Today is the birthday of Mr. John Allen Hendrix, aka Jimi Hendrix. I’m a big fan, particularly of his final album, Electric Ladyland. I’ll be doing the normal very brief profession analysis below. Additionally, I’ll conclude with some notes about indications for character (personality) in the chart.
Profession or Calling
Here, I apply a special technique for delineating profession, or perhaps more accurately, skills development. It originated in the Hellenistic period of astrology with developments and modifications through the medieval period. The reader is referred to the brief outline of the technique which can be found here, “Astrology of Profession or Calling | 1. Technique“. You should first familiarize yourself with that article to better understand my delineation process and the significance I assign to the planets.
Jimi Hendrix
A brief biography for Jimi Hendrix can be found on Wikipedia. His chart is given a Rodden Rating of AA for accuracy on Astro-Databank. Hendrix’s natal chart is pictured below (CTRL+click to open an expanded version in a new tab).
Relevance to Actions
First, we identify the planets with some pertinence to “actions”.
Venus, the Sun, and Mercury are in the 1st, and Saturn is in the 7th. Additionally, the Moon and Jupiter are in the 8th, which is less relevant. No planet advances toward the MC. Mars is in XII so is not relevant by place. Therefore, Mercury and Venus are most relevant by place.
Mercury rules the 10th and is in the 1st. Venus rules the sign and bound of the MC. Additionally, Venus is the 1st triplicity ruler of the 10th and is in the 1st. Mars has no rulership of the 1st, only triplicity at the 10th, and no rulership of the MC. Therefore, Mercury and Venus have the most relevance by rulership.
Phasis and the Lights:
No planets in phasis. Mercury and Venus are assembled with the Sun. Jupiter is assembled with the Moon. The Moon is separating from Jupiter and applying to Mercury. Mars has no regard from the Sun but is overcome by the Moon. Overall, Mercury has the strongest relationship with the Lights, followed by Venus.
Relevance Conclusion
Mercury and Venus have the most relevance to actions. They are together so their combined significations are particularly important. The Moon, the Sun, and Jupiter have lesser relevance.
Secondly, we identify the planets that are strongest in a general way in the chart. These planets push their natural significations onto the life in a strong way
There are no planets strongly advancing. However, Jupiter and the Moon are advancing with the greatest strength. Mars is advancing to a lesser extent and the rest of the planets are retreating.
Relationships to Lights:
No planets in phasis. As noted, Mercury has the strongest relationship with the Lights, followed by Venus. Additionally, of the other planets, Jupiter has the strongest relationship to the Lights.
No planetary stations.
Prominence Conclusion
Jupiter is the strongest planet. The Moon is also very strong. Mercury is the most prominent planet of the three of actions as it is in the 1st with the Sun and receives the application of the Moon.
Synthesis of Occupation for Jimi Hendrix
As in Trent Reznor’s chart, we see that Mercury and Venus are the most relevant for characterizing the profession and are combined. As mentioned in that post, this pair combine the intricacy, intellect, and wind/verbalization features of Mercury with the artistry of Venus. It is common for music, a profession pertaining to artistry in sound waves (wind), but particularly with singing (air, verbalization), as well as composition/arrangement of songs. Furthermore, Mercury can pertain to digits and manual dexterity, so fingered string instruments are another indication.
In relation to Venus as significator of mastery, al-Qabisi noted, “And she signifies the mastery of all sounds, like music and the rest” (Dykes, 2010, p. 254). Additionally, al-Qabisi noted, “And if Mercury is complected to her, it signifies the sound which is used in the composition of verses” (Dykes, 2010, p. 255).
Modern Day Apollo
Venus and Mercury are on either sides of the Sun, both of them conjunct the Sun within 3 degrees. Interestingly, when it comes to music, the Sun is most associated with stringed instruments. For instance, the Sun god Apollo’s symbol is the lyre. Here we find intellect, verbalization, beauty, and artistry, joined with and outshone by the dynamic Apollo and his lyre. Furthermore, al-Qabisi noted, “And if the Sun is complected to her [Venus], it signifies the sound of wood [Dykes footnote: “Ar.: ‘the lute.'”] by which one plays in the presence of kings and nobles” (Dykes, 2010, p. 255).
Jupiter and Character
The 1st house cluster is in the sign and bound of Jupiter. Jupiter may be the most prominent planet in the chart. Additionally, Jupiter is the planet most relevant to character. Jupiter is relevant to character in at least five important ways.
First, Jupiter rules the 1st house. Lords of the 1st house of self were commonly used for character (see Masha-allah and Abu’Ali al-Khayyat). Second, Jupiter is the house and bound ruler of Mercury. Mercury and its Lords were also used for character (see Ptolemy, Masha’allah, Abu’Ali al-Khayyat). Third, Jupiter is the house and bound ruler of the sect light, the Sun. The sect light has a signifies prominently in the life (particularly when in a “stake” like the 1st), and it is colored by its rulers. Fourth, Jupiter is assembled with the Moon and the exalted ruler of their house. The Moon signified the irrational mind and the body to Ptolemy, and was used in character delineation. Fifth, it’s generally a strong and pervasive planet, advancing, conjunct the Moon, exalted, and in its own bound. Abu Bakr stressed the impact of prominent planets on character.
The English adjective “jovial” literally means “of Jupiter”. It denotes one who is jolly and cheerful. Jupiter tends to pertain to “out of bounds” and lofty experiences of adventure, spirituality, good fortune, exaggeration, or insight.
On Jupiter as ruler of the chart and primary indicator of character, Julius Firmicus Maternus (4th century CE) noted (Bram, 1972, p. 139):
9. JUPITER. Those who have Jupiter as ruler of the chart are always trustworthy, of high spirit, and are impelled toward great deeds. They spend more than their resources or their inheritance allows. Commanding in all their acts, noble, famous, honorable, lovers of luxury, cheerful, desiring to please in every way, large eaters, faithful friends, they are simple and friendly to all; successful and accustomed to do everything well.
10. Their body is of middle size but well-formed, handsome, and they are light-complexioned. Of beautiful eyes and head, with long flowing hair; firm of step. Their life will be glorious and filled with good fortune and they attain their desires. Their activities turn out well, and they are protected by the influence of great men […] Their illnesses come from stomach trouble, from wine and from indigestion; death comes from high living, hemorrhoids, or sexual intercourse.
Further Reading
For more on Hendrix, including a look at a few key events in his life with predictive techniques, please see the article on the houses.
Ma’shar, A., & Al-Qabisi. (2010). Introductions to Traditional Astrology. (B. N. Dykes, Trans.). Minneapolis, MN: The Cazimi Press.
Maternus, J. F. (1972). Mathesis: A fourth-century astrological treatise. (J. R. Bram, Trans.). NY, NY: New York University.
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