Trump’s 2nd Impeachment: Timed to Mars Antiscia


About a month ago, I published an article on the timing of Donald Trump’s political downfall. The focus was on how the solar eclipse of Dec. 14th, 2020 was metaphorically an eclipse of Trump’s political reign. It occurred on the day of the electoral college vote that sealed Trump’s loss.

The eclipse, as a New Moon, signaled the important events of the lunar month Dec. 14th to early Jan. 13th. Additionally, as an eclipse it has relevance even beyond the month. See the article on the eclipse for more details. Also see the article on the Six Elements for Deducing Advanced Knowledge for why lunations are especially significant mundane charts.

Distribution through the Mars Bound of Libra

Since late 2019, I have pointed out that the key astrological factor symbolizing a sea change in Trump’s fortune is the activation of Trump’s Mars as distributor. The distributor is the bound lord of the directed Ascendant (by primary directions).

In an April 2018 update to my 2012 article on the distributor technique, I noted that Trump’s rise corresponded with a Venus distributor period. The transition to a Mars distributor in late 2019 preceded Trump’s 1st impeachment. That impeachment itself occurred on the day of an exact transit of twelfth-part Mars conjunct to Trump’s Sun at 22 Gemini (and his natal twelfth-part Mars).


In comments on my article on the Trump Eclipse, one reader seemed to put a lot of stock in the appearance of seemingly positive transits for Trump on the 6th. I noted to him that transits in themselves are insignificant in traditional astrology. The significance of transits is solely in terms of timing out indications from root charts and activation techniques.

In fact, the preoccupation with transits as being the most fundamental predictive technique in astrology is a direct byproduct of the factor-as-index fallacy. This fallacy is pervasive in modern astrology and much astrology of the traditional revival as well.

As I noted in those comments, the eclipse is indicative of the downfall of Trump while the transits merely time out the events. As the factor that most vividly symbolizes a threat to Trump’s leadership and authority is Mars in his chart, one must have a pretty good grasp of that Mars and all its “positions” in the chart.

The Traditional Symbolic Palette

This brings us to the things that the index view further obscures. Indexation not only puts the emphasis on just the natal chart and transits to it, but also toward dismissal of factors that are “merely symbolic”. Such factors include twelfth-parts, lots, and antiscia. In the symbolic view, twelfth-parts and antiscia are echoes of the symbolism of the planet but projected to different positions. In the index view, one just scratches one head, what could these things index? There is little room for symbolic redundancy in the index view.

For a true full analysis of the indications of Trump and the noteworthy Mars timing points, we need to know more than the natal planetary positions. We need to look at the solar return and important mundane charts like the ingresses and lunations. Not only the plain Mars positions and interactions with Mars in those charts must be examined, but we should also be aware of the twelfth-part and antiscia Mars positions.


I will not be delving deeply into all these things in this article, but I will be looking at one of the most overlooked factor types, the antiscia.

I am not immune to overlooking these factors. Only a handful of my articles ever mention antiscia positions. In fact, I also have very few articles looking at fixed stars, which are another crucially important traditional factor. Antiscia has been touched on a little bit in articles on the site, particularly in the analysis of serial killer David Carpenter’s chart.  I have also provided an overview of some of the history behind antiscia.

Rather than a robust analysis of the timing of the January 6th, 2021 insurrection and Trump’s 2nd impeachment, I will only looking at a minor matter of timing. The transit that most pertained to the timing of Trump’s impeachment was a transit by antiscia. As I noted, a transit in itself is insignificant. This transit became significant in timing because of events which were indicated pertaining to the downfall of Trump connected to Mars.

A Mars Antiscia 2nd Impeachment

During the 2nd impeachment, which occurred just after a New Moon (within 24 hours), Mars made an exact transit antiscia to Trump’s Mars. This was a historic impeachment on multiple counts. It was the fastest impeachment and most bipartisan impeachment of all time. Additionally, it was the first time a President has ever been impeached twice and it occurred despite Trump having only one week left in his term.

The timing of this historic impeachment pertains to a number of significant mundane charts. However, here my main focus is on looking at how indications pertaining to Trump’s natal Mars were timed to the event. I have noted that Mars pertains to the indication of Trump’s demise and showed how the timing of the 1st impeachment and Trump’s electoral college loss were closely linked to that Mars. We continue this line of inquiry.

Trump’s Antiscia Positions

In the free and open source traditional astrological software Morinus, you can pull up antiscia positions very easily around any chart. Below is the natal chart of Donald Trump with the antiscia positions around the wheel. Note that Trump’s Mars antiscia is 3 degrees 13 minutes Taurus.

Trump’s Natal Chart with Antiscia Positions Along Outer Wheel

January 13th, 2021 New Moon

The New Moon on the morning of the 13th (and the solar eclipse of Dec. 14th) are far more significant than any transits through the month. That is because these lunations actually say something about the month, while the transits merely time out indications. The New Moon of Jan. 13th from D.C. speaks not only about the impeachment later that day (or rather the next day astrologically, as it occurred just after midnight), but also of other important events for the lunar month.

tMars Antiscia nMars

The New Moon shows the close (within a degree and applying) antiscia of Mars. Below I shows the lunation chart with its own antiscia positions around the outside. You can see that Mars is at 2TAU57, approaching Trump’s Mars antiscia (3TAU13).  Or put another way, you can see that the antiscia of the lunation’s Mars is in late Leo, conjoining Trump’s natal Mars.


New Moon Chart 01-13-2021 with its Antiscia Outside the Wheel

Mars Touches the 10th House While Secretly with the Natal Gemini Sun-Mars

As a reader noted in the comments of the eclipse article, impeachment time to the entrance of transiting Mars into Taurus. This is significant as Taurus is Trump’s 10th house of authority (strongly linked to his rise). Additionally, as Mars is between 2TAU30 and 5TAU00 its twelfth-part is in the following sign, Gemini, co-present with Trump’s Sun and own twelfth-part Mars.

Saturn’s Rejection

In addition to the timing of the Mars symbolism, there is Saturn symbolism (ending; banishment; rejection) all over the chart. The lunation itself at 23CAP13 is in partile (same degree) opposition to Trump’s natal Saturn (23CAN48). Lunation Saturn is at 3AQU02: lunation Mars (2TUA57) is applying a tight square (less than 5 minutes of a degree) to that Saturn while antiscia Trump’s natal Mars.

New Moon 01-13-2021 Around Trump’s Natal Chart

Timing of Trump’s 2nd Impeachment by Transit

Trump was reportedly impeached at 4:33 pm EST on Jan. 13, 2021. During the session for debating impeachment, Mars transited 3TAU13, the exact antiscia position of Trump’s Mars. It concluded as the transiting Moon was conjoining transiting Saturn, both square to that Mars antiscia Trump’s Mars. The Ascendant in Cancer (17CAN) was approaching Trump’s Saturn (23CAN), with its twelfth-part conjunct Moon-Saturn.

Trump’s 2nd Impeachment Transits (4:33 pm EST 1/13/21) Around His Natal Chart


The micro-zodiac of the twelfth-parts is nearly as old as the zodiac itself. Twelfth-part and antiscia positions have been at times hailed as a key to the hidden secrets of the astrological chart, since at least the time of Julius Firmicus Maternus. Noteworthy ancient astrologers like Abu Ma’shar used twelfth-parts across an array of predictive techniques, even in returns, directions, and transits. Still, such “implicit” or “symbolic” positions continue to be neglected today.

The timing of the 1st impeachment of Trump revealed how astrologers ignore transits by twelfth-part at their own peril.  His 2nd impeachment reveals the same for antiscia positions.

To learn more about twelfth-parts and antiscia, please feel free to search the site for relevant articles. If you find yourself biased against even trying out such positions, please check out my essay on the symbolic nature of astrology. For another look at the significance of twelfth-part and antiscia positions in transit, please see the article on the Notre-Dame Cathedral fire.

Featured image attribution: Amir Pashaei, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons: Ceiling of Chehel Sotoun’s mirror hall that contains Āina-kāri art, Isfahan, Iran

Timing Symbolism in the Chart of Adolf Hitler


When delineating the astrological chart, it is very important to recognize the symbolism and to check it against timing techniques. In that interest, I will note a few key symbolic factors in the chart of a well-known life, that of Adolf Hitler. The symbolism of these factors is checked against annual profections and solar returns.

I think it goes without saying that I don’t like this guy, but I’ll say it anyway. I’m analyzing this chart to illustrate astrological symbolism and its activation across time. This analysis is in no way intended to show any support, sympathy, or affection for Hitler. I detest Hitler’s beliefs, his actions, and racism in general.

Note About Principles and Techniques

Some readers may be unfamiliar with the principles or techniques used here. I rely upon traditional symbolism and techniques of Hellenistic astrology. In terms of the significations of planets, houses, lots, signs, and so forth, please see the series of lessons on the site. Also see links in this article to articles on specific techniques employed. I strive for consistency with traditional basic symbolism always.

I focus on just a couple of basic predictive techniques in this article, namely profections (annual profection of the Ascendant) and solar returns (the transits at the Sun’s return to its natal zodiacal position). These are two of the oldest and most important predictive techniques of horoscopic astrology, being found in texts that date back almost 2,000 years. I link to basic explanations of their use in the article. They continued to be popular techniques through the Middle Ages. Typically, I also bring in planetary years, primary directions, and an additional ancient techniques which give a fuller picture. Here I wanted to keep things simpler.

In terms of my philosophy of chart interpretation or what astrology is, it is an uncommon one. I take a symbolic approach to the chart, not one that depends on factors having any intrinsic indexical link to some underlying reality, psychological or occult. For more on this, please see the 8th lesson on the site.

Birth Data

Adolf Hitler’s was born on 4/20/1889 at 6:30 pm in Braunau, Austria per birth records (AA-rated source).

Rise to Power

In Hitler’s chart, one of the clearest indications of his rise to power is the Moon’s applying conjunction to Jupiter. The Moon signifies power by its light and its rulership of the 10th house (Cancer), as well as its separating trine from the Sun. Jupiter signifies fortune and opportunity, connecting it to the Moon and the 10th house. Jupiter is also the exalted ruler of the 10th house and both planets aspect it.

Adolf Hitler’s Natal Chart

Age 45: Seizes Power

Hitler seized dictatorial powers in Germany on 08/02/1934. He was 45 years old. Age 45 is an annual profection of his Ascendant to Cancer, the 10th house, ruled by the Moon. As noted, the Moon is conjunct Jupiter in the natal chart, with both pertinent to the 10th.

The solar return for the year had the return Moon in the 10th house. Therefore, the Moon, lord of the year, highlights here significations related to the 10th house, which pertains to leadership, authority, and actions. Additionally, return Jupiter was transiting in the 1st house of the self, in the Jupiter bound of Libra. The indications for the Moon-Jupiter conjunction with respect to matters of leadership become realized.

Hitler Solar Return Age 45 Around Natal Chart

Marriage and Death

In 1945, much of Germany was in ruins and it was clear they had lost the war. Hitler made his last public appearance on his 56th birthday. Eight days later he married his longtime companion Eva Braun. Two days after that they both committed suicide.

In Hitler’s natal chart, Venus rules the Ascendant by sign and bound and occupies the 8th house. This connects the symbolism of the self (1st house and Ascendant) with death (8th house) and love (Venus). The applying partile (same degree) conjunction between Venus and Mars puts passion and violence into the equation of both symbolic statements.

Mercury also connects to both themes in the natal chart as it rules the Lot of Love (Gemini) and is in the 7th house (partnership). It is on the descendant (setting/death) in the bound of Saturn (death) and ruled by Mars which is in the 8th conjunct Venus. Mercury also symbolizes death by rational decision (calculated suicide).

Hitler’s Chart with Lot of Love

Saturn’s Shadow

Saturn, the natural significator of death, squares the natal 8th house Venus-Mars configuration, reinforcing its relevance for death. As Venus is Hitler’s Ascendant lord, strong connections between it and significations of malice (Mars and Saturn) and death (8th and Saturn) go a long way toward characterizing his identity.

What is less obvious from the natal chart is that Saturn and Venus-Mars are antiscia each other almost exactly (within half a degree). Saturn’s shadow (antiscia) in the 8th conjunct Venus-Mars certainly brings out the configuration’s connection with death as well as other significations of Saturn.

Hitler’s Natal Chart with Antiscia Positions Around the Chart

Saturn’s Secret Spot

Saturn rules the Moon-Jupiter conjunction in the natal chart. That connects its themes of death and endings to it. This connection is much more apparent by the twelfth-part position of Saturn. Saturn’s twelfth-part is in Capricorn with the Moon-Jupiter conjunction, adding to the potential combination of their symbolism.

Hitler’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Part Positions Around the Chart

The twelfth-parts of the chart are actually very revealing on many levels. For instance, Venus-Mars with their twelfth-parts in the 2nd, opposing their natal positions. Both are still in dark houses and the opposition symbolizes increased tension inherent in their symbolism and and with respect to the symbolism of Hitler’s father (Sun and Saturn; more on this below). There’s much more, but we’ll focus on Saturn for now.

The End: Age 56

As noted, age 56 quickly brought Hitler’s marriage and then death. Those were the two biggest events in that 10 day last year of his life.

The profection at age 56 was to Gemini, ruled by Mercury. Gemini is the Place of Love (location of Lot of Love). I’ve noted how Mercury, ruler of the Lot of Love, conjunct the Descendant in the 7th house and the bound of Saturn readily signifies regarding death and marriage. The other thing to note about Gemini is that it is aspected by only two natal planets, Mercury and Saturn.

The solar return shows Mercury (lord of the year) in return in the 7th house with return Venus. Therefore, the connections with both marriage (Venus, 7th) and death (7th, 8th lord) are both reinforced.

Saturn Comes for the Moon

Perhaps even more strikingly reinforced is the symbolism of Saturn with respect to the natal Moon-Jupiter conjunction. The Moon-Jupiter conjunction was noted as pertaining to the rise to power (10th house). Its vulnerability to the symbolism of Saturn shown by Saturn’s rulership of it and the twelfth-part position of Saturn on the configuration. At the return, Saturn was at 5 Cancer, in the 10th house, opposing the natal Moon-Jupiter.

Similarly, the Moon in the return was in Leo, with natal Saturn. Therefore, the symbolism of a final end to the personal fortune signified by Saturn with the Moon-Jupiter is clear and dramatic. Another instance of it is return Saturn’s position in the same bound of Cancer as the natal Lot of Fortune itself.

Hitler’s Solar Return Age 56 Around Natal Chart

Death Transits

The transits at the time of death again reveal the importance of the symbolism thus discussed. The Mercury-Venus conjunction became partile at the time of death. Saturn’s opposition to the natal Moon was near exact (2′ of a degree), with death on a Moon day and Saturn hour. Interestingly, Hitler died as the transiting Sun (9TAU51) was in partile conjunction with his 8th house twelfth-part Sun (9TAU36). The fatal gunshot was heard at the setting of Mars and culmination of Saturn, at about 3:30 pm.

Event Chart: Reported Time of Death of Hitler in Berlin

Hitler’s Death Transits to Natal Chart

Early Years

We’ve seen the symbolism of some pivotal years in the personal rise and fall. Let’s look now at some pivotal early years of life.

Hitler moved to Germany when he was 3 (profection to 4th house Moon-Jupiter), but he and his family returned to Austria a couple years later.


Both Saturn and the Sun connect to Hitler’s father, but particularly Saturn. This is because Saturn can both naturally signify the father and it rules the 4th house of fathers. Saturn also rules the Place of the Father by lot (Aquarius).

Hitler’s Chart with the Position of Select Lots

Hitler was often in conflict with his father (Saturn) over Hitler’s lack of discipline (Saturn) and skill or interest in farming (Saturn). The conflicts would often turn physically abusive (Venus in 8th conjunct Mars, squared by Saturn).

Hitler’s father died suddenly on 01/03/1903 when Hitler was only 13 years old.  This represented an annual profection to the 2nd house, ruled by Mars. The solar return saw Saturn (death) in the 4th house (father) Capricorn (cardinal/sudden). It is sharply squared by return Mars (lord of the year) in Aries (cardinal/sudden; violent) within 2 degrees. Return Mars is in partile conjunction to natal Mercury and Descendant (setting/death).

Hitler’s Age 13 Solar Return Around Natal Chart


Hitler’s mother is most readily signified by the Moon in the chart. Not only can the Moon signify the mother naturally but she is here in the 4th place of home and origins. Venus can also naturally signify the mother and Mercury rules the Lot of the Mother.

Post-Father’s Death and Mother’s Death

After the death of his father, Hitler was more free to pursue his main passion which was art. Hitler’s self-identification with art is symbolized by the strong role played by the signs of Venus and Venus herself in the chart. Venus rules the 1st house of self and is in her domicile Taurus where she is with and rules the sect light. While his father conflicted with his artistic ambitions (Saturn square Venus), his mother was supportive (Moon trine Venus).

However, Hitler’s mother died on 12/21/1907 when Hitler was just 18. This left Hitler leading a Bohemian artist’s life of selling paintings to survive, catching musical performances for entertainment, while living in Vienna. It is thought that his racist ideas developed in Vienna or soon after.

Mother’s Death

The death of Hitler’s mother when he was 18 was a very important event in his life. He was very fond of his mother (Moon-Jupiter conjunction; Venus ruling 1st). As with his father’s death, it was marked by a year with Mars as lord of the year, actually the first profection to one of Mars’s domiciles since the death of his father. This time it was to the 7th house, Aries.

The solar return at age 18 is absolutely striking. Return Mars, the lord of the year is at 8 Capricorn, conjunct his natal Moon-Jupiter (partile to Jupiter). The return Moon (mother) was at 14 Leo conjunct natal Saturn (death) within a degree. Additionally, return Venus and return Saturn are conjunct each other within a degree in the 6th house of illness (death was from breast cancer).

Hitler’s Solar Return at Age 18 Around Natal Chart

Younger Brother’s Death

As might be expected from a chart with a strong focus on an 8th house cluster that is square to Saturn, this is a life defined by death.  One of the more influential early deaths in his life was that of his younger brother Edmund on 02/02/1900 from measles. Hitler would’ve been age 10 (11th year), so the profection would have been to the 11th house ruled by the Sun and occupied by Saturn.

Both the Sun and Saturn have connections to death in the chart. The Sun is in 8th and rules Saturn.  Saturn naturally signifies death, squares the 8th cluster, and rules the Lot of Death. Younger brothers are typically shown by Mercury though. Also, in Hitler’s chart Jupiter rules the Lot of Siblings (Pisces) and the 3rd house (house of siblings).

Jupiter and Death

It is worth noting that Place of Death is also in the house of siblings (Lot of Death is at 6SAG54). Both Jupiter and the Lot of Death are pertinent for the house of siblings. Jupiter as there were 6 children in total from his parents (his dad had more from a previous marriage. The Lot of Death as the three before Hitler died in infancy and the one after him (Edmund) at age 5. Only his young sister, Paula, lived a long life.

Age 10

As noted, the profection at age 10 put a focus on the Leo 11th house, ruled by the Sun and occupied by Saturn.  As the Sun is the lord of the year and is in return, we will be particularly concerned with return transits to the Sun, through Leo, as well as those involving Saturn (Leo’s occupant).

Hitler’s Solar Return at Age 10 Around Natal Chart

What we find in the return is Mars, the natal out of sect malefic (harm), at 2 Leo, in the house of the profection with natal Saturn (death), sharply square the 8th house Sun (within 2 degrees). Return Saturn (retrograde at 23 Sagittarius) is in the 3rd house of siblings, which is also the Place of Death, and it is square to the Lot of Siblings (20 Pisces). The return Moon, Venus, and Jupiter are all in dark places of the natal chart.


It is my hope that this is a useful exercise in pertinent symbolism and its activation. Any planet in a natal chart will symbolize across a number of different domains. Different significations emerge in these different domains and over time. It is not knowing whether a signification is “good” or “bad” that is important but in what ways it can signify good and bad and which signifies are reinforced. A full palate of traditional Hellenistic factors, including lots, antiscia, twelfth-parts, and more get us closer to a sophisticated understanding of the symbolism.

Profections and solar returns are two of the most ancient and most important timing techniques we have in astrology. The profection shows where the highlighter goes. It tells us the factors to focus on. The solar return provides an opportunity for the symbolic signatures in the natal chart to be reinforced, whether they are obvious or subtle. Even with just these two basic techniques, applied in a very basic way against a few pivotal years in a life, we see strong evidence of the symbolic relevance of astrology.

Modern Factors

On a final note, I’d like to add that the symbolism of the traditional factors serves as a great framework for making sense of new modern factors as well, if you use them. For instance, when you understand many of the significations of the 8th house Sun in this chart and its rulership of Saturn in Leo, then the partile conjunction between the Sun and asteroid Phaethon takes on deeper significance. Midpoints, asteroids, and other such modern factors can help to further add nuance and depth to the traditional symbolism.

Some such modern factors can complement rather than compete with traditional interpretation. Given the tendency of the ancients to employ as many additional symbolic factors as possible, from bounds and decans, to twelfth-parts, antiscia, and monomoria, I would hardly expect that they wouldn’t have been exploring midpoints and asteroids too if those had been available to them.

Don’t take the deeply traditional focus of this site as implying that modern factors have no place in traditional astrology. Rather, the implication is that the traditional symbolism and techniques are sufficient to structure the interpretation and provide for rich information. Where you go from there is up to you.

Twelfth-Parts | 2. The Secret Second Chart

Secret Charts

For, if you want to explain the entire substance of the astrological significations from the efficacy of the dodecatemories and from the terms in which they are found, you will not be mistaken; for the Babylonians attribute the supreme power of [astrological] decrees to the dodecatemories, but Ptolemy to the antiscions, [and] we to both.  (Maternus, Book III, Ch. 9, #14, Holden trans., 2011, p. 170)

So, you thought you just had one astrological chart, but in Hellenistic astrology you have two.  Then again, maybe three. The secret charts are found by examining some projected positions for chart factors.


The second chart I allude to is the chart of the twelfth-part positions. Twelfth-part positions were noted as a fundamental basic of astrological technique by nearly every Hellenistic astrologer. Their use was urged most strongly by Julius Firmicus Maternus. These are typically marked along the natal chart to keep a reference to natal chart houses.  I explored what the twelfth-parts are and how they are calculated in the introductory article.


The third chart that I alluded to is something that appears to be more idiosyncratic to Maternus. It is the use of antiscia positions as yet another chart body-double.  I explored this use of antiscia by Maternus very briefly near the end of my article on sign symmetry.

Maternus attributes this use of antiscia chart positions as secret positions to Ptolemy, though this is a false attribution. Maternus is the only Hellenistic source I know of that uses this third set of positions.  On the other hand, the dodecatemoria or twelfth-parts are indeed Babylonian in origin, and their use was widespread among Hellenistic astrologers.

Paulean Twelfth-Parts

In the last article, I expressed that Paulus presented an idiosyncratic variety of twelfth-parts in which the position in degrees and minutes are multiplied by 13 rather 12. I was recently confronted by a footnote by James Holden (footnote #2, p. 18, 2009) in his translation of Rhetorius in which he noted that there is evidence in surviving cuneiform tablets that the two different methods of projecting twelfth-parts existed in Babylonian astrology. In other words, according to Holden multiplying by either the more common 12 or the 13 as used by Paulus, then projecting from the beginning of the sign, were both used (Holden cites “Mesopotamian Astrology” by Koch-Westenholz).

If it is in fact the case that the 13-fold variety does also have Babylonian origins, then at least among the Hellenistic astrologers, it was a less popular variant. Manilius, Dorotheus, Ptolemy, Valens, Maternus, Hephaistio, Porphyry, and Rhetorius (as well as later astrologers) employed or expressed preference for the 12-fold variety.

The Importance of the Twelfth-Part Positions

I was originally skeptical about the use of the twelfth-part positions. I didn’t think they represented an important or informative addition to the natal chart positions. I’m sure many readers initially feel the same way.  Therefore, I want to stress that the twelfth-parts were mentioned as a basic of astrological technique by nearly every Hellenistic astrologer. Many of them, including Manilius, Maternus, and Rhetorius, felt it necessary to stress how important they are despite how easy it is to overlook them.

… the genitures differ in a single constellation, because the individual signs vary on account of the distribution of their divisions and modulate their respective powers in the dodecatemories.  (Manilius, Book II, #710-712, Goold trans., 1977, p. 139)

And the method of dodecatemories is a necessity in nativities; and I also put down the astrological significations of these so that some might use them not just as in a secondary work.  (Rhetorius, Ch. 18, Holden trans., 2009, p. 18)

Now I shall show briefly how you may inquire about the dodecatemories, for some think that they can find the entire substance of the nativity from them, and they intimate that whatever is concealed in the delineation can be discovered from the dodecatemories.  (Maternus, Book II, Ch. 17, #1, Holden trans., 2011, p. 59)

Basics of Use

The twelfth-part positions are used just like natal positions. They give additional information and reveal significations that might be missed from looking at the natal chart alone.

Cognition Usage Isn’t Just About Cognition

Even the interpretation of cognition usage (discussed in the last article) is along these lines, though it is for horary or consultation charts.  Masha’allah (in On Hidden Things) discussed multiple signficators for the querent’s thoughts or intentions. One of them was the ruler of the Ascendant. However, Masha’allah expressed that the best significator is the twelfth-part of the Ascendant and its ruler. In other words, the twelfth-part Ascendant and its ruler are used just as the Ascendant and its ruler to give information about the querent and the matter itself.

Hellenistic Astrologers Using Twelfth-Parts as the Secret Chart

Paulus: Twelfth-Parts Also Show Benefic/Malefic Indications

We get a sense of this all-purpose use in Paulus, even though he used the 13-fold ones. In Ch. 22 of his Introduction, he noted that the twelfth-parts of benefics occurring in important places signify very good things for the person. By contrast, twelfth-parts of malefics occuring in such places indicate bad things. Benefics produce fortunate circumstances where they occur, and malefics produce difficulty, and it is the same with the twelfth-parts of each.

Maternus: Delineation of a Planet or Point Includes Delineating its Twelfth-Part

Maternus laid out the use of twelfth-parts in Book II of the Mathesis.  There he instructed us to look at numerous things but stressed the place, the ruler, and the bound ruler of the twelfth-part. We are are also to look at sect and the interactions between planets in ways that he discussed for regular planets (for instance that there is greater harmony between the waxing or full moon and diurnal planets).  All in all, it seems that Maternus wants us to look at twelfth-part positions as on an almost equal footing as natal positions, examining things like place, sign ruler, bound ruler, regards/aspects, and special configurational indications.

This is further stressed in Book III, when each chapter on a planet ends with Maternus admonishing the reader to also check out the planet’s twelfth-part. Apparently, we are to look at the same factors discussed with reference to the natal planet. In this way we will not miss some important indication that is in the twelfth-parts but not the regular natal chart, as everything should be in one or the other.  Maternus even advised to check the twelfth-part of the Lot of Fortune after discussing Fortune’s delineation  (Book IV, Ch. 4) .  Again, the clear lesson is to delineate the twelfth-part as you’d delineate the planet.

Rhetorius: Twelfth-Part Positions Signify in Configurations Too

But what of the relationship of a twelfth-part to its same natal point, such as the twelfth-part of the Sun to the natal Sun?  Rhetorius treated of this in Ch. 60 of his Compendium.  A twelfth-part trine its natal position increases the beneficence or fortune signified by the planet, but one opposed to its natal position increases the maleficence or difficulty signified by the planet.

Rhetorius also discussed how the twelfth-parts of malefics falling in places can make things more difficult and the twelfth-parts of benefics easier, similar to what Paulus mentioned above.  He put particular stress on the twelfth-part of the Moon in relation to the nature and social standing of the person.  In his delineations of twelfth-parts he particular stressed the influence of the ruler of the twelfth-part. Some delineations also involve regards/aspects from natal planets and even the qualities of the signs, such as human and quadrapedal.  That the twelfth-part delineations of Rhetorius encompassed all these things lends support to the idea that delineation of the twelfth-part is very much like delineation of a natal planet or point.

Delineation Example: Steve Jobs

In the next several posts on twelfth-parts, I’ll be digging back to analyses from older posts on the blog and showing how twelfth-parts add valuable information.  I will kick this off by taking a brief second look at the chart of Steve Jobs for the rest of this post.

In one my first posts, in October 2011, I discussed the natal chart of Steve Jobs and some of the most important general planetary strength considerations, showing that his Mercury is much stronger than one might think from a cursory glance.  Before reading on, I urge the reader to give that post a quick review by visiting it here.  While stations and phasis may not be appropriate to twelfth-parts, the twelfth-parts can tell us additional information about the strength of Mercury.

Steve Jobs’ Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts on Outer Wheel

In the original analysis I noted that Mercury is probably the strongest planet in the chart in terms of having a generally pervasive influence over the life in a broad way, as it is strongly stationing direct, making an appearance (in phasis), advancing, and ruling the 1st.

Twelfth-Part MC Conjunct nMercury; Twelfth-Part Mercury Strong

Looking at the twelfth-parts we find further indication of the significance of Mercury by the twelfth-part of the MC being conjunct Mercury.  This and the fact that Mercury’s twelfth-part is advancing in the 11th which is a strong and fortunate place. It is in a sign of a light (Cancer, home of the Moon, which is the sect light of the chart), while actually with the twelfth-part of the sect light. These are all additional indications of the strength of Mercury.

Twelfth-Part Mercury Fortunately Conjunct nJupiter

The twelfth-part of Mercury is in the bound of Jupiter (as is the natal Mercury), and is very tightly conjoined to Jupiter, in the place of Jupiter’s Joy, and in the sign of Jupiter’s exaltation. These things all connect Mercury with fortunate and lofty Jupiterian themes, but are not as strongly expressed in the natal chart itself.

Mercury posited in the 11th house from the ASC will make talented persons, indispensable for all activities, and those to whom the conduct of great business affairs is entrusted; but then it denotes greater duties if it was conjoined to Jupiter by a favorable aspect.  (Maternus, Book III,Ch. 3f, #23, Holden trans., 2011, p. 147)

More Twelfth-Parts

The twelfth-part of Venus, the sect benefic, occupying Virgo, a house of Mercury, further emphasizes this fortunate quality of Mercury.  Also note that the twelfth-part of Jupiter falls right onto the Sun in the chart. The twelfth-part of the Sun is in the place of the Sun’s Joy with the twelfth-part Ascendant. The Moon’s twelfth-part is strongly advancing toward the MC. She is also with the lord of the Ascendant and Jupiter (as well as Saturn).  Additionally, the twelfth-part of Fortune is conjunct the Moon, the sect light.

Key Information

As one can see, the twelfth-parts not only help us to get more information out of the chart about the prominence of Mercury, but also showcase fortunate circumstances connected to Mercury. These are important features of this person’s life that are reflected in the chart with the twelfth-parts but would be easy to miss from the natal chart without them. We see many additional indications that the chart is of someone with great social mobility and very fortunate circumstances linked to Mercury.


Twelfth-parts are not a trivial matter. In chart delineation, it is vital to see which indications are repeated in many different ways. Such indications are stronger and more important, allowing us to say something meaningful about the life. The twelfth-parts are a vital and important part of chart delineation. If you’re looking at a chart without the twelfth-parts, you are missing a huge chunk of the information in the chart. Without this important information, you can rest assured that you will reach the wrong conclusions. Similar indications of something in the chart may be repeated without your knowledge while other indications you might think are important may be contradicted by the twelfth-parts. If you’re serious about accurately reading a natal chart add the twelfth-parts to your chart readings today.

Manilius, M. (1977). Astronomica. (G. P. Goold, Trans.). Cambridge, MA: Loeb Classical Library.
Maternus, J. F. (2011). Mathesis. (J. H. Holden, Trans.). American Federation of Astrologers.
Rhetorius of Egypt, & Teucer of Babylon. (2009). Rhetorius the Egyptian. (J. H. Holden, Trans.). Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers.

Astrological Sign Classifications | 3. Sign Symmetry | Commanding, Obeying, Hearing, Antiscia, etc.

Symmetry and Sympathy

In this article, we’ll look at some unique symmetry-based relationships between the signs of the zodiac.  These relationships pertain to antiscia, as well as the related concept of contra-antiscia.  Antiscia are degrees symmetrical about the solstitial points. In other words, they are degrees that are equidistant from 0 Cancer and 0 Capricorn, such as 10 Sagittarius and 20 Capricorn or 13 Scorpio and 17 Aquarius. Contra-antiscia are degrees symmetrical about the equinoctial points, 0 Aries and 0 Libra, such as 5 Taurus and 25 Aquarius.

Perhaps antiscia are like reflections or shadows and contra-antiscia are like echoes. We’ll see these types of metaphors arise in some of the sign relationships based on them. Antiscia and contra-antiscia illuminate an early and fascinating connection between symmetry and sympathy in ancient astrology.

Ancient Antiscia

The degree-based concept of antiscia was used extensively by Julius Firmicus Maternus (4th century CE; see Book II, Ch. 30 of Mathesis).  Other Hellenistic astrologers didn’t use antiscia by degree, except perhaps Valens. Valens mentioned degrees antiskios (shadow or antiscia) in Book III, Ch. 5 (7K) and Book VI, Ch. 8 as making aspects more powerful. However, he did not define them.

Hellenistic astrologers didn’t use contra-antiscia by degree. However, sign relationships related to antiscia and contra-antiscia are found in many Hellenistic texts, including Manilius (1st century CE) and Ptolemy (2nd century CE). Furthermore, later, in the Persian period, al-Qabisi (10th century) considered degrees of either antiscia or contra-antiscia as degrees of similar power (see his Introduction to the Science of Astrology).

The origins of antiscia and contra-antiscia reveal a consideration for symmetry about axes, possibly dating back to pre-Hellenistic sources. This consideration of “power in symmetry” was drawn on heavily in the modern Uranian and Cosmobiology approaches to astrology.

While many astrologers today are aware of antiscia and contra-antiscia, they are often unfamiliar with the whole sign relationships that formed the foundation for those concepts.  Mention of these sign relationships is prevalent in Hellenistic and Persian material. We will explore these sign-based relationships and their uses. First, we will explore the other more common ways in which affinity between planets arises.


In Hellenistic astrology signs could be connected by various types of affinities. The best known of these is referred to as “regard”, using a visual metaphor. Planets that regard each other “see” each other. Regard occurs by what we call “whole sign aspects”. Signs in whole sign aspects are those which are situated such that one sign starts 60 degrees (sextile), 90 degrees (square), 120 degrees (trine), or 180 degrees (opposition) away from another.  Planets in such signs regard each other. Planets that don’t regard each other are said to be in aversion or disjunct.


Similarly, planets in the same sign (i.e. the same house) are said to be co-present in that house, as if cohabitating in the same abode. The planets are co-present even if they are in opposite ends of the sign. Planets that are co-present strongly influence each other’s significations. According to Serapio, the planets in earlier degrees are more influential (i.e. have “superiority”) upon those in later degrees of the same sign.

Meaning of Regard

Certain regards are more harmonious and others less so. Planets that don’t regard each other are said to be in “aversion” as they lack a direct line of sight influence. Therefore, regard helps to define which planets interact with which and the nature of the relationship. The planet regarding from the right side (i.e. earlier to rise and set) is more influential in the relationship, called superior. The square relationship is forceful, oppositions are obstructing, co-presence is powerful, trines are generously friendly, and sextiles are cooperative.  See the lesson on configurations for the basis of the meanings of these aspects.

Regard in Synastry

Regards show how planets modulate the nature of other planets and connect with matters associated with other planets. However, they can also show interaction between planets across people’s charts, in what is called synastry.  For instance, for Ptolemy and Masha’allah it was important that the Sun and Moon in the charts of marriage partners regard each other harmoniously. They also advised that a malefic in one person’s chart should not be co-present with the Lights or Venus in another’s chart for a strong harmonious relationship. See the article on the basics of relationship synastry for more on this use of regard.

Other Affinities

Signs that are disjunct but having sympathy for each other are all the equal-rising signs, and those having equal power, and those of like zone. For example, equal-rising are Aries and Pisces, Gemini and Capricorn, Cancer and Sagittarius, Virgo and Libra; of equal power are Gemini and Cancer, Virgo and Aries, Libra and Pisces, Sagittarius and Capricorn; of like zone are Taurus with Libra, Aries with Scorpio.  (Rhetorius, Ch. 16, Holden trans., 2009, p. 16-17)

There are other sign relationships in Hellenistic astrology that also show affinity.  The most important of these are of two types: 1. Signs ruled by the same planet, 2. Signs symmetrical about the cardinal points. The first type is the signs that are the domicile of one planet, such as Aries and Scorpio as they are ruled by Mars or Taurus and Libra ruled by Venus. The second type is related to the antiscia and contra-antiscia notions previously discussed.

These sign relationships can be confusing because the same terminology is sometimes used for different relationships.  For instance, signs ruled by the same planet are sometimes called those “agreeing in the journey” or “agreeing in the belt”. However, signs symmetrical about the equinoctial axis are also sometimes called “agreeing in the journey”.

Like-Engirding Signs

I’ll prefer “agreeing in the belt” (referring to the zodiac) and “like-engirding” as the terms for signs with the same domicile ruler. “Like zone” is another term sometimes used. These signs have an affinity with each other because the same planet manages the affairs of both houses. Both houses work together through that planet. For instance, Aries and Scorpio don’t regard each other but Mars has responsibility for both places. Therefore, planets in those places are affiliated through the working of Mars.

Relationships from Cardinal Points

The other type of affinity is based on symmetry about the cardinal axes or cardinal signs. The cardinal signs are defined as starting with an equinox or a solstice. These are important points in the Sun-Earth relationship. The rising times of the signs and the length of day are functions of this relationship.

There are two axes, that of the solstitial points (0° Cancer and 0° Capricorn) and that of the equinoctial points (0° Aries and 0° Libra). Degrees of the zodiac equidistant relative to the solstitial axis represent days of equal length. Signs of the zodiac equidistant relative to the equinoctial axis are those which rise at the same rate (i.e. have the same ascensional time).

Four Symmetries?

One of the more confusing things about the Hellenistic symmetrical sign relationships is that four, rather than two, sign relationships are discussed. Many authors discuss signs of equal ascension (contra-antiscia) as sympathetic (Paulus Alexandrinus, Rhetorius) and some talk of those of equal power  (antiscia) as sympathetic also or at least highly significant (Rhetorius, Maternus on antiscia in Book II, Ch. 30). However, Paulus, Porphyry, Rhetorius, and others also discusses signs that are equidistant from entire cardinal signs. Let’s look briefly at these relationships about whole signs before turning to the more interesting matter of relationships about the cardinal axes.

Signs equidistant from the solstitial signs (Cancer/Capricorn) are Gemini-Leo, Taurus-Virgo, Aries-Libra, Pisces-Scorpio, and Aquarius-Sagittarius. Similarly, signs equidistant from the equinoctial signs (Aries/Libra) are Pisces-Taurus, Aquarius-Gemini, Capricorn-Cancer, Sagittarius-Leo, and Scorpio-Virgo.  These additional relationships are sometimes labeled with the terminology “signs that command and obey”, “signs that hear each other”, “signs that see each other”, and other such attributions. Additionally, these attributions are sometimes mixed up being assigned to one set of signs in one author and another in a different one.

Outdated Remnants

These relationships about the entire cardinal signs appear to originate in an earlier age when the sidereal zodiac was used. For instance, in his footnote on Porphyry, Ch.31, James Holden remarked that the pairs of obeying signs (equidistant from the solstitial signs) “are based on the scheme of the early Alexandrian astrologers, which in effect puts the equinoxes and solstices at 15 degrees of the cardinal signs” (Holden, 2009, p. 25, Footnote 2).

In ancient times the sidereal zodiac was defined with reference to the vernal equinox but it indicated the middle of Aries (15°) for at least some astrologers. The two competing Babylonian standards were for the equinox/solstice to mark out 8° or 10° of the cardinal sign. However, Hipparchus (3rd century BCE) noted that some astronomers (he cited Eudoxus) put the spring equinox at 15° Aries. With the equinoxes and solstices at the 15th degree of each cardinal sign,the signs on either side of that cardinal sign would be those equally rising (from equinox) or of equal daylight (from solstice). Therefore, the symmetry has always been based on the equinoctial and solstitial points. It was never meant to be based on the cardinal signs themselves.

In other words, these two additional relationships are remnants from when the sidereal zodiac was used for this tropical relationship. Making the full cardinal signs themselves the basis of the relationship misses the original symmetry about the cardinal points. For this matter, I dismiss the pairings of signs across entire cardinal signs as erroneous.

1st Century BCE Criticism of Use of Whole Cardinal Sign

Geminos (1st century BCE) mentioned the connected signs in his material on aspects. He noted that astrologers of his day tended to use the whole solstitial sign as the axis of symmetry. Interestingly, he strongly and thoroughly criticized the approach as being in error. Geminos noted that the Chaldeans (Babylonians) held that the spring equinox was at 8° Aries. However, Geminos was one of the first of the Greek astronomers to insist on a fully tropical zodiac, in which the spring equinox marks out 0° Aries. Given a tropical zodiac, the symmetrical sign relationships which had always been tropical in nature, would begin from the signs adjacent to the points of the equinox/solstice.

But it happens that such an account is completely erroneous. For solstices do not occur in the whole of Cancer; rather, there is one certain point, perceivable through reason, at which the Sun makes its turning; for the solstices take place in a moment’s time. The whole twelfth-part of Cancer is situated in the same way as Gemini, and each of them is equally far from the summer solstitial point. For this reason, the lengths of the days are equal in Gemini and Cancer, and on the sundials, the curves desribed by the gnomons [when the Sun is] in Cancer and in Gemini are equally distant from the tropic {…} There are, then, in truth, 6 syzygies {antiscia signs}: Gemini with Cancer, Taurus with Leo, Aries with Virgo, Pisces with Libra, Aquarius with Scorpio, Capricorn with Sagittarius. {…}” (Geminos, Ch. II, #33-44, Evans & Berggren trans., 2006, p. 134-136 – curly bracketed text is mine)

Equal Ascensions vs. Equal Power

The two symmetrical sign relationships that we are left with are those signs which are symmetrical about the solstitial points, which we might call antiscia signs, and those symmetrical about the equinoctial points which we might call contra-antiscia signs. Hellenistic astrologers typically gave these relationships different labels, though Firmicus Maternus used the label “antiscion”. Contra-antiscia signs are those of equal ascensional times, sometimes call “equipollent”. The antiscia signs may be called those of “equal power” as the Sun’s position in them marks times of similar length of day.

Hearing and Contra-Antiscia

Hearing signs and commanding/obeying signs are the same thing. They pertain to what we might call the contra-antiscia signs or signs of equal ascension.  This echoes the language of Valens about listening signs and that of Manilius about how one sign hears the other.  As this was originally conceptualized as pertaining to the equinoctial points, I think that astrologers should equate these notions with the signs of equal ascension (contra-antiscia).

Just as with regard there is a sense in which one of the signs is more influential. In this case, the sign of greater light (the spring or summer sign) is the more influential on in the relationship. The pairs are noted below, with the first one of each pair being commanding or more influential (at least in the northern hemisphere).








“[…] because they ascend in equal periods of time and are on equal parallels. Of these the ones in the summer hemisphere are called “commanding” and those in the winter hemisphere “obedient”, because the sun makes the day longer than the night when he is in the summer hemisphere, and shorter in the winter. (Ptolemy, Book II, Ch. 14, Robbins trans., 1940, p. 76-77)

Medieval Developments

It is important to note that by the Persian early medieval period, the concepts of hearing and command/obey were being separated. Command/obey became associated with the antiscia signs instead (see the introductory texts by Abu Ma’shar and al-Qabisi),  These labels appear to have been in error as the concepts of command/obey and hearing signs overlap in the earlier Hellenistic material.


Paulus noted that the when signs are in aversion, then they can still be in sympathy if they are in signs of equal ascension or they are in like-engirding signs (signs with the same ruler).  This sympathy is important because without it planets in aversion tend to signify disconnect from each other. In synastry, connections between planets is crucial. Sympathy by contra-antiscia (i.e. signs of equal ascension) is one type of connection.

Rhetorius noted that squares between signs equal ascension (e.g. Scorpio and Leo or Aquarius and Taurus) have more sympathy with each other.  Both Paulus and Rhetorius also noted that the commanding and obeying signs “hear” one another. In this they are suitable for signifying matters of hearing news, rumors, or announcements from each other.

Masha’allah used commanding/obeying signs in judging friendship through synastry. He appears to have associated commanding/obeying signs with antiscia rather than contra-antiscia. However, the fact that he is drawing from an older source and uses commanding/obeying between planets (especially the Moon) is suggestive. It is yet another suggestion that hearing sign configurations play a beneficial role in relationship synastry.

Equal Power and Antiscia

The antiscia signs are those equidistant from the solstitial points. They were often conceptualized as “seeing” or “beholding” signs.  They are also signs of equal power. This can be confusing given the visual metaphor behind regard. However, there is certainly a visual metaphor being used again here.

This relationship also has a sense of one sign being more influential.  In this case, the more dominant influence comes from the signs that are increasing in light (Capricorn thru Gemini). Paulus noted that those signs see the ones decreasing in light (Cancer thru Sagittarius) which in turn perceive the other. For instance, Taurus sees Virgo while Virgo perceives or is aware of Taurus. Therefore, I suggest that we may conceptualize this relationship as one of awareness of each other, or mutual interest.

Seeing-Perceiving with Equal Power







Again they say that the parts which are equally removed from the same tropical sign, whichever it may be, are of equal power, because when the sun comes into either of them the days are equal to the days, the nights to the nights, and the lengths of their own hours are the same. These also are said to “behold” one another both for the reasons stated and because each of the pair rises from the same part of the horizon and sets in the same part. (Ptolemy, Book II, Ch. 14, Robbins trans., 1940, p. 77)


Paulus did not mention these signs as ones that can alleviate aversion. However, Paulus did mention that these signs create sympathy, harmony, and friendship, between partners, family members, and others. This suggests that these were used in synastry as contributing harmony to the relationship. As with the contra-antiscia signs (and like-engirding ones), Rhetorius noted that squares between signs in this relationship (Leo and Taurus or Scorpio and Aquarius) are sympathetic.

Tracking the Terminological History

In the tables below, I summarize the terms used in different centuries by different astrologers for these symmetrical relationships. I also address whether the entire cardinal sign or the point of the equinox/solstice was used.

For solstitial symmetry, Geminos referred to connected signs (translated as syzygy). The most common terms were signs that see each other, have equal power, or shadow each other (Greek “antiskios” from which we get antiscia).

Terminological Variation for Solstitial Symmetry

The most common terms for equinoctial symmetry are hearing signs and equally rising signs.

Terminological Variation for Equinoctial Symmetry

Antiscia by Degree

This sense of equal power between antiscia is taken to the extreme in Book II, Ch. 30 of the Mathesis of Julius Firmicus Maternus.  Maternus maintained that each planet and point in the chart sent an antiscion into the degree symmetrical across the solstitial axis.  For instance, Gemini and Cancer are antiscia, and the specific antiscion of 5 Cancer is 25 Gemini. Maternus may have gotten the idea for antiscia from Valens who noted degrees antiskios (shadow) each other (Book III, Ch. 5P/7K).

Maternus treats the antiscion of each planet as a body double of the planet. One is to delineate it by sign, house, and regards to other planets as well as to other planetary antiscia. In this sense, he viewed the antiscion of a planet or point as being another degree in which that planet or point has power. This is consistent with the notion of “equal power” across antiscia. Keeping with the visual metaphor of antiscia, we can call this antiscion of a planet its reflection or shadow.

Maternus actually advocated the use of two main hidden charts in addition to the natal chart. For more information on the other hidden chart, see the series of articles on twelfth-parts.


It is easy to understand how the hearing and seeing signs got mixed up in later traditional astrology. Both involve sympathetic sign relations that make aversions and squares more sympathetic.  However, the hearing signs uniquely relate to an auditory sense while the seeing signs connect to a visual one and a sense of equal power.

It is unclear whether the use of degree-based antiscia originated with Maternus, or earlier (Valens or his sources). Additionally, I am curious as to the origins of degree-based use of contra-antiscia.  If you the reader are aware of this origin, please share it in the comments section.


Geminos (2006). Introduction to the Phenomena. (J. Evans & J. L. Berggren, Trans.). Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press.

Porphyry, & Serapio. (2009). Porphyry the Philosopher. (J. H. Holden, Trans.). Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers.

Ptolemy, C. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. (F. E. Robbins, Trans.). Cambridge, MA: Loeb Classical Library. Retrieved from

Rhetorius of Egypt, & Teucer of Babylon. (2009). Rhetorius the Egyptian. (J. H. Holden, Trans.). Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers.

Featured image is Echo and Narcissus by John William Waterhouse (1903) which is in the public domain.


Note that this article was significantly updated in November, 2018 with the addition of new tables as well as material from Geminos.