), sharply square the 8th house Sun (within 2 degrees). Return Saturn (retrograde at 23 Sagittarius) is in the 3rd house of siblings, which is also the Place of Death, and it is square to the Lot of Siblings (20 Pisces). The return Moon, Venus, and Jupiter are all in dark places of the natal chart.


It is my hope that this is a useful exercise in pertinent symbolism and its activation. Any planet in a natal chart will symbolize across a number of different domains. Different significations emerge in these different domains and over time. It is not knowing whether a signification is “good” or “bad” that is important but in what ways it can signify good and bad and which signifies are reinforced. A full palate of traditional Hellenistic factors, including lots, antiscia, twelfth-parts, and more get us closer to a sophisticated understanding of the symbolism.

Profections and solar returns are two of the most ancient and most important timing techniques we have in astrology. The profection shows where the highlighter goes. It tells us the factors to focus on. The solar return provides an opportunity for the symbolic signatures in the natal chart to be reinforced, whether they are obvious or subtle. Even with just these two basic techniques, applied in a very basic way against a few pivotal years in a life, we see strong evidence of the symbolic relevance of astrology.

Modern Factors

On a final note, I’d like to add that the symbolism of the traditional factors serves as a great framework for making sense of new modern factors as well, if you use them. For instance, when you understand many of the significations of the 8th house Sun in this chart and its rulership of Saturn in Leo, then the partile conjunction between the Sun and asteroid Phaethon takes on deeper significance. Midpoints, asteroids, and other such modern factors can help to further add nuance and depth to the traditional symbolism.

Some such modern factors can complement rather than compete with traditional interpretation. Given the tendency of the ancients to employ as many additional symbolic factors as possible, from bounds and decans, to twelfth-parts, antiscia, and monomoria, I would hardly expect that they wouldn’t have been exploring midpoints and asteroids too if those had been available to them.

Don’t take the deeply traditional focus of this site as implying that modern factors have no place in traditional astrology. Rather, the implication is that the traditional symbolism and techniques are sufficient to structure the interpretation and provide for rich information. Where you go from there is up to you.

The Vividly Timed Car Accident of Kevin Hart


Sometimes astrological symbolism is simply too vivid to keep it to yourself and friends. Today, through social media posts by astrologers Naomi Bennett and David Cochrane, I learned that Kevin Hart had an accident at the time of some very vivid malefic transits. The transits to the natal chart include transiting Saturn opposed to Hart’s Sun and a transiting Sun-Mars conjunct Hart’s Saturn on his Ascendant, repeat vivid indications pertaining to potential harm.

As astrologers we read signs, a practice that is understandably met with considerable skepticism. Therefore, it is our duty to regularly show the public how such signs reflect real world circumstances to such a magnitude and vividness as to betray “chance” as a reasonable explanation. This event in the life of Kevin Hart is one of those astrological circumstances that should be widely known.

The Accident

Yesterday morning, in Calabasas, California, actor/comedian Kevin Hart was involved in a car accident. He was a passenger in his own car when his driver lost control of the car and it tumbled down an embankment. Hart suffered some major back injuries.

Kevin Hart’s birth data is from a birth certificate (i.e. Rodden-rating of AA). I’ve taken a brief look at his natal chart before, but in the context of the charts of comedians.

Kevin Hart’s Birth Chart with twelfth-parts (outside wheel)

The time of the accident was reported as about 12:45 am by the news media.

Kevin Hart Car Accident – 12:45 am 09/01/2019 Calabasas, CA.

Below I show his natal chart with the transits around it, with some significant configurations highlighted. We’ll come back to these configurations after first exploring why they signify an important even of this type. Note that transits alone are superficial, showing activations of things that must be indicated in the natal chart and activated by (i.e. picked out by) time lords.

Kevin Hart Car Accident Transits Around Natal Chart

Annual Profection: Capricorn, Saturn, and More Saturn

Hart was born on July 6, 1979. Therefore, he was 40 years old at the time of the accident. Every multiple of 12 is a profection back to the first house, so the Ascendant profected to the 5th house for that year. Therefore, the sign activated by the profection is Capricorn (its glyph is highlighted in the chart above), ruled by Saturn. Saturn is lord of the year, and Saturn was also transiting in Capricorn, the sign of the year, at the time of the solar return (see below) and at the time of the accident. In other words, the most important events in the year will involve Saturn.

In the natal chart, Saturn is not in bad shape. It is in sect and in the 1st house. Hardship and obstacles (Saturn) show a positive effect on character (1st house). However, there is also danger, particularly pertaining to the body, as Saturn is in the 1st house on the Ascendant (self, body) and is dominated by Mars (violence, accidents). Therefore, the dangers of Saturn pertain mainly to its relationship with Mars, as well as the fact that Saturn connects the 6th place of accidents (Aquarius, ruled by Saturn) with the 1st place, that of the body (Virgo). Additionally, Mars opposes the natal Moon, another indication of potential significations of bodily harm from Mars.

Solar Return: Saturn Opposite Sun, Mars-Mercury Conjunction

The solar return for the year has Saturn retrograde at 17 Capricorn. It is not only confirming the central importance of Saturn but it is applying an opposition to Hart’s natal Sun (13 Cancer). The Sun in Hart’s chart is the sect light (i.e. he was born during the day) and is very strong in the 11th house. The sect light is a powerful factor in the chart and some of its significations pertain to health. Therefore, we see an indication of Saturn (loss, hardship) impacting health and vitality (Sun) through opposition (obstruction, conflict).

Additionally, the chart has Mercury in return in Leo (12th house) conjunct solar return Mars. Mercury signifies transportation, the 12th house can signify hidden dangers, and Mars signifies violence and accidents. Therefore, this configuration shows potential hidden threats pertaining to transportation accidents.

Additionally, the Moon is conjoining natal Saturn in the 1st house. The Moon can signify the body, as can the 1st house, so this is a double indication of the body impacted by Saturn. The 1st house is Virgo, ruled by Mercury, and the Moon is in Mercury’s bound. Therefore, Mercury (planet of transportation) also figures prominently in this configuration.

Kevin Hart Age 40 Solar Return as Transits

Distributions: Mercury Distributor Aspected by Mercury

The distributor is another very important time lord in Hellenistic astrology. It pertains to the bound lord of the directed Ascendant (by primary directions) and the aspects to the directed Ascendant.

The distributor for the period (since late 2014) has been Mercury as the Ascendant has been directing through the Mercury bound of Libra. Additionally, the closest aspect to the directed Ascendant was from Mercury at the time of the accident. Therefore, the distributor put an emphasis on Mercury (communication and transportation) for major events of the period.

Kevin Hart Distributors

Monthly Profection: Aquarius, 6th House, Saturn

As the accident occurred less than 2 months following the birthday, the monthly profection, which moves one sign per month, had only shifted one sign. The monthly profection was to Aquarius, also ruled by Saturn. Therefore, Saturn was lord of the year and lord of the month.  The 6th house suitably pertains to accidents and illnesses.

Transits: Saturn, Mars, and Mercury

We’ve seen that Saturn is a highlighted planet for important events during this period. There was also a spotlight put on Mercury from primary directions. It was noted that these factors are not so negative in themselves in the natal chart but with certain activations, particularly those involving Mars, danger can be shown. The solar return connected that danger to transportation (Mars-Mercury in XII) and reinforced the notion that Saturn signifies a danger to health in that year (Saturn opposed to Sun).


Kevin Hart Car Accident Transits Around Natal Chart

The transits are now even more vivid than just on the face of it. It happened when Saturn’s opposition to Hart’s Sun was very close  (within half a degree and applying). This was reinforced by a partile (in the same degree; 8 Virgo) Sun-Mars conjunction which happened to be on Hart’s Ascendant (7 Virgo) and his natal Saturn (9 Virgo), while with transiting Mercury (5 Virgo). The transiting Moon in LIbra was applying to natal Mars and transiting Saturn (the Moon applies to the next planet it will aspect within about a day’s travel, 13 degrees). The accident happened with Gemini rising (the sign occupied by Hart’s Mars and ruled by Mercury).

The Lunar Nodes

The lunar nodes have an interesting relationship with Saturn in the natal chart. Hart was born with Saturn conjunct the North Node rising. At the time of the accident the North Node was transiting conjunct his Sun while the South Node was conjunct transiting Saturn, opposed to his Sun. Therefore, the Node-Saturn configuration of the birth chart plays out in the occurrence of the nodes over Saturn’s opposition to his Sun.


Much more could be said about these charts and the timing but I’ll conclude there with the factors I think are the most vivid.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that Kevin Hart should hide indoors or avoid transportation every time his Saturn is activated. Rather, I am saying that this event was symbolized astrologically in a systematic and rich fashion with repeat indications and multiple layers of meaning.

It wasn’t just an activation or a transit that had a chance correspondence with the events. We see a complex indication rooted subtly in the birth chart. However, it required repeated vivid reinforcement through various time lord systems, the solar return, and finally the transits. The sky indicated these types of circumstances will occur with specific factors as the main means of timing. And this for a chance random circumstance outside of the individual’s control.

Featured Image (cropped) is by Memorial Student Center Texas A&M University [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Prince | Part 2: The Timing of his Death

Prince Part 2: Death

In the last article, I discussed Prince’s natal chart with a particular focus on his character and career.

Prince Rogers Nelson was born on June 7, 1958 at 6:17 pm in Minneapolis, MN. His birth data has a Rodden Rating of AA (i.e. from birth record).

Prince’s Natal Chart

Prince was found dead at his home (in Chanhassen, MN) on the morning of April 21st, 2016 (at age 57). He death was the result of an fentanyl overdose (a prescription opioid). He was discovered shortly before 10 am but was believed to have been dead already for about 6 hours.

Significators of Death

The 8th place of death in Prince’s chart is Gemini. Gemini is a busy place, occupied by its ruler Mercury as well as the sect light, the Sun. Saturn opposes the place. Additionally, the Sun applies an opposition to Saturn. Saturn is also a natural significator of death. Therefore, our initial look suggests that Saturn, and the Sun-Saturn opposition, is the most relevant for matters of death.

Mars is the out of sect malefic in the chart (Prince was born by day). Mars is also in the 6th house of illness, a traditional “bad” or “dark” place pertaining to accidents and illnesses. Mars also rules the 1st house (body) and the 6th (illness), while having its twelfth-part also in the 6th. Therefore, there are many repeat themes connecting Mars to indications of accidents, illnesses, and other threats to the body.

Other Places of Death

We want to examine the 8th place from Fortune and the Lot of Death, as both are also places pertaining to the topic of death. Fortune is in Leo, so the 8th place from it is Pisces.

The Lot of Death (from Dorotheus Book IV, Ch. 3) is found by day or night as the distance from the Moon to the start of the 8th sign (~88 degrees), projected from Saturn. It is also Pisces.

We find that both places are Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Pisces is occupied by the Moon and dominated by Saturn (superior square). The fact that Saturn dominates the Moon and the place that is 8th from Fortune and the place of the Lot of Death further suggests the importance of Saturn as a significator of death.

Prince’s Natal Chart with Choice Lots

Jupiter rules the place and is in a tight sextile with Saturn, while it’s twelfth-part is in the 8th in tight opposition to Saturn. Additionally, the Sun’s twelfth-part is tightly conjunct Saturn.

Prince Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outer)

Mars and Other Significators

We’ve established that Saturn is the most relevant for symbolizing death in the chart due to both natural signification and multiple accidental indications. Mars should be kept in mind as being of lesser importance for death as well. It is the out of sect malefic in a place of accidents and illnesses (6th). It also opposes Jupiter (lord of the Lot of Death and 8th from Fortune). The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and the Moon are all also relevant due to positions in and rulership over places of death. Mercury is particularly relevant among them as it both rules and occupies the 8th place.

Planetary Years

Prince died at age 57 (58th year), less than 2 months shy of his 58th birthday. 57 is an activation of Mars-Jupiter (15+15+15+12), Saturn-Mars-Jupiter (30+15+12), and Moon-Mercury-Jupiter (25+20+12). 58 is an activation of Sun-Mercury (19+19+20) and Mars-Jupiter (15+15+12+12) configurations in the natal chart by planetary years.

The Sun and Mercury are both located together in the 8th house and Mercury rules the house. I’ve noted the importance of Saturn in Sagittarius (Saturn ruled by Jupiter), Saturn in close aspect to Jupiter, and Saturn dominating Pisces (important place of death ruled by Jupitter), and Saturn opposed to Jupiter’s twelfth-part for the matter of death. Additionally, the importance of the Mars-Jupiter opposition was noted as also significant. Therefore, we should pay particular attention to other activations of Saturn-Mars-Jupiter and Sun-Mercury configurations during this period.

Distributors of Ascendant and Sect Light

The distributors of the Ascendant and the sect light are very important for characterizing the general circumstances of a period. These are the bound lords of the primary directed Ascendant and Sun in Prince’s chart. Prince died on April 21st, 2016. The bound lord of the directed Ascendant was Mercury, while that of the Sun was Saturn.

Prince’s Distributors

The Mercury bound of Capricorn was directing over the Ascendant at the time of death. This bound spans from 0-7 Capricorn and is aspected by Mars and the Moon. At the time of death the Ascendant had directed past the aspect of Mars but not yet to the aspect of the Moon. Therefore, the aspect of Mars was still considered an active influence upon the bound. Mercury as distributor for the period is appropriate as Mercury rules and occupies the 8th house.

The Saturn bound of Leo was directing over the Sun at the time of death. This bound spans from 11-18 Leo. It is aspected only by the Sun.  The aspect of the Sun to its own sextile by primary directions was a significant one, corresponding to the time of death within a few months.

Aspectual Directions

As noted, the most notable aspectual direction corresponding to death was that of the sextile of the Sun to itself.  This is significant as the Sun is in the 8th house of death in the natal chart and opposes Saturn. This aspect of the Sun to itself occurred while the Saturn bound (of Leo) was directing over the Sun. Therefore, Saturn was distributor with the Sun as co-distributor for this period, highlighting their opposition and its significance. As we will see, the fact that the Sun was directing through Leo is also noteworthy when it comes to the annual profection.

Prince’s Primary Directions Near Time of Death

Annual Profection

Prince died at age 57. Age 57 represents an annual profection to the 10th house. Prince’s 10th house is Leo, ruled by the Sun. Therefore, the Sun was the Lord of the Year.

It is as if a spotlight is on the Sun when it comes to the major events of the year. This makes an examination of the solar return even more important and alerts us to keep an eye on transits to and from the Sun. The distributorship of the Sun is also intensified (Saturn as distributor; Sun as co-distributor).

The Sun in the natal chart occupies the 8th house, which principally pertains to death and stagnation. As noted in the section on significators, the Sun opposes Saturn in the natal chart across dark houses, which is one of the most prominent configurations pertaining to matters of death. Additionally, the twelfth-part of the Sun is in the 2nd house with Saturn.

Profection of the Lot of Death

In the lesson on the use of lots, I noted that a significant predictive use of the lots involved their profection. Above we saw that the Lot of Death is located in Pisces in the natal chart. The annual profection is to the 10th house, so every point in the natal chart profects to the 10th from its natal position by Valens-style profections. Therefore, the Lot of Death profects to Sagittarius (10th house from Pisces) for the year of death.  The Moon, which Valens profected for matters of health, is also natally in Pisces, so it too profects to the 2nd house (Sagittarius).

On its own Sagittarius is occupied natally by Saturn and the twelfth-part of the Sun. Therefore, by Valens-style profections the indications of the Lot of Death are passing to Saturn, which natally afflicts the Lot by a superior applying square within 3 degrees. Additionally, as we’ll see below with the solar return, the death occurred during a year when Saturn was in its return, in Sagittarius. Therefore, there is a confirmation of the significance of the 2nd house Saturn in relation to the significations of the Lot of Death in that year.

Final Solar Return

Prince died at age 57, on April 21, 2016, less than 2 months before his 58th birthday. Therefore, his final solar return was in 2015. This solar return is very striking! The srSun is applying a conjunction to srMars within 2 degrees! Both are right at the solar return MC and overcoming srJupiter, aspecting within a degree (superior sextile). Additionally, the Sun-Mars conjunction opposes natal Saturn, emphasizing the natal Sun-Saturn opposition. Saturn is also in return (in Sagittarius), so the sfSun, srMars, and srMercury are all in opposition to srSaturn by sign.

Prince’s 2015 Solar Return

Mercury, ruler of the 8th house, is also in its return, retrograde, 1 degree from its natal position.

Prince Final Solar Return (outer) compared with Natal Chart (inner)

Reviewing Activations

It is easy to see the activation of the most important significators of death in the chart in the return. We see that Prince was still going through his second Saturn return (Saturn was back in Sagittarius). Saturn is the slowest moving of the traditional planets. Its return, which occurs about every 28-29 years, is an important rite of passage. Due to the Saturn return, at the solar return the Sun was in whole sign opposition to Saturn, putting a strong emphasis on the natal Sun-Saturn opposition.

Mars, relevant for threats to the body and health generally, is adding quite a bit of extra oomph to the symbolism. There is an applying conjunction between it and the Sun, which among other things can indicate the health (Sun – sect light) coming into contact with a threat to the body (Mars – out of sect malefic). The fact that the Sun is the lord of the year also adds quite a bit of oomph to the configuration, showing that matters which the Sun symbolizes are coming into focus. These matters importantly include health (Sun as sect light), fame and career (Sun ruling X), and death (Sun in VIII).

The fact that Mercury is in return puts even more stress on 8th house themes. Not only is the Sun joining the out of sect malefic in the 8th, and Saturn is transiting opposed to the 8th, but the ruler of the 8th is backing up to his birth position.

Reviewing Basic Solar Return Rules

In an article from 2012, I summarized the oldest set of rules we have for interpreting solar returns. These rules originate with Dorotheus (1st century CE) and treat the solar return positions much like a set of transits to the natal chart. Let’s go through these rules again now against Prince’s chart.

The first rule was that planets opposing their own natal positions can show difficulties. This does not apply as no planets in Prince’s solar return oppose their natal positions.

Out of Sect Malefic to Sect Light

The second rule was that the transit of an out of sect malefic to the sect light or sect benefic is particularly difficult. This situation strongly applies. Here we see Mars (out of sect malefic) transiting at the place of the sect light (Sun) in the solar return within 2 degrees. A very strong sign of difficulty for the year.

“It is worse for this [native] and more difficult in its maleficence if Mars is reaching the place in which Jupiter or the Sun was by day, or [if] Saturn is reaching the place in which the Moon was by night.” (Dorotheus, Book IV, Ch. 1, #188, Pingree trans., 2005)


Other Aspects

The third rule pertains to a number of different types of aspects. We would like malefics to be trine their natal positions, not opposed to or square them, as those aspects can indicate difficulty. None of the malefics are trine, square, or opposed their natal positions here.

We would prefer benefics to dominate (right side square) the positions of malefics. Both benefics in the return are in Leo and no planets are in Scorpio in the natal chart, so benefics don’t dominate any malefics. Similarly, there are no return malefics dominating natal benefics.

Dark Places

The fourth rule concerns watching transits to dark places. Return transits of planets to dark places are said to be difficult, especially if the planet occupies a dark place in the natal chart. For Dorotheus, the 6th and 12th are the worst, while the 8th, 2nd, and 3rd are moderately bad.

In Prince’s return we have a lot of this to worry about. Four of the seven planets in the return are transiting through dark places (the 2nd and 8th houses). This includes the lord of the year (the Sun) plus Mars, Mercury, and Saturn. Additionally, all 4 of those planets occupy dark places in the natal chart, with three of them being in return (Mars occupies the natal 6th house).

The Moon

Dorotheus also put a lot of stress on the position of the Moon in the return. Additionally, we should look at contacts between the return positions and the natal Moon.

The return Moon is in IV, Aquarius, in the 22nd degree (21AQU38).

Notably, the house is ruled by Saturn and the bound is ruled by Mars. Additionally, the Moon is applying a very close aspect  natal Saturn (22SAG). Finally, IV is a house that also pertains to death and endings, being the lowest point in the chart (anti-culmination). Therefore, when it comes to the health and body (Moon), there are multiple indications of danger, coldness, and endings.

Natally, the Moon is at 1 Pisces. The natal Moon is dominated (superior square) by return Saturn at 0 Sagittarius, and it is a close aspect (within 3 degrees). The return benefics do not aspect the natal Moon at all. Therefore, we see a repetition of the theme of Saturnian affliction of the Moon (depression, impediment, or death afflicting health).


Dorotheus also put a stress on the house of the annual profection and the house occupied by the lord of the year (ruler of the house of the annual profection).

One thing that  is notable is the conjunction of the Lord of the Year (the Sun) with Mars. The house occupied by the lord of the year is the 8th, but this is less notable in this case because the Lord of the Years is the Sun and it will be in the 8th house at every solar return as that is its natal position.

Coming at the chart in terms of the timing of death, it may seem odd that the sign of the year, Leo, was occupied by both benefics. However, there were more significant events to this year than just Prince’s death. Prince died about 10 1/2 months into the year. This was a year with an intense career-focus (10th house themes) including the release of two albums and a tour. Hit n Run Phase One and Two was something of a double album released in two separate phases. The Piano & A Microphone Tour was a raw solo tour with just Prince at the piano on stage. The tour opened to critical acclaim in February, but started running into problems pertaining to Prince’s health in April.

Conclusions Regarding Dorothean Rules

We find that Dorotheus provided some good guidelines for interpreting solar returns. The main concerns in the return pertain to the conjunction of the out of sect malefic with the sect light, a stress on positions in dark houses with such dark houses already stressed in the natal chart (particularly the 8th of death), and the Moon-Saturn configurations.

The profection provides more complex indications, both showing danger (Sun-Mars in VIII) as well as a career focus and career benefit (Venus-Jupiter in X).

Monthly Profection

I noted that the trouble for Prince didn’t really surface until April. In fact, it was on April 7th, exactly 2 months prior to his upcoming birthday (June 7th) that Prince saw a doctor and first postponed a couple shows on his tour, announcing he had influenza. Whether the influenza story was a cover for an addiction that was spiraling out of control, or Prince was battling both influenza and addiction to pain meds that April, this would be Prince’s final month.

As his last month was two months prior to an upcoming birthday, it was two signs prior to the sign of the year (Leo). Therefore, the profection of the month was to Gemini, the 8th house of death, and the site of the Sun-Mars conjunction in the solar return.

Final Lunar Return

Prince died in the early hours of April 21st, 2016. The exact time of death is unknown but he was already dead when found shortly before 10 am.

Prince’s last lunar return was on April 4, 2016. It has a number of very striking features.

Prince Final Lunar Return

Most striking is the fact that Saturn was at 16 Sagittarius, opposed to the natal Sun (16 Gemini) in the same degree. Also striking is the besiegement of both the Sun and Jupiter in the lunar return. Jupiter (retrograde) is separating from Saturn and applying to Mars. The Sun is separating form Mars and applying to Saturn. The lunar return Sun (lord of the year) was actually applying to Saturn in the return within two degrees!

Prince Final Lunar Return Outside of Natal Chart

Lunar Return Twelfth-Parts

Also, let’s consider the twelfth-parts of some of these return positions. As I noted in an article on computing twelfth-parts in one’s head, each 2 1/2 degrees is an additional sign, and every 5′ is a degree. Software programs don’t always allow you to easily calculate twelfth-parts in every chart, but twelfth-parts are extremely important in all astrological work. Therefore, one should regularly practice quickly finding twelfth-parts for all positions in any chart.

Saturn’s Twelfth-Part

Let’s find the twelfth-part of lunar return Saturn at 16SAG19. 15 SAG to 17SAG30 is the sign opposite Sagittarius, Gemini, so the twelfth-part is in Gemini. Every degree equates to 12 for the twelfth-part so 16SAG is 12GEM. Then we have the 19′ to account for, with each 5′ equating to another degree. This puts it at 3 more (almost 4) degrees. Therefore, the twelfth-part of Saturn is at 15GEM, just before 16GEM. The natal Sun is at 16GEM. So lunar return Saturn is opposed to the nSun within a degree and has its twelfth-part conjunct the nSun within a degree.

This is a good time to recall that the Sun opposes Saturn while the twelfth-part of the Sun is closely conjunct Saturn in the natal chart.

Mars’s Twelfth-Part

Let’s find the twelfth-part of lunar return Mars at 7SAG54. 7SAG30 is 3 sets of 2 1/2 degrees past the start of the sign so from 7SAG30 to 10SAG is in Pisces (more than 3 full signs from the start of Sagittarius). 24′ equates to 4 (almost 5) degrees. Therefore, the lunar return Mars is at 4 Pisces, conjunct the natal Moon within 3 degrees in the place of the Lot of Death, and square natal Mercury (4 Gemini; ruler of and occupant of 8th house) within a degree.

Prince’s Natal Chart with Choice Lots

Lunar Return’s Lot of Death

I noted earlier that the formula for the Hellenistic Lot of Death is the distance from the Moon to the start of the 8th sign, projected from Saturn. The 8th sign in the lunar return is Virgo, so the distance from the Moon to the sign is just over 178 degrees (Moon at about 2 Pisces). 178 degrees from Saturn in the return (16SAG) is 14 Gemini, putting the Lot of Death in the 8th house of the natal chart, conjunct the Sun.

Prince Final Lunar Return

Prince Natal

Death Transits

Transits are superficial in themselves. They take on meaning through their relationship with activations of specific natal promises. These activations include times lords as well as indications in returns which reflect specific subsets of indications in the natal chart.

The danger to Prince’s health was most succinctly represented in his last solar and lunar returns which highlighted the 8th house close and intense afflication of the Sun (sect light) by malefics.

Malefic Stations

Saturn stationed retrograde at 16 Sagittarius on March 25th of 2016 (less than a month before death). That station was in partile opposition to Prince’s Sun (16 Gemini). Mars stationed retrograde on April 17th, just 4 days before Prince’s death, at 8 Sagittarius. That Mars station was actually within 2 degrees of Prince’s prenatal Syzygy (10 Sagittarius), a significant point pertaining to length of life according to Vettius Valens.

Full Moon Opposed Venus

Prince’s death came on the morning of a Full Moon, in the early hours (about 4 am) of April 21, 2016. The Moon had a opposed Venus some hours earlier, prior to midnight. Venus, transiting through Prince’s 6th house (health/accidents) was very symbolic of health issues with substance abuse as Venus pertains to intoxicants. Perhaps the Moon’s opposition to Venus coincided with Prince’s administration of the fentanyl that killed him.

Saturn-Mars Culminating in Sagittarius

Prince’s death would have coincided with the approximate time that Saturn and Mars were culminating in his location.

Prince Death Transits

tSun Conjunct nSouth Node

We have already noted the close opposition of Saturn (and to a lesser extent Mars) to Prince’s Sun, evident in the lunar return. Also, noteworthy was the conjunction of the transiting Sun (lord of the year) with Prince’s natal South Node within a couple days of death.

Prince Death Transits Outside Natal

Moon Applies to Natal Saturn

The time of death is believed to have been about 6 hours before Prince was found. At that time the Moon would have been at 22 Libra, applying to Prince’s natal Saturn (22SAG51) after just having separated from his natal 12th house Jupiter. It is worth noting that transiting Jupiter (Saturn’s lord) was afflicted at the time of death, as it was beseiged by the malefics.

Timing Conclusions

In conclusion, the timing of Prince’s death pertained to the activation of his natal Sun-Saturn opposition by his Saturn return. Prince’s Saturn in the 2nd not only afflicts his natal Sun by opposition but also dominates his Moon and Lot of Death.

The annual profection and the distribution of the sect light both put the focus on the Sun-Saturn opposition. The solar return did as well while also highlighting the role of Mars, which afflicted the Sun by conjunction in the return. The profection of the Lot of Death also raised additional concerns about Saturn and highlighted Sagittarius.

The timing of the death occurred after Saturn and Mars had both stationed retrograde in Sagittarius. These stations were opposite the natal 8th house Sun and Mercury. The Saturn station was in partile opposition to Prince’s Sun. The Mars station presaged the death by only a few days.

Death most likely occurred while transiting Saturn and Mars culminated. The Full Moon had opposed Venus probably around the time that Prince took the fentanyl, then it applied a conjunction to Prince’s 12th house Jupiter, and likely separated to applying to Prince’s Saturn at the time of death.

Cause of Death Considerations

Some Hellenisitic astrologers explored techniques for finding the cause of death in the natal chart. While some, like Dorotheus, provided multiple possible factors to consider, Valens put most of his stress on the 8th sign from Fortune. How does that approach hold up against the known cause of Prince’s death, an accidental drug overdose?

One of the more disturbing features of Prince’s drug overdose is that he believed he was taking a safer medication. Apparently, Prince was taking counterfeit Vicodin that was actually laced with the much more potent fentanyl. Additionally, he seems to have reached out to get help after an overdose less than a week prior. He was being treated for opioid addiction and was found by the son of a doctor who was to treat him.

The prospect that Prince was unwittingly taking a much more dangerous medication raises concerns about poisoning. However, no one was charged with any wrongdoing in relation to Prince’s death.

Valens and the 8th from Fortune

In Book II, Ch. 41 of his Anthology, Valens considered looking at the cause of death in terms of the nature of the 8th sign from Fortune.


The 8th from Fortune is Pisces, as we’ve noted. It is also the position of the Lot of Death. The Lot of Death was one of the places noted by Dorotheus as used by astrologers for assessing cause of death. Therefore, in this case both the Valens’s Place of Death and the Dorothean Lot of Death are the same place.

Jupiter Destroys the Sun

“Leo is destroyed by Pisces, i.e. the sun by Jupiter. As a result men die from heart attacks and from complaints of the liver. They are at risk in wet places or from moist complaints, falls, the ague, accidents in the baths, and the treachery of women.” (Valens, Book II, Ch. 41, Riley trans., 2010, p. 56)

While heart and liver are certainly relevant to Prince’s death, they are also relatively general. It is easy to see where Valens derives most of the significations. Pisces is moist and feminine and ruled by Jupiter which also rules the liver. The Sun rules the heart.

In one sense we may say the heart falters by way of the liver, which applies here in terms of the heart stopping due to toxicity (liver). The ties of Pisces to Jupiter and Venus, relief and drugs, are appropriate for toxicity pertaining specifically to pain relievers. Additionally, the Moon is there in Prince’s natal chart adding a sense of physical need and subjective power, as in addiction.


Valens considered planets in the two houses (Fortune and its 8th) as well as the relationships pertaining to their rulers. We have already looked at the Moon in Pisces. Venus is the main planet that Valens associated with poisoning. The Moon is in the bound of Venus, in the sign that is the kingdom of Venus, Venus is first triplicity ruler, and she aspects the Moon. Therefore, there is a pretty close connection between the Moon in Pisces and Venus in the chart.

It is important to note that Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, is actually in a trine with the Sun, the ruler of Fortune. Also, Leo itself is unafflicted. This was a painless, nonviolent death, but still an early and accidental one. The malefics are not very strongly and directly involved with Pisces, a sign ruled by the benefic Jupiter and occupied by the Moon. This helps to indicate that death is not of a violent sort.

Saturn as Problematic

The issues with Pisces, Jupiter, and the Sun pertain chiefly to Saturn in the chart. Saturn is in a close aspect with Jupiter, an applying opposition with the Sun, and dominates Pisces. Additionally, the fact that the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn are all in dark houses (hidden issues) can be problematic. As we saw in the predictive techniques, things became problematic during a time in which the Sun-Saturn configuration was repeatedly activated in numerous ways.

Pisces, Death, and Children

It is a good time to bring up Prince’s attempts to have children. Prince has a prominent Venus and a prominent Moon. Both of these planets tend to confer children. However, Prince has no children. Why?

The 5th house is not only the 8th from Fortune but is also the Place of Death by lot, and is dominated by Saturn. We looked at the Lot of Death in relation to timing Prince’s own death, but the significance of the Lot of Death goes beyond that. It is simply an important indication of matters of death in the life. Prince actually had a son but he lived only a few weeks. Later his first wife also had a miscarriage.

Prince’s Natal Chart with Some Lots

These connections between the 5th house of children and death are not superficial. They are not apparent from a cursory glance at the chart. By looking at lots we find the Lot of Death in the 5th closely aspected by Saturn, and we find the lots of Son and Daughters (given by Valens) to both be in the 8th house.

Rumors of a possible love child continue to circulate, so I suppose time will tell if there’s a another child.

Note on 8th House: Gemini

I think Valens is on the right track to chiefly consider the 8th from Fortune in this consideration. The 8th house in general is less instructive. Gemini destroying Scorpio is much more about Gemini-like limbs (and extensions), complications, and flammability hitting upon Scorpio ruled genitals, insects, heat, aggression, and infection. We don’t see that here.

“Scorpio is destroyed by Gemini, i.e. Mars by Mercury. They die by knife cuts to the genitals or the rump, or from strangury, festering sores, choking, crawling things, violence, war, attacks by bandits, assaults of pirates, or because of officials, and by fire, impaling, attacks of beasts and crawling things.” (Valens, Book II, Ch. 41, Riley trans., 2010, p. 56)


I have written a couple articles on Hellenistic techniques for estimating the length of life. First, I did an article that surveyed early traditional length-of-life techniques. Next, I illustrated and tested those techniques on the chart of Kirk Kerkorian who lived to 98.  Often these techniques can be difficult to apply and yield conflicting results. However, let’s look at a few of these techniques relative to Prince’s chart.

Dorothean Technique

By my understanding of the Dorothean technique, Prince’s Sun qualifies as the Control in the chart. This is because the Sun is the sect light, is not cadent, and it is aspected by its house ruler (Mercury) and first triplicity lord (Saturn). However, it should be noted that the Moon is in the stronger position in the chart and she is aspected by her bound lord (Venus).

Prince’s Natal Chart

For Dorotheus death comes when the control (Sun) is directed through a bound that is ruled by or aspected by a malefic without any intervention from a benefic aspect.

Dangerous Bounds

First, let’s consider the bounds where this can happen in Prince’s chart. The Mars bound of Gemini is malefic and aspected by Saturn but it is also aspected by Jupiter (and occupied by Jupiter’s twelfth-part), which is protective. The Saturn bound of Gemini is malefic and is not protected. The Mars bound of Cancer is malefic but aspected with a trine from the Moon. The Saturn bound of Cancer is malefic and is not protected. So Prince passed two malefic bounds without death.

Prince died during the Sun’s direction through the Saturn bound of Leo in terms of true primary directions. This bound is malefic and it is only aspected by the Sun itself (sextile). Ptolemy considered a sextile to be harmful when across signs of long ascension (Gemini is short ascension but Cancer and Leo are long). But overall, without the benefit of our hindsight and knowledge of the significant role played by the Sun-Saturn opposition in death, we’d be more likely to predict death during one of the empty Saturn bounds than this one aspected by the Sun.

Prince Natal

Considering Other Controls

Still, I think our evaluation of the Sun as control is correct. Of the other possible controls/hylegs, none were directing through a malefic bound in April of 2016 except the Sun. Additionally, of them, only the Sun and Ascendant significant aspectual direction within three months of death. The direction to the Ascendant was that of the sextile of the Moon in early July of 2016 which seems much less threatening than an aspect of the Sun to itself from the Saturn bound.

Still, as I noted in my article looking at the technique relative to Kerkorian’s chart, we find that in itself it is not enough. Death does not simply come with the control’s direction to a malefic bound unaspected by a benefic. Malefic influence on the bound is necessary but not sufficient.

Directing by Ascensions

As Dorotheus directed by ascensions rather than by true primary directions, let’s consider where the Sun was at about age 57 7/8 *57.875) by ascensions. A table of the ascensional times of the signs at Prince’s birth place is below.

The Sun at birth still had 44.44% of Gemini to pass through. This equates to about 12.45 years (0.4444*28.018). Then all of Cancer equals about 36.35 years, bringing us to age 48.8.  9 years remain to bring us to the time of death. All of Leo is 39.722 years so each degree of Leo is 1.324 years. 9 years takes us about 6.8 degrees into the sign of Leo (9/1.324). This would equate to the Sun’s entrance into the Venus bound of Leo. The bound is ruled by Venus and aspected by Venus, but is not aspected by any malefic.

In conclusion, we had better results with true primary directions than with directing by ascensions. Recall that for Kirk Kerkorian too, I found that the Dorothean technique worked better with true primary directions. In that case, the control directed to a malefic bound aspected by both malefics at death.

Ptolemy’s Technique

Ptolemy’s main technique is quite similar to that of Dorotheus but uses true primary directions with an emphasis on aspectual directions rather than bounds.

Question of Control

There is a huge complicating factor with Prince’s chart. Ptolemy required the control to be in the 1st, 11th, 10th, 9th, or 7th equal house. He defined these equal houses starting 5 degrees before the Ascendant to 25 after it. In other words, the Sun will only qualify if it is within 25 degrees of the Descendant. The Ascendant is 16SCO41 and the Sun is at 16GEM40, so it is not in the 7th equal house. This calls the choice of the Sun for Ptolemy’s technique into question. The Moon also cannot be control because she is below the horizon.

Ruler of the Proper Sect

If the lights cannot be control then Ptolemy advised to consider the ruler of the proper sect. First, any control must be in one of the authoritative places. In Prince’s chart only Mercury is in an authoritative place (7th equal house). To be ruelr of the proper sect, the planet must have the most testimony (and needs at least 3 forms of testimony) over the Sun, prenatal conjunction (New Moon preceding birth), and Ascendant.

Mercury is in the place of the Sun and rules the Sun by house and as one of the triplicity lords. It also rules the bound of the Ascendant. It does not have any testimony in the place of the prenatal conjunction (27 Taurus). Venus has more testimony over these positions, as she is in the place of the prenatal conjunction and rules it, she rules the bound of the Sun, and she aspects the Ascendant. Therefore, Venus has testimony over all the sect points. However, Venus is not in one of Ptolemy’s authoritative places.

In conclusion, there is some ambiguity in Ptolemy’s technique. Do we find the ruler of the proper sect as the planet with the most testimony over the sect positions, and then see if it is authoritative? Or, by contrast, do we only consider the planets in authoritative positions and see if they qualify as ruler of the proper sect? I’m of the opinion that we find the ruler of the proper sect (Venus) which plays a significant role in the life, then we see if it can be control. By that reckoning, no planet is control so it gets assigned to the Ascendant.

Mercury as Control

Before considering the Ascendant as control, let’s consider Mercury as the control. Does a malefic direction to Mercury coincide with death? No, Mercury was directing near the end of the Saturn bound of Cancer at the time of death but Ptolemy looked at aspectual directions. There are no planets that aspect the Saturn bound of Cancer.

Prince Mercury Directions

Prince Natal

The other technique used by Ptolemy involved finding the time for the control to set. This age indication is modified by the proportional hourly times of aspecting planets. Mercury set by primary directions at age 22. Ptolemy allowed benefics and malefics that have aspects that intervene in the setting to add or subtract years. Only Mars is relevant here as intervening with an aspect (to 0 Gemini). As Mars would subtract years, we know the indication would be less than 22 years without even calculating the proportional times for Mars. Prince lived far past age 20 so this is incorrect.

Note that the Sun set by directions at age 38.5 and would also be subject to subtraction from Mars. Therefore, whether using the Sun or Mercury, the timing of their setting was not involved in the timing of death.

Ascendant as Control

When a planet cannot be control, as appears to be the case here, Ptolemy advised to use the Ascendant by day. I noted above that the Ascendant was directing through the Mercury bound of Capricorn (0-7 CAP) at the time of death. The Ascendant had passed the square of Mars without death while death came at about the time the Ascendant met the sextile of the Moon.

Ptolemy did not suggest that a sextile from the Moon could kill. Why wouldn’t death come at the Ascendant’s much more lethal square to Mars which happened 3 1/2 years prior to death? Additionally, he advised that an aspect from Venus to the 8 degrees in front of the directed point would be protective. Venus is at 7 Taurus, so she would be regarded as protective of 1 Capricorn.

In conclusion, while the Ascendant sees some action at the time of death, on the whole we find Ptolemy’s technique lacking when it comes to the timing of Prince’s death.

Valens’s Technique

Valens has a lot in common with Dorotheus when it comes to choosing the control. For our benefit, the Sun qualifies as control here because it is not cadent or in fall.

Maximum Life Span

One maximum life span is from the Sun to its square (16 Virgo). We already noted that death occurred wit the Sun’s direction to about 16 Leo by true primary directions and 6 Leo by ascensions. Therefore, Prince didn’t live to that maximum shown by 16 Virgo (~79 years by true primary directions; over 90 by ascensions).

The bound ruler of the control is Venus. However, she cannot be house ruler because a position in the 7th house is disqualifying. Additionally, Venus is turned away from the Sun (she doesn’t aspect the Sun) and she is in inoperative degrees (retreating).

Timing of Death

As with Dorotheus, Valens stressed malefic bounds and aspects, particularly when directing the control by ascensions. We’ve already looked at these factors in the material on Dorotheus. Valens stressed malefic aspects in a 7 degree span (3 degrees on either side of the degree of the directed control). However, Valens also noted anaeretic bounds, including those aspected by the Sun, Moon, or angles. Therefore, the direction of the Sun into a bound ruled by Saturn and aspected by the Sun may qualify as possibly deadly by Valens’s approach.


The timing of Prince’s death is striking from an astrological perspective. Prince was born with a Sun-Saturn opposition across his 8th and 2nd houses. He passed during his 2nd Saturn return, after a solar return with a Sun-Mars conjunction. Death occurred less than a month after Saturn stationed exactly opposite his Sun to the degree, and a few days after Mars stationed in opposition to his Sun.

The Sun-Saturn opposition was further highlighted by the primary direction of his sect light, the Sun, which is arguably the control of his chart. The Sun was directing through the bound of Saturn and in aspect to itself (the Sun). The lord of the year was also the Sun.

We entertained the possibility that Pisces played an important role in the chart when it came to describing cause of death. Whether this is due to it being the 8th place from Fortune or the place of the Lot of Death (or both) is to be determined. In a future article, I’ll look more deeply at Hellenistic techniques for delineating cause of death.

In contrast to the striking indications of our predictive tool set we find the shakier indication of the special techniques for length of life. I’ve long warned that there is quite a bit of variation among Hellenistic astrologers in their approach to length of life and that the techniques have some issues. Some of the longevity techniques show some promise that warrants further work and development. However, astrologers should not kid themselves that techniques exist which clearly and accurately spell out length of life.



Valens, V. (2010). Anthologies. (M. Riley, Trans.) (Online PDF.). World Wide Web: Mark Riley. Retrieved from

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Featured image (cropped) by nicolas genin [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Prince | Part 1: Character and Occupation

Prince Part 1: Life

Prince should require no introduction. He began his 40 year recording career by signing a contract with Warner Bros. at the young age of 18. For his debut, he played all 27 instruments on the record. His second album, Prince, released when he was only 20, went platinum. Prince’s discography is eclectic and innovative, while his persona has always been both bold and elusive.

His sudden death on April 21st, 2016 (at age 57) came as a shock to his millions of fans. He died from an accidental overdose of fentanyl, a prescription opioid pain reliever. Apparently, Prince had been struggling with opioid addiction for some time prior to the event.

In this article, I’ll be looking at a character and profession in his natal chart. I’ll also take a look at a few notable moments of his career. In the next article, Part 2, I’ll be analyzing the time of his death in terms of the symbolism of traditional predictive astrology.

Prince’s Birth Chart

Prince was born Prince Rogers Nelson on June 7, 1958 at 6:17 pm in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. His birth data has a Rodden Rating of AA (from birth record).  He was born as 16 Scorpio was rising, the Sun was at 16 Gemini, and the Moon was at 1 Pisces.

Prince’s Natal Chart

Venus as Prince’s Professional Significator

Prince has Venus in Taurus as his professional significator. As discussed in the articles on the astrology of profession, this is because Venus is in a stake and has some rulership at the first house (first triplicity lord). Mars (in VI) is also relevant for professional matters as he is in an eligible place, rules the Ascendant, and rules the bound and decan of the MC. However, note that the twelfth-part of Venus is also in X confirming her greater importance for characterizing the profession. Also noteworthy is that the twelfth-part of the Ascendant is in Taurus, Venus’s home which she occupies. I’ve discussed the use of the twelfth-parts in profession in a prior article.

Prince’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outer)

Some Notes on Character

Four particular traits help characterize Prince. First, he had a strong alignment with art and love in all its forms, from sex and fashion to the highest spiritual love of humanity. Second, he was a extremely private and elusive. Third, Prince was not afraid to stir the pot and provoke strong reactions. Fourth, he was very controlling when it came to his image and artistry.

The Loving Prince

While Prince was born during the day, all his diurnal planets are in dark houses (those that don’t aspect the Ascendant). Only Venus and the Moon are not in dark houses. Venus is particularly prominent in his chart. She is the only angular planet, she is the first triplicity ruler of the Ascendant (Scorpio), and she has her twelfth-part in the 10th house conjunct the Lot of Fortune. Venus is also in her own house (Taurus) in the 7th house of marriage and partnership. Prince’s twelfth-part Ascendant is also in Taurus with Venus. Therefore, Venus, goddess of art, beauty, sex, and love is the most personally prominent planet in Prince’s chart.

Prince Twelfth-Parts Outside Natal

Prince was also born with the Moon strongly advancing toward the IC in Pisces. Pisces is the house of Jupiter and kingdom of Venus. The Moon is also in the bound of Venus. This prominent Moon shows a focus on the subjective, emotional, humane, wild, and idiosyncratic (Moon) while reinforcing the stress on the arts, creativity, and femininity. The sign Pisces evokes the intersection of spirituality (Jupiter) and beauty (Venus). The 5th house orients it toward creative fruits. Additionally, the Moon rules the 9th house of God and travel. This connects this prominent advancing Moon with a lot of international activity as well as personal religious orientation. There are also connections between Mercury (bound lord of the Ascendant; ruler of sect light) and the 9th house.

A Few Striking Lots

One of the more striking features of Prince’s chart is that the Sun is conjunct the Lot of Love in the same degree (partile). The Lot of Love concerns relationship, alliances, and coming together in general. Coming together in alliance to take a stand for love and our humanity was a common theme in Prince’s work.

Additionally, the Moon is in partile conjunction with Prince’s Lot of Spirit, while Venus is in close conjunction with the Lot of Fortune. The Lot of Spirit pertains to mentality, social life, and goals while the Lot of Fortune pertains to health, personal life, and material circumstances. We see Prince materially seeped in the world of Venus in Taurus and mentally seeped in the world of the Moon in Pisces, while shining a spotlight (the Sun) on a dualistic Gemini Love.

Prince Natal Chart with Lots

The Private Prince

Prince was notably one of the most private celebrities. His 1st house of character is Scorpio, a sign not known for its openness. This nocturnal sign ruled by Mars tends toward introversion and peevishness, though other factors can overcome this such as a prominent Sun or Ascendant Lord. However, in Prince’s chart the Sun is in a dark house (the 8th) and the Ascendant lord, Mars, is also hiding away in a dark house (the 6th). In fact, 5 of the 7 classical planets in Prince’s chart are hidden away in dark houses. Prince would like to keep most aspects of his life hidden from view.


I have already noted that Venus and the Moon are exceptions to this. Venus particularly stands out due to her connection with his career and his character. Prince would like us to know the role of Venus in his life, and maybe the Moon, but the rest is off limits.

The fact that Mars is the domicile lord of the Ascendant and is itself in one of its own signs adds a bit of combativeness to this need for privacy. Prince didn’t just need privacy but prying or meddling in his affairs was likely to provoke some anger.

The Controversial Prince

Prince stirred up his fair share of controversy. Whether it was shaking up sexual norms, battling his record company, or defending his religious beliefs, Prince was not afraid of a fight. I think this trait is also reflective of his Mars ruled 1st house. However, it is additionally reflective of the prominence of out of sect planets in Prince’s chart. As we saw in the movie Purple Rain, Prince was not above playing a rather unsavory character, seething with jealousy and mistreating his girlfriend. The prominence of out of sect planets, including the all-important Venus, lends a sense of the revenge of the rejected or the return of the outcast mistreated by the establishment. Prince was unbelievably successful from a young age, but would continue to cast himself as the misfit and the underdog.

The Controlling Prince

The control that Prince exerted over his name and image are in the same vein as the last two traits. They follow largely from his focus on privacy and his casting himself as subject to the exploits of the establishment.

Prince’s Ascendant is a fixed sign and his Venus is also positioned in a fixed sign. While not necessarily rigid or stubborn generally, Prince was likely to be quite rigid and stubborn in relation to his works and relationships Venus, 7th, 10th) and his image (1st house).  His Mars in the 6th house made him a highly productive work horse behind the scenes, but when it came to the image and the name (1st house) it had to be protected.

Prince often saw himself as enslaved by his record company that “owned” his image and his name. This seemed to provoke a lot of animosity and ire in him. It is so vividly symbolized by his Scorpio 1st house, ruled by a Mars in the 6th house. The 1st house pertains to the image and the name. Mars adds warlike combativeness to the topic. Mars is in the 6th house of work and slaves which does not directly see the 1st house, adding a sense of disjointedness. A laboring away for a name and an image that one does not fully own. This theme would resurface at multiple points in Prince’s career.

A Few Notable Years

While this article is focused on the timing of Prince’s death, it is also presents a good opportunity to explore the timing of a few particularly notable years in his career.

Age 18 – Venus 7th House Activation

First, Prince is reported (here and here) to have signed his first record contract at age 18. 18 is very significant as it represents the annual profection to the 7th house. In Prince’s natal chart, the 7th house is ruled by and occupied by Venus. I have already noted that Venus, the planet which most pertains to the arts, is the career significator. Venus has her twelfth-part in the 10th house of actions and occupation.

Notable in the solar return for the year was the occurrence of Jupiter (fortune) and Mercury (contracts) in the house of the year (Taurus) with natal Venus. Additionally, return Venus was conjunct the Sun (authority, power, recognition).

Prince Age 18 Solar Return

Age 24 – Superstardom – 1999

It was not until the release of Prince’s 5th album, 1999, that he entered the US top ten and really became a superstar.

The album was released in October of 1982 when Prince was 24 years old. 24 is notable as a profection back to the 1st house (Scorpio), as well as an activation of the Moon (25th year) by planetary years.

Prince Age 24 Solar Return

The solar return for the year is complex. It sees Venus in return in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio (house of the year), while the Moon is in the 2nd house of money (Sagittarius). Prince’s Sun (fame) is propelled to the top of the chart with the Moon Full at the root, while the Ascendant of the return is Virgo, the 11th house of friends (fame, popularity). The lord of the year shows demands as it is with Saturn (burden), but also tying into natal Jupiter (natal occupant of Libra; money) and Venus (arts), the ruler of the house.

Prince Age 24 Solar Return Outside of Natal

Mid-Twenties: Distributors

When we consider the distributors of the Ascendant and the sect light, we find that Prince’s mid-twenties as a whole were indicated to be quite fortunate. The Ascendant was directing through the Jupiter bound of Sagittarius from when Prince was age 17.5 to almost age 33. The sect light, the Sun, was directing through the Venus bound of Cancer (which Venus herself casts rays into) from age 22.5 to about age 28.5.

Prince Distributors during his Mid-Twenties

Age 26 – Purple Rain

Shortly after Prince’s 26th birthday (in June and July of 1984) he released the album, then the film, Purple Rain. The profection was to the third house, Capricorn, as sign ruled by Saturn and not typically associated with fortunate happenings. However, as luck would have it, Jupiter was transiting in Capricorn (in the Jupiter bound of the sign) at the time of the solar return. This return also saw another Venus-Sun conjunction prominent on an angle.

Prince Age 26 Solar Return

Saturn, on the other hand, was conjunct Mars in the return in Scorpio, Prince’s 1st house of character and identity. The image did much for characterizing how Prince would be perceived by the public. Prince actually presented himself as a somewhat fragile, somewhat cruel, and always controversial figure. This image was in line with Saturn and Mars, both retrograde, in Scorpio in the return. The figure is that of an artist damaged by an alcoholic father (Saturn in water), mistreating his adoring girlfriend (Mars in water), and seething with jealousy over his rivalry with another musician (Scorpio).

The movie was the most risky proposition of Prince’s career. Its soundtrack album was his magnum opus.

Prince Age 26 SR Outside of Natal

Age 34 – Birth of the Symbol

Prince had a career full of rocky relations with his record companies and contractual spite. His 14th album, released in fall of 1992 bore a symbol on it which he termed the Love Symbol. The album would end up being his most commercially successful since Purple Rain.

Due to increasing issues with his record company, Warner Bros., he changed his name to the same symbol in 1993. He claimed that he was a slave to Warner Bros. who owned his name “Prince”.

Prince was 34, so it was another profection to his 11th house of friends, networking, and fame.  Fittingly, Prince’s 11th house, Virgo, is ruled by Mercury (duality, symbolism). The solar return was marked by a Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo. Solar return Mercury was at 24 Gemini, the position of the twelfth-part of his natal Jupiter. All in all, following on the heels of a hit record, this publicity stunt of symbolism was very successful in generating quite a bit of publicity.

Prince Age 34 Solar Return


While one could easily go on to look at many more notable years in Prince’s life and career, I have to leave it here for now. Prince’s chart shows the activity of a prominent and powerful, but out of sect Venus. Prince always made art and celebrated love on his own terms. This many with Scorpio rising and Gemini Sun ever remained an enigma in the public eye. Secretive and at times even a little peevish, Prince was a working man behind the scenes and meticulously original in all his artistic undertakings.

In the next article, we’ll take an in depth look at the timing of his unexpected sudden death at age 57 in 2016.


Featured Image Attribution

Featured image by jimi hughes from ballymena, n ireland – [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Current Events | Tiger Woods in a Return to Form

Tiger Woods

A few days ago, on April 14th, 2019, Tiger Woods won his first major championship in over 10 years. After a scandal pertaining to an affair broke in late 2009, Tiger’s career ebbed toward a low point. Over the last 10 years his performances have been marred by a series of injuries. Therefore, the recent win at the Master’s Tournament is an important turning point in his career. I’ll be examining the event in the context of traditional predictive techniques.

Tiger was born on 12/30/1975 at 10:50 pm in Long Beach, CA. This birth data has an AA Rodden rating (from birth record).


Tiger Woods’s Natal Chart

Mars as Planet of Actions

By the traditional approach to analysis of profession in the chart, Mars is Woods’s planet of action. This is because Mars is in the 10th place. It is the best placed of the potential indicators.

Mars is indicative of a competitive profession with a possible physical component, so it is fitting for an athlete. Mars is in Gemini in its own bound (and decan).  Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury, so the symbolism is fitting for a profession that is focused on delicate precision (Mercury) and a small air-borne ball subject to the whims of the wind.

Mars, Mercury, and the Lights

The rulers of the Ascendant show personal inclination and identification. The Mars bound of Virgo, nocturnal house of Mercury, was rising at birth. Therefore, we see a strong identification with the symbolism of Mars and Mercury in the chart. Tiger was even born on the day of Mars and the hour of Mercury.

Tiger Woods Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outside)

Mars is in sect, prominent by place, and aspected by the sect light (Moon) and by a superior Jupiter to which it applies. By this Mars is associated with good fortune and importance, especially as concerns the career (10th house). Mars’s ruler, Mercury is in the 5th house of good fortune, with the Sun and the twelfth-part of Mars. That twelfth-part of Mars is in its sign of exaltation (Capricorn). Additionally, the Sun is antiscia the Moon (both are about 8 degrees from 0 Capricorn). Therefore, we have multiple indications of the importance of Mars in career matters and its link to publicity and fortune.

Planetary Years

The planetary years of Mars are 15. Therefore, at about age 15 and multiples of that, there are activations of Mars by planetary years. Interestingly, at age 15 Tiger Woods became the youngest U.S. Junior Amateur champion (a record broken 20 years later).

His 30th year (age 29) and age 30 were more complex, due to the activation of the planetary years of Saturn at 30. He regained his spot as the top golfer but his father’s death (Saturn in XII ruling the Sun), he took a little time off. He came back strong at age 30, breaking tour records for wins.

The next couple years will see similar activations as Woods hits his 45th year and age 45.

Mars-Jupiter Years

As Jupiter is in a close superior applying aspect to Mars, Mars-Jupiter combinations should mark favorable periods. These periods correspond to combinations of 15 (Mars) and 12, the years of Jupiter.

Woods’s first hot streak coincided with ages 26-27 (27th year and age 27). He hit something of a high point in 2002 with a decline afterward in 2003-2004.

Mars-Jupiter combinations by planetary years are not noteworthy at this time (age 43). However, understanding the way such activiations manifest can be informative when using other predictive techniques.


Planetary years were also combined with the ascensional times of signs for activations of planets in signs. Woods is currently 43 years old (44th year). About age 44 will coincide with activation of Mars in Gemini. This is because the ascensional time of Gemini for his place of birth is 29.5, which together with the 15 years of Mars is 44.5.

Tiger Woods’s Ascensional Times

Annual Profection

Age 43 is a profection to the 8th house. For Tiger this is an annual profection to the 8th house, Aries, occupied by Jupiter. Mars is the ruler of the sign and so becomes lord of the year. Therefore, we see an emphasis on the Mars-Jupiter configuration in the annual profection.

Tiger Woods Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outside)

Solar Return

The last solar return features Jupiter in Sagittarius strongly advancing with Mercury. Return Mercury is conjunct the natal Moon. Return Mars is at 29 Pisces, just about to enter the sign of the annual profection, and with a twelfth-part that is in the 1st house of the return. Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury are the only three planets of the return in stakes of the natal chart, indicating their importance for events of the year.


Tiger Woods’s 2018 Solar Return

Unfortunately, there is also some difficulty possibly shown in the return as the Sun applies a close conjunction with Saturn. Still, neither Saturn nor the Sun are particularly highlighted by time lord techniques at this time.


The transits on the day of his win are very telling.

Augusta Masters Transits April 14th 2019

The Sun, indicative of publicity and recognition, was in the sign of the annual profection (24 Aries) and in partile trine to Jupiter (24 Sagittarius). The Moon (21 Leo) applied in a grand trine to both transiting Jupiter and the Sun that afternoon.

Tiger Woods Transits to Natal April 14 2019

Comparing the transits with the natal chart we can see that Jupiter was transiting conjunct Tiger’s Moon, Mars was in return, and Mercury and Venus were transiting on Woods’s descendant.

For me the most striking indications pertained to the grand fire trine and the Mars return. The fire trine involved the Lights and Jupiter, configured with Tiger’s own Moon and Jupiter. It indicates recognition and good fortune, setting off indications of such in Tiger’s natal chart and solar return. The Mars return in the 10th house highlights that this event is about Tiger coming back into his own in terms of professional performance.


Image Attribution

Featured image of Tiger Woods at the 2018 US Open by
Peetlesnumber1 [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Current Events | Fire at Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral Transits

Update 4/16/19:

Note that some sources say the first signs of a fire appeared around 6:20-6:25 pm local time. These times would put the first or second degree of Libra on the Ascendant of the event. This is even more striking! The twelfth-part of Mars rising conjunct the antiscia of Mercury would coincide with the first awareness of the fire.

Notre-Dame de Paris

Notre-Dame de Paris is one of the most famous cathedrals in the world. This Catholic cathedral is a marvel of French Gothic architecture from the High Middle Ages. Victor Hugo’s 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, was set at the cathedral. Hugo’s novel planted the cathedral vividly in the imagination. In our times, it is the most visited monument in Paris.

Unfortunately, on the 15th of April, 2019, just before 6:50 pm local time, it caught on fire. The cathedral was significantly damaged. It lost its spire and two-thirds of its roof in the blaze.

Notre-Dame Fire

Transits at the Start of the Fire

Astrologers have puzzled over the indications coinciding with the events, pouring over the transits coinciding with the event. Here, I’ll be examining the transits from the start of the blaze using traditional factors.

In traditional astrology, major events are not signaled through the strength of the transits involved. One should examine developments from a hierarchy of mundane charts centered on ingresses and lunations preceding the event. Additionally, one would also want to examine the chart of the building’s founding (if known).

Moon-Mars Square at the Mars Hour of a Moon Day

In the matter of any fire, an astrologer should first look to Mars. Mars is traditionally the “hot” malefic symbolizing fiery destruction and violence. Additionally, it is the Moon which holds the key for the final timing of important earthly events.

In Hellenistic astrology, the Moon applies to a planet when she is within her daily motion from exactly aspecting it (about 13 degrees). The fire happened as the Moon was directly applying to Mars (about 6 degrees). The aspect is a square which is itself an aspect of the nature of Mars, eventful, tense, and overly energized. Mars is in the superior position – a superior square is said to “dominate” or “overcome” the inferior planet. Therefore, the Moon applies to a Mars that dominates her.

Notre-Dame Fire Moon-Mars


Mars is in an air sign. the Mars-air combination is symbolic of fire itself (gaseous destructive heat).  It is in a dualistic sign which is unpredictable. Mars is in the bound of Jupiter, planet of religion, and opposes Jupiter by sign. It is very symbolic of the fire that the Moon should apply to a Mars oriented toward air, unpredictability, and opposition to Jupiter.

Moon Day, Mars Hour

The planetary ruler of the day of the event was the Moon, highlighting its configurations for the day. Interestingly, the ruler of the hour was Mars. The Moon-Mars square was highlighted.

I’ve addressed the importance of planetary days and hours as time lords in Hellenistic astrology in a previous article.

Mars on the Bull’s Eye

The fire started with Mars at 10 Gemini conjunct the fixed star Aldebaran. Aldebaran is literally the star that marks the bull’s eye of the constellation Taurus. Anonymous of 379 noted that this star is of the nature of Mars (destruction/fire) and Venus (arts/beauty).

Mars on the bull’s eye, a star pertaining to both Venus and Mars himself is a cogent initial symbol of the cathedral fire. Notre-Dame Fire Fixed Stars

Mars-Saturn Contra-Antiscia

When Mars reached 10 Gemini, something else happened as well. Mars and Saturn became equidistant from the starting point of the zodiac, 0 Aries. Mars at 10 Gemini is 70 degrees from 0 Aries, as is Saturn at 20 Capricorn. These are degrees of equal ascension, also known as contra-antiscia.

Contra-antiscia is an important traditional planetary configuration on par with degree-based aspects. I have discussed contra-antiscia’s history in an article on traditional symmetrical configurations. When one uses a chart of antiscia positions, contra-antiscia shows up as an opposition between the planets.

Notre-Dame Fire with Antiscia Positions (outer)

The contra-antiscia of Mars and Saturn involves both malefics, fiery violence (Mars) and unfortunate collapse (Saturn). It also involves the lunar nodes, as Saturn was transiting on the South Node at the time. The nodes are the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and Moon, where the eclipses take place. As they are the eclipsing points, they were traditionally viewed as malefic and powerful.

Sun-Moon and Venus-Ascendant Antiscia

You may have noticed some additional interesting configurations by antiscia in the chart above. At the time of the start of the blaze the Moon conjoined the antiscion of the Sun, while the Ascendant conjoined the antiscion of Venus. These connections highlight publicity and importance (Sun and Moon) as well as the involvement of a work of beauty (Venus).

Notre-Dame Fire with Antiscia (outer)

Twelfth-Parts of Mars and Saturn

We’ve seen the very important role played by antiscia positions. Another subtle but very significant factor is the twelfth-part positions of the planets. The twelfth-parts are subdivisions of each sign into 12 micro-signs. They have been used since Babylonian times. For some Hellenistic astrologers they were regarded as a necessity for accurate chart examination. I regard them as so important that I find them mentally when I look at any chart.

The fire started just as the Moon conjoined the twelfth-part of Saturn (at 4 Virgo). Additionally, the twelfth-part of Mars is in Libra, so its rising was something of an ignition point. Some have reported to me that the fire actually started at about 6:25 pm which is when 2 Libra (twelfth-part of Mars) was right on the Ascendant. Additionally, see the antiscia chart above, as 2 Libra is also the antiscia of Mercury. The Moon’s own twelfth-part was also in Libra, opposing the Sun in Aries.

Notre-Dame Fire with Twelfth-Parts (outer)


Transits are rather ephemeral. One should not attempt to predict mundane events on the basis of transits at any given moment. This is because transits realize a potential promised in more important root charts, including foundation charts, ingresses, and lunations. Nevertheless, the transits of the moment of a major event tend to be vividly symbolic, as we find here.

The transits at the time of the Notre-Dame fire highlight the important role played by Mars and the Moon. They also highlight the significance of fixed stars, antiscia, and twelfth-parts. These are traditional factors too often overlooked, especially in transit analysis today.

Image Attributions

Featured image (cropped by me) is of Detail of the west facade of Notre-DameParis, France by Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “Paris, Notre Dame — 2014 — 1477” / CC BY-SA 4.0

Photo of the fire by LeLaisserPasserA38 [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons