Astrology of Profession or Calling | 6. O.J. Simpson


This series of articles has been about testing and refining an ancient Hellenistic approach to the astrology of a person’s profession or occupation. It can be best to view the results as pertaining to skills used in the context of one’s calling.

Actions in Hellenistic Astrology

Techniques of this sort were discussed by Ptolemy (2nd century CE), Paul of Alexandria (4th century CE), Olympiadorus (6th century CE), and Rhetorius (7th century CE), among others. These astrologers presented their own preferences, or art, for the application of the same basic technique. The techniques assign particular importance to the indications given by Mars, Venus, Mercury, and their combinations. These three are the planets of actions which can become the significators of the occupation. Furthermore, there is an emphasis in the technique on planets in the “stakes” of the chart (the 10th, 1st, 7th, 4th houses) or triplicity of the 10th house (10th, 2nd, and 6th houses), rulership of the 10th, and being configured with the Lights (i.e. Sun and Moon).

Not all ancient astrologers of the Hellenistic and Persian period used this technique. Some preferred basic delineation or a special combinations of factors for delineating profession. Rhetorius used this technique along with basic delineation and a discussion of special chart combinations which indicate specific occupations. However, as a specific technique for finding the planets most relevant to the occupation or calling, this technique is unrivaled in its efficacy.

Looking Back

In the first article, I outlined some notes and quotes on the Hellenistic views on the technique, as well as my own particular approach to it. In the last article, I reviewed the technique and explored three examples from a recent chart challenge. Please refer to those two articles for quick summaries of how the technique is applied in practice.

So far, most of the articles in the series have focused upon artists (Venus) and intellectuals (Mercury) with little attention paid to athletes and laborers (Mars). However, I’ve mentioned that Mars can be a little trickier than the others. In a chart of high social standing Mars may indicate a more aggressive managerial role or competitive political role rather than athletics or labor.  So far, we’ve only seen one example of Mars as the main significator; Dick Butkus from the last article.  Here we’ll look at another example of the technique correctly singling out Mars as significator in an athlete’s chart.

O. J. Simpson

O. J. Simpson is now a convicted felon who will be serving decades in prison. He is now best known for the controversial legal trial over the death of his ex-wife Nicole Brown. That trial was preceded by a lengthy flight from the police, but ended with his acquittal. Amazingly, it was followed by his attempt to publish a book detailing how he would’ve killed her if he had done it.  Years later, he was arrested on multiple felony charges.  You can read a brief bio on Wikipedia. His chart is rated AA for accuracy and is pictured below (with twelfth-part positions).

Simpson’s Natal Chart (outer wheel positions are those of the twelfth-parts)

Brief Note on Character

This series is not about delineating character, but I’d like to quickly note the indications of planets most relevant for character. Typically, the factors most relevant for character are the ruler of the 1st, the Sect Light, Mercury, planets in the 1st, and the Moon.

Dark Places and Malefics in the 1st

OJ’s Sect Light (the Sun) is the ruler of the Ascendant, but it is in a dark place, the 12th, pertaining to betrayal and enmity, in Cancer, ruled by the Moon. The Moon is also in a dark place, the 8th, pertaining to death and stagnation.  Additionally, the twelfth-parts of both Lights are in the 6th, a dark place, in Capricorn, ruled by the malefic Saturn. Therefore, both Lights and the ruler of the Ascendant are entirely oriented toward the dark places, pertaining to hidden and potentially harmful matters.

Mercury is out of sect and in a dark place, the 12th, while under the beams (concealment). This is an association between the rational mind (Mercury), concealment (12th house, under the beams), enmity (12 house), and instability (out of sect).

Saturn is in the 1st house of self, as is the twelfth-part of Mars, the out of sect malefic. Therefore, the malefics are directly operable in the house of the character and temperament. Additionally, the Ascendant and the Moon are both in the bounds of Mars.

Malefic Character with a Jupiter Life

Overall, it is very clear that the malefics and dark places predominate over matters of character. Therefore, it wouldn’t be unusual to expect much in the way of hidden motives, malicious intent, and personal undoing.  However, the sect benefic, Jupiter, is the most prominent planet in the chart, actually right on the IC (conjunct within 3 degrees). Fortunately, or unfortunately, a great deal of good fortune, luck, and a larger than life atmosphere permeate the life as loud and pervasive themes as well.


Let’s turn to the technique for actions.



Mars is advancing to the MC (about 18 degrees from it).  Saturn and Jupiter are the only planets in stakes of the chart (the 1st and 4th respectively).  However, out of Mars, Venus, and Mercury, only Mars is in an appropriate place, the 11th, Gemini.  Additionally, the twelfth-part of Mars is in the 1st house. Of lesser importance, Mars also overcomes, by applying sextile within 3 degrees, Saturn, the occupant of the 1st.

Rulership and Other Matters

Mars is the only planet of the three action planets in the chart with some form of rulership at both the Ascendant and the MC It rules the rising bound, while it has participating triplicity at the MC and 10th. Jupiter also has a form of rulership in both places. The Sun and Venus, which respectively rule the 1st and 10th are both in the 12th, which is generally the most inappropriate place for actions. However, Venus is strongly in phasis in the chart, almost exactly 15 degrees from the Sun.


Mars is judged to be the most relevant planet for professional matters by far. It advances toward the MC, in an appropriate place (with its twelfth-part in a pivotal place), and has some rulership of the Ascendant and MC.

Jupiter is also very important for the profession. It is in a stake, with rulership at the 1st and 10th. However, it is not one the three action planets, so we view it more as a modifier. Note that the twelfth-part of Jupiter is with Mars in the chart, an indication of a champion (fortune in athletics).

Venus also has importance on account of ruling the 10th and being in phasis. The Moon very closely aspects Mercury also (separating). Therefore, there is a sense in which the 12 house cluster of Sun, Venus, and Mercury together signify entertainment work of a Venus-Mercury nature  (vocal, acting). In later life he was an announcer and actor fitting with such work.

General Strength

Jupiter is by far the planet with the greatest general strength in the chart.  It is not just strongly advancing but actually conjunct the angle of the IC.  Jupiter also regards both lights by trine. The Sun (Sect Light) overcomes Jupiter by applying trine within 3 degrees. Additionally, Jupiter stations direct about 6 days after birth.  Jupiter is ruled by Mars, arguably the second strongest planet in the chart, and pertaining to athletics.

I consider Mars the second strongest planet in the chart in a general way. It is the strongest of the three action planets. Mars advances to the MC and is dominated by the Moon. Most of the other planets in the chart are retreating or barely advancing.  Venus is also strong but in different ways. Venus is in phasis, and is advancing, while she is co-present with one Light and regards the other.


Mars is the planet in O.J. Simpson’s chart with the greatest relevance for profession. It is also a planet with a broadly pervasive influence over his life. We expect martial significations to show up in many guises and in many different areas of the life, with great frequency.  In the most simplistic terms, Mars would show a career path pertaining to brawn, as opposed to the brains of Mercury or aesthetics of Venus.  It is interesting that Mars is in the bound of Jupiter and with the twelfth-part of Jupiter, connecting it with success.

Once again we find this technique to be a breath of fresh air in comparison to most other vocational technique of western astrology. It leads us down the right path to look at the proper planets. We even learn something of the nuances and variety to occupational possibilities and developments. Not only is Mars singled out for O.J. but we get a sense of the importance that Venus (entertainment) can play and how it all relates to a hugely pervasive Jupiterian influence on life circumstances. Saturn’s twelfth-part is conjunct Jupiter, suggesting where such luck hits limitations.

Featured image is in the public domain.

Traditional Astrology of Death | Donna Summer


Like so many people around the world, I was saddened to hear of Donna Summer’s recent passing. Summer died on Thursday, May 17th after a battle with lung cancer.  Donna Summer is a dearly missed musical icon.

I missed out on the heyday of disco in the mid-’70’s. However, I fondly remember as a child in the early ’80’s dancing to songs by Donna Summer, Michael Jackson, and similar artists of the era.

Longevity in Traditional Astrology

I don’t believe there is a single method out there, such as a hyleg/alcochoden technique, that on its own allows one to make accurate predictions about the length of someone’s life.  In this regard I may be in the minority of traditional astrologers. Rather, I thank that if you throw a lot of techniques together, then there should be clear repeat indications of death. Predicting death in advance, particularly one’s own, is another matter. Looking at it in hindsight is always easier, and that’s largely what this series is about.

I’d like to look at some of the “signs” around the time of Donna Summers death and how they relate to death.  Death is one of the key events in every life. By exploring the connection between death and natal predictive techniques, we sharpen our ability to recognize the astrological language of death.

Donna Summer

Donna Summer was born on New Year’s Eve, 1948 (12/31/48) at 9 pm in Boston, MA (source: AstroDatabank).  For the reader unfamiliar with her life and work, a good source for a quick brief is the Wikipedia article on her.  Her chart with twelfth-parts is shown below.

Donna Summer’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outside wheel)


It is hard to imagine a chart more oriented toward artistic performance. First, Venus is the significator of profession. This is so as Venus is in a stake of the chart (the 4th) and strongly advancing, while having triplicity at the Ascendant and possibly bound. She also receives the next application of the Moon and is with the twelfth-part of the sect light (the Moon is the sect light as she was born at night). Secondly, there is a whopping 5 planets, including the Sun and Moon, as well as the ruler of the 1st (in the bound of Venus), in Capricorn, the 5th House, which is the Joy of Venus and is oriented toward the fruits of creation and to representation. Finally, the ruler of the 5th is on the Ascendant and thus is extremely prominent.

Mercury also crops up as important for the profession as Mercury rules the 1st and 10th signs and the bounds of the Asc and MC. It also has its twelfth-part in the Ascendant.  Therefore, Venus and Mercury as co-significators of the profession. Venus is the more dominant of the two. Together they combine artistry and beauty (Venus) with vocalization (Mercury). A fairly common combination for singers.


Donna Summers died of lung cancer at age 63. She was not a smoker. Donna believed that her lung cancer may have been caused from inhaling dust and smoke from the Sept. 11 attacks, possibly containing asbestos. However, she also had a family history of cancer and played hundreds of shows over the years in smoke-filled clubs.

Unlike the other deaths we’ve examined so far (Whitney Houston and Marvin Gaye), Summer’s death was not sudden. She was diagnosed with cancer the year prior to her death. Therefore, the exact timing of death might be thought of as less important than the overall characterization of that period of her life.

Key Factors

In analyzing the timing of death, we are most interested in the more potentially difficult elements of the chart.  In my opinion, one of such difficult configurations is the conjunction of the Ascendant (significant for the body and self) with the out of sect malefic, Saturn (significant for death, loss, struggle, isolation).  Another is the close (but separating) conjunction of the Moon and Mars (lord of the 8th of death, Aries) in the bound of Mars within 3 degrees of each other, with both ruled by Saturn.

Donna Summer’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outside wheel)

Mars is particularly important. Mars not only rules the 8th house (Aries) but also rules the Lot of Affliction or Chronic Illness (also in Aries) and the Lot of Death (Moon to 8th sign, proj. from Saturn, day or night; in Scorpio).  It also has its twelfth-part with those of Saturn and the Ascendant in Scorpio (Lot of Death). Additionally, Mercury, which can signify the lungs (as well as the self and body here as Lord of the 1st), is applying to Mars (conjunction).

Summer’s Natal Chart with Select Lots

Planetary Years

For an introduction to planetary years, please see the introductory post on them. Donna Summer was in her 64th year, and 63 years old, at the time of death. Therefore we are particularly interested in combinations of planetary years that add to 63 or 64. This  may involve multiples, as there are not two distinct planetary minor years that sum to more than 55.


There are only two combinations of three planets’ minor years that work without any multiples.  They are Saturn-Mars-Sun (30+15+19=64) and Saturn-Venus-Moon (30+8+25=63).

Possibilities involving multiples with one and two planets are below:

One Planet: Venus (64)

Two Planets: Venus-Mercury (24+40=64), Mars-Sun (45+19=64), Jupiter-Mercury (24+40=64), Sun-Moon (38+25=63).

Of these, I regard some as less important because the planets in the relationship are not all configured together with each other by either rulership or aspects.  For instance, Saturn-Venus-Moon is less significant to me. This is because Venus and the Moon are in aversion, and Venus is not ruled by Saturn.  Similarly, Venus and Mercury are in aversion, so that two planet combination is not as important.

The Most Important Activation: Saturn-Mars-Sun

There are four possibly significant activations by planetary years. They are Saturn-Mars-Sun (Mars and the Sun are together and ruled by Saturn), as well as Mars-Sun (they are together), Sun-Moon (the Sun and Moon are also together), and Venus. The most significant is Saturn-Mars-Sun. Not only is this an activation of 3 planets without multiples, but Mars and the Sun are together in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. Additionally, the activation of Mars-Sun reinforces this activation. The activation of Sun-Moon also somewhat reinforces it, again stressing the stellium in Capricorn.

This Saturn-Mars-Sun activation is also the most significant activation for the matter of death. The activation includes both malefics. Each of the malefics directly afflict significators of the body in the chart (Mars with Sun and Moon; Saturn on Ascendant). The Sun is symbolic of vital power.

Donna Summer’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

A Peak at Transits: Saturn-Mars-Sun

The importance of the Saturn-Mars-Sun activation is confirmed by transits on the morning of the death. Mars transited with natal Saturn in the 1st house and applied to the natal Sun within a degree (superior trine). The transiting Sun also applied to natal Mars within a degree (trine) while closely opposed to the natal twelfth-part Mars (25 Scorpio). We will return to these transits after looking at some of the big-picture indications.

Transits to Natal – Morning of 5/17/12 in Naples, FL

Primary Directions – Distributors

Distributors are time lords which tend to rule over more than a one year period and can be very significant for health matters. The distributor is typically the bound lord of the directed Ascendant. Traditionally, for about the first 1,500 years, primary directions were done by zodiacal semi-arc without latitude, using the Ptolemaic-key (see my article on primary directions).  While the Ascendant was typically preferred, some later Persian astrologers used the sect light as well as, or instead of, the Ascendant. The sect light was seen as an alternative to the Ascendant in some Hellenistic techniques as well.

The distributor is a time lord, but a planet actually applying an aspect to the directed angle or sect light (presumably either within 3 degrees or within the same bound) could take over or share the rulership of the distribution.  The obsession with direct hits by primary direction, rather than the use of it for time lords, was a later post-Hellenistic development.  I touch on some of these issues in my introductory article on primary directions. There’s also an article on the software calculation of primary directions.

Ascendant->Venus and Mars; Sect Light->Mars

Distributors of Ascendant and Sect Light for Donna Summer

Donna Summer died on 05/17/2012, so we are interested in the periods containing that date. From the table of distributors we can see that the distributor of the Ascendant was Venus. The distributor of the sect light (the Moon) was Mars. What about any aspectual co-rulers of the distributions?

One of the very useful features of the primary directions module in Morinus is that one can pull up the actual primary directed chart for a given day.  For the day of Summer’s death that chart is below.

Chart of Summer’s PD Positions on 5/17/12

What the chart tells us is that 25 Libra was passing over the Ascendant at the time of death. Similarly, we see 23 Pisces passing over the natal Moon’s position (relative to birth location) at birth. Let’s return to the natal chart to see if these represent applying aspects.

Donna Summer’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

The zodiacal position of Mars was 27 Capricorn, so the Ascendant (significator) at 25 Libra has the square of Mars (promissor) directed at it within 2 degrees. The 23 Pisces position directing over the natal Moon does not involve any applying aspects within 3 degrees, so there is no co-ruler in that case.

A Focus on Mars

In conclusion, Mars is the distributor of the sect light.  Mars also became the co-distributor of the Ascendant, starting about a year prior to death, due to applying aspect.

These time lords by primary direction are extremely important for matters of health and general circumstance. Here we see an emphasis placed upon Mars in the natal chart. As noted, Mars is the ruler of the 8th house of death (and illness/affliction by lot) and the Lot of Death (Scorpio). Mars is in the 5th afflicting the Moon, Sun, and Ascendant lord (Mercury).

Primary Directions – Aspects

There is also one very close aspectual primary direction within about a month of the death that is very symbolic of death.  It is the direction of Saturn (promissor) to oppose the prenatal syzygy (significator). The prenatal syzygy is the New Moon or Full Moon directly preceding the birth. It is one of five points that are particularly important for symbolizing the health in the chart, the five hylegical points. These include the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Fortune, and the prenatal syzygy.

The syzygy is particularly important for Donna Summer as she was born just the day after the New Moon (syzygy) in early Capricorn. In fact, the Moon was still in the same house as the Sun at the time of her birth (Capricorn). This opposition is from the prenatal syzygy’s ruler, Saturn, so it appears to be an important direction in symbolizing the death.

Profections and Solar Return

If unfamiliar with profections, please see the introductory post on profections.

The time of diagnosis at age 62 corresponded to a profection to Summer’s 3rd house, Scorpio. Scorpio is the place of death by lot (Lot of Death). It is ruled by Mars and is occupied by the twelfth-parts of Mars, Saturn, and the Ascendant.

At age 63 the Ascendant profects to the 4th house, which in Summer’s case is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, which is cazimi the Sun, in the 5th with Mars, and ruled by Saturn.  Being the lord of the year, Jupiter is a particularly important planet to examine in the solar return.

Valens Profections: Mars and the 8th

It is also worth noting that by Valens-style profections, both lights (Moon and Sun), the Ascendant lord (Mercury), Mars, and Jupiter (lord of the year), all profect to Aries. Aries, the 8th house of death, is also the place of illness/afflication (by lot), and is ruled by Mars. The profection of the sect light (and the Moon generally) was particularly important to Valens for health and overall circumstance. As Aries is empty, it is the case that the sect light (and all the planets in the 5th) transmit to Mars, the ruler of Aries.


Donna Summer’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

Again, this places emphasis on themes of death (the 8th, malefic ruler) and affliction of the body (Mars-Moon conjunction, Moon ruled by Mars, Aries as Lot of Affliction).  The solar return transit of the Moon through Aries (the 8th) is also a repetition of this theme (see return chart). Additionally, the profection of the Lot of Fortune was used for health by Valens and it profects to Scorpio, the other house of Mars and the other place of death (by lot).

Donna Summer’s Last Solar Return as Transit (outer) to Natal (inner)

Profections repeat every 12 years, so the real value here is in seeing which themes and planets we should watch. We again find Mars to be a particularly important planet to watch in the solar return and by transit.

Jupiter in the Return

Jupiter is in separating opposition to Saturn in the return (within 3°).  Saturn is the out of sect malefic, and Jupiter relates to the vitality through the Sun (cazimi the Sun). This is a suggestive configuration. However, as an out of sign aspect and pertaining chiefly to the return itself, it is not particularly compelling. However, there is much more to this return than just the position of Jupiter.

Donna Summer’s Last Solar Return

Analyzing the Final Solar Return

As I explained in my article on analyzing solar returns, there were some particular red flags identified by Dorotheus. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th rules mentioned in that article are particularly important. The third rule is to watch squares and opposition from malefics, especially superior squares (domination). The fourth rule is that planets transiting in dark places of the natal chart can be more malefic. The fifth rule is that there will be a focus on the solar return Moon and its house, especially for health. The sixth rule is that there is a focus on the place highlighted by the annual profection and its ruler.

Donna Summer’s Last Solar Return

Mars in the Return

At the return, Mars was transiting in the 1st house, that of the body and self. We’ve seen how Mars is the primary significator of death in the chart. It rules the places of death by house and lot, and the Lot of Affliction. It is also activated by planetary years, distributions, profections of the sect light and Fortune, and the profection of the entire Capricorn stellium to the 8th house. Now we see Mars as chiefly pertaining to the self and body for the year.

Mars dominates the place of the annual profection of the Ascendnat. It is even in a partile superior square to the Ascendant lord Mercury, transiting in that place. Mars is also in a close aspect to natal Mercury by superior trine. Therefore, not only is Mars oriented to the body by being in the 1st, but it connects directly with the lord of the 1st (Mercury) by aspect in the return and natal. This echoes the bodily application of Mercury to Mars in the natal chart.

Twelfth-Parts and Mars

There are many things of interest when it comes to the solar return Mars and the twelfth-parts. First, the natal twelfth-part of Mercury is at the end of 17° Virgo in the 1st house. Mars was conjunct this within 3 degrees in the solar return. Yet an additional connection between Mars and the 1st house and its lord.

Donna Summer’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

Donna Summer’s Last Solar Return

In the return, Mars was at 20°12′ Virgo and Jupiter (lord of the year) was at 0°26′ Taurus. This puts the twelfth-part of Mars at 2° Taurus and that of Jupiter at 5° Taurus. Therefore, the twelfth-part of return Mars was conjunct return Jupiter (lord of the year) and its twelfth-part, both within 3 degrees. The solar return Ascendant is also interesting as it was at 27° Scorpio. It is not only ruled by Mars and the place of death by lot (Lot of Death) but it is also conjunct the twelfth-part of Mars (25° Scorpio) within 3 degrees.

Donna Summer’s Last Solar Return

Saturn and the Return Moon

Return Saturn is at 28 Libra, in dominating close square to the natal Mars-Moon conjunction at 27 and 29 Capricorn. Echoing the domination of the Moon by return Saturn is the opposition between the return Moon and return Saturn. The return Moon is the natal sect light and is in the 8th house, a dark house, putting a focus on its themes of death for the year, particularly in relation to health. Saturn is the out of sect malefic and in the return is also in a dark place. The opposition of the Moon to Saturn echoes the theme of loss.

Donna Summer’s Last Solar Return on Outside of Natal Chart

Return Venus

Natal Venus is in the sign of the profection so should also be looked at.  In the natal chart, Venus is dominated by Saturn.  Return Mars also dominates natal Venus.  Return Venus is placed in Aquarius, the 6th house, which is a weak house pertaining to illness and ruled by Saturn.

Monthly Profection to the 8th House-Aries-Mars

As noted, the return Moon transits through the 8th of death (Aries), under rulership of Mars. This echoes the natal Mars-Moon conjunction and the profection of the Moon to Aries. The monthly profection of the Ascendant at the time of death was also to Aries, the 8th house, ruled by Mars. The monthly profection is indicating the month when the themes marked out by the 8th house and Mars by the time lords and annual methods will come into focus.

Ruler of Days

Some Hellenistic astrologers used daily profections, but it is not my preferred technique for daily time lords. I discuss an additional technique for small period time lords at the end of this article (levels 3 and 4 of zodiacal releasing). Personally, I also like another time lord technique for periods of days. This ruler of days technique was discussed by Julius Firmicus Maternus.  In this technique we start with the lord of the year, and assign days to the planets according to their planetary days according to their zodiacal order in the natal chart. This divides up rulership of the year to each of the 7 planets.  The lord of the year is Jupiter for Donna Summer.

Planetary days and their natal order:

  • Jupiter – 34
  • Mercury – 56 2/3
  • Mars – 42 1/2
  • Moon – 70 5/6
  • Saturn – 85
  • Venus – 22 2/3
  • Sun – 53 5/6

Moon as Ruler of Days

Using a date calculator, we find that Donna Summer died in about the 138th day following her solar return.  The Moon took over days about 133 days after the return. Therefore, the Moon was ruler of days at the time of death. I find the ruler of days to be particularly important in timing events by transit. Also, note that the Moon was transiting in the 8th house opposite return Saturn in the solar return.

Day of Death


Finally, let’s return to the transits at the day of death.  To recap, we’ve established that there is substantial importance placed on the malefics and the lights in the time lord techniques. Recall that Saturn-Mars-Sun and Mars-Sun are active configurations by planetary years. Mars, the ruler of the 8th house, Lot of Affliction, and Lot of Death, was particularly highlighted. For instance, it is a distributor or co-distributor of the directed Ascendant and sect light. It was also highlighted by the profection of the sect light and lord of the year to Aries (8th house ruled by Mars). Additionally, there were the many 1st house/Mercury connections with Mars in the return. Finally, we determined that the monthly profection is to the 8th, Aries, which was occupied by the Moon in the return and the Moon is ruler of days. Now let’s look at transits.

The chart for the morning of May 17, 2012 is below. Summer died some time in the morning on this day. The time of Summer’s passing is not known, so please disregard the houses in the chart. In the next section, I’ll show the chart as a set of transits against the natal chart. For now, note how closely the chart mirrors the solar return, from Mars in Virgo (natal 1st) to the Moon in Aries opposing Saturn in Libra.

Donna Summer Day of Passing

Transiting Moon

Shockingly, the Moon was transiting through Aries, the 8th house, at the time of death. This echoes both the solar return and the Valens-style profection of the Moon. It is also in the house of the monthly profection.  The transiting Moon was applying an opposition to transiting Saturn at the time of death.  The transiting Moon also applied a close square to natal Mercury, the Ascendant lord.  Transiting Venus and Saturn were partilely aspecting each other, while receiving the application of the transiting Moon, at the time of death.

Transits to Natal – Morning of 5/17/12 in Naples, FL – Day of Passing

Transiting Mars

Mars was transiting at 9 Virgo through the 1st house. This is over 5 months after Summer’s solar return, and Mars is still transiting in the 1st house. In fact, Mars had been transiting in her 1st house all year (see ephemeris)! About a month prior to death, Mars had stationed direct at 3 Virgo, in adherence to Donna Summer’s Ascendant (6 Virgo).  Transiting Mars was applying to the natal Sun-Jupiter conjunction within a degree at the time of death.

Transiting Jupiter

As Jupiter is the lord of the year, its transits should also be looked at. The transiting Sun and Jupiter (in late Taurus) were applying to natal Mars within 3 degrees at the time of death. Transiting Jupiter (and Sun) were also opposing the natal twelfth-part of Mars (25 Scorpio) within 3 degrees. The transiting Sun-Jupiter conjunction by degree itself also echoes the natal Sun-Jupiter conjunction.

Zodiacal Releasing

Before concluding I’d like to explore another Hellenistic time lord technique which I think can be valuable. Zodiacal releasing is the modern name given to a technique which survives only in the text of Vettius Valens. I’ve placed this exploration of the technique at the end of this article as it can be confusing. Zodiacal releasing is traditionally from the Lot of Spirit or the Lot of Fortune. For matters of bodily health and material circumstances, Fortune (the Lot of the Moon) is used (glyph looks like an X in a circle). Spirit (Lot of the Sun) was used for professional and mental matters.

Moving Signs by Planetary Years

Zodiacal releasing was discussed by Valens in Book IV of his Anthology (download it here). One stars with the sign of Fortune, giving the ruler of the sign the first period. This period is the length of the ruler’s minor years (the only exception being that we use 27 for Capricorn rather than 30). It transitions to the next sign in succession activating that sign and its ruler for the number of planetary years of the ruler. We continue moving from sign to sign after each period.

There are also minor periods that are 1/12 the length, and some additional nuances. One key “nuance” is that the periods involve “years” of 360 days. Therefore, I recommend using software to calculate them (such as the free Valens program). I recommend getting the technique from the horse’s mouth (i.e. download and read Book IV of Valens). The interested reader can also get a thorough education on the technique through Chris Brennan’s Hellenistic course, or his module on Zodiacal Releasing. As of this update, there is also a good explanation of the technique in a podcast by Chris Brennan and on Anthony Louis’s website.


The two highest level periods are particularly important in zodiacal releasing.  I give four levels below:

  1. Sagittarius (Jupiter): The sign is occupied by Venus and the twelfth-part of the Moon, ruler is cazimi the Sun in 5th, Capricorn.  This is about a 12 year period beginning in 2010.
  2. Capricorn (Saturn) – The sign is occupied by 5 planets, including Sun and Mars, with ruler in 1st, Virgo.  This is a nearly 2 year period beginning in February of 2011.
  3. Scorpio (Mars) – The sign is occupied by the twelfth-parts of the Ascendant, Saturn, and Mars, with ruler in 5th, Capricorn.  This is about a 5 week period beginning on May 9th, 2012.
  4. Capricorn (Saturn) – See #2.  This is a nearly 5 day period beginning on May 15th, 2012.

Donna Summer’s ZR Periods


Before getting into the finer points of the interpretation of zodiacal releasing, I want to note the repeat Saturn-Mars activation. Saturn and Mars rule all but the largest of the time periods (the Sagittarius period of about 12 years). The signs activated are also very significant. Capricorn holds the natal stellium, including the Sun and Mars ruled by Saturn, but also the close Moon-Mars conjunction, and Jupiter (ruler of Level 1). Scorpio is the sign holding the twelfth-parts of both malefics (Saturn and Mars) and the twelfth-part of the Ascendant.  In terms of the umbrella period of Level 1, Sagittarius, its ruler is Jupiter, which is cazimi the Sun in Capricorn, so it is closely associated with the Sun’s significations there.

Judging by Angular Strength

As mentioned, in interpreting the releasing of Fortune, Valens paid special attention to the first two levels.  One interpretive principle commonly used is that the Lot or its ruler in an angle of the chart (1st, 10th, 7th, or 4th place) shows strength. By strength, we are referring to a stability and achievement in what is signified. In this case, material fortune and health (Fortune). On the other hand, if cadent from an angle (12th, 9th, 6th, or 3rd place) it will show weakness.  This rule can get difficult to use in practice, as Valens also suggests that we can use the angles of the Lot of Fortune. Using both the angles of the chart and those of Fortune, with both the Lot and its ruler, there are simply too many points and strong places in the chart to enable us to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Places from Fortune

Some people sidestep this dilemma by considering only the angles and cadents from Fortune, rather than from the Ascendant.  Using that approach, the Capricorn periods would be vulnerable. Fortune would be in the 6th from Fortune (a cadent place). Periods ruled by a planet that is in Capricorn could be similarly vulnerable for the same reason. However, note that 5 planets are in Capricorn, which would cause most periods to have weak rulers.

The place of the Lot was thought to show the start of things and the ruler the development. So Level 1 in Sagittarius would start out not particularly strong or weak (as it is not an angle nor a cadent) but in the development of the period weaknesses could result (as the ruler is in the 6th from Fortune).  Level 2 in Capricorn would start out weak, and would not develop much towards strength or weakness (as the ruler is not in an angle or cadent).  The 3rd Level would start strong but end weak (Lot in angle, ruler in cadent).  Level 4, like Level 2, would be weak without much improvement.  Therefore, the overall stress of all 4 periods is on Capricorn. Capricorn is cadent from Fortune showing vulnerability when it comes to material circumstances.

Judging by Transmission

Valens discussed other principles of interpreting releasing from Fortune which I feel are a bit easier to delineate.  One thing that he does is to view the 1st two levels as if the ruler of Level 1 is transmitting or passing off to the ruler of Level 2. It is like the ruler of Level 1 is running into some type of thing signified by the 2nd level ruler.  For instance, a benefic transmitting to a malefic, as in the case here with Jupiter transmitting to Saturn, shows success liable to overturn.  Additionally, the transmission of the Sun or Moon to Saturn is particularly dangerous for health, while Saturn to the Sun or Moon indicate the opposite, vigor.

… the sun and moon when transmitting to Saturn are indicative of setbacks and anxieties, and they bring hostility […] as well as bodily disorders and dangers, shipwrecks, sudden collapses, and very many crises …         (Valens, Anthologies, Book IV, Ch. 5, Riley trans., 2010, p. 73)

Jupiter Cazimi to Saturn

According to Robert Schmidt of Project Hindsight, the original meaning of a cazimi planet is that it takes over signification for the Sun. Jupiter is cazimi the Sun in Summer’s chart and so acts akin to the Sun, another indicator of the vital spirit. The transmission of Jupiter to Saturn can be viewed as similar to a transmission of the Sun to Saturn, an indication of material danger.

Malefic to Malefic

If we were to consider the other levels in this type of consideration then we have Saturn transmitting to Mars (Level 2 to 3) and Mars transmitting to Saturn (Level 3 to 4).  Valens regarded transmission from a malefic to a malefic (Saturn to Mars and vice-versa) as particularly dangerous, much like a situation that goes from bad to worse.

ZR Conclusion

Interestingly, in the zodiacal releasing method for health we find a repeated emphasis on Capricorn, Scorpio, and Mars. There is repeat activation of the 5th house. For Valens, the places from Fortune were even more important than the natal places for the purposes of this technique. Interestingly, Valens considered the 6th place from Fortune to pertain particularly to health crises. The 6th from Fortune is none other than Capricorn, the sign we see so strongly emphasized by the releasing from Fortune.

In addition, after finding the Place which has been assigned to Fortune, examine the points square with it and the other aspects, just as with the angles in the natal chart. The Lot itself will be equivalent to the Ascendant and will mean “Life;” the tenth place from it will be equivalent to MC and will mean “Rank;” the seventh will be the Descendant; the fourth IC. The other places will have the same effects as the <original> XII Places. Some astrologers have mystically hypothesized that the astronomical Ascendant and the points square with it are the Cosmic Angles, while the Lot and the points square with it are the Natal Angles […] (Valens, Anthology, Book II, Ch. 18, Riley trans., p. 34)


Donna Summer’s death was by the slow wasting illness of cancer. It did not involve dramatic sudden events like those of Whitney Houston and Marvin Gaye. We find Mars to be the most important planet for the topic of death and serious illness in her natal chart. Mars rules and dominates the 8th house of death and place of affliction by lot, and rules the place of death by lot while occupying it by twelfth-part. Summer’s Mars is fairly well-placed, being in sect, in a sign of its sect, in a benefic place (5th house), and exalted (Capricorn) with a trine from its 1st house ruler.

The timing of death coincided with about a dozen repeat activations of natal themes pertaining to Mars and death. The period ones involved Mars as a distributor of the sect light and co-distributor of the Ascendant, second level zodiacal releasing to Capricorn occupied by Mars, planetary years highlighting the Saturn-Mars-Sun configuration, profection of the Capricorn stellium (including Mars and sect light) to Aries, and profection of Fortune to Scorpio.

The solar return, with its Scorpio rising, Mars in the natal 1st, and the Moon in Aries (natal 8th) opposed to return Saturn certainly reinforced these themes. There was also that prolonged transit of Mars through the natal 1st house, passing back-and-forth over the Ascendant. That transit was not only in the January 1st solar return but spanned the entire first half of 2012, including at the time of her death in May. Finally, we saw Donna pass during an Aries, 8th house, monthly profection. The Moon timed the death with its transit through Aries on that day, in fitting application to transiting Saturn and Venus (death and artistry).


Valens, V. (2010). Anthologies. (M. Riley, Trans.) (Online PDF.). World Wide Web: Mark Riley. Retrieved from

Update: February 2019

In late February of 2019, this article was significantly edited and revised. There were some significant changes. I revised the wording of many sections for greater clarity. For instance, the analysis of profections and solar returns was re-written to explore the important Valens-style profections and the rules for returns which I noted in another article. Additionally, the section on zodiacal releasing was moved to the end due to the learning curve involved. There are now some great free explanations of zodiacal releasing out there, so I’ve linked to those. Also, the Lot of Death and Lot of Affliction were not touched on in the original article but were added due to their great significance.

Excerpt on Pre-Hellenistic Use of Twelfth-Parts

Twelfth-Parts in Mesopotamia

Some readers may be interested in a brief passage by historian Francesca Rochberg. Twelfth-parts were popular in Hellenistic astrology. However, they are much older than Hellenistic astrology. In the passage, Rochberg discusses the pre-Hellenistic use of twelfth-parts by Babylonian astrologers. Shockingly, Babylonian twelfth-parts date back to at least the 5th century BCE.

In the passage, she notes that the Babylonians were using the twelfth-parts of the zodiac in the context of their omen lore. There is evidence of this from only a couple hundred years of the first evidence of a regularized twelve-sign zodiac (circa 700 BCE). Therefore, this important division of the signs in Hellenistic astrology is Babylonian in origin and almost as old as the zodiac itself.

You can read the entire section on Babylonian twelfth-parts in Google Books by following the link below:

Francesca Rochberg on Babylonian Use of the Twelfth-Parts

More on Rochberg

For more on Rochberg’s work, please check out U.C. Berkeley’s introductory interview:

Interview with Francesca Rochberg

More on Twelfth-Parts

Most of the major Hellenistic astrologers made use of the twelfth-parts. They are a key technique of Hellenistic astrology and a valuable addition to the traditional astrologer’s toolbox. However, astrologers often neglect them today.

Check out my introduction to the twelfth-parts and an article on their use in natal astrology. Please explore this division of the zodiac which is almost as old as the zodiac itself.

Traditional Astrology of Death | Marvin Gaye


I was about halfway through an article on the death of Donna Summer when my friend Ile Spasev brought Marvin Gaye to my attention. The timing of Gaye’s 1984 death at the hands of his father is absolutely fascinating. In reiterates the importance of planetary years, solar returns, profections, and transits.

One of the most interesting things about Gaye’s death is that it occurred on the exact day of his 45th solar return! It was also the day of a New Moon (conjunction of the Sun and Moon). It occurred the day before his calendar birthday. However, in astrological terms, it occurred on his true astronomical birthday (solar return). He was actually killed just a few hours after the exact return of the Sun to its position at his birth.

Marvin Gaye’s Natal Chart

Marvin was born on 4/2/1939 at 11:58 am in Washington D.C.  (Rodden-rated A birth info). According to news releases he was pronounced dead on the afternoon of 4/1/1984 at 1:01 pm in L.A., California.  His death followed his attempt to intervene  between his mother and father, who were on the second day of intense bouts of argumentation. After Gaye pushed his father things took a turn for the worst. Gaye’s own father, in the heat of anger, ended up shooting him, which proved lethal.

His birth chart is shown below with the twelfth-part positions depicted along the outer wheel.

Marvin Gaye Natal Chart w/twelfth-parts

The Father in the Chart

In ancient astrology, Saturn, the Sun, and the 4th place (Valens adds the 9th place) are particularly relevant for the father.  In Gaye’s chart, the Sun in the bound of Venus in the 10th is more pertinent to his fame and honors than his father. The Sun naturally signifies honors as does the 10th place, and the Sun adhering (applying conjunction within 3 degrees) to Mercury (vocal) and in the bound of Venus (arts) has particular relevance to his singing fame. The Sun additionally has no rulership over the 4th, so it provides less testimony over the house of the father, family, origins, and property. Still, the Sun is one significator of the father in the chart. The fact that Marvin’s death at the hands of his father occurred on the day of a solar return speaks to this.

Saturn is another natural significator of fathers. Like the Sun, it is in the 10th (a “stake” of the 4th). However, Saturn rules the 4th house of fathers by exaltation and triplicity (first triplicity lord of air by day). Saturn not only naturally signifies fathers but also accidentally strongly connects with the house of the father in the chart. Therefore, Saturn is considered to give the strongest testimony regarding matters concerning the father.

The Lot of the Father

The houses are not the only way that a planet comes to accidentally signify a topic. The lots also assign topics to places. Planets on or ruling a relevant lot also become significant for that topic of that lot. As I explained in my lesson on the lots, the typical formula for the Lot of the Father by day is to take the arc from the Sun to Saturn and project it from the Ascendant. This would yield a lot in early Leo. However, Dorotheus (1st century CE) and Paulus (4th century CE) both advised to use an alternate lot when Saturn is under the beams of the Sun, as it is here. The alternate lot is calculated from Mars to Jupiter, projected from the Ascendant.

Gaye’s Lot of the Father (by the Dorothean alternate formula) is at 8° Libra, the very same degree as his IC, in the 4th house. This again argues for the significance of Saturn which both strongly aspects the place, has multiple forms of rulership there, and naturally signifies the father. The antiscia of Jupiter at 8 Libra, the same degree as the lot and IC, connects the father with religion (minister).

Marvin Gaye’s Natal Chart with the Lot of the Father at 8*47′ Libra


Saturn does a good job of describing the father (and also the death itself). It is in a cardinal sign, known for initiating major changes through abrupt action. Saturn is also in a sign and bound of Mars, the planet of violence. Additionally, it is dominated by Mars (right side square). Furthermore, the twelfth-part of Saturn is in Scorpio, the other house of Mars. Therefore, the influence of Mars over Saturn is reinforced in multiple ways. Domination gives Mars substantial influence over Saturn, symbolic of a father becoming dominated by rage and violence. Saturn is also in the sign of its fall. Fall can show a type of weakness, though Saturn takes about 2 1/2 years to traverse a sign, so it is not particularly noteworthy.

Saturn afflicts Mercury, the Sun, MC, and the twelfth-parts of the Ascendant and Venus, as all are in Aries with Saturn. The vulnerability of these significators to Saturn, through their shared habitation of Aries, pertain to argumentation (Mercury), publicity (Sun), career (MC), self/body (Asc), and music and mother (Venus). Saturn’s close aspect with Mercury, both of them under the beams, may relate to the father’s strange contradictions. He was a minister who was an alcoholic, physically abusive, and a cross-dresser at home. While Marvin did not get along with his father, his own drug use and paranoia near the end of his life was seen to be turning him into his father in the eyes of some observers (twelfth-part of Asc conj. Saturn).

Marvin Gaye Natal Chart w/twelfth-parts

Death and the Father

Saturn is the planet with the greatest testimony over the place of death in the chart, the 8th house, Aquarius.  This is because Saturn rules the sign, has triplicity there (1st triplicity lord of air), regards the place, and is a natural significator of death. Therefore, Saturn’s testimony with regards to death is very strong in his chart.

The Sun also has some lesser testimony over both the father and death. I discussed how the Sun is a natural significator of the father and is in a stake of the 4th. The Sun also rules and has its twelfth-part in Leo which is the 8th house from Fortune (Capricorn). The 8th place from Fortune was considered the main “place of death” by Vettius Valens. Leo also happens to be the position of the other Lot of the Father (Sun to Saturn, from Asc). Therefore, there are repeat connections between the father and death in Gaye’s chart.

Finally, there is the Hellenistic Lot of Death which is taken from the degree of the Moon to the start of the 8th sign, and projected from Saturn. There is a distance of 127°48′ from the Moon to Aquarius. Projecting this from Saturn in Aries bring us to 27° Leo for the Lot of Death. As noted, Leo is also the 8th from Fortune, the position of a traditional Lot of the Father, and the position of the twelfth-part Sun. Therefore, we see yet another repeated connection between the father and death.

Mars in the 7th House

Mars is the out of sect malefic in the chart and is in the 7th house, the alternative house of death. The 7th house was not only associated with death in early Hellenistic astrology but its opposition to the Ascendant was viewed with suspicion by Dorotheus and Valens. The fact that a planet there opposes the Ascendant (significator of the self) is indicative of the possibility of harm against the native. Mars is out of sect in the 7th and has its twelfth-part conjunct Jupiter and opposed to the Moon, two of hte significators of the self in the chart. Therefore, it signifies the potential for bodily violence.

Marvin Gaye Natal Chart w/twelfth-parts

Beyond the Sun, Saturn, and Mars

Both Venus and the Moon give testimony regarding the mother, even though neither of them regard the 4th house of family.  Venus does so because she rules the 4th and is a feminine natural significator of mothers. The Moon does so because she is also a natural significator of mothers and is in the 3rd house, her joy, another place of the mother (per Valens).

The Moon and Jupiter provide some of the strongest testimony in terms of Gaye himself and his temperament, as they both regard the 1st and have a lot of lordship over the actual Ascendant.

Planetary Years

I discussed the use of planetary years for prediction in a past article. Planetary years are a valuable technique for timing the activation of key events concerning notable configurations in a chart.

Marvin’s death occurred on his 45th solar return. Very rarely do planetary years culminate at such an exact point.  Fascinatingly, 45 is the activation of Saturn-Mars relationships in the natal chart. Saturn has 30 planetary years, and Mars 15, yielding 45.

This signifies a very major event as it activates three important Saturn-Mars configurations in his chart: the Mars-Saturn square with Mars dominating; Saturn in Aries (domicile of Mars); and Mars in Capricorn (domicile of Saturn). Thus planetary years show a strong activation linking the father, violence, and death.

Planetary Days

According to the technique of planetary days discussed by Julius Firmicus Maternus (4th century CE), the ruler of the year rules the first set of days in the year.  Therefore, Mars was the planet in charge of signifying both the plan for the year and the days at the time of death.


Those unfamiliar with profections, can learn about them in my series of articles on the topic.

As the death happened just after the 45th year solar return, the annual profection of the Ascendant moved to the 10th place of the chart. Therefore, Aries was the sign of the annual profection at the time of death. The profection was highlighting the planets in the 10th place, including Saturn, Mercury, and the Sun. Mars, the ruler of Aries, was the lord of the year.  In other words, the annual profection put the focus squarely on Saturn in Aries, ruled by and dominated by Mars.

Solar Return and Transits

I have been meaning to expand on my series on solar returns, which I started here.  For now, it suffices to look at the solar return as a set of transits to the natal chart. I depict the solar return along the outside of the natal chart below. In addition, I have posted the natal chart with twelfth-parts as there are fascinating connections between the return on the day Gaye died and the natal twelfth-parts.

Outer positions are from Gaye’s Final Solar Return which is on the day he died

First, it is noteworthy that the return, and death, occurred on the day of a New Moon in Aries.  This is a further activation of the sign Aries and its occupants, including Saturn, and its ruler Mars. At the time Gaye was pronounced dead, the transiting Moon was at 16 Aries adhering to Gaye’s Saturn.

Second, as Mars is lord of the year and of days, the position of Mars in the return is of pivotal importance.  In the return Mars is in Scorpio, one of his own domiciles. Return Mars is with return Saturn and in Saturn’s bound, again echoing the Mars-Saturn significations.  Additionally, Mars is at 28 Scorpio, conjunct the twelfth-part of natal Saturn in the very same degree! The twelfth-part of return Mars was itself at 9 Libra, opposing Gaye’s Sun, and conjunct his Lot of the Father and IC (both at 8 Libra).

Marvin Gaye Natal Chart w/twelfth-parts

Venus and the Moon

In addition to Mars transiting right over the natal twelfth-part of Saturn (at 28 Scorpio), the twelfth-part of transiting Venus was also at 27-28 Scorpio.  I take this Venus transit to represent the connection with the mother, who Gaye was arguing on behalf of at the time of the incident.

Transiting Venus itself was at 22 Pisces with Gaye’s Jupiter, symbolic of himself. This position is also opposed to his Moon, connecting to both himself and his mother. Fascinatingly, this is also the position of Gaye’s natal twelfth-part of Mars. Therefore, there is the symbolism of himself and his mother mix and come into contact with the father’s rage and violence (Mars).

Primary Directions

It is also worth noting important primary directions around the time of death, as I did for the death of Whitney Houston.


Marvin Gaye’s Distributors of the Ascendant and Sect Light

First, we look at the distributors.  Amazingly, both the Ascendant and the Sect Light (the Sun) were directing through the bounds of Mars. Mars, the out of sect malefic, set the tone as the many time lord during the period in which the death took place.

Aspectual Primary Directions

The aspectual directions are not as striking to me as some of the indicators, but there are a few relevant ones. One of the more interesting directions occurring within 6 months of his death is that of the star Algol (associated with death and violence) directing to Gaye’s MC.

Algol Directed to Gaye’s Natal MC

Additionally, less than 4 months before his death there was a direction of Mars to Jupiter. This is relevant as Jupiter is one of the important significators for Gaye himself in the chart. Jupiter rules the bound of Asc and exalted in the sign of Asc. The relevance of the placement of twelfth-part Mars on Jupiter and opposed to the Moon in the natal chart is echoed. I discussed how the transit of Venus at death over this position also pertained to the importance of the mother in the situation. Gaye was intervening on his mother’s behalf.

Mars Directed to Jupiter


Death is not a pleasant topic to analyze. However, it is one of the most definitive events in every individual’s life. Therefore, it should be one of the most stand-out events from an astrological perspective. When we see that there is a higher intelligence at work in this universe it forces us to rethink the nature of life and reality. Perhaps our analysis will bring us closer to accurately spotting death, enabling us to even avert death for a time. Or maybe Urania will simply whisper indications a bit more quietly when we forsake her secrets. In any case, even in hindsight, looking back on the pertinence of the symbolism when using the ancient techniques is always thought-provoking and humbling.

Featured image is in the public domain.


02/11 to 2/13/2019: Thorough edit, plus additional information regarding Mars and the Lot of the Father, as well as some notes about Gaye’s dad and more.

Astrology of Profession or Calling | 5. Skyscript Mystery Charts

Enjoy a Good Mystery?

There was a mystery chart challenge posted in Skyscript’s astrology forum by Tom Callanan a couple months ago.  Tom posted three charts without names or birth data. He asked readers to see if they could figure out which was a musician.  Later, before revealing the answer, he also noted that one of the charts is of a Roman Catholic Cardinal and another is of an American football player

At that time, in early March, through private correspondences (and on her Facebook wall), my friend, Kate Petty, and I both accurately matched all three charts to the proper occupations. How did we do so? By using the ancient techniques for delineating occupation which I’ve discussed in this series. Our methods were objective and repeatable, not intuitive.

Actions in Hellenistic Astrology

I discussed the technique in the post Astrology of Profession or Calling | 1. Technique.  The basis of the technique is found in comments made by Ptolemy, Paulus Alexandrinus, Rhetorius, and other Hellenistic astrologers who commented on their work. However, there is some variation in the way the technique is explained by different authors. Additionally, it is by no means the final word in delineating actions and occupation.  Every astrologer should adapt the technique to their needs and attempt to improve upon it.  This technique provides the best foundation you’ll get for delineating profession. You will learn to identify those planets that are most significant in terms of skills and themes developed within the context of one’s calling.  There are many other more specific indications that can then be used in the hopes of narrowing down to more specific professions.

In a chart challenge situation, the technique will rarely be 100% accurate. It’s not the final word on occupation and my adaptation is not perfect. Additionally, special combinations in the chart can be relevant for profession. However, this technique shines in differentiation tasks. Therefore, I’d like to go through and show how the technique itself performs on these three charts to lead to objectively obvious decisions which happen to be correct. Before reading on, please familiarize yourself with the chart challenge thread and my explanation of the technique.

Technique Notes

Below I reiterate what I stated about the technique in the first post. Perhaps the simplest explanation would go something like this: 1. Planets strongly “pertaining” to the 10th, MC, and Lights give strong significations regarding personal striving and one’s calling. 2. Those strongly “pertaining” to the 1st and the Ascendant give strong significations regarding the personality and self-identification. 3. Planets which are generally strong tend to show broad pervasive influences upon the life circumstances.

By “pertaining”, I mean occupying a place, ruling a place or position, scrutinizing a position (i.e. aspecting it within 3 degrees), strongly advancing toward the angle (i.e. advancing within about 15 degrees), being in a “stake” of the place (1st, 10th, 7th, or 4th from it), and otherwise regarding the place or point.

These things are all indications that a planet has “testimony” (things to say) regarding the place or point being investigated. Testimonies form the basis for later almuten or “winner” techniques. However, such “winner” approaches are sophomoric mechanized ways of handling testimony. As astrologers, we must be more judicial than that. One of the problems with “winner” techniques is that there is a tendency to consider one planet as always the most significant. By contrast, there may be many significant planets which become relatively more prominent at different times in the life, which we can observe through timing techniques.  In other words, we want to know both the range and the relative pertinence of each planet, as well as which planets stand out and in what ways.

Technique Recap

Pertinence to actions:
  1. MC: Strongly advancing to MC.
  2. Places: Order of importance – 10th (place of actions), 1st, 7th, or 4th, (i.e. the “stakes” of the 10th), 2nd or 6th (i.e. triplicity of the 10th), 11th, 5th, 8th.
  3. Ruler­ship: Dignity in 10th or Ascendant (or to a lesser extent at the MC).  Planets scrutinizing the Ascendant or MC, i.e. aspecting them within 3 degrees, should also be considered.
  4. Pha­sis and the Lights: In phasis, or a bound ruler of a Light (esp. of sect light).
General strength:
  1. Advancing/Retreating: Advancing planets are stronger than retreating ones, in the sense of being “louder” in the life, and this is a continuous variable.
  2. Lights: The Lights (Sun and Moon) naturally signify prominence and power, so a strong relationship between one of them and a planet make the planet more generally strong.
  3. Stations: Stationing direct within 7 days of birth makes a planet generally stronger or more prominent while stationing retrograde make it generally weaker.

As noted in the original post, I start with pertinence, and then use general strength pick out the more dominant planet or planets among the most pertinent ones.

Analysis of Charts

I will deal with the charts in a rather collective way.  I want to note the first impressions of the chart that anyone should get when using this method for such a purpose.  Rather than posting them here immediately, I want the reader first to view them on the thread here as one did in the chart challenge.

Evaluating Placement

The first thing you want to look at is to see if planets are strongly advancing toward the MC, i.e. to the left of the MC degree within 15 degrees.  None of the charts have this.  Next, you want to look to see if any of them have planets in the 10th place, which is the 10th sign from the Ascendant, which in the first chart is Aries, the second is Taurus, and the third is Leo. All are empty except for Moon in Leo in Chart 3.

Next, look at planets in the other “stakes” of the chart, which are the 1st, 7th, and 4th, in about that order of priority.  Chart 1 has Venus (in Capricorn 7th).  The next one, Chart 2, has Mars (in Scorpio 4th). The last one, Chart 3, has the Sun (in Scorpio 1st) and Saturn (in Taurus 7th). We have planets with pertinence to action by place already, so we won’t keep looking at less pertinent places, except maybe for Chart 3 as we’d like to know which is most pertinent by place among Mercury, Venus, and Mars.  However, all three are in the 12th of that chart, so the relative pertinence of each will have to be assessed without consideration of place.

1st Chart

2nd Chart

3rd Chart

Preliminary Placement Results

So far our best candidates and their indications by chart number are as follows:

  1. Venus – the arts – the musician. Why? Because Venus is angular (in VII).
  2. Mars – physical or dominance-oriented – the football player. Why? Because Mars is angular (in IV).
  3. Moon, Sun, Saturn – all leadership-oriented planets – the Cardinal. Why? Because the Moon, Sun, and Saturn are all angular (in X, I, and VII).

Evaluating Rulership

Let’s look at rulership for confirmation.

For Chart 1 we find that Venus has rulership by triplicity and bound of the Ascendant. She also has rulership by exaltation and triplicity atthe MC. Additionally, Venus also most closely scrutinizes the MC (sextile of about 2°). Therefore, there is strong support for Venus.

Chart 2 is one in which Mars has triplicity in the 10th and MC. No planets scrutinize the MC or Asc. Therefore, there is a little bit of confirmation for Mars, though  it is fairly weak from rulership.

In Chart 3 we find that the Sun, which is in the 1st house, as domicile and first triplicity lord of the 10th house. Additionally, the Sun and Saturn both closely scrutinize the MC. The Moon has only triplicity at the MC. All three are confirmed as significant, but especially so for the Sun.

Dave Brubeck

Chart 1 has Venus angular, ruling the rising bound, and exalted ruler of the MC. Looking at the chart we also find that Venus is the bound lord of the sect light, the Moon. She is also bound lord of the Sun. So she is bound ruler of both luminaries. Furthermore, Venus is strongly advancing. No planets are in phasis. If we were to look at twelfth-parts we’d also find twelfth-part Venus angular in her own domicile (Libra). Therefore, Venus is the obvious choice. The first chart is that of the musician, as Venus pertains to art and aesthetics (and sexuality/sensuality, etc.).

Brubeck’s Natal Chart

It is also good to understand how other planets can be involved in the occupation. Saturn may be relevant because it is strongly advancing on the IC, where it scrutinizes the MC. Additionally, Saturn dominates Venus. Finally, Mercury is a planet of actions and in a relevant place (the 5th), and it closely aspects Venus, within 2 degrees, so it also relates to the occupation. Mars can also pertain to matters of the occupation as Mars rules the 10th and is in an eligible place (the 8th). However, what is most important is that Venus provides much stronger testimony than any of the other planets, including the other planets of actions.

Dick Butkus

Chart 2 has Mars angular in IV while it rules the MC and 10th by triplicity. Looking at the chart we find that Mars does not rule the bound of either Light. However, Mars does rule the Moon, the sect light, by exaltation and triplicity.  There are no planets in phasis.  Mars is the most advancing planet in the chart, and there are no stations, etc. It is also domicile and first triplicity ruler of its own place. The obvious choice here is Mars, clearly indicating Chart 2 to be the football player. It is the chart of Dick Butkus.

Butkus’ Natal Chart

Mercury and Venus can also be relevant for occupational matters as they are planets of actions in the eligible 5th place. Butkus became a sports commentator and an actor later in life.

Butkus and Twelfth-Parts

It is always a good idea to look at the twelfth-parts in the matter of occupation. The lots, especially the lots of Fortune, Spirit, and Actions, can also be significant, as can relationships by antiscia. Let’s look briefly at the twelfth-parts in Chart 2.

Dick Butkus Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outside wheel)

Mars takes on increased important as twelfth-part Mars is in the 2nd place, another eligible place, and very closely aspects the MC. Additionally, the twelfth-part Ascendant is in a house of Mars (Aries) and conjunct Jupiter (fortune). Twelfth-part Venus is with twelfth-part Mars connecting their significations (Venus-Mars can pertain to athletics). Mercury (voice, analysis) becomes more pronounced and important for the profession and identity as its twelfth-part is in the 1st house.

Cardinal Krol

We noted that the Sun is particularly relevant for the profession, as are Saturn and the Moon. We didn’t see much from the planets of actions, as they are all in the 12th house in chart 3. Paulus also advised to check the place of Fortune but it is empty (ruled by Mercury). However, we find that only Mercury is in phasis, and Mercury rules the bound of the Moon. Additionally, Mercury receives the next aspect of the Moon, which Paulus also advised as significant. Mars rules the bound of the sect light (Sun). Therefore, out of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, we expect Mercury to be the most pertinent to occupation, tending more toward a thinking occupation. Mars is next most pertinent.

Cardinal Krol’s Natal Chart

Altogether we see strong relevance for leadership and administration. This is due to the importance of the Lights and Saturn in signifying for profession.  Without really strong signification for a cardinal specifically, we still rule this chart to be the best match for the Cardinal.

Krol and the Twelfth-Parts

The twelfth-parts really provide the key to understanding the religious leadership orientation in Krol’s chart. Twelfth-part Jupiter is at 18 Leo, in Krol’s 10th house, in partile conjunction to his Moon (ruler of his 9th). The twelfth-part Ascendant, Venus, and Mars (Mars rules the Asc) are in the 9th of God. Twelfth-part Mercury is in an eligible place (the 8th) in its own domicile.

John Krol’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts (outside wheel)


The method indeed lead to the correct matches, with some additional valuable information.  So while this isn’t as much of a flashy technique as many of them used in that thread, it is systematic and objective. It is also has its origins in the earliest strains of traditional horoscopic astrology.


Featured image is in the public domain and is the Egyptian design of a scarab amulet with two different images of Thoth from some time between 646 BCE and 342 BCE (Late Period). It is from the collection of the Walter Art Museum and was retrieved from Wikimedia Commons.

Update 2018: This article was updated on 12/15/18 with some editing for clarity as well as a couple new links. The notes and charts concerning twelfth-parts were also added at that time.