Maya Angelou’s Venus in Pisces and Much More


Maya Angelou lived a very complex and noteworthy life. She experienced life’s lowest lows and highest highs, keeping her humanity in tact along the way. Because he life has such low lows and high highs, and a well-timed birth chart is available for her, her chart is instructive one for understanding the complexity of significations.

Maya Angelou was born on 04/04/1928 at 2:10 pm (standard time) in St. Louis, Missouri. Her birth time is said to be from a birth record (AA rodden rating).

Note About Objectives

I read Angelou’s debut novel, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” when in my late teens. Additionally, I had the pleasure of seeing a lecture by her about 15-20 years ago. I recall that she emphasized the importance of letting those around us know we love them. She also discussed how all women can tap into the feeling of sexiness no matter their appearance. As the experience was long ago, much of the biographical information about Angelou’s life which I discuss, has been gleaned from online sources.

In this article I’ll explore the complex way that her chart reflects important points in her life. There are lessons on the site which explore the symbolism and this symbolic approach to astrology. My objective is to show how timing techniques enable us to better evaluate competing interpretations of factor meanings.

In Angelou’s chart this is particularly instructive. Her highs and lows were documented in an earnest fashion across seven autobiographies. She also has an exalted Venus and a Mercury in fall. These are particularly pivotal planets in her chart, as she is someone known particularly for her writing (Mercury), as well as art, entertainment, and sexuality (Venus).

Ages of Man

I recently completed an article that broadly surveys her life using the Ages of Man technique. In that article, it was clear that she was quite vulnerable and downtrodden during her Mercury and Venus periods of her youth. The solar period found Angelou much more empowered, as a globe-trotting entertainer and activist. The Mars period saw a full transition to very active writer and poet. We will consider again the Venus period in this article.

Future Articles?

Here I will particularly focus on some strong activations of Venus in Angelou’s life. The major activations of Venus in Angelou’s youth coincided with some of the most difficult events of her life. Perhaps at some point n the future, I’d like to look at many of the other planets in her chart in greater depth, especially Mercury.

Angelou is known for her wisdom (Jupiter), personal triumphant story (Sun ruling 1st house), and fight for civil rights (Mars) as much as for her art (Venus) and writing (Mercury). All of these things are, however, strongly related to each other in her chart (Jupiter rules Mercury-Venus and is conjunct the Sun; Mars rules Sun-Jupiter).  I hope to show the distinctiveness of some of these complex indications.

Venus Exalted and Afflicted

The significations of Venus have been prominent in many of the most important difficult events of her life, but also some of the good ones. Angelou was raped at the age of 7 1/2 by a boyfriend of her mother. Also, later as a young adult she worked as a sex worker and a pimp at different points. Venus is the planet of sexuality.

Maya Angelou is also known as an artist and entertainer. Venus rules her 10th house of actions, recognition, and profession. Venus is symbolic of artists and entertainers.

In this article, I want to start by zeroing in on Angelou’s Venus. It is all too easy to associate the successes in Angelou’s life with Venus’s exaltation. How do we untangle the complicated mix of a planet’s significations, anyway? Timing techniques enable us to separate out and distinguish many of the different, often even contradictory, indications of a planet by what is activated at different points in time. Here we will focus on the significations of Angelou’s Venus for her early life experiences.

Dignity Interpretation

Angelou has Venus in Pisces, the sign of its exaltation. I’ve noted in many articles on dignity and in some on sexuality, that reinforcement by dignity tends to make the planet’s natural significations a bit more prominent (raised up in prominence) in the life.

This is different from the way that dignity is typically interpreted, where it signifies social or political value (high status) or associates the signification with gain or pleasure (benefic). Rather, my interpretation is that exaltation is making the significations of Venus, both natural (sex, art) and accidental (8th house, rulership of X and III, aspects, etc.) a bit more prominent in the life.

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel


Since my work on dignity many years ago, I’ve noticed that it has generally become less emphasized in traditional astrology. I’ve also noticed that when it is emphasized, it is at least re-interpreted. While these are positive developments, some of the reinterpretations have also been concerning.

One of the more popular recent reinterpretations of dignity is that positive dignity shows something coming easy or naturally, while negative dignity shows something that one struggles with. I would caution against this interpretation. It is actually a re-working of the interpretation of dignity as benefic. Many of the arguments I’ve made in the past against the benefic/malefic interpretation of dignity apply also to this interpretation.


The interpretation also tends to diminish the accomplishments of those with planets in dignity.  If, for instance, a writer has Mercury in fall and becomes a great writer, then it is seen to be due to their own perseverance against adversity. However, the same writer with Mercury in dignity supposedly just had it come easy. When one is successful, it is then attributed to dignity (easy talent) or negative dignity (improvement through struggle) when “success” itself is reflected by other factors in the chart, such as those pertaining to eminence. Therefore, too much is attributed to dignity or negative dignity in disservice to actually reading the chart.

Up and Down

When it comes to exaltation and fall, there are some special considerations. Fall was the only sort of “negative dignity” for most Hellenistic astrologers. Exaltation has a sense of raising up and fall of bringing down or depressing. These need not be benefic or malefic in signification. Rather it is again keeping with the interpretation of dignity that I advocate, pertaining to prominence; a type of raising up and putting it out there vs. a type of bringing it down and hiding it away. The planet in exaltation has its matters made more prominent in some way in the life, while the planet in fall may signify a type of being brought low, suppressed, or hidden.

As planets are in signs for extended periods, these are weak significations in themselves. However, when there are multiple similar indications then they can become more significant.

Exaltation as a Form of Prominence

Exaltation does not make significations better, easier, more beneficial, or more socially or politically normative. For example, both Jeffrey Epstein (Venus at 16 Pisces in partile conjunction with Mars) and Harvey Weinstein (Venus at 4 Pisces conjunct the twelfth-part of Saturn) were born with Venus in exaltation.  Sexual circumstances in their lives, like those in the life of Angelou, became quite prominent. As Venus was also strongly connected with malefics, these circumstances tended to pertain to adverse circumstances (not “dignified” ones).

This is not to say that Angelou’s Venus has no benefic significations. All planets in any chart have both positive and negative indications. It is just that the positive or benefic associations of Venus do not necessarily pertain to “exaltation”. Rather, they include being a benefic herself and being ruled by Jupiter (and having a twelfth-part in Jupiter’s bound) among other things. Distinguishing the positive and negative associations of a planet in the chart is very important as different types of meaning will be activated at different times.

In any case, exaltation applies to a planet over a prolonged period of time (in theory one-twelfth the population could have Venus exalted). Therefore, it should be considered an overall relatively weak indication of prominence. Always look for repeat indications of any particular meaning in the natal chart and through predictive techniques.

Turning to Venus in Angelou’s Early Life

Venus and the 7th House in Angelou’s Chart

When it comes to the rape at age 7 1/2 and other such adverse sexual events we are most interested in Venus and the 7th house. This is because Venus is the natural significator of sexuality and the 7th house is the house of sexuality. Some also associate the 5th house with sexuality (it is the Joy of Venus), making the 5th possibly also relevant.

The adverse symbolic associations with Venus in the chart include her being out of sect, in the 8th house (a dark house), in the bound of Mars, domination by Saturn which closely aspects by superior square, and her twelfth-part in Scorpio which is the Place of Affliction in her chart and ruled by Mars.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

The 7th house also has its share of adverse indications. Mars, the out of sect malefic, is present in the 7th house and is in the bound and home of Saturn. It (Mars) rules and squares the twelfth-part of Venus from the 7th house. The twelfth-part of Mars is in the dark 6th house, pertaining to health and accidents, opposite the twelfth-part of Saturn. Mars also connects its significations of violent adversity to the Moon (her twelfth-part is in the 7th). The partile conjunct between Mars and the Lot of Spirit is also noteworthy.

In conclusion, Venus has a lot of adverse meanings in the natal chart pertaining particularly to her location and aspect with Saturn, but also associations with Mars in the Place of Affliction. The adverse associations with the 7th house itself are primarily through Mars, but also its ruler Saturn.

Age 7-8 : Rape, Death, and the Start of Silence

One of the most well-known and pivotal events in Angelou’s life was her rape recounted in her first book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In multiple interviews, Angelou has stated that she was 7 1/2 to almost 8 when the rape occurred. The event and its aftermath altered her life forever.

Angelou was raped at nearly 8 years old by her mother’s boyfriend. Shortly after telling her family, the man was beaten to death. The rape was extremely traumatic for Angelou but the death of the rapist was as well. She believed he was killed due to her reporting the rape to her family. This tormented her as she came to view her own voice as responsible. She in turn went nearly mute for about the next 5-6 years. She spoke sparingly, only with her brother, during those years.

The events bring forth much of the symbolism of the Venus-Mercury conjunction (sexuality; voice) in the 8th house (death) in a mute sign (Pisces) sharply squared by Saturn (death, muting), ruler of the 7th house.

Planetary Years: Venus

The 8th year (age 7) and age 8 are interesting as 8 is the planetary years of Venus. Therefore, the 8th year represents an activation of Venus by planetary years. This points to the significations of Venus as particularly important when it came to events of the time. This indication fits well with the events of the year.

Profection: Pisces 8th House

The annual profection at age 7 is to the 8th house (age 0 is the 1st house). Therefore, the rape occurred at a time when the annual profection was to Pisces, her 8th house, occupied by Mercury and Venus, ruled by Jupiter. Therefore, the year of the rape was not only reflected by the activation of Venus by planetary years, but also symbolized by the activation of the 8th house Venus in Pisces by profection.

The annual profection puts a clear focus on the themes of death, harm, and idleness (8th house, superior square of Saturn, Mercury-Venus in bound of Mars), as well as their relation to sexuality (Venus) and communication (Mercury). Additionally, as we’ll see, after and out of the harm of the 8th house comes an escape to a vast world of wisdom and sense of identity (Jupiter as ruler, in 9th conjunct Sun, ruler of 1st).

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

It is also notable that the profection coincided with Maya briefly living with her mother. The rape occurred due to this brief stint of living with her mother and was at the hands of her mother’s boyfriend at the time. The 8th house, Pisces, is the Lot of the Mother.

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

Solar Return: Age 7

The meanings that are reinforced become clearer in the solar return for age 7.


Angelou Age 7 Solar Return as Transits Around the Natal Chart

Saturn in Pisces

Transiting Saturn had entered Pisces, the sign of the year. This was an activation of the dominating square from Saturn to the 8th house, and particularly to the Mercury-Venus conjunction.

Mars in Partile Opposition to Jupiter, Lord of the Year

The lord of the year, Jupiter was in Scorpio, the natal Place of Affliction, conjunct the natal twelfth-part of Venus, and opposed by return Venus, putting a focus again on Venusian events. When it comes to Jupiter natally, the capacity for upset to Jupiter is through Mars, as Mars is the out of sect malefic and rules Jupiter’s house (Aries). The return Jupiter is similarly “subject to” Mars, being located in Scorpio.

Natally, Jupiter, the lord of the year, is in very bad shape. Mars, the out of sect malefic, is in the return at 16 Libra retrograde, applying a partile opposition to natal Jupiter at 16 Aries. The position of Mars in Libra is significant for other reasons as well. Libra is a house of Venus and is the location of the Moon, indicative of the body.  The rMars conjunct natal Moon also reflects the natal twelfth-part Moon with Mars in the 7th house (bodily harm in the house of sexuality).

Additionally, those with a good sense for twelfth-parts will realize that the position of Mars at 16LIB27 actually has its twelfth-part at 17 Aries, conjunct natal Jupiter.

In conclusion, we see an emphasis on the conflictive and malefic side of the Mars-Jupiter relationship. This is very significant as Jupiter is the lord of the year. Jupiter is also the ruler of the Mercury-Venus conjunction, so both the conjunction and its ruler are afflicted in the return.

Angelou Age 7 Solar Return as Transits Around the Natal Chart

Venus in Focus

I’ve noted a few ways in which Venus was in focus for the year, from the activation by planetary years, to the activation of the 8th house by profection. The solar return greatly intensifies this focus on Venus. It also reinforces what I’ve said about being wary of interpreting dignity as ease or beneficence.

The solar return had the Moon rising and conjoining Venus in Taurus, with the actual bound of Venus on the Ascendant. Additionally, the degree of return Venus is 17 Taurus, the same degree as Angelou’s MC. This is a “status” changing year, but not for the better. Saturn’s twelfth-part in the return also falls in Taurus by the Ascendant (5PIS47 -> 9TAU), again reinforcing the Saturn-Venus natal configuration.

Maya Angelou Age 7 Solar Return


Of course, looking beyond the Saturn-Venus indications, we find that the Saturn-Mercury indications are also in focus for the year. Mercury is in return in the 8th house, while Saturn is also there. Due to the tight applying Mercury-Venus conjunction in the natal chart, the significations of both planets are often strongly related to each other. Return Saturn and return Mercury together in Pisces further emphasize the themes of suppression and muteness associated with natal Mercury in Pisces square Saturn.

Angelou Age 7 Solar Return as Transits Around the Natal Chart

Primary Directions: Saturn to the Moon

The primary directions for the period are revealing as Saturn (by sextile) directed to the natal Moon. This connects Saturn’s significations of affliction to the personal life and sexuality. The Moon is located in the house of Venus and has her twelfth-part in the 7th house with Mars in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn. Saturn’s difficulties pertain particularly to sex, communication and death due to Saturn’s square to the 8th house Venus-Mercury).

Angelou Age 7-8 Primary Directions

Aftermath of Experience

I’d like to take a moment to note the transformative effect that the year had on Angelou. The events were traumatic on multiple levels and would drive her to become a near mute. However, over the subsequent years, Angelou would immerse herself in reading and writing. She would also meet a teacher, Mrs. Flowers, who would become a pivotal role model, eventually coaxing her to start talking again at age 13.

Much of the aftermath is reflected by the natal Sun-Jupiter conjunction in the 9th house and the Moon in the third (female school teacher). The beneficial aftermath consisting of near constant reading and writing would transition to more difficult periods in her late teens and early twenties. Note that the period from age 4 to age 14 is the period of Mercury, planet of communication and study, in the Ages of Man (see below).

Age 14-22: Teen Pregnancy and Struggles

Ages 14-22 are interesting when looking at Venus. Ptolemy viewed the ages of 14-22 as particularly tied into the symbolism of Venus. A scheme that he noted called the Ages of Man creates a set of correspondences between the planets and stages in every person’s life. In this scheme, Venus is representative of the late adolescence, a time puberty puts sexuality and relating into focus and one physically transitions into an adult.

This is a time lord technique used by Ptolemy for sketching the broad outlines of the life. You can find Ptolemy’s full explanation of the Ages of Man in Book IV of Ch. 10 of his Tetrabiblos (follow the link).

For Maya Angelou, these years were some of the darkest in her life, as detailed in her second autobiography, Gather Together in My Name. The period is marked by teen pregnancy, dropping in and out of school, despair, suicidal thoughts, and resorting to crime, even prostitution to survive.

Age 14: Moves in With Mother

At age 14, kicking off the Venus years, Angelou moved from her grandmother, who had raised her since age 3, to her mother in San Francisco. This would have been an annual profection to the 3rd house, Libra, ruled by Venus, and occupied by the Moon. The symbolism of the chart fits, as the Moon, in her Joy in the 3rd, is very symbolic of Angelou’s mother. This would have been the first profection to the house occupied by the Moon since Maya moved in with her grandmother 11 years prior.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Age 15 or 16: First Black Streetcar Conductor

Around age 15 or 16, Angelou became the first black streetcar conductor in San Francisco. This was a job she was very proud of. It is sometimes reported as happening in 1943 (she turned 15 in 1943) and at other times in 1944 (she turned 16 that year), and typically reported as when she was 16. As she got pregnant when she was 16, I’m guessing that this event took place when she was 15, during the profection to Scorpio, occupied by the twelfth-parts of Mercury and Venus, significant for a job (Venus ruled 10th) pertaining to street cars (Mercury).

Age 16: Teen Pregnancy

Angelou’s Venusian troubles didn’t end at age 8. She got pregnant at age 16 (another activation of Venus by planetary years; 2 x 8) by a neighborhood boy, and gave birth to her first and only child at age 17.  Note that age 16 was an activation of the Sagittarius 5th house of children by profection (occupied by Saturn), and age 17 of Capricorn (Saturn as lord of the year).

The solar return for age 16 sees Saturn at 21 Gemini, opposite natal Saturn within 3 degrees. It also sees Venus at 22 Pisces, in exact return within 2 degrees. The lord of the year, Jupiter, a planet that confers children, is transiting through the 1st house of the body and closely trine its natal position. Clyde, who later went by Guy, was to be her only child.

Maya Angelou’s Solar Return at Age 16 as Transits Around Natal Chart

Venus as Distributor: Ages 16-28

The teen pregnancy was not just an activation of Venus by planetary years. It also occurred just after the distributor changed to Venus for the first time. The distributor of the Ascendant had been Mercury since about age 7 1/2, around the time of the rape and the silence. At about age 16, it switched to Venus.

Maya Angelou’s Distributors of the Ascendant Over the Entire Life

The period which began with the pregnancy, also included the desperate years of her late teens and early twenties, as well as her first marriage, and the start of her entertainment career. We see darker elements of the Venusian signification during the Venus developmental years (by Ages of Man), while themes switch to marriage, publicity, and travel in relation to entertainment during the solar ones.

Ages 17-21: Struggles and Criminality

In the late 1940’s, as a young adult (about age 17-21) she worked odd jobs to support her child. This included exotic dancing in night clubs and even serving as a madam and sometime prostitute at a brothel.

Using the Ages of Man technique, we find that the Venus developmental years are largely marked by obscure struggle to survive; a desperation to make a living and support her son. She came face-to-face with poverty, racism, and having to resort to crime to survive, even resorting to prostitution. Almost as soon as the period ended, circumstances changed for the better.

This is the contrast between the heavily afflicted Venus and the very strong and prominent Sun which is conjunct Jupiter. Angelou married a Greek sailor who was an aspiring musician, at age 23, just after the Sun period started. Her and her husband immersed themselves in the study and performance of dance and music. She also changed her name from Marguerite Johnson to Maya Angelou. This change involved her childhood nickname of Maya, together with a modified version of her Greek husband’s last name Angelos.

Age 26: The Venus-Pisces Activation

While the activation of the exalted Venus at age 8 by planetary years was tragic, we may suppose that this was an isolated incident. Perhaps activation of Venus together with the sign that she is exalted in (Pisces) would produce a much different scenario.

One traditional Hellenistic means of looking at an activation of the planet together with the sign is to look at the planetary years of Venus plus the rising time of the sign. The rising time for Pisces in her chart is 18.57 years, which together with the 8 planetary years of Venus is 26.57 years. What happened at about age 26 in Angelou’s life?

Rising Times of the Signs at Angelou’s Birth

Marriage Dissolution

In 1954, at age 25 or 26, Angelou got divorced from her first husband and briefly went back to exotic dancing (1954-1955). This was a difficulty and a setback, keeping with the symbolism of Venus in her chart. It was also a liberation that would make way for her career as a traveling entertainer.

There are some important significations related to the combination of the solar significations of the development period (by Ages of Man) and the Venusian significations of the Venus in Pisces activation. Actually, age 26, the 27th year, is also an activation of the Sun-Venus relationship by planetary years (19+8). One point of contention in the marriage (Venus) was religion (Sun-Jupiter in IX), as her husband was an atheist. Additionally, just after the marriage dissolved, Angelou didn’t just feel freer to worship (Sun-Jupiter in IX) but also to travel as an entertainer (Venus ruled by Jupiter in IX).

Career Takes Off

Starting at age 26, Angelou joined a production of Porgy and Bess which toured Europe. This was one of the highlights of her early entertainment career. While she didn’t complete the entire tour due to a need to return to her son, she visited 22 countries over about a year’s time. It was a significant time for career, travel, and Venus.

Profection to Libra

I’ve already noted how the Sun-Jupiter in IX and Venus in Pisces fit into the equation. However, the annual profection continues the themes of Venus and travel. The profection was to the 3rd house, Libra, occupied by the Moon and ruled by Venus. The Moon and the 3rd are both significant for journeys, while the ruler, Venus, lord of the year, signifies the arts and entertainment. The twelfth-part of Jupiter is also in Libra conjunct the Moon, further reinforcing the themes noted by other indications.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Age 26 Solar Return

The solar return for age 26 shows the divorce and separation from child (she didn’t take her son on tour), as well as the career focus and glory. First of all, 19 Scorpio rises in the return, putting a focus on Maya’s 4th house and her twelfth-part Venus (20 Scorpio). Saturn is transiting in the natal 4th house at the return, indicating a break-up and ending of the home life. This is further reinforced by a partile opposition between the Moon in the 7th house of the return and Saturn in the return 1st house.

Maya Angelou’s Age 26 Solar Return

Libra, the sign of the year is occupied by only the Lot of Fortune (and twelfth-part of return Mercury at 8 Libra). It is unafflicted by the malefics. Venus is lord of the year, and in the return she is opposed to Saturn. I take this as showing a separation from (Saturn and opposition) the difficult home life (Saturn transiting through 4th), through entertainment career (Venus transiting in X) and travel (Moon with Venus in X; natal Moon and twelfth-part Jupiter in Libra III).

Maya Angelou’s Age 26 Solar Return as Transits Around Natal Chart

A Complicated Web

The return Jupiter graces natal Venus with a very tight (within a degree) applying inferior square from the natal 11th house. All in all, we find a very mixed year. The significations of Venus for family and partnership are clobbered by Saturn. Return Mars has a superior square to Pisces which also plays out a return to some of the 8th house Venus themes of sexual exploitation. However, as a stripper she is discovered by a production company and her entertaining career hits a new high.

The distinct career benefit orientation of Venus is shown by return Venus (and her twelfth-part) in X, finally calling the shots in that house sheReadability rules. Therefore, there is a distinct polarity between career success and family upheaval playing out. The malefic reign in the lower chart and the benefics up high.


What can we gather about exaltation from all this? On the one hand, the activation of sign and planet together coincided with some Venusian lows, including divorce and a return to stripping. Yet, on the other hand, it coincided with Venusian highs of career opportunity (Venus ruled 10th) and globe trotting as an entertainer.

Again, I would argue that chiefly what we see is that an exalted Venus is one in which the sign gives the planet more prominence. The activation by sign + years brought forth an explosion of important themes represented by Venus in the chart. An annual profection to Libra certainly reinforced these. However, this is a very complex Venus, and one quite loaded with symbolism of affliction. Many of the themes of affliction through Saturn were reinforced for marriage and home life. At the same time, many beneficial significations follow from Jupiter in the natal chart and its relation to Venus.

Raised Up

It is important to first consider the role Jupiter may be playing. That is, before crediting “exaltation” with all manor of benefit as astrologers are apt to do. The profection falls to Jupiter’s twelfth-part and Jupiter in the return aspects natal Venus within a degree. Natal Jupiter in the 9th conjunct the Sun (recognition, fame) also accords with the nature of the travel and significant opportunities of the year.

In the sense of being “raised up” to prominence, perhaps the exaltation can signify more. As I’ve noted before, it signifies weakly in itself. Planets are continuously in a sign over an extended period, so the signal is not very distinctive. Still, we may see a broader signification of raising up in some sense. In this case, a raised up signification is reinforced by Jupiter, which also signifies loftiness, and return Venus in the 10th house, the loftiest of houses. Angelou was literally raised out of her home and circumstances to tour the world for entertainment (Venus-Moon in X).

A Note on 1965 and the Sign+Planet Technique

Very few astrologers today use symbolic techniques like planetary years and rising times of signs. However, I think they are missing out. For instance, combining rising times with planetary years, we might also want to focus on the time that is about the 37th year and the age 37, 1965. That year combines the planetary years of Mars (15) with its natal house Aquarius (22.18 years), as well as the Sun (19) with its natal house Aries (18.57 years).

Rising Times of the Signs at Angelou’s Birth

1965 is interesting as it marked Angelou’s return from Africa to the US. She had lived in Ghana with her son for the preceding few years. Upon her return to the US she worked with Malcolm X on the new civil right organization, Organization of Afro-American Unity. However, he was assassinate in February of that year. Devastated, she moved to Hawaii to sing again. Yet, she then moved to the Watts neighborhood of LA to focus on writing. There she witnessed the Watts riots of the summer of ’65, the worst LA unrest until the Rodney King riots of 1992.

These events clearly show the importance that the Sun and Mars hold for political activism in her chart. I touched upon how her Aquarian Mars and her Aries Sun relate to her career in activism in my exploration of the Ages of Man. Similarly, we see the value in using planetary years and ascensional times as a form of planet in sign activation.

Jupiter, Saturn, and the 5th House of Creative Fruits: Some Key Years

I won’t be looking at every activation of Venus in Angelou’s life, as that could fill a book. However, I do want to note that many landmark years actually coincided with profections to the 5th house, Sagittarius, occupied by Saturn and ruled by Jupiter. In the article on the Ages of Man, I noted how the 5th house can pertain to creative fruits of all sorts. I also mentioned that Angelou directed her first film to kick off her Saturn Ages of Man period (age 68; also a profection to the 9th house, occupied by Jupiter).  AI also noted that Angelou’s teen pregnancy occurred during a 5th house profection.

Yet, the significance the 5th house Saturn extends well beyond her teen pregnancy or the 68 year old directorial debut. Angelou recorded her first CD in November of 1956 (Miss Calypso), which would have been during a profection to her 5th house (age 28). She also acted in her first film the same year (Calypso Heat Wave), which would be released after her 29th birthday.

Angelou wrote her first book, and most famous autobiography (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings) when she was 40 (1968-1969), another 5th house profection. 24 years later, in January 1993, at age 64, she delivered her landmark public recitation of a poem, at Clinton’s inauguration. The performance catapulted her fame and the recording of the poem won her a Grammy the following year.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Why Jupiter-Saturn?

I bring up these Jupiter-Saturn 5th house activations because they point to an often overlooked part of her chart. Saturn is a malefic and contributes to the harsh significations around Maya’s 8th house Venus. However, Saturn is also a planet in sect, ruled by Jupiter, involved in a trine with its sect mates the Sun and Jupiter. Together with Mars in the VII, we find that activations of these planets have much more to do with productive and successful periods in Angelou’s life than Venus.

This highlights the symbolic complexity of a natal chart. We must go beyond “good planets” and “bad planets” to specify just how certain combinations can symbolize in difficult or beneficial ways. Saturn in this chart is quite mixed, being very harsh in relation to Venus but extremely beneficial in relation to the Sun and Jupiter.

A Couple Key Activations

That first book was not only written when Angelou was 40 but it was published when she was 41 (her 42nd year), an activation of Saturn with Jupiter (30+12). Angelou most memorable acting role was in early 1977, during her 49th year, an activation of Saturn with the Sun (30+19), in Roots.

Venus, Mom, and Character

I want to end this article with a look at character analysis in the chart, as well as some of the significations pertaining to Venus, especially as regards her mother.


In some of the other explorations of character on the site, I’ve noted the key importance of the rulers of the Ascendant for self-identification. There are other factors that are important as well. These include Mercury, the twelfth-part of the Ascendant, Mercury, and the Ascendant lord, the planetary day and hour rulers, the Lot of Spirit, prominent fixed stars, the sect light, and more.

The Sun

The Ascendant lords are always a good place to start though. Angelou was born with the Ascendant in the Mercury bound of the Sun’s home, Leo. The Sun is a key planet for the character in her chart, as both the Ascendant lord and the sect light. We see the Sun’s natural significations of confidence, attention-grabbing, leadership, boldness, and flair in the character.

There are also its natural significations pertaining to its conjunction with Jupiter in the Mercury bound of the 9th house, Aries. We see religion, wisdom, travel, internationalism, courage, teaching, bluntness, honesty, and communication as tied up with these accidental significations.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel


Mercury is the other most significant key planet for character in her chart. It is not only the bound ruler of the Ascendant, but also the bound ruler of both lights, and Jupiter, and Saturn. In addition to being the bound lord of the Sun, Mercury also rules the Sun’s twelfth-part (in Virgo). Mercury can even naturally signify the conscious or rational mind.

Day and Hour?

Even more significantly, Mercury is the planetary day and hour ruler. While these symbolic day and hour rulerships are not strongly emphasized today, they were in the past. Hellenistic astrologers like Valens, Paulus Alexandrinus (Chs. 19-21), and Rhetorius (Ch. 56) noted the planetary day and hour rulers. The day lord was said to preside over the day, while the hour lords managed affairs for their period. These day and hour lords were also given significant weight in some later medieval point-based techniques for finding a chart lord.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

Complex and Verbose

Mercury is clever, communicative, and complex. From Angelou’s self-identification as a poet to her teaching and her influential period of near muteness, Mercury in the chart says a lot about who she is. Mercury is conjunct Venus in the bound of Mars, in fall, in the 8th house, dominated by Saturn, but ruled by a lofty and fiery Jupiter. Much of what Angelou has to say is described by this proximity to love and art, and rulership by a planet granting broad opportunity, yet familiarity with abuse, desperation, prejudice, and loss.


Mars is the most prominent planet in the chart in one sense. This is because it is so strongly advancing toward the Descendant and is the only planet in an angular house. In fact, these two factors render Mars an important career significator. This is further reinforced by the conjunction of Mars with the Lot of Spirit. The Lot of Spirit can signify in relation to the character but also in relation to profession.

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

As Mars does not rule the Ascendant, its significations regarding the character are a bit more indirect. Its prominence makes martial affairs prominent in the life in a way that suggests Mars is “busy” in the life. Angelou is very familiar with violence, masculinity, struggle, conflict, and courage. She even had relationships (Mars in VII) with revolutionary men. Aquarius, a human sign, makes the struggle largely a humanitarian one, and connects it with the oppressed and minorities (Saturn).

In the Ages of Man article, I noted that Angelou’s writing career didn’t fully materialize until her Mars period started at age 41. The Mars period saw her as highly productive and extremely politically active. Mars represents the activist, fighter, and hard-working side of her character.


Venus also has no rulership of the Ascendant so its significations too are a little more indirect. She does rule the twelfth-part of the Ascendant though, which gives he some importance for the character. However, Venus is more important when it comes to the career. Venus and Mercury, like Mars, have significance as career significators. There is more identification with Venus-Mercury for matters of career because of their connections with the Ascendant and MC, despite the greater prominence of Mars. Venus-Mercury also both have their twelfth-parts in the 4th house, a stake of the chart. See the first article in the series on career significators for more information about these placements.

The 10th house, Taurus, is ruled by Venus and both her and Mercury closely aspect the MC. Angelou identified with being an artist and entertainer, especially in her early years. She was a singer, dancer, and actor. Even her forays into being a madame, an exotic dancer, and prostitution indicate her associating Venus with making her way in the world (X). Therefore, I take Venus as being less relevant for describing the character itself than in describing an identification with using Venus for the career.

She was eventually able to combine her more personal identification with Mercury with her need to incorporate Venus into her career. Her role as poet and creative autobiographer/memoirist fits the bill. Few professions are a better fit for the symbolism of her Mercury-Venus conjunction in Pisces.

Maya Angelou’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

A Closer Look at Venus and Mom

Angelou’s Venus is significant on a number of other levels as well. I’ve noted that exaltation, rulership by Jupiter, and its rulership of the 10th house all serve to increase the prominence of Venusian matters. Less obvious is the connections between Venus and Angelou’s mother. This is itself a matter of afflicted hard feelings with prominence, much like Venus.

Pisces is the Lot of the Mother, and Venus is there. Venus has her twelfth-part in the 4th house of roots, and as a feminine planet in the house of roots this is significant for the mother. The Moon, a natural significator of mothers, is in Libra, ruled by Venus. The Moon has her twelfth-part in Aquarius with Mars. There’s much Mars and 8th house in these significations, but also a lot of importance and prominence. The Moon, and Jupiter, tend to show the pleasant side of things here while Venus the more problematic.

Maya Angelou Natal with Twelfth-Part Positions Outside the Wheel

A Pivotal Complex Relationship

Angelou felt abandoned by her mother as a child. Her rape occurred during her brief time living with her mother again, and at the hands of her mom’s boyfriend. Her mother disapproved of her marrying a white foreigner. There was a lot of conflict with her mother in her early life. Yet, Angelou’s final autobiography centers entirely on her complex relationship with her mother. It is title Mom & Me & Mom and was published in 2013.

Maya reconciled with her mother and they were crucially supportive of each other. Her book is a testament to her profound admiration of her mother. It befits a birth chart with a Full Moon in its Joy in Libra conjunct the twelfth-part of Jupiter. She laid out the good and bad of her mother and their relationship in the book, while leading with the theme of her mother’s profound influence and wisdom.

Prince | Part 1: Character and Occupation

Prince Part 1: Life

Prince should require no introduction. He began his 40 year recording career by signing a contract with Warner Bros. at the young age of 18. For his debut, he played all 27 instruments on the record. His second album, Prince, released when he was only 20, went platinum. Prince’s discography is eclectic and innovative, while his persona has always been both bold and elusive.

His sudden death on April 21st, 2016 (at age 57) came as a shock to his millions of fans. He died from an accidental overdose of fentanyl, a prescription opioid pain reliever. Apparently, Prince had been struggling with opioid addiction for some time prior to the event.

In this article, I’ll be looking at a character and profession in his natal chart. I’ll also take a look at a few notable moments of his career. In the next article, Part 2, I’ll be analyzing the time of his death in terms of the symbolism of traditional predictive astrology.

Prince’s Birth Chart

Prince was born Prince Rogers Nelson on June 7, 1958 at 6:17 pm in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. His birth data has a Rodden Rating of AA (from birth record).  He was born as 16 Scorpio was rising, the Sun was at 16 Gemini, and the Moon was at 1 Pisces.

Prince’s Natal Chart

Venus as Prince’s Professional Significator

Prince has Venus in Taurus as his professional significator. As discussed in the articles on the astrology of profession, this is because Venus is in a stake and has some rulership at the first house (first triplicity lord). Mars (in VI) is also relevant for professional matters as he is in an eligible place, rules the Ascendant, and rules the bound and decan of the MC. However, note that the twelfth-part of Venus is also in X confirming her greater importance for characterizing the profession. Also noteworthy is that the twelfth-part of the Ascendant is in Taurus, Venus’s home which she occupies. I’ve discussed the use of the twelfth-parts in profession in a prior article.

Prince’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outer)

Some Notes on Character

Four particular traits help characterize Prince. First, he had a strong alignment with art and love in all its forms, from sex and fashion to the highest spiritual love of humanity. Second, he was a extremely private and elusive. Third, Prince was not afraid to stir the pot and provoke strong reactions. Fourth, he was very controlling when it came to his image and artistry.

The Loving Prince

While Prince was born during the day, all his diurnal planets are in dark houses (those that don’t aspect the Ascendant). Only Venus and the Moon are not in dark houses. Venus is particularly prominent in his chart. She is the only angular planet, she is the first triplicity ruler of the Ascendant (Scorpio), and she has her twelfth-part in the 10th house conjunct the Lot of Fortune. Venus is also in her own house (Taurus) in the 7th house of marriage and partnership. Prince’s twelfth-part Ascendant is also in Taurus with Venus. Therefore, Venus, goddess of art, beauty, sex, and love is the most personally prominent planet in Prince’s chart.

Prince Twelfth-Parts Outside Natal

Prince was also born with the Moon strongly advancing toward the IC in Pisces. Pisces is the house of Jupiter and kingdom of Venus. The Moon is also in the bound of Venus. This prominent Moon shows a focus on the subjective, emotional, humane, wild, and idiosyncratic (Moon) while reinforcing the stress on the arts, creativity, and femininity. The sign Pisces evokes the intersection of spirituality (Jupiter) and beauty (Venus). The 5th house orients it toward creative fruits. Additionally, the Moon rules the 9th house of God and travel. This connects this prominent advancing Moon with a lot of international activity as well as personal religious orientation. There are also connections between Mercury (bound lord of the Ascendant; ruler of sect light) and the 9th house.

A Few Striking Lots

One of the more striking features of Prince’s chart is that the Sun is conjunct the Lot of Love in the same degree (partile). The Lot of Love concerns relationship, alliances, and coming together in general. Coming together in alliance to take a stand for love and our humanity was a common theme in Prince’s work.

Additionally, the Moon is in partile conjunction with Prince’s Lot of Spirit, while Venus is in close conjunction with the Lot of Fortune. The Lot of Spirit pertains to mentality, social life, and goals while the Lot of Fortune pertains to health, personal life, and material circumstances. We see Prince materially seeped in the world of Venus in Taurus and mentally seeped in the world of the Moon in Pisces, while shining a spotlight (the Sun) on a dualistic Gemini Love.

Prince Natal Chart with Lots

The Private Prince

Prince was notably one of the most private celebrities. His 1st house of character is Scorpio, a sign not known for its openness. This nocturnal sign ruled by Mars tends toward introversion and peevishness, though other factors can overcome this such as a prominent Sun or Ascendant Lord. However, in Prince’s chart the Sun is in a dark house (the 8th) and the Ascendant lord, Mars, is also hiding away in a dark house (the 6th). In fact, 5 of the 7 classical planets in Prince’s chart are hidden away in dark houses. Prince would like to keep most aspects of his life hidden from view.


I have already noted that Venus and the Moon are exceptions to this. Venus particularly stands out due to her connection with his career and his character. Prince would like us to know the role of Venus in his life, and maybe the Moon, but the rest is off limits.

The fact that Mars is the domicile lord of the Ascendant and is itself in one of its own signs adds a bit of combativeness to this need for privacy. Prince didn’t just need privacy but prying or meddling in his affairs was likely to provoke some anger.

The Controversial Prince

Prince stirred up his fair share of controversy. Whether it was shaking up sexual norms, battling his record company, or defending his religious beliefs, Prince was not afraid of a fight. I think this trait is also reflective of his Mars ruled 1st house. However, it is additionally reflective of the prominence of out of sect planets in Prince’s chart. As we saw in the movie Purple Rain, Prince was not above playing a rather unsavory character, seething with jealousy and mistreating his girlfriend. The prominence of out of sect planets, including the all-important Venus, lends a sense of the revenge of the rejected or the return of the outcast mistreated by the establishment. Prince was unbelievably successful from a young age, but would continue to cast himself as the misfit and the underdog.

The Controlling Prince

The control that Prince exerted over his name and image are in the same vein as the last two traits. They follow largely from his focus on privacy and his casting himself as subject to the exploits of the establishment.

Prince’s Ascendant is a fixed sign and his Venus is also positioned in a fixed sign. While not necessarily rigid or stubborn generally, Prince was likely to be quite rigid and stubborn in relation to his works and relationships Venus, 7th, 10th) and his image (1st house).  His Mars in the 6th house made him a highly productive work horse behind the scenes, but when it came to the image and the name (1st house) it had to be protected.

Prince often saw himself as enslaved by his record company that “owned” his image and his name. This seemed to provoke a lot of animosity and ire in him. It is so vividly symbolized by his Scorpio 1st house, ruled by a Mars in the 6th house. The 1st house pertains to the image and the name. Mars adds warlike combativeness to the topic. Mars is in the 6th house of work and slaves which does not directly see the 1st house, adding a sense of disjointedness. A laboring away for a name and an image that one does not fully own. This theme would resurface at multiple points in Prince’s career.

A Few Notable Years

While this article is focused on the timing of Prince’s death, it is also presents a good opportunity to explore the timing of a few particularly notable years in his career.

Age 18 – Venus 7th House Activation

First, Prince is reported (here and here) to have signed his first record contract at age 18. 18 is very significant as it represents the annual profection to the 7th house. In Prince’s natal chart, the 7th house is ruled by and occupied by Venus. I have already noted that Venus, the planet which most pertains to the arts, is the career significator. Venus has her twelfth-part in the 10th house of actions and occupation.

Notable in the solar return for the year was the occurrence of Jupiter (fortune) and Mercury (contracts) in the house of the year (Taurus) with natal Venus. Additionally, return Venus was conjunct the Sun (authority, power, recognition).

Prince Age 18 Solar Return

Age 24 – Superstardom – 1999

It was not until the release of Prince’s 5th album, 1999, that he entered the US top ten and really became a superstar.

The album was released in October of 1982 when Prince was 24 years old. 24 is notable as a profection back to the 1st house (Scorpio), as well as an activation of the Moon (25th year) by planetary years.

Prince Age 24 Solar Return

The solar return for the year is complex. It sees Venus in return in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio (house of the year), while the Moon is in the 2nd house of money (Sagittarius). Prince’s Sun (fame) is propelled to the top of the chart with the Moon Full at the root, while the Ascendant of the return is Virgo, the 11th house of friends (fame, popularity). The lord of the year shows demands as it is with Saturn (burden), but also tying into natal Jupiter (natal occupant of Libra; money) and Venus (arts), the ruler of the house.

Prince Age 24 Solar Return Outside of Natal

Mid-Twenties: Distributors

When we consider the distributors of the Ascendant and the sect light, we find that Prince’s mid-twenties as a whole were indicated to be quite fortunate. The Ascendant was directing through the Jupiter bound of Sagittarius from when Prince was age 17.5 to almost age 33. The sect light, the Sun, was directing through the Venus bound of Cancer (which Venus herself casts rays into) from age 22.5 to about age 28.5.

Prince Distributors during his Mid-Twenties

Age 26 – Purple Rain

Shortly after Prince’s 26th birthday (in June and July of 1984) he released the album, then the film, Purple Rain. The profection was to the third house, Capricorn, as sign ruled by Saturn and not typically associated with fortunate happenings. However, as luck would have it, Jupiter was transiting in Capricorn (in the Jupiter bound of the sign) at the time of the solar return. This return also saw another Venus-Sun conjunction prominent on an angle.

Prince Age 26 Solar Return

Saturn, on the other hand, was conjunct Mars in the return in Scorpio, Prince’s 1st house of character and identity. The image did much for characterizing how Prince would be perceived by the public. Prince actually presented himself as a somewhat fragile, somewhat cruel, and always controversial figure. This image was in line with Saturn and Mars, both retrograde, in Scorpio in the return. The figure is that of an artist damaged by an alcoholic father (Saturn in water), mistreating his adoring girlfriend (Mars in water), and seething with jealousy over his rivalry with another musician (Scorpio).

The movie was the most risky proposition of Prince’s career. Its soundtrack album was his magnum opus.

Prince Age 26 SR Outside of Natal

Age 34 – Birth of the Symbol

Prince had a career full of rocky relations with his record companies and contractual spite. His 14th album, released in fall of 1992 bore a symbol on it which he termed the Love Symbol. The album would end up being his most commercially successful since Purple Rain.

Due to increasing issues with his record company, Warner Bros., he changed his name to the same symbol in 1993. He claimed that he was a slave to Warner Bros. who owned his name “Prince”.

Prince was 34, so it was another profection to his 11th house of friends, networking, and fame.  Fittingly, Prince’s 11th house, Virgo, is ruled by Mercury (duality, symbolism). The solar return was marked by a Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo. Solar return Mercury was at 24 Gemini, the position of the twelfth-part of his natal Jupiter. All in all, following on the heels of a hit record, this publicity stunt of symbolism was very successful in generating quite a bit of publicity.

Prince Age 34 Solar Return


While one could easily go on to look at many more notable years in Prince’s life and career, I have to leave it here for now. Prince’s chart shows the activity of a prominent and powerful, but out of sect Venus. Prince always made art and celebrated love on his own terms. This many with Scorpio rising and Gemini Sun ever remained an enigma in the public eye. Secretive and at times even a little peevish, Prince was a working man behind the scenes and meticulously original in all his artistic undertakings.

In the next article, we’ll take an in depth look at the timing of his unexpected sudden death at age 57 in 2016.


Featured Image Attribution

Featured image by jimi hughes from ballymena, n ireland – [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Twelve Easy Lessons for Beginners | 6. The Places (Houses)

Topics for Houses

In the fourth lesson, we discussed the houses of the planets (their domiciles). The houses of the planets are the signs of the zodiac. Additionally, we looked at the notion of “stakes”. The stakes are the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses of the chart.  You’ll recall that planets in a house, ruling a house, or in the stakes of a house have a strong influence on the house. In the last lesson, we looked at relationships that planets and houses have with each other based on angular distances. We also discussed how these configurations interact with rulership. In this lesson, we will look at the most important and common method of assigning life topics to houses, the places.

Finding Your Place

The Primacy of the Rising Sign

Planets signify whole categories of things in themselves. Signs signify in relation to their feature bundles and the planets ruling and regarding them. However, there is still more to the significations in a chart. Ancient astrologers had ways of associating the affairs of earthly life to signs and planets. This was done by a system of places and by special assignments called lots. The most important system assigned topics to the signs themselves based on their place in order from the rising sign.

The rising sign was the most important sign of the chart in ancient astrology. The system of places is based on the rising sign and the order in which signs rise. The rising sign is the 1st place. The next sign to rise is the 2nd place, the third sign to rise is the 3rd place, and so on.

The rising sign is relevant to the topic of the individual person, including their body, character, temperament, and preferences.  The other signs are assigned topics to represent other matters or circumstances in the life of the person based on their relationship to this 1st place of the individual.


The places of the chart are numbered in a counter-clockwise manner. It is as if the signs are runners and the Ascendant is the finish line. For instance, if Pisces is rising, then it is the first place (first to rise). The next sign, Aries, would be the second place, and so on until we get to the twelfth place (Aquarius).

I usually won’t number the places in the charts. They are obvious enough after some use. Beginners should count forward or backward from the 1st house (rising sign; left side of the chart) and the 7th house (the setting sign; right side of the chart).

First House Example: Jimi Hendrix

For instance, see the chart below (natal chart of Jimi Hendrix, AA-rated). We see that Sagittarius is rising, as it is on the left side of the chart straddling the boldline (i.e. the Ascendant).  Therefore, Sagittarius is the first place, or first house, signifying the self.

We look to Sagittarius, the planets in Sagittarius, the ruler of Sagittarius, and those planets regarding Sagittarius (especially those in its stakes). These are particularly relevant to Jimi’s appearance, character, preferences, basic skills, etc. (i.e. “who he is”).  Consider the significations of Sagittarius, Venus, the Sun, and Mercury. These directly characterize Hendrix’s self. Also, consider Jupiter (ruler; conjunct the Moon in Cancer) and Saturn (in a stake in Gemini) as characterizing more indirect but important influences on the nature of the self.

Jimi Hendrix’s Natal Chart

Quadrant Houses = Different First House

Note that with quadrant houses (as in the chart on the Astrodatabank site)  Venus, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn all become relatively insignificant to the matter of the self. This is because they fall into the 6th and 12th houses in that system (because they are retreating).  In whole sign houses a planet may be extremely prominent for the topic of the self (such as a planet in the first), or over some other specific topics (through occupation, rulership, or regard of a place) while not prominent over life circumstances in a more general way (i.e. it may be retreating).  This is very apparent in assessing career significators (Jimi’s career significators are dealt with here in another article).

Sidereal Zodiac = Different First House

Hendrix’s natal chart in the sidereal zodiac is below.

Hendrix – Sidereal Natal Chart

Notice that Sagittarius is still the 1st house using the sidereal zodiac. However, Venus, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn become much less significant in relation to the individual as they are now in Scorpio, the 12th house.

Find the Remaining Places

Let’s return to Hendrix’s chart in the tropical zodiac. The next house after the 1st would be Capricorn (2nd house), then Aquarius (3rd house), then Pisces (4th house), then Aries (5th house), then Taurus (6th house), then Gemini (7th house).  I want to pause here because it should be pointed out that the 7th house is always opposite the 1st house, and is always straddling the setting point (Descendant or western horizon; shown by the bold line on the right).  After Gemini, there is Cancer (8th house), then Leo (9th house), then Virgo (10th house), then Libra (11th house), then Scorpio (12th house).

Hendrix – Natal Chart with the places labeled.

Topics Associated with the Places

The places above the horizon (upper half of the chart; above the earth, in the sky) pertain particularly to matters of “spirit”. These are mental and social matters, such as friends, religion, and career. Those below the horizon (lower half of the circle; below the earth) pertain particularly to matters of “fortune”. These are more physical circumstances like family, wealth, and health.

Stakes of the Chart

The 1st house (rising sign) straddles both worlds, as does the 7th house (marriage, partnership; which symbolically stands directly across from the self). The 10th is in the social realm above the earth. It pertains to career, goals, authority, and recognition.  The 4th is in the material realm below the earth. It pertains to father, family, home, and ancestry.  These four signs (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) form the main cross of the chart (the stakes), encompassing matters of the self, family, partner, and social standing. They are the most personally significant life areas.

The Four Aristotelian Causes

I personally associate the four stakes of the chart with the four Aristotelian causes. For instance, in a natal chart, what causes or defines the identity of the self? The effective cause (agent) is the character and will (1st place). The material cause is the family and origins (4th place). The formal cause is the close relationships and partnerships with other people (7th house). The final cause is our calling and achievements (10th place). There is no evidence that the Hellenistic astrologers thought of the stakes this way, but I find it helpful. If it works for you, use it. If not, don’t worry about it.

Topics of the 12 Places

According to Valens

Vettius Valens (2nd century CE) noted numerous significations of the places so we will follow his lead in this (from Anthology, Book IV, Ch. 12, Riley trans., 2011, p. 80):

I the Ascendant, life, steering-oar, body, breath.
II Life, the Gate of Hades, shadowy, giving and receiving, association.
III Brothers, travel abroad, kingship, authority, friends, relatives, rents/revenue, slaves.
IV Rank, children, one’s own wife and older individuals, activity, city, home, possessions, lodgings, alterations, change of place, dangers, death, confinement, religious matters.
V The Place of Children, friendship, association, slaves, freedmen, the completion of some good deed or benefaction.
VI Slaves, injuries, hostility, disease, sickness.
VII The Descendant, marriage, success, an affair with a woman, friendship, travel.
VIII Death, benefits from the deceased, the Inactive Place, law, sickness.
IX Friendship, travel, benefits from foreigners, God, king, magnates, astrology, oracles, appearances of the gods, mystic and occult matters, associations.
X Occupation, rank, success, children, women, change, innovation in business.
XI Friends, hopes, gifts, children, slaves, freedmen.
XII Foreign lands, hostility, slaves, injuries, dangers, tribunals, disease, death, sickness.

My Take on Key Significations

I would summarize the key significations of the places in a few words as follows:

I – body, skill, temperament

II – finances, personal property, income

III – siblings, neighbors, trips

IV – family, home, elders

V – children, works, philanthropy

VI – illness, injury, labor

VII – marriage, sexuality, partners

VIII – death, stagnation (wasted time), inheritance

IX – religion/mysticism, advanced learning, travel/foreigners

X – occupation, achievements, status

XI – friends, assistance, rewards

XII – enemies, dangers, exile

Good and Bad Places

The Relationship of Places and Regards

The positive and negative associations of the places are consistent with the Hellenistic aspect system. Those places signifying the greatest difficulty are the houses that the self (Ascendant) does not see (regard). These places are also called the “dark” places. By contrast, fortunate places regard the Ascendant.

Cadent Houses

Additionally, houses retreating from the stakes (places 3, 6, 9, and 12) have a sense of weakness and removal associated with them. They are called the cadent places.

Ordering the Places in Terms of Benefit

Dorotheus (1976, Pingree trans., I.5, p. 164) noted the following (emphasis and bracketed info are my additions):

“…the best of the places is the ascendent [1st house], then the midheaven [10th house], then what follows the midheaven [11th house], which is the eleventh from the ascendent, then the opposite to this eleventh place from the ascendent [5th house], which is the fifth from the ascendent which is called the house of the child, then the opposite to the ascendant [7th house], which is the sign of marriage, then the cardine of the earth [4th house], then the ninth place from the ascendent [9th house]. Thus these are the seven places which are preferred to the places which are not recognized as good [good places in order from best are 1, 10, 11, 5, 7, 4, 9]: the third from the ascendent [3rd house] because it is said that it is the place of the joy of the Moon, and the second from the ascendent [2nd house], then the eight from the ascendent, which is the sign of death [8th house]. Of these places which I told you, the first is the strongest [mediocre places in order from best are 3, 2, 8]. There remain equal to this two places which are the worst of the worst, and they are the sixth and the twelfth [6 and 12 are the “bad” houses].”

Notice the combination of the ideas of regard and the stakes in the above schema. All of the stakes are good houses. The two worst houses don’t regard the Ascendant and are cadent from the stakes. Astrologers differ in terms of how they order the houses in between, but the 4 houses that don’t regard the ascendant are most associated with unfortunate matters.

Understanding Dark Houses

The symbolism connected with the dark houses (places 2, 6, 8, and 12) is that of something disconnected from the person and in the dark or shade. This comes through in their symbolism as they tend to pertain to things which can impair our ability to live our lives (money, illness, death, imprisonment). When they crop up in a configuration they can point to hostile or secret things. The dark places tend to symbolize things we worry over and may try to keep suppressed or secret.

Together with natural planetary signification and sect, the symbolism of good and bad places points to fortunate and unfortunate states of affairs. As in life, there is room in ancient astrological symbolism for a whole lot of nuanced grey area and mixed sentiments. This is part of the expressive power of ancient astrology.

The Joys of the Planets

Each planet is said to rejoice in a place in the chart. These are called the “joys of the planets”. The joys of the diurnal planets are above the horizon while those of the nocturnal planets are below the horizon, opposite those of their diurnal counterparts. Here is a diagram of the joys. For further reading, I recommend the article by Chris Brennan, The Planetary Joys and the Origins of the Significations of the Houses and Triplicities.

Mercury’s Joy: 1st Place

We have previously looked at Mercury’s association with the self and the mind. Additionally, Mercury is neither diurnal nor nocturnal, so it has its joy in a house that is on the horizon, both above and below it. Its joy is the first house of the self.

Diurnal Joys: Sun, Jupiter, Saturn

The diurnal planets have their joys above the horizon. The Sun, the sect light, has its joy in the 9th place, that of God and revelation. Jupiter, the sect benefic, has its joy in a good place, the 11th place, that of friendship and reward. Saturn, the sect malefic, has its joy in a bad place, the 12th place, that of enemies and exile.

Nocturnal Joys: Moon, Venus, Mars

The nocturnal planets have their joys below the horizon. The Moon, the sect light, has its joy in the 3rd place, that of Goddess and siblings. Venus, the sect benefic, has its joy in a good place, the 5th place, that of children and works. Mars, the sect malefic, has its joy in a bad place, the 6th place, that of labor and injury.

Interpreting Planetary Joy

Planetary joy is a type of strength condition. The planet’s significations are made stronger by way of analogy with what is signified by the house. This is not a condition in which the planets are made more benefic, as is clear from the interpretations given for a malefic in the 6th or 12th (where they have their joys).

Rhetorius on the 6th house (Ch. 57, 2009, Holden trans., p. 75):

“The malefics there make sicknesses or injuries involving the feet and the loss of money.”

Valens on the 12th house (Book II, Ch. 5, 2010, Riley trans., p. 27):

“If the malefics happen to be in this place, they will cause great wounds and traumas […]”

I give these examples to illustrate that a malefic in its joy is not expected to provide benefit. Rather its natural significations are reinforced. However, note that you should not interpret a chart based on stray factors such as these. These indications are given by the Hellenistic astrologers, and shared by me, to illustrate the type of thing symbolized by the isolated factor. In an actual chart, there are other factors that can mitigate and modify the indication.

Character Analysis with Places

As you might suppose by its significations, the 1st place is the most important place for character analysis. Planets in or ruling the sign are very important for the character. I personally consider planets ruling the 1st house to be ones for which there is a personal identification. Those planets in or regarding the 1st place are those with the most direct signification describing character, skill, body, temperament, and influences on the self.

Character Analysis in Persian Astrology

I recommend the study of medieval Persian astrology because the Persian astrologers were like us. They were looking at a variety of Hellenistic principles and techniques but coming away with their own preferences and approaches.

There are two main approaches to character analysis in medieval Persian natal astrology. The prominent planet approach of Abu Bakr and the Lord of the Ascendant approach of Masha’allah and Abu’Ali Al-Khayyat.

Prominent Planet Approach

The approach of Abu Bakr (On Nativities, Book II) is to examine the most prominent or dominant planets in the chart, especially those occurring in the 1st or 10th places. By this approach, Saturn strongly advancing in the 10th place would signify Saturnine character traits, whether or not it had rulership at the Ascendant.

I don’t recommend this approach. While prominent planets say much about the life circumstances, it is too often the case that a very prominent planet in the chart has little to say about the character of the individual. However, a prominent planet that also has rulership at the Ascendant is a planet that is very influential and connected to the individual’s character.

Lord of Ascendant Approach

In the approach Masha’allah (On Nativities, Section 5) and Abu’Ali Al-Khayyat (The Judgment of Nativities, Chs. 5 and 34), the Lord of the Ascendant and Mercury are the two primary significators of the quality of mind.

“If you wished to know the character of the native’s mind, look at [1] the Lord of the Ascendant and [2] Mercury (who is the significator of the intellective power, speech and oration). […] And these signify the matters of the soul, and the morals of the native, just as the Moon and the Ascendant signify the body.” (Abu’Ali Al-Khayatt, Ch. 5, 2009, Dykes trans., p. 236)

Abu’Ali’s approach appears to come straight from Masha’allah who recommended the same in his On Nativities. As mentioned previously, the use of Mercury for the rational mind comes from Ptolemy. Mercury also has natural significations related to the intellect and speech which make it an important planet to look at in regards to skill in those areas.

The Lord of the Ascendant is the dominant ruler of the 1st place. The 1st place signifies the body, skill, and temperament. Its rulers direct the affairs of the house, so it follows that its main ruler symbolizes the mind, that which directs the body and temperament.

Example Charts

Let’s review a number of the principles we’ve learned so far by briefly analyzing some charts. Many articles could be written on any one of these charts, so we’ll just look at a few salient factors. Note that I’m going to be looking at the zodiacal twelfth-parts, as it is important to take a look at them in every chart. I mentioned them in the lesson on the signs as being a twelve-fold division of each sign into a micro zodiac. I use them as projections of the planets into other signs and houses. Their position shown in the following charts is from placing the planetary position in the micro zodiac on the outside of the chart.

Jimi Hendrix

First Place

Hendrix was born during the day, so the chart is diurnal. The Sun is the sect light and is in the 1st house, signifying a very powerful and dynamic persona. There is a strong sense of the hero and leader tied with the persona (Sun in 1st). The Sun is in its own triplicity (it rules fire signs by day). Overall, the Sun plus the fire element of Sagittarius makes for a persona that is driven to influence.

The Sun is joined by Mercury (dexterity, voice, ingenuity) and Venus (arts, sensuality, drugs) in the same bound, so they have their significations mixed together. Note that Mercury-Venus has associations with fingered string instruments (Mercury pertains to digits). The Sun is also associated with stringed instruments (see Apollo). All three are in the bound of Jupiter, pertaining to fortune, benefit, and faith.

Hendrix’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outer wheel)


There were no appearances, disappearances, or stations within a week of birth.

Jupiter is the most advancing planet in the chart and is a lord of the Ascendant (house ruler, second triplicity ruler). So there is a sense in which Jupiter is met in many spheres of life and many forms. Jupiter is also identified with due to its rulership of the 1st. This two things together can convey profound faith and spiritual experience. Jupiter’s prominence and the fact that it is in sect and exalted connect it with good fortune and opportunity. Note also that the twelfth-part of the MC is conjunct Jupiter, symbolic of elevated status.

Jupiter with the Moon in the 8th

Jupiter is with the Moon and in her house (Cancer), so their significations can be blended. The Moon signifies the mother, the body, the irrational mind, and audiences, among other things. However, they are both in the 8th place of death and stagnation, so the benefits are attended with difficulties. They are in a cardinal sign so changes come in bold and sweeping ways. Hendrix’s mother died when he was 15. Interestingly, he acquired his first guitar the same year.

Saturn and the Twelfth-Part of Mars

The Ascendant is in the bound of Saturn and Saturn opposes the 1st house. Saturn rules the 2nd of money and the 3rd of siblings. Hendrix grew up in poverty (ruled by Saturn) and was deeply affected by it. All of his younger siblings were given into foster care. Saturn very closely opposes the 1st house Venus, and Saturn is in the 7th of sexuality. Saturn is in sect and in a good place, but the out of sect malefic (Mars) also has its twelfth-part in Gemini (7th place). So there are multiple indications of sexual difficulty. Hendrix was reportedly sexually assaulted by someone in uniform at a young age.

Out of Sect Malefic

Typically, the greatest difficulties will be symbolized by the out of sect malefic. In this case, it is Mars. Mars is not only out of sect but also in the dark 12th house which it additionally rules. Therefore, Mars, while not prominent in the life in general, rears its head in terms of difficulties with enemies and undoings. Mars has its twelfth-part in the 7th house so it can pertain to relationship and sexual problems. As the ruler of the 5th of children and works and the exalted lord of the 2nd of money Mars may show problems with children and works, as well as monetary issues.

Mars, Jupiter, and Age 15

Rather than coming up with blanket conclusions, such as Jupiter is good and Mars is bad, we need to examine the good and difficult possibilities. Life is mixed. Indications from any given planet will also be mixed. When we recognize this then we can determine what type of indications are forecasted by predictive techniques. For instance, Jupiter has the immense symbolism of success, fortune, and expansiveness in the chart. However, it is also in the 8th place of death which is a vulnerable place, one in which benefits can stagnate and be attended by difficulty. Additionally, the twelfth-part of Jupiter is in Aries, which is ruled by Mars, the out of sect malefic.

Volumes can be written on Mars and Jupiter in the chart, but I just wish to point out some interesting activations at age 15. The twelfth-parts of Mars and that of the Moon are together in the 7th place. Additionally, the Moon and Jupiter overcome Mars from the 8th place. One activation of Mars is at age 15, due to the fact that the planetary years of Mars are 15. Age 15 is also the activation of the 4th house by the annual profection, which is Pisces, making Jupiter the lord of the year for that year. As noted, at age 15, Hendrix’s mother died (Moon in 8th; Mars twelfth-part with Moon twelfth-part) and Hendrix bought his first guitar (Jupiter overcoming Mars; twelfth-part of Jupiter in the 5th of performance ruled by Mars; Jupiter rules the 1st place of self). This is a life-changing year with negative and positive developments.

A Note on the 8th

Elements of Hendrix’s death are symbolized vividly in the chart. The cause of death was asphyxiation from vomiting while intoxicated on sleeping pills. The ruler of the 1st is in the 8th possibly signifying being the cause of one’s own death. Jupiter signifying abundance both pertains to the fact that he took 18 times the recommended dose of sleeping pills and the fact that he had probably been lucky in the past with overconsumption of drugs. The Moon in the 8th is interesting given that sleeping pills were the cause of death. The cardinality of the sign indicates suddenness.  Water can symbolize drowning (asphyxiation). Additionally, Hendrix was buried in the same cemetery as his mother (lord of 1st in 8th with the Moon).

Hendrix died at age 27. The annual profection comes to the same sign every 12 years, so he also died during an annual profection to Pisces, with Jupiter as lord of the year. In fact, it was the first profection back to Pisces since his mother died and he bought his first guitar. Additionally, Jupiter was transiting in Scorpio (Jimi’s 12th house, ruled and occupied by Mars) both when his mother died and when he himself died. Age 27 involves the sum of the planetary years of Mars (15) and those of Jupiter (12), so it is yet another activation of their combination.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s birth time has a Rodden rating of AA for source reliability.

Trump’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outer wheel)

First Place

How many ways can one have an out of sect Mars as a character factor? Let’s count the ways in Donald Trump’s chart. Trump was born with the last degree of Leo rising. Mars is with the Ascendant closely within 5 degrees so it has a very big direct influence on temperament. The Ascendant is also in the bound of Mars, so there is an identification with Mars’s significations in the chart. The Sun is the main lord of the Ascendant (by house and triplicity) and it is in the bound of Mars and closely with the twelfth-part of Mars, so Mars combines its significations with those of the Sun. The Sun is applying a sextile to Mars as well, with the Sun overcoming.

Thus repeatedly we find the Sun and Mars to dominate the character.  Additionally, a fire sign rises. These planets make for a very fiery and choleric temperament that aims to influence and dominate. The Sun is the sect light and is in the fortunate 11th house of friendship in Gemini a mutable air sign. Therefore, the Sun orients the personality toward social and cultural power, influence, and popularity (11th place and mutable sign and air sign).

The strong influence and identification with the out of sect malefic, Mars, make for aggressiveness and competitiveness of an unpleasant sort. This can make him his own worst enemy. Additionally, the twelfth-part of the Ascendant and Mercury, the ruler of the lord of the Ascendant, are both in the 12th house of enemies; additional indications of causing oneself trouble.

A fixed sign rises so the temperament is persistent and the character can be stubborn. The twelfth-part of the Moon in the 1st place may be showing a more off-the-cuff, emotionally-driven, and informal element of the persona also.


Mercury made an appearance just before birth and Jupiter stationed direct after birth, so both are prominent. Mars is prominent because it is so close to the Ascendant in the 1st house. The Sun and Moon are also prominent by advancement. Additionally, the twelfth parts of the Lights are prominent, as the Sun is near the Descendant within 10 degrees and the Moon is in the 1st house. The fact that the Lights are prominent can indicate power and influence.

The prominence of Jupiter and Mercury both can relate to income, as Jupiter naturally signifies wealth and Mercury rules the 2nd house and naturally signifies commerce. Jupiter is in the 3rd place and is in its own bound. The twelfth-part of Mercury is closely with Jupiter linking their significations.


The out of sect malefic, Mars, symbolizes plenty of difficulties. As a ruler of the Ascendant and located in the 1st house it makes his own character a big cause of such difficulties. Mars connects strongly with the 4th of home and family (as well as country) and the 9th of religion and travel (as well as foreign countries). Additionally, Mars is the exalted ruler of the 6th place so can pertain to health difficulties of that type and difficulties with servants (employees).

In this chart, the malefic in sect, Saturn, has just as many ties to difficulties but is less associated with his self and character. Saturn is in the dark 12th house of enemies and undoing. Cancer is the sign so Saturn symbolizes in very sudden and dramatic ways. Venus is close with Saturn, signifying problems with women and sexuality. Saturn is also with Mercury which can symbolize communication issues. As the ruler of the 6th of illness, injury, and servants, Saturn can pertain to health and employee problems. Saturn also rules the 7th, another indication of difficulty with relationships or sexuality. The twelfth-part of Saturn is in the 9th place, further emphasizing the potential for issues with foreign countries and with religion and spirituality in general.

The Name Game

In your studies, you will undoubtedly encounter the confusion that exists in relation to “house systems”.  The more dominant house systems of the past 1,000 years in the western world have involved dividing (trisecting) the four regions of the sky between the horizons and meridians of the chart (i.e. the “quadrants”). These are the quadrant houses.

Advancement vs. Topics

There are many passages in ancient Hellenistic texts, especially in Ptolemy and Valens, which appear to imply the use of a quadrant system. These may have inspired the actual eventual adoption of the quadrant approach in the west. In India, the whole sign house system is still dominant. In the second lesson, we dealt with some of these passages and how these quadrant divisions were initially used in the context of the length of life technique to assess a type of planetary strength (advancement), rather than for topics.

Signs are Houses

Most of the confusion about early house division pertains to the term “house”. The terminology changed meanings over time. In Hellenistic astrology, a “house” is a sign of the zodiac, as every sign is a planet’s house (domicile). For instance, the houses of Jupiter are the signs Pisces and Sagittarius (i.e. the domiciles of Jupiter). Interestingly, modern astrologers still use the term “domicile” but the fact that it means “house” is overlooked. Hellenistic astrologers used the terms “2nd house” and “2nd sign” interchangeably.

Ancient Astrologers on the Equivalency of Sign and House

Porphyry (Porphyry, Ch. 5, 2009, Holden trans., p. 9):

Houses and zones of the stars [are what] they term the 12 twelfths of the zodiac, which they also call signs.

Ptolemy (Ptolemy, Book I, Ch. 17, 1940, Robbins trans., p. 80):

The system of houses is of the following nature. Since of the twelve signs the most northern, which are closer than the others to our zenith and therefore most productive of heat and of warmth are Cancer and Leo, they assigned these to the greatest and most powerful heavenly bodies, that is, to the luminaries, as houses, Leo, which is masculine, to the sun and Cancer, feminine, to the moon.

Dorotheus (Dorotheus, Book I, Ch. 1, 2005, Pingree trans., p. 162):

Know the houses of the planets: Cancer is the house of the Moon, Leo the house of the Sun, Capricorn and Aquarius the houses of Saturn, Sagittarius and Pisces the houses of Jupiter, Aries and Scorpio the houses of Mars, Taurus and Libra the houses of Venus, and Gemini and Virgo the houses of Mercury.

“House” evidently underwent a metonymic shift in meaning from referring to signs themselves (as domiciles/houses of the planets) to referring to abstract divisions of the sky. This was probably due to its heavy use in the context of referring to the places (2nd house, 3rd house, etc.).

Place as a Technical Term

In Hellenistic astrology, the assigning of topics is best referred to (and translated) as “the places”. The 1st place is the first sign/house to complete its rising. The 2nd place is the second sign/house to rise, and so forth. Throughout numerous Hellenistic texts, we see terms like “2nd sign”, “2nd house”, and “2nd place” used synonymously to refer to a sign in the context of topics.

“Place” is consistent with ancient usage in many Greek and Latin texts. Additionally, it avoids confusion with the so-called “houses” created by quadrant divisions. However, I continue to use the terms place, sign, and house interchangeably as the Hellenistic astrologers did.

Astrologers Referring to the Places as Signs and Houses

Valens (Book II, Ch. 9, 2010, Riley trans., p. 28):

The VIII Place of Death. Various Views. 

Benefics appearing in this place are innefectual and weak, and they do not bestow their proper benefits. […] If Mercury alone is in this Sign and is ruler of Intelligence (as Daimon is called), it makes fools, dullards, those handicapped in speech, illiterates.”

Maternus (Book II, Ch. 18b.3, 2011, Holden trans., p. 63):

Goddess is the third house, i.e. the third sign from the ASC; that house is called Thea by the Greeks as we just mentioned. But the sign is called God That is located in opposition across from that [previous] sign–that is to say the ninth sign from the ASC. That house is called Theos by the Greeks.”

Rhetorius (Ch. 57, 2009, Holden trans., p. 43):

“The twelfth house is called Bad Daemon and “rising before the ASC” and metacosmic. It signifies things concerning enemies and slaves and quadrupeds, and all the things that transpire before the hour of birth, both to the mother and to the one that is about to be born, since this sign rises before the explusion of the fetus.”

Additionally, see the earlier quote of Dorotheus on the superiority of the places.

The Original System

Scholarship over the last 20 years has brought to light that the whole sign house system (signs as places) was the original house or place system. Major translators and scholars agree that whole sign houses are the original house system. This includes James Herschel Holden, Robert Schmidt, Robert Hand,  and Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum. Additionally, Benjamin Dykes translations revealed that the early medieval Persians were routinely using whole sign houses for topics as late as the 9th century CE.

A Scholar on Whole Sign Places

To illustrate the current scholarly position on the importance and ubiquity of whole sign houses within the original system of horoscopic astrology, I provide a quote from Dorian Greenbaum on the places (2015, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology, p. 400, footnote 6):

“By far the most prevalent among Hellenistic astrologers is this ‘one place/one sign’ system (called ‘Whole Sign’ by modern traditional astrologers). This is not to say that astrologers were unaware of the earth’s inclination which put the ecliptic at about a 23.5° tilt and, consequently, often made for a less than 90° angle between the rising and culminating degrees in an astrological chart (depending on the rising time of the sign on the eastern horizon); what is now known as the Porphyry place-system is described in Valens, III, 2 (Pingree, 127.17-128.26). But the whole sign/place system showed areas of life, while the rising or culminating angles (and those that set and anti-culminated) described the relative strength or power of signs or planets within that system. Yet all of Valens’ chart delineations use a one place/one sign system (thanks to Robert Hand for bringing this to my attention).  Paulus Alexandrinus (378 CE) showed he was aware of this in his Introduction, ch. 30, ‘On the Midheaven’: ‘But it is necessary to know that the Midheaven degree does not always fall in the tenth from the Hour-marker, on account of the inequality of the zodiac sign’s temporal ascension, but sometimes on the ninth, sometimes on the eleventh.’ […] Olympiadorus, Paulus’s 6th-century commentator, appears to be the first of the Hellenistic astrologers to suggest that the quadrant system (in this case, the one later ascribed to Porphyry) be used for the places as significators of areas of life […]”

Take It Further

Look at your chart and the charts of interesting celebrities. Which planets are the most prominent? With which houses do these planets associate by position and rulership? Which planets are the most relevant for characterizing the self? Don’t forget to consider the different types of rulership. Additionally, look to see if any planet is located in a twelfth-part that is the rising sign. In which houses are the rulers of the Ascendant?

Dig deeper into the significations of the houses by reading Valens, Book II, Chapters 4-15. Additionally, for those who possess a copy, I recommend reading Ch. 57 of Rhetorius the Egyptian.



Dorotheus of Sidon. (2005). Carmen Astrologicum. (D. Pingree, Trans.). Abingdon, MD: Astrology Center of America.

Greenbaum, D. G. (2015). The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (Lam edition). Leiden ; Boston: Brill.

Masha’allah, & al-Khayyat, A. ’Ali. (2009). Persian Nativities I: Masha’allah and Abu ’Ali. (B. N. Dykes, Trans.). Minneapolis, MN: The Cazimi Press.

Maternus, J. F. (2011). Mathesis. (J. H. Holden, Trans.). American Federation of Astrologers.

Paulus Alexandrinus & Olympiodorus. (2001). Late Classical Astrology: Paulus Alexandrinus and Olypiodorus. (D. G. Greenbaum, Trans.). Reston, VA: Arhat.

Porphyry, & Serapio. (2009). Porphyry the Philosopher. (J. H. Holden, Trans.). Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers.

Ptolemy, C. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. (F. E. Robbins, Trans.). Cambridge, MA: Loeb Classical Library. Retrieved from

Rhetorius of Egypt, & Teucer of Babylon. (2009). Rhetorius the Egyptian. (J. H. Holden, Trans.). Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers.

Valens, V. (2010). Anthologies. (M. Riley, Trans.) (Online PDF.). World Wide Web: Mark Riley. Retrieved from


Image Attributions

Featured image of Horoscope from “The Birth of Iskandar” (14th century) by See page for author [<a  href=”″>CC BY 4.0</a>], <a href=”;The_book_of_birth_of_Iskandar%22_Wellcome_L0025988.jpg”>via Wikimedia Commons</a>

Toda Hut image by Pratheep P S, [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Image of the painting Runners (1920) by Robert Delauney is in the public domain.

Earth symbol is in the public domain.

Image of etching Light Expelling Darkness (1795) by James Gillray is in the public domain.

Image of phrenology chart is in the public domain. 

Jimi Hendrix image is in the public domain. 

Official Portrait of Donald Trump is in the public domain. 

Twelve Easy Lessons for Beginners | 0. Why Learn Ancient Astrology and Its History?

So You Want to Learn Astrology

Do you want to learn astrology but are put off by the different schools of thought, complex terminology, and vague explanations? Would you like to explore the original ways that the basic elements of astrology were used?

Hellenistic astrology is the name of the astrology from which all chart-based astrology descends, including Indian horoscopic astrology and modern Western astrology. While it is about 2,000 years old, it is still possible to learn its techniques today.

Why Learn Hellenistic Astrology?

If you feel drawn to astrology, the study of Hellenistic astrology will reward you as it is clearer and richer than most modern astrology. You will get the added benefit of connecting to astrology’s roots and learning the origin of elements of astrology still in use today, such as signs, aspects, and houses. However, skeptics of astrology can also benefit from its study, as they will learn the original rules of the game and can better evaluate practitioners of more sophisticated forms of astrology.

A Series of Lessons

This series will fill a strong need for a quick and dirty introduction to ancient astrology for beginners and intermediate students.  In this series, I will attempt to present things in such a way that anyone will be able to very quickly start reading charts from a Hellenistic perspective. I hope to allow you to understand the other articles on this site and start exploring primary source material. In this lesson zero, I introduce how the astrology we will study fits into the history of astrology. If you want to dive into doing actual astrology, please feel free to skip this lesson and come back to it.

For those itching to go further, I highly recommend Chris Brennan’s Hellenistic Astrology and Ben Dykes’ Introductions to Traditional Astrology to keep as reference works. For those who would like a full course on fundamentals, there’s Chris Brennan’s Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology Course.

The History of Astrology

By ancient astrology, I mean the type which arose in the last couple centuries BCE, in the Mediterranean region, particularly around Egypt.  Prior to the advent of this new system, astrologers had read omens in the sky. They had done this for thousands of years, with particular intensity in Mesopotamia. However, around the 1st or 2nd century BCE, a melding of Babylonian, Egyptian, and Greek knowledge resulted in a new astrology using charts of the sky to interpret all manner of inquiries.

Where the Sun Rises

One of the key innovations to come out of this revolutionary system was that it fixed the sky to a specific place and time according to the sign of the zodiac (section of the sky) that was rising in the east. This rising or ascending sign (Ascendant) was called the horoskopos (horoscope).

A chart of the positions of the signs and planets relative to this sign was drawn. These charts are also known as “horoscopes”, so this chart-based astrology is called “horoscopic astrology”. Topics were assigned to different areas of the chart and a specific new set of principles were used to interpret the chart.  This astrology became very popular and widespread in Egypt, Europe, Persia, and even India. It transformed each culture’s omen lore tradition into a “horoscopic” tradition; an Astrology 2.0 if you will.

Speaking Greek

We refer to the original horoscopic astrology as Hellenistic astrology because it was practiced by people who wrote in Ancient Greek. Ancient Greek was the scholarly language of the time around Alexandria, Egypt and the Mediterranean due to the prior conquests of Alexander the Great. Texts quickly also appeared in other languages, especially Latin (and later Pahlavi and Sanskrit). However, even in these other languages, the early system is called Hellenistic astrology.


Therefore, Hellenistic astrology is not so much astrology performed by Greeks as one might presume by the name. Rather the designation refers to the language of the foundational texts of the period, not the ethnic identity or national origins of its practitioners. As its practice tended to actually rise and fall with the Roman Empire it may also accurately be called Greco-Roman astrology. Greco-Roman astrology refers to the Greek and Latin language astrology practiced within the Roman Empire during its heyday.

The system spread quickly to Persia and to India (see Yavanajataka). There it combined with sophisticated omen astrology that had existed in those regions and transformed them into horoscopic astrology strongly resembling Hellenistic astrology. In India the horoscopic tradition thrives as Jyotish.

Interestingly, the first mechanical computer is an astronomical clock to calculate planetary positions for astrological work. It dates back to the 1st-2nd century BCE, around the time that Hellenistic astrology was born.

A Rich Body of Text

One might expect that we’d have only scraps from this 2,000-year-old fringe field of study. We actually have many multi-volume ancient textbooks on the subject. There is a lot of material in Hellenistic astrology, and it is very diverse.

Despite a common foundation, different authors stressed different techniques and approaches from the beginning. They did not all agree.

While there are attempts at reconstructing an original or proto-Hellenistic astrology, one of the strengths of the period is its diversity. Not everything proposed works, but with multiple ancient astrologers expressing their take on a matter, and an abundance of chart data available today for analysis, we have plenty of approaches to test out and refine.

Recent Translation Wave

Most of the material did not see its first translation into English until the late 20th century.  One of the largest and most important works, the nine-volume Anthology of Vettius Valens, was not completely available in English until 2010 (translation by Mark Riley).

Robust at the Start

The oldest surviving complete works date back to the 1st century CE. However, many of those works are already large, refined, and reference earlier source material.  In fact, both of the surviving full works from the 1st century, those of Manilius and Dorotheus, are lengthy poems (verse), which is an indication of thorough prior familiarity with the material.

A reconstruction of the Antikythera Mechanism (click the photo to read a Smithsonian article about the mechanism).

The Most Important Hellenistic Texts

While there are over a dozen notable surviving texts from the Hellenistic period, there are five particularly pivotal texts:

        1. Dorotheus wrote the large and influential Carmen Astrologicum in the 1st century CE, which had 4 books on interpreting charts of birth time (natal astrology) and 1 book on choosing lucky times to start activities (electional astrology).
        2. Ptolemy, a notable “scientist” (natural philosopher) of the day, wrote the large Tetrabiblos (2nd century CE). This text has material on birth charts and also material on interpreting charts for weather and political events (mundane astrology).
        3. Valens wrote what is probably the most informative text of the era, the Anthology (2nd century CE). He cites a number of techniques from other ancient authors which would otherwise be unknown. The nine volumes deal with natal astrology (birth chart interpretation), especially methods for predicting important life events.
        4. Maternus wrote Mathesis (4th century CE), which is another very large text on birth chart interpretation, but one less focused on predictive techniques than Valens.
        5. A great reference text of definitions by an author named Antiochus (2nd century CE or earlier) is now lost but its important definitions were copied into the Introduction to the Tetrabiblos of Porphyry (3rd century CE) and the Compendium of Rhetorius (6th or 7th century CE), making them important references for this lost text on the early rules of the game.

From Hellenistic Astrology to Persian Medieval Astrology

After the decline of the Roman empire, intellectual activity in the region strongly shifted from the Greeks (and Romans) to their neighbors. The Persians had translated Greek science and philosophy into their language, Pahlavi.  Muslim Arabs conquered the Persians in the 7th century CE. They translated Greek and Pahlavi material on natural science and philosophy (including astrology) into Arabic.

Some of the greatest Persian and Arab minds of the age wrote on astrology.  Working with Hellenistic texts, they developed ideas and sought to advance the art of astrology. In many ways, today’s Hellenistic astrologers are focused on the same task. However, the translation and transmission of the Hellenistic material resulted in some key changes and additions that transformed the way a chart was interpreted during this period.

Perso-Arabic Astrology

I refer to this early medieval astrology as Persian astrology or Perso-Arabic astrology, to distinguish it from the Hellenistic astrology that came before it and the European Medieval astrology that followed. The Carmen Astrologicum of Dorotheus was a major influence upon the astrology of the Persian period. This is particularly so in the development of the astrology of choosing lucky times (electional astrology) and the astrology of finding answers to questions in the chart of the time the question is asked (horary astrology).

The Persians had an existing system of omen-lore for predicting world events. Therefore, some of the most important developments in using charts to interpret and predict world events (mundane astrology) also occurred during this period.

Important Perso-Arabic Astrologers

In the last 15 years, we have seen the first English translations of many of the most important Perso-Arabic works. Dr. Ben Dykes is the most active translator of these works. His translations have been of the highest quality, with extensive footnotes relating the works to their Hellenistic sources, so I heartily recommend them, especially the Persian Nativities series.

The key figures in Perso-Arabic astrology include al-Andarzaghar (7th century), Mashallah ibn Athari (8th century), Umar al-Tabari (late 8th-early 9th century), Sahl Ibn Bishr (early 9th century), Abu ‘Ali al-Khayyat (9th century) Abu Bakr (9th century), Abu Ma’shar (9th century), Al-Kindi (9th century), Al-Qabisi (10th century), and Al-Biruni (10th-11th century). Interestingly, the writings of the astrologer Abu Ma’shar have also been argued to be the single greatest source for the recovery of the ideas of Aristotle in Europe prior to the middle of the 12th century.

Astrology Returns to Europe

During the High Middle Ages, Arabic material became translated into Latin, particularly in Spain.  This translation wave saw a return of Hellenistic scientific and philosophical thought to Europe, leading eventually to the Renaissance.

While some of the greatest minds of the European Middle Ages and Renaissance worked on this astrology, it came to resemble a somewhat watered down version of late Perso-Arabic astrology, rather than a return to Hellenistic astrology. This was due to a combination of factors, including the selection, quality, and availability of the translated texts, as well as varying degrees of social pressure against astrology from the church and those in the intellectual community.

A 16th century Latin translation of Abu Ma’shar’s classic text of mundane astrology, On the Great Conjunctions.

Some Changes Were Not for the Best

Some of the distinct features of the late European tradition include assigning topics of life in the chart by dividing the chart spatially (quadrant houses). This is opposed to assigning the topics to the signs/houses themselves based on their order of rising starting with the first house (sign) rising.

There was also very little use of certain key features of Hellenistic astrology in late European astrology. For instance, the lots (see link for more details on lots) were neglected due to false suspicions that they were invented by the Arabs. At the same time, some features that were invented in the Perso-Arabic period, such as the use of pointing systems to assess a planet’s relationship to some area of the chart and the strength or quality of the planet’s indications, became key features of European traditional astrology.

These gradual changes in emphasis eroded Hellenistic astrology throughout the later traditional period. For instance, the point-based analysis ignores sect, a distinction made by many major figures in Hellenistic and Persian astrology. By contrast, the point-based system sees as significant more marginal distinctions like “detriment” (when a planet is in the sign opposite from the one it rules), a distinction ignored by most Hellenistic astrologers.

Heroes of Late Traditional Astrology

There are a number of historically important astrologers who practiced during the later traditional period. Guido Bonatti, Jean-Baptiste Morin, Johannes Kepler, and William Lilly are among the most influential.

Bonatti (13th century) synthesized some of the Perso-Arabic material in his work. Bonatti is a favorite of 20th-century medievalist astrologer Robert Zoller.

Morin (17th century) wrote volumes on interpreting the natal chart and a few of those volumes became key texts of 20th-century traditional astrology (particularly those on interpretive principles and on solar returns).

Johannes Kepler, best known for his astronomical work, was a 17th-century astrologer who sought to reformulate astrology according to his own ideas.

William Lilly (17th century), an English astrologer, wrote primarily on answering questions (horary astrology). He continues to influence the practice of horary astrology today.

William Lilly and his birth chart.

The Changing Meaning of “Traditional Astrology”

While traditional astrologers originally focused on the late European tradition, this is changing as more people discover the earlier Hellenistic and Persian material.  Traditional astrologers neglected Hellenistic and Persian astrology until recently due to a lack of texts in modern languages. We have translators to thank for today’s renewed interest in ancient forms of astrology.

From Renaissance to New Age Babble

From the late 19th century through the 20th century, astrology became reformulated under the influence of theosophy, modern psychology (especially Jungian psychology), and a number of self-styled gurus.  The mainstream of modern astrology, including nearly all of the astrology books in popular bookstores, may be termed “psychological astrology” or “new age astrology”.  Unfortunately, very little pre-modern astrology is readily available in bookstores. Popular astrology consists of re-inventing the wheel in order to promote a specific set of psychological or spiritual assumptions, often by distorting and oversimplifying a few of the original principles of astrology.

Ancient Astrology vs. Modern Astrology

You are probably familiar with newspaper horoscopes, Sun sign books, and maybe even more detailed modern astrological works. More detailed modern astrology looks at Moon signs, Rising signs, planets in signs, planets in houses, planets in aspect, etc. Such modern works claim to provide information about personal traits like character and compatibility. Clearly, the stress in modern astrology is on exploring the character, preferences, and “psyche”.  The activity observed in the sky mirrors the functions of the soul. Different planets and chart factors represent distinct functions (modules) of one’s soul or psyche.  In this view, an astrological chart reveals the unconscious changes taking place in the individual and collective psyches. These changes only sometimes materialize in actual events, but they are always “real” in some psycho-spiritual sense.

Marc Edmund Jones played a central role in guiding the reformulation of astrology in the early 20th century.

You’re Not your Sun Sign

As all factors are components of the psyche in such a system. The most powerful factors (Sun and Moon) come to represent the central components of the person’s psychology.  Thus the Sun in modern astrology is the popular go-to factor for analyzing character (the Sun sign). Horoscope columnists even attempt large-scale prediction for all those born with the same Sun signs.  Elaborate personality delineations based just on the Sun sign (such as Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs) continue to be very popular. However,  the over-emphasis on the Sun’s sign and on a wholly psychological orientation, are inconsistent with ancient astrology.

A Whole New World

Contrast the focus on the personal unconscious in modern astrology with the focus on all facets of life in ancient astrology, not just psychology.  The chart speaks of events that are internal and external, personal and impersonal, subjective and objective. For instance, in one person’s chart, the Sun may speak volumes about the personality, while in another’s it may say more about the person’s career, spouse, boss, or father. Not everything in the chart provides indications about the internal functioning of the person’s personality.

Psychology in Hellenistic Astrology

As ancient astrology has a lot to say about non-psychological circumstances, there is a myth that ancient astrology says little about personality, belief, spirituality, and fulfillment.  Actually, many ancient astrological authors addressed the topics of personality, spirituality, and morality at great length. Additionally, the fuller feature-set of Hellenistic astrology allows for more complex and nuanced analysis which better captures the diversity of human experience than the 12 Sun Sign personalities and other over-simplistic approaches to character analysis.

A Dynamic Cast of Characters

In ancient astrological interpretation, there may be multiple planets with strong ties to the personality. Each may have different significations. They may even be in a tense conflict with each other. There may be indications for when one of those becomes more prominent than the others. For instance, a difficult or a beneficial psychological circumstance may be indicated for a period of time.

We can even find a 2nd-century Hellenistic astrologer (Ptolemy) distinguishing indications referring to the unconscious mind from those referring to the conscious mind. The wider vocabulary of ancient astrology is refreshing. It is a welcome move away from the type of astrology that insists that Walt Disney, Josef Stalin, Jimi Hendrix, Brad Pitt, Ted Bundy, and Miley Cyrus all have the same core personality (or main ego drives, etc.) because all were born with the Sun in Sagittarius.

Power vs. the Center of Circumstance

The signs of the Sun and the Moon are the primary factors for the character in modern astrology. By contrast, the planets themselves rather than their signs were the focus for traditional character analysis.  The Sun and Moon are powerful in ancient astrology, but in a general sense. They signaled power, prominence, and influence generally.  If the Sun and/or Moon had a strong influence over character then they’d symbolize a bolder and more vibrant character. However, the Sun and Moon are not always the central factors for determining the nature of someone’s character.

The rising point, called the horoskopos or Ascendant is the key symbol of the individual in the chart.  This is the point where the vast infinite sky rises out from the finite Earth. The sky is a symbol of boundless potential or the soul of the universe. By contrast, the Earth is a symbol of the finite personal body. Therefore, the Ascendant is like a soul peering through a body. Infinite potential takes finite form – a life takes shape. Planets ruling or otherwise influencing this point access the symbol of the individual. They are particularly relevant for character and persistent physical circumstance.

The Unfolding Self

The degree of the Ascendant is based on the earth’s rotation. As such it is dependent on one’s specific location. Additionally, the degree of the Ascendant changes about every 4 minutes on average, or a sign every 2 hours. Compare this with the Sun sign which changes once per month.  In this way, ancient astrology links the self with the most individual part of the chart. The Ascendant is dependent upon the particular moment and location of birth. It is not the same for any person born in one-twelfth of any year like the Sun sign.

The rest of the chart shows the circumstances of the individual’s life.  Predictive techniques animate areas of the chart to symbolize the individual put into contact with those circumstances. A change in circumstances can even pertain to the personality. The symbolism for psychological change and development over time is available in ancient astrology.

Sunrise at the ruins of the Temple of Apollo at Side, Antalya, Turkey.

Let’s Learn Astrology

In this series, we will begin with the planets and work our way to full chart analysis and prediction. From the first lesson, we will begin thinking in the language of astrology. We will use this language to describe all manner of circumstances. The accurate application of this language to our daily lives is a key to reading charts. We will explore personality and a whole lot more. By the end of the series, you will be able to hone your craft on your own. You’ll do this by analyzing charts and critically testing techniques. In addition, you will be able to explore the neglected ancient source material for new ideas and perspectives.


Image attributions

Featured Image: Antikythera Mechanism fragments: By Therese Clutario [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Antikythera Mechanism: By Tilemahos Efthimiadis from Athens, Greece [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Antikythera Mechanism reconstruction: By Moravec (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Latin Translation of Abu Ma’shar: Public Domain

Lilly and his Birth Chart: See page for author [CC BY 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Marc Edmund Jones: Public Domain

Sunrise Apollo Side: By Saffron Blaze (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Bio Shorts | David Lynch

Man on the Moon

Industrial Symphony No. 1 is a very ethereal musical play created by David Lynch. It features music by Angelo Badalamenti with vocals by Julee Cruise. It was performed in 1989, after Wild At Heart and foreshadowing, musically and thematically, the Twin Peaks series. I missed it on its release to VHS in 1990 but it’s also been released in the Lime Green Box Set and a lower quality version floats around on YouTube (below).

The Moon through a Loud Speaker

The irrational is pervasive in Lynch’s work.  Watching his films is akin to a swim through the sphere of Yesod on the kabbalistic tree of life.  It is of little wonder to find the Moon as the loudest and most influential planet in his life.

General Lunar Prominence

There are many factors that make the Moon the most prominent planet in Lynch’s life in a general way as if her volume has been turned up. The sect light is the Moon (Lynch was born at night), and she is above the horizon in a feminine sign (i.e. in haym). Luna is very prominent as she is strongly advancing on the MC (conjunct MC within 2 degrees). The Moon is in the place of the Good Spirit (the 11th house; pertaining to friends and social benefit). She’s also in the place of Love (i.e. place occupied by the Lot of Love, one of the 4 principal lots, and actually within 2.5 degrees of the lot).

Lynch’s Natal Chart with 4 Principal Lots (CTRL-click to enlarge)

Personal Lunar Prominence

The Moon is also one of the planets that impact the character and sense of self. The Moon’s twelfth-part is in the most important place, the 1st house, which pertains to the self. She also is a lord of the Ascendant (participating triplicity lord with a regard by sextile). Additionally, she regards and rules the lord of the Ascendant (Mars in Cancer) and she is conjunct the twelfth-part of Fortune.

Lynch’s Natal Chart with twelfth-parts (CTRL-click to enlarge)

Lunar Themes

Lunar themes of vivid depths of subjective experience, instinct, and irrationality permeate Lynch’s work. Also, lunar themes of the familiar and habitual (i.e. sentimentality) are also apparent in his life and work.  I am thinking particularly of his repeated use of familiar actors, the non-linearity of his work,  and the thematic grappling with the relationship between role and real-life. He also explores the complex and paradoxical subconscious evocations of rural life and nature, as well as the influence of dreams, visions, coincidences, and spiritual experiences on life.

Diving Deeper into Lynch’s Birth Chart

His birth data is rated AA for accuracy. I also provide his chart with twelfth-parts and with four principal lots.

David Lynch’s Natal Chart

More on the Moon

The Moon is in Virgo, a mutable sign, thus the Moon tends to express through interactivity, as opposed to through powerful changes (cardinal) or stable developments (fixed).  Virgo is an earth sign, evoking the land, tradition, and the body.  Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, is the messenger. He is in the 3rd House, the Joy of the Moon. The Moon is herself a traveler, while Mercury delivers and communicates. This adds a lot of movement, interaction, communication, and consultation to the prominent relationship between the Moon and Mercury. The Moon rules Cancer, the 9th house, which is the place of God, pertaining to truth-seeking, spirituality, and foreigners.

Mercury in Capricorn with Sun and Venus

Mercury is in phasis and is most directly influenced by Venus and the Sun, with which he is assembled in the third house, Capricorn. Venus pertains to love and art; the Sun to influence and publicity.  This is especially so with Venus, as she is most closely assembled with Mercury and rules his bound (as well as being a triplicity lord of Capricorn).  The combination of Venus, Mercury, and the Sun in a place of connection and conveyance is evocative of many important professional aspects of Lynch’s life, from the artistic direction of important projects to his bold use of music.

Capricorn, the 3rd house, is mostly benefic in the chart. It is occupied by the sect benefic and dominated (right-side square) by Jupiter. Meanwhile, Mercury applies an opposition to both malefics, and it is ruled by an out of sect Saturn (in the 9th house of God). This lends an aura of foreboding ethereal terror over matters of Mercury, Venus, the Sun, and the 3rd House.

Echoes in Life and Work

The Moon pertains to family and childhood, especially the mother. The Virgoan Mercurial influence and prominence of the 3rd house fits with Lynch’s mother being an English tutor and his father and agricultural research scientist. Additionally, the prominence of the 3rd House, the Moon, mutability, and Mercury, all evoke travel and movement. This fits with his experience of moving a half dozen times with his family as a child and embarking on some formative trips as a young adult.  The land, tradition, the elderly, fear, and handicap are all very Saturnine themes evoked in his work. They are linked with the supernatural and lurking in the shadows, contrasted with human innocence.

David Lynch’s Natal Chart

Malefics in the Lunar House of God

When it comes to personality analysis, the main indicators are the lord of the Ascendant (Mars in this case), Mercury, and the Moon.  Mars is in sect and in a good place in the chart, but conjunct the out of sect malefic, Saturn. It is also strongly influenced by both benefics (benefics are in the stakes of Mars), and ruled by the very benefic Moon, while in the bound of the benefic Jupiter.  The overall sense with Mars is of an ambitious nature and one which can be irritable and rebellious, but very beneficial and noble (sect, good place, benefic influence). Yet Mars is also touched by the dark, dreadful, and macabre (Saturn).  All in all, there is incredible complexity to the character because of all the planetary influences on the lord of the Ascendant.  Mars additionally occupies the 9th Place, the House of God, drawing Lynch to spiritual matters.

The 9th House of God

Spirituality itself is a complex and prominent matter in Lynch’s life. On the one hand, there would seem to be animosity toward religion given the strong association between spirituality and evil. This is signified by the presence of both malefics in the 9th, the retreat of Jupiter in the 12th house of the Evil Spirit. Also, there is an identification with rebellious Mars and intellectual Mercury. However, there is an overwhelming prominence and personal investment in matters of spirituality, truth, belief, and dream in his life.

Note that most of the planets in his chart (5 of 7) are in the 9th and 3rd houses. This includes both Mars and Mercury. Also, the sect light (the Moon) rules the 9th, lending additional prominence and associating spirituality with her significations.  While Mercury is strong in some ways, it lacks the overwhelming pervasiveness of the more subjective and irrational lunar influence over the life.  Through twelfth-parts, we also find the identification with the Moon and Venus, as their parts are in the Ascendant. Additionally, we find Jupiter, the planet of faith and spirit, playing a more prominent role in career and administrative aspects of the life, with its twelfth-part positioned in the 10th of actions and authority.

Lynch with twelfth-parts


Fear-inducing (Saturn) and violent (Mars) spiritual entities (9th place) tended over by nature, night, and instinct (the Moon) are frequent themes in his work. The connection with art pertains to the fact that the malefics oppose and rule his Venus, the goddess of beauty and art.  Venus is in the 3rd House, the Joy of the Moon, in the nocturnal house of Saturn (Capricorn), in the bound of Mars, and with the Moon as the primary triplicity lord.  Her twelfth-part is in the 1st House, that of the self, in the nocturnal house of Mars (Scorpio), in the bound of Jupiter.

Venus is the primary planet pertaining to his aesthetic and it is fitting to find her dominated by subjective and spiritually-tinged maleficence (Mars and Saturn in the 9th, in the bound of Jupiter, ruled by the Moon) and irrationality (Venus in the Joy of the Moon, general pervasiveness of the Moon, Venus and Moon twelfth-parts co-present in the 1st of self and identity).  The 3rd house journey/transportation themes also occur frequently in Lynch’s work.  Wild At Heart, Lost Highway, and even The Straight Story are road movies, while main characters are often visiting outsiders.

A Couple Key Years

1966: Age 20

In my opinion, a pivotal year in Lynch’s life was 1966, when he moved to Philadelphia to attend an art school which held more promise than the last one, got his future wife pregnant, created his first short film (Six Men Getting Sick), and became acquainted with the fear of crime-ridden urban living.

9th House Profection

He would have been Age 20 at the time, thus the annual profection would have been to his 9th House, Cancer, occupied by the malefics, Mars and Saturn, with the Moon as lord of the year. These are all key influential planets in his chart and especially in terms of relationship and artistic matters (Venus).  Lunar years are typically quite varied and eventful, as the Moon is prominent and moves quickly.  In this case, the Moon herself profected to the 7th of partnership, ruled by Venus.  It was as if in this year Lynch stepped into the house of the Moon, finding Mars and Saturn there creating fear and violence. The Moon lorded over everything as its guide, in terms of pregnancy, bonds, and the artistic promises of the 3rd house.

Solar Return Moon in the 3rd

At the time of the solar return, the Moon was in the 3rd house, conjunct natal Mercury. This put a spotlight on the work of that house.  Mars and Venus of the return were both in the 4th of home and family, while Saturn was in the 5th of children just as Saturn’s natal twelfth-part is. This signaled weight and apprehension in the house of children.

David Lynch’s 1966 Solar Return Transits

Zodiacal Releasing of Spirit to Cancer

The importance of a year in terms of one’s professional objectives is primarily seen through zodiacal releasing of Spirit.  In October of 1965 the 1st Level of Spirit’s releasing made its first transition from its starting period in Gemini to its new period in Cancer where it would stay until 1990.  This started off with a 2nd Level period also in Cancer until October 1967.  Therefore, both of the two main levels of Spirit’s releasing were to the 9th House, Cancer, ruled by the Moon, occupied by both malefics, and additionally activated at the Age 20 profection.

Venus-Jupiter and Mercury Activation by Planetary Years

The activations by planetary year were also interesting.  Age 20 is most prominently a Mercury year, while also a year in which Venus-Jupiter (8+12) relationships come into play, such as his Jupiter in sign and bound of Venus and dominating her, signifying artistic benefit and children (both planets confer children, and both are the main rulers of the House of Children, the 5th, Pisces).

1990: Age 44

9th House Profection

There were many other pivotal years in his career but 1990 stands out as particularly important and prolific.  He won the Palme d’Or at Cannes for Wild at Heart, Twin Peaks was hitting TV audiences, he released the Industrial Symphony No. 1, and his early paintings were in an exhibition.  Interestingly, 1990 marked another profection to the 9th House, Cancer.  The Moon, lord of the year, was transiting through the 1st house of the Self at the time of the solar return, which was also a Venus return, as Venus was at 27 degrees Capricorn in the return, almost exactly conjunct her natal position at 26 Capricorn, strongly realizing Venus’s artistic birth promises.

Lynch 1990 Solar Return

Zodiacal Releasing of Spirit to Leo

When we look at the releasing of Spirit for 1990, we find that it marked the next Level 1 transition. It went from Cancer (the period which started in 1965) to Leo, the 10th house, ruled by the Sun.  Thus this next major transition in his professional life marked a new period, ruled by the Sun. The Sun is with Venus in the 3rd and the Sun rules the 10th house of actions, honors, and authority.  It was as if Lynch had received his king’s (the 10th and the Sun both pertaining to rulership/kings).


Image Attributions: Eraserhead poster image (cropped) is in the public domain.

Character | James Holmes | Advancement and Dignity Revisited

Looking Away

The events of July 20th, 2012 in Aurora, Colorado were deeply disturbing. They were so disturbing that some modern astrologers simply refused to look into the killer’s chart. Some thought it to be a distasteful thing to examine while other believed something so heinous is beyond astrology. I understand the sentiment that many astrologers have of not wanting to upset the victims, victims families, and others impacted by such horrific events. It offends the sensibilities of many people to say such things were “in the stars”.

Signs Not Causes

I’ve always been very interested in the astrology of the worst experiences in life. Not so that I can blame bad times on the stars as some might believe, but because I view astrology as a language, rather than as a cause. To me astrology is a system of signs from the gods (some higher intelligence).  Therefore, when something particularly bad happens, I wonder if there was any such indication given by some higher intelligence through the celestial language of signs.   I remain agnostic about whether things happen “for a reason” or according to some higher preordained plan. I simply look to see if there were any signs in the sky, after the fact and with hindsight on my side.

The Existence of Evil

It is not easy for me to come to grips with the fact that this world creates people like Adolf Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, and James Holmes. Those who go on to commit horrible atrocities.  However, the world does create such people and they are indeed part of our reality. Our reality ranges from the most sublime expansive spiritual experiences to senseless random unfair cruelty, like this tragedy in Colorado. If these astrological signs reflect reality, then they should reflect such a horrifically significant experience. Events like this repulse me, make me cry, and lead me to pray for the victims and their families. I offer my condolences to all involved and hope my loved ones are never faced with such idiotic displays of cruelty.

Birth Certificate

About a week ago, the birth certificate of the Colorado movie theater shooter, James Holmes, was unearthed and his birth time uncovered.  In ancient astrology a valid birth time is essential to character analysis as it sets the rising degree which determines which topics are assigned to which signs (i.e. the houses of the chart).  Now that we have a birth time for James Holmes, I would like to make a couple brief notes about the chart which reiterate some of the important points I’ve raised in past. I have previously explored the factors for character analysis and issues with the use of essential dignity. I’m also an advocate of the use of advancement in assessing planetary prominence.  This will not be an in depth look at the events and will largely be devoid of timing techniques.  I may delve into such topics at some future point.

James Holmes

James Eagan Holmes was born on December 13th, 1987 at 9:04pm in La Jolla, California (source).  His basic chart is shown below.

James Holmes Natal Chart

Solar/Mercurial Character

I’ll discuss the indications from some of the most important factors in character analysis. These factors include the Ascendant and 1st house, its lord, the Moon and her separations and applications, the Sun, Mercury, and general planetary strength.

Holmes has Leo rising, with the Ascendant in the bound of Mercury, so we expect some “self-identification” with the Sun and Mercury. Their placements in the chart more important to the character than typical.  The Sun would make someone attention-getting, competitive, leading, powerful, achieving, and dominant. This is even more so if the Sun is regarding the Ascendant, is generally prominent, and is somewhat prototypical (in a place of its dignity).  Mercury would make someone clever, flexible, complicated, analytically skilled, and possibly a bit mischievous. Again, this is more so if it’s also regarding the Ascendant, strong, and somewhat prototypical.

The Clever Golden Boy

Both the Sun and Mercury regard the Ascendant and are advancing.  Therefore, we expect the solar and mercurial qualities to be quite evident in the nature of the character.  In his chart these planets are together in the 5th house, that of Good Fortune, which pertains to physical enjoyments and achievements, such as entertainment.  They are ruled by Jupiter which is in the 9th house, which among other things pertains to higher education, and is particularly scholarly here in the bound of Mercury and stationing direct. Jupiter indicates benefits or opportunities related to higher ed in this case (9th house).

Not So Sunny

The solar personality is modified quite substantially in the chart by the fact that the Sun is in the bound of Saturn and is adhering to Saturn (i.e. applying conjunction within 3 degrees). Saturn is the out of sect malefic which is typically the planet in the chart that signifies the most difficulty or disruption.  Saturn pertains to darkness, death, the macabre, and cruelty, especially when out of sect. Therefore, there is a sense of this solar strongly influenced from being in the same house and room (bound) of this malicious Saturn, and powerfully joining up with Saturn over time. Mercury is also in assembly with this Sun and Saturn (assembly is an applying conjunction within 15 degrees in the same sign). Mercury is under the beams of the Sun, signifying hidden plans or communications.

Therefore, from the lord of the Ascendant and its bound lord, we get the sense that James Holmes is a solar-mercurial figure with a somewhat choleric personality but this belies bleakness, depression, dark malicious thoughts, and the like (Saturn). Additionally, the twelfth-part of the Ascendant, which can show a hidden personal emphasis, is in the 8th place of death and harm. The Lot of Necessity and the twelfth-parts of the lots of Fortune and Spirit are also in the 8th.

Holmes Natal with Twelfth-Parts

Holmes with Principal Lots

Dark Moon

Another very important factor for personality is the Moon. Ptolemy (2nd century CE) advised that the Moon is particularly important for understanding the more instinctive or body-linked part of the mind (i.e. the subconscious or irrational mind). By contrast, Ptolemy used Mercury for the rational mind.  The separations and applications of the Moon were thought to be extremely significant by many ancient astrologers. Julius Firmicus Maternus (4th century CE) provided lengthy delineations of the Moon’s separations and applications which pertain to the character.

With the South Node in Saturn’s Bound

The Moon in this chart is at 29 Virgo, in the sign of Mercury and the bound of Saturn.  In this we see a reiteration of the importance of both Mercury and Saturn in understanding the character; intellectual and possibly dark or cruel.  The Moon is also conjunct the South Node of the Moon very closely, which is the eclipse point. The South Node is often associated with Saturn, suggesting again a sense of darkness.

Moon on Affliction

Turning to the Lots we find that the Moon is also conjunct, in the same degree, the Lot of Affliction. Affliction pertains to the worst sorts of evils, afflictions, and problems (more on the Lot of Affliction here). Also, the Lot of the Moon, called Fortune, which pertains to physical and circumstantial happenings, is very closely conjunct Mars, the planet of violence and aggression.

Holmes Natal with 5 Lots

From Saturn into the Void

The Separations and applications of the Moon are also interesting in the chart.  The Moon separates from a square with Saturn, but applies to nothing, being void. Traditionally, the Moon is considered void when it completes no application within the next 13 degrees of travel, or about a day. In such as circumstance, it is not “connecting” with any planets as “connection” is the terminology for a degree-based aspect.  So it is as if we have a Moon fresh off connecting with a rather cruel Saturn from a rather tense square aspect proceeding to go aimless. The personal impulse is from cruelty toward randomness, with Saturn (bound lord and last planet connected with) setting the tone.

Malefics Advance; Benefics Retreat

In the series of lessons, I looked at the importance of advancement in assessing planetary prominence.  James Holmes will be known for his brutally violent criminal actions.  In his chart, we find Mars extremely prominent. It is conjoined to an angle, the IC, the bottom of the chart.  Mars is also in a “stake“, the 4th house.  The next most advancing planets are the assembled Mercury, the Sun, and Saturn. Therefore, the malefics (Mars and Saturn) are advancing. By contrast, the benefics, Jupiter and Venus, are retreating. Additionally, the benefics are cadent (the 12th, 6th, 9th, and 3rd are weaker houses).  Thus, while the events in the life see the volume turned way up on Mars, they see the volume turned down on the benefics.  Competitiveness, aggression, and violence get “featured” in the life.

Dignity Revisited

I have strongly spoken out against the misuse and overuse of essential dignity which is common in traditional astrology. For example, see my polemic about Jeffrey Dahmer’s many highly “dignified” planets, including Dahmer’s very dignified Mars in Aries. The chart of Holmes also warns against using dignity in any sense in which it is interpreted as making the planet more benefical or “dignified” in its indications.  Mars is in Scorpio, its domicile and triplicity which is a solid +8 in late traditional dignity pointing systems. However, the display of violence that this person brought into being was anything but dignified.  What we see instead is a Mars that is prototypically Martial, as in violent. Its bound ruler, Mercury, adds a sense of cleverness, irony, and weirdness. This is a Mars that is more Mars-y, but definitely not a “better” Mars in the sense of being beneficial or honorable.

Even in terms of strength, we must be careful not to attach a lot of importance to sign-based dignity.  It is worth noting for instance that Michael Phelps has Mars in Cancer, the sign of its fall.  Mars is a planet of brawn, competitiveness, and atheticism. Mars in fall is not indicating that these themes are weak in the life of Michael Phelps.  On the other hand, from an associative point of view, Mars in Cancer fits Phelps well. Cancer is a water sign and is ruled by the Moon. Water obviously associates with swimming and the Moon rules over bodies of water as well as swift travel.


It’s my hope that this short look at the chart of a monster will assist astrologers in picking out chart factors relevant to character delineation. I hope I’ve also encouraged critical thought with respect to the status quo manner of dealing with essential dignity.

Featured Image

The featured image is The Century 16 Theater in Aurora, Colorado where the 2012 Aurora shooting took place, photographed the day after the shooting By Algr [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

Astrology of Profession or Calling | 6. O.J. Simpson


This series of articles has been about testing and refining an ancient Hellenistic approach to the astrology of a person’s profession or occupation. It can be best to view the results as pertaining to skills used in the context of one’s calling.

Actions in Hellenistic Astrology

Techniques of this sort were discussed by Ptolemy (2nd century CE), Paul of Alexandria (4th century CE), Olympiadorus (6th century CE), and Rhetorius (7th century CE), among others. These astrologers presented their own preferences, or art, for the application of the same basic technique. The techniques assign particular importance to the indications given by Mars, Venus, Mercury, and their combinations. These three are the planets of actions which can become the significators of the occupation. Furthermore, there is an emphasis in the technique on planets in the “stakes” of the chart (the 10th, 1st, 7th, 4th houses) or triplicity of the 10th house (10th, 2nd, and 6th houses), rulership of the 10th, and being configured with the Lights (i.e. Sun and Moon).

Not all ancient astrologers of the Hellenistic and Persian period used this technique. Some preferred basic delineation or a special combinations of factors for delineating profession. Rhetorius used this technique along with basic delineation and a discussion of special chart combinations which indicate specific occupations. However, as a specific technique for finding the planets most relevant to the occupation or calling, this technique is unrivaled in its efficacy.

Looking Back

In the first article, I outlined some notes and quotes on the Hellenistic views on the technique, as well as my own particular approach to it. In the last article, I reviewed the technique and explored three examples from a recent chart challenge. Please refer to those two articles for quick summaries of how the technique is applied in practice.

So far, most of the articles in the series have focused upon artists (Venus) and intellectuals (Mercury) with little attention paid to athletes and laborers (Mars). However, I’ve mentioned that Mars can be a little trickier than the others. In a chart of high social standing Mars may indicate a more aggressive managerial role or competitive political role rather than athletics or labor.  So far, we’ve only seen one example of Mars as the main significator; Dick Butkus from the last article.  Here we’ll look at another example of the technique correctly singling out Mars as significator in an athlete’s chart.

O. J. Simpson

O. J. Simpson is now a convicted felon who will be serving decades in prison. He is now best known for the controversial legal trial over the death of his ex-wife Nicole Brown. That trial was preceded by a lengthy flight from the police, but ended with his acquittal. Amazingly, it was followed by his attempt to publish a book detailing how he would’ve killed her if he had done it.  Years later, he was arrested on multiple felony charges.  You can read a brief bio on Wikipedia. His chart is rated AA for accuracy and is pictured below (with twelfth-part positions).

Simpson’s Natal Chart (outer wheel positions are those of the twelfth-parts)

Brief Note on Character

This series is not about delineating character, but I’d like to quickly note the indications of planets most relevant for character. Typically, the factors most relevant for character are the ruler of the 1st, the Sect Light, Mercury, planets in the 1st, and the Moon.

Dark Places and Malefics in the 1st

OJ’s Sect Light (the Sun) is the ruler of the Ascendant, but it is in a dark place, the 12th, pertaining to betrayal and enmity, in Cancer, ruled by the Moon. The Moon is also in a dark place, the 8th, pertaining to death and stagnation.  Additionally, the twelfth-parts of both Lights are in the 6th, a dark place, in Capricorn, ruled by the malefic Saturn. Therefore, both Lights and the ruler of the Ascendant are entirely oriented toward the dark places, pertaining to hidden and potentially harmful matters.

Mercury is out of sect and in a dark place, the 12th, while under the beams (concealment). This is an association between the rational mind (Mercury), concealment (12th house, under the beams), enmity (12 house), and instability (out of sect).

Saturn is in the 1st house of self, as is the twelfth-part of Mars, the out of sect malefic. Therefore, the malefics are directly operable in the house of the character and temperament. Additionally, the Ascendant and the Moon are both in the bounds of Mars.

Malefic Character with a Jupiter Life

Overall, it is very clear that the malefics and dark places predominate over matters of character. Therefore, it wouldn’t be unusual to expect much in the way of hidden motives, malicious intent, and personal undoing.  However, the sect benefic, Jupiter, is the most prominent planet in the chart, actually right on the IC (conjunct within 3 degrees). Fortunately, or unfortunately, a great deal of good fortune, luck, and a larger than life atmosphere permeate the life as loud and pervasive themes as well.


Let’s turn to the technique for actions.



Mars is advancing to the MC (about 18 degrees from it).  Saturn and Jupiter are the only planets in stakes of the chart (the 1st and 4th respectively).  However, out of Mars, Venus, and Mercury, only Mars is in an appropriate place, the 11th, Gemini.  Additionally, the twelfth-part of Mars is in the 1st house. Of lesser importance, Mars also overcomes, by applying sextile within 3 degrees, Saturn, the occupant of the 1st.

Rulership and Other Matters

Mars is the only planet of the three action planets in the chart with some form of rulership at both the Ascendant and the MC It rules the rising bound, while it has participating triplicity at the MC and 10th. Jupiter also has a form of rulership in both places. The Sun and Venus, which respectively rule the 1st and 10th are both in the 12th, which is generally the most inappropriate place for actions. However, Venus is strongly in phasis in the chart, almost exactly 15 degrees from the Sun.


Mars is judged to be the most relevant planet for professional matters by far. It advances toward the MC, in an appropriate place (with its twelfth-part in a pivotal place), and has some rulership of the Ascendant and MC.

Jupiter is also very important for the profession. It is in a stake, with rulership at the 1st and 10th. However, it is not one the three action planets, so we view it more as a modifier. Note that the twelfth-part of Jupiter is with Mars in the chart, an indication of a champion (fortune in athletics).

Venus also has importance on account of ruling the 10th and being in phasis. The Moon very closely aspects Mercury also (separating). Therefore, there is a sense in which the 12 house cluster of Sun, Venus, and Mercury together signify entertainment work of a Venus-Mercury nature  (vocal, acting). In later life he was an announcer and actor fitting with such work.

General Strength

Jupiter is by far the planet with the greatest general strength in the chart.  It is not just strongly advancing but actually conjunct the angle of the IC.  Jupiter also regards both lights by trine. The Sun (Sect Light) overcomes Jupiter by applying trine within 3 degrees. Additionally, Jupiter stations direct about 6 days after birth.  Jupiter is ruled by Mars, arguably the second strongest planet in the chart, and pertaining to athletics.

I consider Mars the second strongest planet in the chart in a general way. It is the strongest of the three action planets. Mars advances to the MC and is dominated by the Moon. Most of the other planets in the chart are retreating or barely advancing.  Venus is also strong but in different ways. Venus is in phasis, and is advancing, while she is co-present with one Light and regards the other.


Mars is the planet in O.J. Simpson’s chart with the greatest relevance for profession. It is also a planet with a broadly pervasive influence over his life. We expect martial significations to show up in many guises and in many different areas of the life, with great frequency.  In the most simplistic terms, Mars would show a career path pertaining to brawn, as opposed to the brains of Mercury or aesthetics of Venus.  It is interesting that Mars is in the bound of Jupiter and with the twelfth-part of Jupiter, connecting it with success.

Once again we find this technique to be a breath of fresh air in comparison to most other vocational technique of western astrology. It leads us down the right path to look at the proper planets. We even learn something of the nuances and variety to occupational possibilities and developments. Not only is Mars singled out for O.J. but we get a sense of the importance that Venus (entertainment) can play and how it all relates to a hugely pervasive Jupiterian influence on life circumstances. Saturn’s twelfth-part is conjunct Jupiter, suggesting where such luck hits limitations.

Featured image is in the public domain.

Character | 1. The Curious Case of Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Turner Revisited

If Not Dignity, Then What?

In the polemical “The Curious Case of Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Turner“, I showed how dignity is not a good indicator of a planet’s tendency towards more positive or negative significations. The charts of Jeffrey Dahmer (4 planets in domicile) and Ted Turner (4 planets in fall or detriment) are cogent reminders of how inaccurate the use of dignity for beneficence can be. However, the question remains as to how one should judge beneficence and loftiness of character (moral disposition) and social status (eminence).

The delineation of character, morality, and eminence is complex.  Of those, character is the easiest. Traditional methods will tell you far more in regards to character than modern psychological astrology. Eminence is a much messier can of worms. In the application of eminence techniques, I often find more relevance in terms of social mobility, than in terms of a pre-ordained hierarchical “rank of fame”, as some traditionalists describe it. Eminence will be explored at some later time.

Character Basics

Ascendant Lords, Mercury, and Dominant Planets

Abu’ali on the Lord of the Ascen­dant and Mer­cury: “these sig­nify the mat­ters of the soul, and the morals of the native, just as the Moon and the Ascen­dant sig­nify the body” (The Judg­ment of Nativ­i­ties, Dykes trans., 2009, p. 236). Abu Bakr on the other hand has us look at dom­i­nant plan­ets in the chart, par­tic­u­larly those in the 1st or 10th. This is similar in spirit to the “vic­tor of the chart” approaches which were popular in the later middle ages. Ptolemy looks at Mer­cury for the ratio­nal mind and the Moon for the irra­tional, mir­rored in the modern-day notion of a con­scious and uncon­scious mind.

Overall, in character analysis, I find the Ascendant Lord(s) and the dominant planet(s) to be the most important starting points of the delineation. All of the rulers of the Ascendant are of some significance for character, as all are connected in some way with the individual themselves (signified by the Ascendant). Prominent planets in the chart are a strong influence upon the life, so their impact will be felt, but if they have no rulership of the Ascendant then there is not likely to be an identification with the planet.

Fixed Stars

Powerful fixed stars conjunct the Ascendant, MC, Moon, and Mercury are very influential upon the character but will not be dealt with much here. Suffice it to say that Dahmer has the very martial star Pollux on his MC which the author of The Book of Aristotle (initially believed to have been Masha’allah) associated with Mars and a wrathful violent temperament, especially by day (Masha’allah, Ch. III.2.1, Dykes trans., 2009, p. 79).


There are some lots which are also relevant to character, especially the Lot of Spirit (but others as well). I will not being exploring the lots here.

Planetary Strength

Rather than using all strength/weakness and beneficence/maleficence con­di­tions at my dis­posal in the lit­er­a­ture, I’m going to restrict myself to those I find most impor­tant. They are the same factors I used in the series on faith and were discussed in the first article of that series.

Per­son­ally, I rec­og­nize at least 3 dis­tinct types of strength: prominence, stability, and pertinence.


Volume or prominence per­tain to the extent that a planet pours out its nat­ural sig­ni­fi­ca­tions. A prominent planet influences many areas of life in a strong way, not just those associated with the houses it occupies and rules. Prominence is shown by advancing/retreating, sta­tions, pha­sis, and apogees.


Prototypicality and stability are less impor­tant than prominence. They are shown by var­i­ous con­di­tions of con­gruity. These include sign-based dig­nity, the joys, and gender conditions, among others.  Stability has various forms. A stable planet is likely to signify what it signifies consistently in life. A planet in a fixed sign is more stable than one in a mutable sign, and one in a cardinal sign is least stable of all. Dignity, especially domicile, makes a planet more consistent and stable in its indications (for better or worse) because it is its own ruler. A planet ruled by another planet of a contrary nature is less stable as it is influenced by the ruler.


Pertinence is the rel­e­vance of a planet to a par­tic­u­lar mat­ter. For intance, a planet in the 1st or one of its stakes (especially the 10th) is pertinent to the character of the per­son.  When a planet or point nat­u­rally sig­ni­fies some­thing, is in a place, rules a place, or regards a place (especially by opposition or the right side), it becomes pertinent to a matter.

Strength is not beneficence or maleficence. The benefit or harm associated with an indication per­tains more to nat­ural sig­ni­fi­ca­tion, sect, place, and plan­e­tary influence.

Jeffrey Dahmer: Malefics through the Moon and Venus

I recommend watching this fascinatingly candid interview with Dahmer in which he discusses the impetus of his actions.

Rulers of the 1st

The ruler of the 1st was com­monly used because it is pertinent to the character by way of the accidental signification of the 1st house as the house of the individual. It was used for character and moral disposition by Masha’allah in On Nativ­i­ties, and Abu’ali in The Judg­ment of Nativ­i­ties, among others.

Jeffrey Dahmer’s Natal Chart

8th House Venus Overcome by Saturn

Venus, a natural benefic, pertaining to beauty, sensuality, and pleasure is made malefic by being out of sect and in the 8th place. She is regarded on the right-side most closely by Sat­urn (by trine) in the 4th. Sat­urn is the dom­i­nant plan­e­tary influ­ence over Venus, as she is over­come by Sat­urn and in Saturn’s bound. The bound ruler of the Ascen­dant Lord is very impor­tant to Masha’allah in show­ing the native’s involve­ment in some­thing. Sat­urn, planet of death and the macabre, is in the 4th which has sig­ni­fi­ca­tions related to the dead and buried things. Saturn, the 4th house, and the Saturn bound all rein­force the sig­ni­fi­ca­tions of death and harm of the 8th.

That Venus does not regard the Ascen­dant is sig­nif­i­cant. Venus is in a “dark” place. Venus puts the native in con­nec­tion with hid­den or dark ele­ments of life. This in itself does not nec­es­sar­ily signify the native is immoral. It is com­mon for instance for those involved in social reform, prisons, institutions, and so forth to have the ruler of the 1st in the 6th or 12th. Also, those involved in lend­ing and insur­ance may have it in the 8th.

A Marriage of Saturn and Venus

The lack of aspect from Venus also prompts us to look more closely at the influ­ence of other rulers of the Ascendant, espe­cially Sat­urn. Saturn is the exal­ta­tion and first trip­lic­ity ruler. It is in the 4th, and retreat­ing. Saturn’s retreat makes it less pub­lic and pervasive, but it is still very personally sig­nif­i­cant as it is in a stake. Saturn is in the bound of Venus, adding to the sig­nif­i­cant rela­tion­ship between

Sat­urn and Venus. Saturn and Venus, and the 4th and 8th houses are central to char­ac­ter­iz­ing the native’s per­son­al­ity. There is pleasure-seeking, asso­ci­ated with death and dirge, the macabre. Venus made bad, as an impor­tant per­son­al­ity sig­ni­fi­ca­tor, tends to per­tain to shame­less excess. Super­fi­cially, we would think that he’d seem gen­tle, possibly effem­i­nate, some­what depres­sive, and quite shy.

Malefic Venus, Alcohol, Sex, and Dead Things

In Dahmer’s case, the Venus tended toward abuse of alcohol (Venus as drinks, made malefic signifying intoxicants), compulsive indulgence, and difficult sexuality. He was considered a catch within the gay community and would manipulate men into positions where he could harm them. He would often drug his victims. His ultimate motivation was sexual attraction and a desire for sexual possession.

The associations of this Venus with death are very strong. Venus is not only in the 8th place of death, but is in a very close relationship with Saturn, lord of death and dead things.

Ages of Man and Developmental Venus

Venus becomes developmentally activated from the age of 14 to 22, roughly the ages of sexual development. During Dahmer’s adolescence he went from the Mercurial highly curious boy of Mercury in the 9th, to the withdrawn, secretive, Saturnine Venus in the 8th. This brought very vivid sexual fantasies of necrophilia.


Mercury was used by many for the character and moral disposition, includ­ing Masha’allah, Abu’ali, and Ptolemy, among oth­ers.

Mutability and Confusion

Mer­cury is not nec­es­sar­ily strong for intel­lect in Virgo or Gem­ini. Mer­cury in a com­mon (i.e. muta­ble) sign, such as Virgo or Gem­ini, was said to sig­nify a small but quick intel­lect, liable to anger. It indicates an unstable mind, that has trouble with per­se­ver­ance. This is in contrast to the extremely hon­or­able intel­lect of Mer­cury in a fixed sign. It also differs from the con­fi­dence, quick grasp, enthu­si­asm, and good-speaking abil­ity of Mer­cury in a move­able (i.e. car­di­nal) sign. This is a rather weak indication though, as there have been a number of great geniuses with Mercury in mutable signs (especially Sagittarius and Pisces as Jupiter connects gain to the intellect).

Out of Sect and Closely Aspected by Mars

Dahmer’s Mer­cury is out of sect, though in a some­what good place (the 9th). It is apply­ing to Mars, and scru­ti­nized by Mars in a very close appli­ca­tion in which Mars over­comes Mer­cury.  There is a vast range with Mer­cury in terms of benefic thru malefic sig­ni­fi­ca­tions. Mer­cury is somewhat weak­ened though, par­tic­u­larly for intel­lec­tual activ­i­ties from the mutability. There is also weakness due to its cadency and from combustion (it is under the Sun’s beams).

Deceitful Intentions

Dahmer was said to be a relatively good student as a youth. However, he didn’t pursue higher education and was not an intellectual. Overall, his intellectual abilities were capable enough to allow him to commit murder and cover his tracks over many years. He used his intellect in ways that were particularly maligned. His focus was on deceit, from drugging men at clubs to take advantage of them, to secretly raping, murdering, and even eating men. In a sense, the chart reveals Mercury to be most active as an accomplice of Mars, as it applies to Mars which overcomes it. Combustion may be signifying the way his intentions were kept “obscured”.

The Dom­i­nant Planet

The Setting Moon

The Moon hap­pens to also be the dom­i­nant planet in the chart. She is strongly advanc­ing in the same degree as the Descendant. Mars, Sat­urn, and to a much lesser extent, Jupiter, are also quite dom­i­nant by being in the stakes. However, the Moon is in a stake and gen­er­ally strong, con­junct the angle.

The Moon is the planet sig­ni­fy­ing the irra­tional mind. This is the mind that later came to be called the subconscious.  The Moon has an extremely strong influ­ence in the life. It is as if she is broadcasting from a loudspeaker all over the life. This makes Dahmer particularly attuned to her very subjective, vivid, irrational influences.

Reflecting the Malefics

The Moon is co-p­re­sent with Mars so her sig­ni­fi­ca­tions are mixed with Mars. Accord­ing to Ser­a­pio, the planet in the earlier zodi­a­cal degree is typically more influential when two plan­ets are in the same sign (a type of overcoming).  The Moon is also ruled by Mars so the Moon is strongly influ­enced by Mars.

The Moon is also in the bound of Mer­cury, but Saturn, which is dominating her from the 4th (within 3*) is a much more direct influ­ence. Over­all, the out of sect Moon is overwhelmed by the influences of Mars and Saturn. The irrational impulses are pulled along malefic vio­lent and macabre dimensions.

Moon-Mars in the House of Partners

The Moon is in the 7th which pertains to encounters with others, especially romantic partners.  Mars rules and occupies the place, while Saturn dominates the place.  Both Mars and Saturn are in “stakes” and thus very strongly important to Dahmer. However, both are retreating, thus they are private, moving behind the scenes, avoiding any loud broadcasting of their significations. The Moon, in contrast, is blaring her peculiar lunar energy across the life. She is the vehicle through which Mars and Saturn find entrance into the life.

The Moon and Mom

Interestingly, some focal issues in Dahmer’s early life revolved around his mother’s anxiety and combativeness. This created a lot of stress in his home. His first murder happened just after high school at a time when his mother unexpectedly left him in the house alone for an extended period of time. The Mars-Moon has some symbolism regarding mental illness, particularly anxiety. His mother’s anxiety disorder is vividly symbolized as Mars shows an overload of energy. Mars-Moon also symbolizes Dahmer’s unconscious need (Moon) for violence (Mars) against partners (7th house).


Dahmer can be most strongly identified with a strong Venus-Saturn configuration between the 8th and 4th houses. A Venus made malefic showing a dark overly indulgent type. He was driven by a cold and macabre sense of sexuality and beauty.

Pulled by Venus into sensual indulgence, the strong lunar influence upon his life saw him embracing irrational impulses.  The nature of the irrational mind and sense of beauty are colored predominantly by the malefics. Themes of violence and the macabre are particularly prominent.

The personality is overall phlegmatic and melancholic. He is somewhat feminine (through Venus), coolly frank (through Saturn), with a touch of joviality (through Jupiter).

Ted Turner: Aggressively Ambitious and Gregarious Mercury

Ruler of the 1st

A Very Benefic Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruler of the 1st and is the sect benefic. He is in the 3rd of siblings, communications, journalism, current events, and transportation.  Jupiter naturally signifies a cheerful disposition, charisma, faith/positivity, and a desire to seek greater truth.  He is natually benefic and here is also in sect and dominated by Venus. Therefore, this is a very gregarious and positive Jupiter indeed.

Ted Turner’s Natal Chart

A Connected and Choleric Jupiter

Jupiter is influenced by many planets. He is very closely dominated by the Sun, but also dominated by Venus, closely overcome by the Moon (trine), overcome by Mercury (sextile), and overcome by Mars (trine).  Jupiter is in the bound of Mars and the domicile and triplicity of Saturn. Therefore, there is quite a lot going on with Jupiter, which is in a relationship with every planet in the chart.

Jupiter is most dominantly influenced by the Sun, then Mars, then Venus. In my opinion, this brings out a much more choleric or ambitious Jupiter but one with aesthetic dimensions.  Jupiter is not particularly prominent (cadent, retreating). However, it is relevant to eminence through its close regard by the Lights. Its weakness is also counter-acted by the strong advance of Mars and Saturn, its rulers, in the chart.

The Popular Sibling

Overall, we expect a cheerful, gregarious, likable personality, but one a bit heated and geared toward power plays. He values style and sensuality. There is a particular connection to matters of communications and/or journalism (the 3rd).

The Dominant Planet

Mercury Rising

Mercury is the dominant planet in the chart. It’s strongly advancing towards the Ascendant and is in the 1st. Mercury is in its own bound, reinforcing Mercury’s natural significations relating to news and communications. It is also the natural significator of business and commerce and is in the sign of Jupiter.

Mercury is out of sect, and very closely overcome by Mars, so Mercury can pertain to malefic significations, despite position in the very good 1st place. There is a broad range of good and bad significations. Negative significations relevant to character are tied to Mars in the 11th of friends and popularity. This can pertain to a propensity for aggressive speech, words reflecting bad on one’s character or creating problems in friendships. It may even show deception. The most well-known manifestation in Turner’s life has been a propensity to put his foot in his mouth and make controversial public statements. There is both a Jupiterian casual humor and a bit of Mercury’s more mischievous side. Mars makes the mind very keen, intense, and aggressive. It may be difficult to turn off or control the chatter.

The Moon

The Moon is out of sect, in the bound of Mars, co-present with Mars, and opposed by Saturn. Therefore, the Moon can signify very difficult matters.  The Moon is in the 11th, which is one of the most benefic places of the chart so there is a range, but the Moon can be difficult.

Overall the Moon is somewhat torn between the venusian Mars and the martial Saturn. Mars in Libra in the 11th showing an overt hot ambition, particularly for popularity, achievement, and sensual pleasure. Saturn showing heated obligations, restrictions, and responsibilities. The Moon, Mars, and Saturn are in the most benefic places in the chart, the 11th and 5th, but we expect difficulties in mental extremes from the malefics. There is a weight on a subconscious level and a choleric temperament of great restlessness.  Most problematic from the influence of the malefics may be matters of friends, children, romance, and personal leisure.


Mercury plays a huge role in characterizing Ted Turner as someone constantly involved in media, analysis, and business.  The role of Jupiter is also very strong and important to self-identification. Both are particularly choleric (ambitious, domineering).

We expect someone who is fast-thinking and busy. He is curious, mischievous, and aggressively ambitious, particularly when it comes to opinions, commerce, and technology. The identification with Jupiter bring an over-arching benefic sense to the personality of wanting to do good, help out, and expose truth.

The combination of Jupiter and Mercury makes for a very gregarious and humorous personality overall – a mix of the sanguine and the choleric. The tendency to domineering speech is shown by Mars overcoming Mercury and the sheer prominence of Mercury. However, as Mercury is in a mutable sign and ruled by a cadent retreating planet, there may be a tendency for more chatter than substance.


Masha’allah, & al-Khayyat, A. ’Ali. (2009). Persian Nativities I: Masha’allah and Abu ’Ali. (B. N. Dykes, Trans.). Minneapolis, MN: The Cazimi Press.

Image Attribution

Cropped image of a derivative work by wikimedia user Zenman from an original image by user cliff1066. Image is of a mask by the Wee peoples, Côte d’Ivoire, Late 19th to mid-20th century.

Astrology of Profession or Calling | 4. Jimi Hendrix


Today is the birthday of Mr. John Allen Hendrix, aka Jimi Hendrix.  I’m a big fan, particularly of his final album, Electric Ladyland.  I’ll be doing the normal very brief profession analysis below. Additionally, I’ll conclude with some notes about indications for character (personality) in the chart.

Profession or Calling

Here, I apply a special technique for delineating profession, or perhaps more accurately, skills development. It originated in the Hellenistic period of astrology with developments and modifications through the medieval period.  The reader is referred to the brief outline of the technique which can be found here, “Astrology of Profession or Calling | 1. Technique“. You should first familiarize yourself with that article to better understand my delineation process and the significance I assign to the planets.

Jimi Hendrix

A brief biography for Jimi Hendrix can be found on Wikipedia. His chart is given a Rodden Rating of AA for accuracy on Astro-Databank. Hendrix’s natal chart is pictured below (CTRL+click to open an expanded version in a new tab).

Jimi Hendrix’s Natal Chart

Relevance to Actions

First, we identify the planets with some pertinence to “actions”.


Venus, the Sun, and Mercury are in the 1st, and Saturn is in the 7th.  Additionally, the Moon and Jupiter are in the 8th, which is less relevant. No planet advances toward the MC. Mars is in XII so is not relevant by place. Therefore, Mercury and Venus are most relevant by place.


Mercury rules the 10th and is in the 1st.  Venus rules the sign and bound of the MC. Additionally, Venus is the 1st triplicity ruler of the 10th and is in the 1st. Mars has no rulership of the 1st, only triplicity at the 10th, and no rulership of the MC. Therefore, Mercury and Venus have the most relevance by rulership.

Phasis and the Lights:

No planets in phasis.  Mercury and Venus are assembled with the Sun.  Jupiter is assembled with the Moon.  The Moon is separating from Jupiter and applying to Mercury. Mars has no regard from the Sun but is overcome by the Moon. Overall, Mercury has the strongest relationship with the Lights, followed by Venus.

Relevance Conclusion

Mercury and Venus have the most relevance to actions. They are together so their combined significations are particularly important. The Moon, the Sun, and Jupiter have lesser relevance.


Secondly, we identify the planets that are strongest in a general way in the chart. These planets push their natural significations onto the life in a strong way


There are no planets strongly advancing. However, Jupiter and the Moon are advancing with the greatest strength.  Mars is advancing to a lesser extent and the rest of the planets are retreating.

Relationships to Lights:

No planets in phasis.  As noted, Mercury has the strongest relationship with the Lights, followed by Venus. Additionally, of the other planets, Jupiter has the strongest relationship to the Lights.


No planetary stations.

Prominence Conclusion

Jupiter is the strongest planet.  The Moon is also very strong.  Mercury is the most prominent planet of the three of actions as it is in the 1st with the Sun and receives the application of the Moon.

Synthesis of Occupation for Jimi Hendrix

As in Trent Reznor’s chart, we see that Mercury and Venus are the most relevant for characterizing the profession and are combined. As mentioned in that post, this pair combine the intricacy, intellect, and wind/verbalization features of Mercury with the artistry of Venus.  It is common for music, a profession pertaining to artistry in sound waves (wind), but particularly with singing (air, verbalization), as well as composition/arrangement of songs. Furthermore, Mercury can pertain to digits and manual dexterity, so fingered string instruments are another indication.

In relation to Venus as significator of mastery, al-Qabisi noted, “And she signifies the mastery of all sounds, like music and the rest” (Dykes, 2010, p. 254).  Additionally, al-Qabisi noted, “And if Mercury is complected to her, it signifies the sound which is used in the composition of verses” (Dykes, 2010, p. 255).

Modern Day Apollo

Venus and Mercury are on either sides of the Sun, both of them conjunct the Sun within 3 degrees. Interestingly, when it comes to music, the Sun is most associated with stringed instruments. For instance, the Sun god Apollo’s symbol is the lyre. Here we find intellect, verbalization, beauty, and artistry, joined with and outshone by the dynamic Apollo and his lyre. Furthermore, al-Qabisi noted, “And if the Sun is complected to her [Venus], it signifies the sound of wood [Dykes footnote: “Ar.: ‘the lute.'”] by which one plays in the presence of kings and nobles” (Dykes, 2010, p. 255).

Jupiter and Character

The 1st house cluster is in the sign and bound of Jupiter. Jupiter may be the most prominent planet in the chart.  Additionally, Jupiter is the planet most relevant to character. Jupiter is relevant to character in at least five important ways.

First, Jupiter rules the 1st house. Lords of the 1st house of self were commonly used for character (see Masha-allah and Abu’Ali al-Khayyat). Second, Jupiter is the house and bound ruler of Mercury. Mercury and its Lords were also used for character (see Ptolemy, Masha’allah, Abu’Ali al-Khayyat).  Third, Jupiter is the house and bound ruler of the sect light, the Sun. The sect light has a signifies prominently in the life (particularly when in a “stake” like the 1st), and it is colored by its rulers. Fourth, Jupiter is assembled with the Moon and the exalted ruler of their house. The Moon signified the irrational mind and the body to Ptolemy, and was used in character delineation.  Fifth, it’s generally a strong and pervasive planet, advancing, conjunct the Moon, exalted, and in its own bound. Abu Bakr stressed the impact of prominent planets on character.


The English adjective “jovial” literally means “of Jupiter”. It denotes one who is jolly and cheerful.  Jupiter tends to pertain to “out of bounds” and lofty experiences of adventure, spirituality, good fortune, exaggeration, or insight.

On Jupiter as ruler of the chart and primary indicator of character, Julius Firmicus Maternus (4th century CE) noted (Bram, 1972, p. 139):

9. JUPITER. Those who have Jupiter as ruler of the chart are always trustworthy, of high spirit, and are impelled toward great deeds.  They spend more than their resources or their inheritance allows.  Commanding in all their acts, noble, famous, honorable, lovers of luxury, cheerful, desiring to please in every way, large eaters, faithful friends, they are simple and friendly to all; successful and accustomed to do everything well.

10. Their body is of middle size but well-formed, handsome, and they are light-complexioned.  Of beautiful eyes and head, with long flowing hair; firm of step.  Their life will be glorious and filled with good fortune and they attain their desires.  Their activities turn out well, and they are protected by the influence of great men […] Their illnesses come from stomach trouble, from wine and from indigestion; death comes from high living, hemorrhoids, or sexual intercourse.

Further Reading

For more on Hendrix, including a look at a few key events in his life with predictive techniques, please see the article on the houses.


Ma’shar, A., & Al-Qabisi. (2010). Introductions to Traditional Astrology. (B. N. Dykes, Trans.). Minneapolis, MN: The Cazimi Press.

Maternus, J. F. (1972). Mathesis: A fourth-century astrological treatise. (J. R. Bram, Trans.). NY, NY: New York University.

Image Attribution
Jimi Hendrix – One by MadeInKobaia, retrieved from MadeInKobaia’s DeviantArt page. Cropped image.