Difficult Charts | David Carpenter

Thank you to reader Iago Pereira for bringing this chart to my attention.

Challenging Assumptions

Some charts challenge our assumptions. These charts can be very frustrating, especially for beginners, as they find that basic chart analysis leads them in the wrong direction. However, more than any other charts, challenging charts push us to refine our art. Without such challenges, our astrology does not grow and simply becomes dogmatic. We ignore such charts to our own disadvantage.

David Carpenter

In this article, we are going to look at one of the most challenging charts which I’ve come across. Life is complex and contradictory. This chart is one of a serial killer, rapist, and pedophile. Additionally, he was a victim of childhood abuse. Amazingly, he has also been unusually lucky in his life, in the sense of catching breaks. He was released from jail multiple times after horrendous crimes. He’s been married twice and has had three kids. Furthermore, he’s a reportedly well-behaved prisoner who has been on death row for decades (34 years) without execution, and still maintains his innocence. These days, he even has a penchant for religion.

The Trailside Killer

David Carpenter was born on May 6, 1930 at 9:16 pm in San Francisco, CA (AA-rated source). He is infamous as the “Trailside Killer”, owing to a string of murders which took place on hiking trails in some of San Francisco’s most scenic parks. Strangely, the murders took place when Carpenter was 49 and 50 years of age. He was caught shortly after his 51st birthday.

David Carpenter’s Birth Chart

Note on Biographical Sources

Information on Carpenter’s life and criminal record prior to the killings is somewhat hard to come by. I rely heavily on the collection of news stories at Murderpedia.org (see Information PDF). However, some stories are inconsistent or riddled with minor errors. For instance, a couple stories state he was born in 1930 but also that he was 33 years old in 1960. The Criminal Minds Wiki also has some conveniently organized information on his crimes and behavior. Additionally, for insight into his prison life, I read an interview with him that was conducted by a fellow prisoner. Note that there are also some minor errors in the Wikipedia article on Carpenter.

Issues with this Chart

Carpenter’s chart challenges in a number of ways. The bulk of my analysis is going to be focused on individual problem areas. I’ll present my solutions or at least some food for thought. After exploring the main issues, we’ll look at the chart in terms of timing.

Many of the challenges pertain to things I’ve previously written articles about. For instance, the interpretation of sign dignity is significant in the chart, as he has 3 planets in domicile. I’ve written many articles on how dignity is often mis-used by traditional astrologers. This chart raises some of those issues anew. Additionally, I’ve written on the importance of twelfth-parts and the lots, including the Lot of Boldness in the charts of murderers. I’ve also highlighted how mutable signs were seen as a destabilizing influence on the character by some Persian astrologers. I’ll explore these important considerations with this chart.

However, there are other ways in which the chart is challenging, particularly for me. I follow the approach of Hellenistic and Persian astrologers. They rely heavily on the Ascendant Lord, Mercury, and the Moon for character delineation. The Lord of the Ascendant is Jupiter in a somewhat benefic place. Additionally, Jupiter is with the sect benefic and its ruler, Mercury is with both benefics. The Moon is dominated by both benefics and her ruler. This is a pedophile turned rapist and murderer – hardly a benefic character. Reading character in this chart is complex.

I. Character

Jupiter is the domicile lord and main (first) triplicity lord of the Ascendant. Jupiter also closely aspects the Ascendant within about 5 degrees. Therefore, Jupiter is an important significator of the character. Jupiter is in the 7th house (a stake of the Ascendant) and is strongly advancing, so it is quite strong. Jupiter is out of sect, but it’s still a benefic, and one that is with the sect benefic (Venus), as well as its own ruler, Mercury. This would appear to bode very well for the character, but this guy is a pedophile, rapist, and serial killer. What gives?

Mercury too is typically used for the character and rational mind. Here Mercury is in the 7th place, in its own house and bound, with both benefics. None of the malefics aspect it with a hard aspect (square or opposition). Therefore, one the surface, Mercury is perplexing.

First, we have to seriously consider whether Jupiter and Mercury are saying something meaningful about the character and the life. Next, we have to look deeper at the “hidden placements” of these planets by twelfth-parts, and possibly even antiscia. Finally, we also have to consider special techniques specific to aggressive behavior.

7th House: Sex and Marriage

Jupiter is in the 7th house, which in ancient astrology is the house of marriage and sex. Many indicators (especially Venus with Mercury) in the 7th tended to show a preoccupation with sex. One thing noted frequently with Carpenter is that he was an uncontrollably lustful character. Even in his first marriage he was said to want sex constantly. He started stalking other women while married. The lord of the 1st and Mercury (two significators of the self and mind), in the 7th, with Venus, mathces this emphasis.

Jupiter’s role in the 7th is also interesting in the sense that Carpenter was able to marry and have children given his notorious past. He was a convicted pedophile prior to meeting his wives. He was also very abused as a child and suffers from an extreme form of stuttering. That he could get married, twice, and father three children is somewhat remarkable. Benefics in the 7th house are an indication of some undeserved luck in this area.


While Carpenter was a depraved pedophile and stalker from early on, he seemed able to get off on good behavior time and time again. Prior to a string of murders, his stints in prison were rather brief compared with his crimes. He is noted as being a somewhat model inmate and one who is religious. It is thought that his victims may not have originally suspected he’d harm them because his mild manner and stutter made him seem harmless. He has molested many boys, raped many women, and killed at least 8 people. Now, at age 88, he has survived 34 years on death row without execution. He maintains his innocence and fights for his own release.

We see the role of Jupiter strongly advancing in many of these facts (see also the chart of OJ Simpson). Jupiter is loud in the life, granting lots of opportunities and breaks. It is quite likely that his character is one that does seem to align with Jupiter ruled by Mercury. Someone who seems friendly, even helpful, as well as knowledgeable or judicious. Jupiter is not indicating that he is a “good guy” but Jupiter is indicating that he can come off as one, and that is part of what makes Carpenter so dangerous.

Mars Influence

Jupiter is in the bound of Mars and is most closely aspected by Mars, from the right side. Therefore, Jupiter is linked strongly with Mars, and Mars is the more influential of the two in the relationship. Mars is the closest aspect to Jupiter from the right side and it is an applying aspect, so it is a Jupiter colored by Mars. The Mars bound of Gemini is particularly associated with blood and destruction.

The fourth term, 7° belong to Mars: much-burdened, with no brothers, having few children, a wanderer, with a good income, destructive, bloody, inquisitive. (Valens, Anthology, Riley trans., 2009, p. 6)

Mars itself is in sect and in a good place, but Mars is very strongly afflicted by Saturn. Saturn is out of sect, in the dark 2nd place, and it dominate Mars. This is exacerbated by the fact that the aspect is applying within 3 degrees. Therefore, Mars is strongly colored by and connected with Saturn.


This chart was brought to my attention in reference to another article of mine on Mercury and mutability. Mutability was associated with instability and fickleness in Hellenistic astrology (see Ptolemy, Book III, Ch. 13). Some of the Medieval astrologers additionally associated the Lord of the Ascendant or Mercury in a mutable sign with anger, fearfulness, and an unsound mind. The passages pertaining to that are quoted in the article.

In the case of David Carpenter, we see the Ascendant, its lord (Jupiter), Mercury, the Moon, and Venus in mutable signs. Most of the planets, including the most important character significators are in mutable signs. Furthermore, three of the seven planets are ruled by Mercury, including the Asc Lord and Mercury itself, adding more instability to the mix.

Missing Pieces

Obviously, we cannot get the full story on character from the apparent state of the Lord of the Ascendant and Mercury in the chart. For the most part they indicate positively. It is in fact troubling that they can apparently indicate positively for the most part but we can end up with someone like David Carpenter. We do see that the strongly advancing Mars is very loud in the life and influential upon the character, but there are plenty of missing pieces. Remember this before assuming that you can judge character based on the apparent state of a few factors that signify character.


I have written extensively on the twelfth-parts. I have discussed how you don’t know the full story about a planetary placement until you’ve examined the twelfth-parts. These additional positions were used by nearly every Hellenistic astrologer, with some of them stressing that they hold the secret to hidden information. Carpenter’s chart emphasizes the importance of these positions.

David Carpenter’s Birth Chart with Twelfth-Part Positions Along Outer Wheel

A few notable things are revealed in the twelfth-parts. Twelfth-part Jupiter is conjunct Saturn, the most malefic planet in the chart, This ties the Asc Lord to Saturn’s significations. The Ascendant and Saturn’s significations get tied to the Sun (publicity) in the dark 6th house by way of their twelfth-part positions. Mars has its twelfth-part square its natal position, intensifying it. Furthermore, its twelfth-part is in the harmful 8th house of death. That twelfth-part is also opposed to Saturn and the twelfth-part of Jupiter. Venus has her twelfth-part conjunct the Moon in Virgo, confirming the strong instinctual need for sexual gratification.

Dark and Fallen

Some interesting things occur with the twelfth-parts when dark houses and zodiacal fall are considered. The Sun and Moon end up conjunct in the dark 12th house. Actually, the twelfth-parts reveal 5 of 7 planets in dark houses, with all involved in hard malefic aspects. Additionally, the twelfth-parts put 4 of the 7 planets into the signs of their fall.

The Lot of Spirit

A look at the lots is vital to an analysis of any topic in the natal chart. The Lot of Spirit is particularly relevant to matters of character. I’ve explored the Lot of Spirit in depth in the article on the Four Principal Lots and the lesson on the lots.

David Carpenter’s Birth Chart with a Selection of Important Lots (Affliction and Mother at top of chart – names cut off)

As noted by reader Iago Pereira, Carpenter has the Lot of Spirit with and ruled by Mars, while dominated by Saturn. In terms of character, Spirit shows an aggressive martial character dominated by a bitterly dark and malefic Saturn. Mars is in the bound of Venus tying the violence to women and sexuality. As noted, Mars has its twelfth-part in the 8th house, connecting it with harm and death.

The Lot of Boldness

I have written an article on the Lot of Boldness as a possible indicator of capacity for bloodshed. The Lot of Boldness and Mars were the main factors explored by Abu’Ali for delineation of aggressive behavior. Additionally, many planets significant to the character in masculine signs was said to exacerbate aggressiveness. Mars in the 4th was also said to be significant for bloodshed. We may wish to consider Mars advancing toward the IC in a similar fashion, as quadrant houses were starting to be used during the period in which Abu’Ali practiced.

Carpenter, like the mass murder James Holmes, has Boldness with and ruled by Mars, while Mars strongly advances toward the IC. The Lot of Spirit additionally connects this with the character. Furthermore, the Ascendant, Lot of Spirit, Lot of Boldness, and 4 of 7 planets are in masculine signs, including the Asc Lord (Jupiter), Mercury, Mars, and Venus. Therefore, this special technique for assessing numbness to violence appears to be a promising one.

Additional Factors

Planetary Day and Hour

It is hard to look at Carpenter’s chart and not notice that he was born on the planetary day of Mars and at the planetary hour of Mars. Many Medieval astrologers included the rulers of the planetary day and hour as significant in their techniques for finding an overall chart lord. Vettius Valens also advised to look at the planetary day and hour rulers of the natal chart (see my article on planetary days and hours). We may consider this another indication of the importance of Mars in characterizing Carpenter’s life.

Antiscia Chart

Julius Firmicus Maternus (4th century) advised that the secrets of the chart can be found in the twelfth-part and antiscia positions. Many Hellenistic astrologers used the twelfth-part positions, and I’ve discussed them in this chart. However, only Maternus appears to have used the antiscia positions as additional body-doubles, or shadow points, for the planets. While I don’t normally use the antiscia points in practice, Carpenter’s chart has made me wonder if maybe I should. I’ve touched on the use of antiscia by Firmicus in an article on the twelfth-parts, and I’ve discussed antiscia in more detail in an article on symmetry in ancient astrology.

David Carpenter’s Birth Chart with Antiscia Positions Along Wheel

The Ascendant and Saturn are antiscia each other. This connects Saturn, the most malefic planet in the chart, with the nature of the self and character. Even more striking, Saturn is contra-antiscia Jupiter to the degree (i.e. they are the same distance from 0 Aries). This is seen as an opposition in the antiscia chart. Therefore, Saturn pertains strongly to both the Ascendant and its lord (Jupiter) by antiscia.

Additionally, Mars has its antiscia in the 10th house with the Moon, connecting it with the appetites and irrational mind as well as Carpenter’s role in the public eye. Similarly, the Moon’s antiscia is with Mars (i.e. the Moon and Mars are antiscia each other by sign). Also, both benefics and Mercury have their antiscia in the 8th house linking them with harm and death.

II. Mercury and Communication

One of the other perplexing things about Carpenter is his severe stutter. He is said to have been a severe stutterer since early childhood. This speech condition has caused him immense suffering due to the difficulty of communication as well as bullying in his school years. However, Carpenter has Mercury in sect, with both benefics, in domicile, in its own bound, and unafflicted by malefics.

David Carpenter’s Birth Chart

Before getting to the possible ways Mercury could indicate stuttering, let’s look at the ways Mercury may be indicating true things about the life. It is well known that IQ is not a strong predictor of intellectual success in life. Carpenter is reported to have an IQ of 125 (very high) and to have gotten good grades in school. Additionally, he got a degree in computer printing and was trained as a typesetter, a very mercurial profession. He even taught classes on these matters.

These things all suggest that Mercury is indeed prominent in his life. That prominence is reflected in Mercury’s position in a stake, in its own place, ruling the Moon and MC. Its benefits through association with both benefics are also well-attested in the life.


As noted above, mutability, as well as rulership by Mercury and a position in an air sign, can all destabilize Mercury. Mercury is complicated enough, while Carpenter’s Mercury (and its twelfth-part) in a mutable sign, in air, and ruled by itself vacillates so much that it causes difficulty.

Retrograde Station

In the lesson on planetary prominence, I noted that whether a planet is direct or retrograde is not as significant as whether it stations within a week of birth. Additionally, a direct station within a week of birth is very strengthening, while a retrograde station is the opposite. Amazingly, astrologers often discuss how a planet is retrograde but miss that it is actually stationing direct (powerfully strong). In Carpenter’s case, it is too easy to see that Mercury is direct and miss that it is stationing retrograde.

Two Days After Carpenter’s Birth – Mercury Stations Retrograde

Mercury stations retrograde less than 2 days after Carpenter’s birth. It is this debility of Mercury which may be the symbolic key to Carpenter’s severe speech impediment.

III. Parents

Taking an approach which stresses the importance of the 4th house, the Sun, and the Moon for parents can lead to surprising results. The 4th house is ruled by Jupiter, a benefic, which is in a strong house. The Sun is in the weak and dark 6th house but is ruled by Venus and in the bound of Jupiter. The Moon is the sect light, very prominently positioned in the 10th house, dominated by the benefics and her ruler. However, Carpenter was notably abused by an alcoholic father and had a domineering strict mother.

Saturn and the Father

Both the Sun and Saturn are relevant as natural significators of the father. By night, Saturn often becomes the more important significator. Both the Sun and Saturn are in dark places (6th and 2nd places respectively) and out of sect. Saturn is also the only planet making a right side aspect to the house of father (4th) and to the Sun (trine). Therefore, Saturn has a significant influence over the significations of both the 4th and the Sun. Saturn is very malefic in this chart, exacerbated by being out of sect, in the dark 2nd place, and in an applying close aspect with Mars. As we’ll see with timing, Saturn activations also relate strongly to Carpenter’s crimes.

The Moon and the Mother

Little is known about Carpenter’s family, though his mother is characterized as domineering and physically abusive. Note that the Moon literally dominates the 1st house of the self in the chart. Additionally, the Moon is trine that malefic Saturn, signifying friendship between the Moon and Saturn. Also, the Moon rules the 8th place of the chart, which is occupied by the twelfth-part of Mars.


Again, the twelfth-parts provide plenty of additional insights. The Sun and Moon are together in the 12th house of enemies and undoing. The twelfth-part of Saturn is with the Sun, reinforcing their strong relationship.


Interestingly, the Lot of the Father is conjunct the Lot of Boldness. Both together are with and ruled by Mars. They are also both with the Lot of Spirit. Above I discussed how Spirit linked the character with the influence of this Mars. We’ve also seen how indicators of the father connect with the sense of self (Jupiter as ruler of the 4th and 1st, Asc antiscia Saturn). Now we see the occurrence together of Boldness, the Lot of the Father, and Lot of Spirit, with and ruled by this strongly advancing Mars. Violence, the sense of self, the role of the father, and a numbness to violence are all connected in this house.

There is a similar connection between the Moon, the Lot of the Mother, and the Lot of Affliction in Virgo. The Lot of the Mother in the 10th house confirms that the Moon in the 10th is the main significator of the mother. The Lot of Affliction connects the Moon with with crises in the life. As they are in the same degree, it would seem that the mother is connected with crisis-inducing situations in the life.


The antiscia chart also shows the mother linked with harm. The Moon and Mars are antiscia each other by sign. As already noted, the Saturn-Ascendant antiscia shows self-identification with the father.

Important Time Periods

Let’s change gears and look at the timing of Carpenter’s crimes and life relative to indications with ancient predictive techniques. A thorough analysis of these time periods could fill a book. I’ll keep the analysis brief to focus on just a few techniques for each year in order to investigate if factors are activated which were singled out in the delineation above. The timing of events explored is from a work-up with a timeline from Radford University.

Age 17: Molestation Conviction

The details are unclear, but by age 17, Carpenter molested two of his young cousins (ages 8 and 3). He was sentenced to the California Youth Authority.


The annual profection of the Ascendant at age 17 is to the 6th house. For Carpenter that is Taurus, occupied by the Sun, ruled by Venus. Venus is posited in the 7th house of marriage and sexuality. The public significations of the Sun, sexual themes of Venus, and themes of harm and illness of the 6th fit this period.

Solar Return

The solar return for the year sees srVenus conjunct nMars in Aries. It even has srMars with her in an applying conjunction. The srMoon in the sr12th applies to srVenus. All of these configurations further highlight the significance of Venus and give her a strong link for the year with Mars and sexual violence (Venus-Mars).

David Carpenter Age 17 Solar Return

The srAscendant is with nSaturn, ruled by Saturn, and in the bound of Venus, highlighting the natal Saturn’s themes. srSaturn is very malefic in the chart, as it is in the 8th of the return, out of sect, and strongly advances toward the Descendant. Therefore, Saturn in the chart is also highlighted in the solar return.

Secondary Progressed Moon

Using the Valens technique for secondary progressions, we pull up the chart 17 days after birth. We are particularly interested in the relationship to the natal chart.

Carpenter’s Age 17 Secondary Progressions Along Wheel

The spMoon progressed to conjoin Mars in Aries. In this we see Mars highlighted yet again. The spSun also progressed to conjoin Mercury in Gemini. Mercury rules the 10th house of reputation and we see an important event in this year in terms of developing Carpenter’s public reputation.

Primary Directions: Distributor

The distributor of the Ascendant by primary directions from ages 14-18 was Mars. In other words, the Ascendant directed through the Mars bound of Sagittarius during that period. At age 14, Carpenter was hospitalized for committing sex offenses and by age 17 he got his first sentence. Therefore, we see a confirmation that Mars in his chart is particularly linked to sexual violence.

Carpenter’s Youth Distributors of the Ascendant

Age 25: Marriage

Carpenter was married at age 25 to a 19 year old Ellen Heattle. She gave birth to their three children over the following 5 years.

Planetary Years

25 marks the activation of the Moon by planetary years. The Moon is the sect light of the chart and separates from Mercury (ruler of VII in VII) to apply to Venus (in VII). The Moon naturally signifies the mother and personal life, and here is accidentally connected with status/reputation (10th house) and marriage (Mercury-Venus in VII) among other things.

Primary Directions

The marriage was on November 5th, 1955, when Carpenter was 25.5 years old. By primary directions, Venus directed to the natal Sun within a week of the wedding.

Carpenter’s Direction of Venus to the Sun at age 25.5

Age 30: Assault and Attempted Murder

While still married, Carpenter attacks a woman. He tied her with a clothesline and tortured her with a knife and claw hammer. A military officer responds to the screams. Carpenter tries to shoot him but misses and then is shot twice by the officer. Later in the year, he is tried and sentenced to 14 years (only 8 will be served). Additionally, he is diagnosed with sociopathic personality disorder at this time.

Planetary Years

30 marks the activation of Saturn by planetary years. I have noted that Saturn is particularly associated with the father, sense of identity, and the worst malefic significations in the chart. Saturn and Mars are in an intense applying square with Saturn dominating. Saturn also signifies isolation (imprisonment).

Primary Directions

Interestingly, Saturn directs to the Ascendan while the square of Saturn (11 Libra) directs to the Moon, both at age 30. Again, the activation of Saturn reflects the native having to come to terms his actions and do hard time.

David Carpenter Age 30 Directions of Saturn

Age 39: 2nd Marriage and Multiple Rapes

Unfortunately, Carpenter was paroled after only 8 years. Less than a year later he was married to his second wife, Helen. However, less than 6 months after marriage, in late January and early February 1970, he was involved in many violent crimes. The period is of interest for its intensity with two rapes, multiple attempted rapes, stolen cars, home invasion, and kidnapping all within the span of a week. The crime spree culminated in his arrest on February 3, 1970. He also briefly escaped from jail in April.  He was convicted at age 40 through a plea bargain.


His lucky break of being paroled, his marriage, and his out of control sexual aggression relate to activation of Venus and Jupiter in the chart. The profection is to the 4th house, Pisces, making Jupiter lord of the year. Jupiter is with Venus and both are influenced by Mars. Note that by Valens-style profections, it is also the case that Jupiter and Venus profect to the Moon (House of Affliction), Saturn profects to Mars, and Mars profects to its twelfth-part and the Moon (ruler of the 8th). The strong role of the benefics in the year make it a complex time – one of a release from prison, a marriage, and a sudden slew of rapes.

David Carpenter’s Birth Chart

Primary Directions: Distributor

During the release from prison, the marriage, and the rapes, Venus was the distributor of the Ascendant. Around the time that Carpenter was convicted, Saturn took over as distributor. This echoes the benefits of Venus running into the problematic sexuality of Venus, then the dark isolation of Saturn.

David Carpenter Distributors in his thirties and early forties

Solar ReturnThe solar return has echoes of many of the Venus and 7th house themes discussed. Gemini, the natal 7th house, rises in the return. Return Mercury is in Gemini conjunct natal Venus. Jupiter is advancing in the return and rules the MC (gift of status).

David Carpenter Age 39 Solar Return

However, we also see some echoes of the themes of sexual aggression. Return Mars is in the 7th of the return, 1st house of the natal chart. It is in the house of the other for the year from the house of the self in the natal chart. There is an application between srVenus and srMars echoing he natal chart. Importantly, srVenus is at 11° Aries conjunct natal Mars within 2 degrees and ruled by natal Mars.  The srMoon is with nSaturn while srSaturn is with the nSun.


We know that the crimes of the year took place in a short period of time from January 27th to February 3rd of 1970. A look at the transits kicking off the crime spree reveals many interesting things.

David Carpenter 1-27-70 Transits Along Natal

The crime spree takes place during a Mars return as tMars entered Aries just a few days prior. It actually kicks off with the tMoon’s opposition to nMars. Jupiter, the lord of the year, was transiting in Scorpio, Carpenter’s 12th house, ruled by Mars. Mercury transits in Carpricorn with natal Saturn. Saturn is transiting in the 6th through the house and bound of Venus, with his malice directed along sexual dimensions. Transiting Saturn overcomes the Moon by trine, echoing the natal Moon-Saturn trine.


The entire crime spree took place during the period between the transiting Moon’s opposition to natal Mars and her conjunction with natal Saturn. Carpenter is arrested soon after.

02/03/1970 Day of Arrest Transits

Age 49-50: Serial Killer

Sadly, Carpenter was paroled to a halfway house shortly after his birthday in 1979, after serving less than 9 years. Within months of his release he had become a serial killer. Previously, he had not killed anyone. It is believed that he killed at least 10 people between August 1979 and May of 1981. Most of his victims were women hiking along scenic trails in the San Francisco area. Many of the victims were raped. He was arrested just after his 51st birthday.

Planetary Years

Age 49 is an activation of Sun-Saturn relationships by planetary years. On its own Sun-Saturn configurations often crop up at time of death, as the Sun signifies vitality and Saturn signifies loss. As noted previously, the twelfth-parts of Saturn and the Ascendant are in Taurus with the Sun. Additionally, the Sun and Saturn are trine each other across the dark 2nd and 6th houses, with Saturn overcoming the Sun. I had noted how this configuration relates to the father as well.

David Carpenter’s Birth Chart with Twelfth-Part Positions Along Outer Wheel


Ages 49 and 50 are profections to the 2nd and 3rd houses. Therefore, Saturn was the lord of the year for both years that Carpenter was an active killer. Additionally, Saturn occupies the 2nd house, further highlighting Saturn’s significance the year the killings began.

David Carpenter’s Birth Chart

Solar Return Age 49

We see the lucky Jupiter and the aggressive sexuality highlighted in the solar return. The return has srVenus in srVII and ruling the return Ascendant. It also has srJupiter on the srMC (gift of status; release from prison). However, note that srVenus is in Aries, ruled by and occupied by nMars. Additionally, she is with srMars and srMercury, indicating aggression with intent. Additionally, we see the lunar return in the solar return, but one with srSaturn, emphasizing the Saturn-Moon relationship noted in the natal chart.

David Carpenter Age 49 Solar Return


I could go on and analyze each murder and the ensuing arrest. For instance, the Moon and Mars were transiting in Cancer at the time of the 1st murder. However, due to time constraints I will wrap things up.

Beyond the Superficial

The chart of David Carpenter is interesting on a number of levels. I believe it is impossible to accurately see the key associations in this life without using the twelfth-parts, lots, and other such hidden factors. Additionally, we see the importance of detailed delineation in which things like possible stations, twelfth-parts, antiscia, and the lots are checked. In fact, it may be that much of the key information in every chart is actually less apparent. Such hidden information tends to be more individualized and to indicate things that are less superficial. By contrast, easily apparent indications like dignity by sign can easily lead one astray if misinterpreted.

Additionally, we see the importance of special techniques. Unusual features of a life don’t typically stand out at face value in the natal chart. Special techniques such as that for finding unusual aggression in the chart are vital. We see additional promise with the technique of using the Lot of Boldness, as we did for James Holmes.

Confirmation through Timing Techniques

Even when delineation is difficult, we find that the principles behind the best predictive techniques can help us make sense of important events. We see repeated and reinforced activation of the relevant factors that were identified in the delineation. In fact, we can use timing techniques to test our hypotheses about the significance of certain houses and other factors in the natal chart.

For example, on a superficial level Carpenter’s Moon appears strong and even benefic. Through timing techniques and a closer look at indications involving the mother we see Virgo, the Moon’s house, crop up time and again. Many of the events are true to its role as the House of Affliction. For instance, see the lunar return with Saturn conjunct the natal Moon at the 49th solar return. Factors are often mixed in signification, and sometimes their significations can have a very broad range across positive and negative dimensions. In Carpenter’s case, the wide range of significations may be exacerbated by the mutability of signs of many factors (dualistic or vacillating).

Loose Ends

While it is grim subject matter, all astrologers should check this chart out and keep it in mind. Delineation is very difficult and we still have many unanswered questions. A big part of delineation is understanding the central tendency and spread of various factors. We compare indications, look for repeat indications, and try to come to some conclusions about the most probable possibilities. In all of this we need to know the relevant factors for a given subject matter and how to prioritize and integrate them.

As you come to refine your own art of chart interpretation, return often to this chart to test your methodology. Carpenter is a complex individual but a severely damaged and destructive one. In untangling the web of his chart one faces many tough interpretive decisions. Ultimately, we want to make the same decisions, with the same interpretive principles and priorities, with every chart. Otherwise, where shall we start with the chart of someone we don’t know?


Valens, V. (2010). Anthologies. (M. Riley, Trans.) (Online PDF.). World Wide Web: Mark Riley. Retrieved from http://www.csus.edu/indiv/r/rileymt/Vettius%20Valens%20entire.pdf

Featured image is cropped from a documentary on serial killers.

Update 1/28/19: Added note about Jupiter-Saturn contra-antiscia and link to new article on planetary days and hours.

Traditional Astrology of Death | Elizabeth Taylor


Death is one of the most significant events of any life.  Like many people, I was initially skeptical that astrological indications are provided at the time of death. When I started intensively studying astrology, but before studying traditional astrology, I would carefully examine the timing of celebrity deaths. I pored over the transits for some cogent sign of the end. I was surprised to find that exact symbolic transits were rather rare. Occasionally, there would be a particularly telling transit, but it would often involve the Moon, which would make the same transit each month.

Of course in those days, I was fixated on transits and progressions. I did not understand planetary periods and time lords. At that time, I didn’t understand the natal chart much beyond “personality”. Now I understand that predictive indications must reflect natal indications of death. Everyone has various indications of death in their own charts, and everyone dies eventually.

For transits and other predictive techniques to make sense they must reflect natal indications of death. Those natal indications must also be reinforced through numerous layers of similar symbolic activation. Activation gives transits “meaning”.

Traditional Astrology and Death

Getting into traditional astrology, I deeply researched the techniques given by Robert Zoller in his DMA course. Zoller’s approach to the astrology of death largely revolved around the techniques of Bonatti (13th century CE). It also included elaborations of a technique involving primary directions made popular by Ptolemy (2nd century CE).  In my own research, I went from doubt, to enthusiasm, to renewed doubt, about such techniques.

From there I researched Bonatti’s sources. His sources were primarily Perso-Arabic astrologers of the last few centuries of the first millennium of the common era. I started to get a sense of a greater diversity of opinion existing in the older texts as compared with the late Middle Ages where things became more homogenized. Finally, reaching back into the earliest surviving strata of horoscopic astrology, Hellenistic astrology, my suspicions were confirmed. It became clear that there was a diverse wealth of material on death in Hellenistic astrology. This material still needs exploration, testing, refinement, and synthesis.

Prior Analyses

In this series, I have, so far, worked in broad and general strokes, looking at fundamental symbols of death in the chart. You will notice that I’ve ignored some of the more particular special techniques for longevity.  I will continue such a trend with this article on Elizabeth Taylor (analyzed by request of a reader). The approach follows along similar lines of analysis as my prior articles on the subject.

Initially, I looked at the death of Whitney Houston, with an additional focal analysis of primary directions. I also looked at the shocking death of Marvin Gaye at the hands of his own father on the day of his solar return. Additionally, I examined the death of Donna Summer, a death by cancer at age 63, which included a look at zodiacal releasing. Now we turn to Elizabeth Taylor who lived to 79 years of age, dying of congestive heart failure.

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor was born on February 27th, 1932 at 2:30 am in London, England (birth data rated AA for accuracy).  Her chart is pictured below with twelfth-part positions and then again with a few choice lots.

Liz Taylor’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

Elizabeth Taylor’s Natal Chart with Choice Lots


For those who have followed my series on the professional significator, you will notice that Venus is the clear choice.

She is is strongly advancing conjunct an angle (adhering to the IC), in a succedent house, rules the bound of the Ascendant, and closely aspects the Ascendant. Venus also rules the sign of the MC, and has triplicity in the 10th. Additionally, she is the ruler of the twelfth-parts of the Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Fortune, Mercury, and Venus.

That Venus is scrutinized by Jupiter adds an additional sense of opportunity, elevation, and fortune to her significations. Venus, goddess of love and beauty, pertains to a profession relating to aesthetics, the arts, and/or entertainment.


As with the death of Donna Summer, Taylor’s death was not a sudden dramatic affair. It was a relatively peaceful death by congestive heart failure at the advanced age of 79.


As we look at her death, it will be important to first identify some of the more difficult areas of the chart, particularly as they relate to health and the body.  The Ascendant and the Lights, particularly the sect light, are important in terms of health.  Also, Valens noted some important points in Book II, Ch. 41 of his anthology that become relevant for the matter of the type of death. These include the prenatal syzygy (i.e. the position of the new or full moon preceding the birth), the 7th place, the 8th place, the 8th place from Fortune, and Fortune itself.

The 4th place is also noted as significant with regards to death by Valens and many other authors. Additionally, there is the Hellenistic Lot of Death, which is taken by day or night, as the distance from the Moon to the start of the 8th sign, projected from Saturn. In terms of the planets, Saturn is the one that naturally signifies death. Let’s look at these factors in Taylor’s chart.

The Moon in Scorpio XII

The sect light, the Moon, is in the 12th place, Scorpio, in her fall, squared by Saturn in Aquarius, and ruled by Mars. This is among the more difficult configurations in the chart as the 12th place is also the Place of Affliction (Injury) and the 8th from Fortune. Additionally, the Moon rules the 8th house, Cancer, and the Moon’s twelfth-part is in the 6th house of illness.


The Sun, symbolic of vitality, is with Mars, in Pisces, the 4th house. Mars is also with Mercury, the ruler of the prenatal syzygy and Lot of Death. The prenatal syzygy of the chart is at 2 Virgo, opposed by Mars within a degree. Therefore, while Mars is in sect, it is still an important planet to watch in terms of death and threats to the health.

Liz Taylor’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts


Jupiter rules the Ascendant and in Leo is in opposition to Saturn in Aquarius in the chart. Jupiter is the lord of the Ascendant (self/body) and Saturn is the out of sect malefic (malefic with least regard for the self). Their relationship is reinforced by the conjunction of the twelfth-parts of both planets in Aquarius.


Virgo is of interest because it is the place of death by lot (14 Virgo). It is also the sign of the prenatal syzygy (the Full Moon at 2 Virgo that preceded Taylor’s birth). Mercury rules the sign but opposes it, and is cazimi the Sun.

Planetary Years

Liz Taylor died at age 79, in her 80th year, so we are particularly interested in the activation of planets by planetary years which pertain to 79 or 80.

Summing to 79

Looking at 79, some activated planetary combinations include Saturn-Sun (30+30+19), Mars-Sun (15+15+15+15+19), Saturn-Mars-Sun (30+15+15+19), Mercury-Sun (20+20+20+19), and Jupiter-Sun (12+12+12+12+12+19). The Sun and Saturn don’t aspect each other, nor rule each other, so that activation is less signification. It is similar with Saturn and Mars. Therefore, the Mars-Sun activation is particularly significant for our purposes. Mars and the Sun are together in the chart and relevant for health and death.

Summing to 80

Looking at 80, some activated planetary combinations include Mercury (20+20+20+20), Mars-Moon (15+15+25+25), Saturn-Moon (30+25+25), Saturn-Mercury (30+30+20), Mars-Mercury (15+15+15+15+20), Venus (8*10), and so forth.  There are a lot of ways that combinations of planetary years fit into 80. However, for our purposes we are most concerned about combinations that involve natal configurations (rulership or aspect). The Mars-Moon activation is significant of the Moon in the 12th in Scorpio. The Mars-Mercury one is significant due to the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the 4th house. The Moon doesn’t have a strong relationship with Saturn. Neither does Mercury.

Mars-Sun; Mars-Moon; Mars-Mercury

In conclusion, for the year of death we are interested in the activation of Mars as it relates to the Sun, Moon, and Mercury.

Liz Taylor’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

Zodiacal Releasing

Releasing from Fortune was noted by Valens as significant for matters of health.

The four levels of zodiacal releasing from Fortune at the time of death (1:30 am on March 23, 2011 in Los Angeles, CA) are:

1. Leo

2. Aries

3. Cancer

4. Cancer

Elizabeth Taylor’s Zodiacal Releasing Periods

Levels I and I: The Sun transmits to Mars

As mentioned near the end of last article, the emphasis is on the first two levels. The lord of the sign of level 1 transmits to the lord of the sign of level 2.  In this case, what we have is the Sun transmitting to Mars.  This is interesting from the standpoint of a luminary, showing power and vitality, passing off to a malefic, showing harm. It is also interesting from the standpoint of activating the Sun-Mars conjunction in the chart. You’ll recall that the Sun-Mars configuration is one of the configurations of harm in the natal chart that was highlighted by planetary years.

Liz Taylor’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

Mars transmits to the Moon

We then see Mars transmit to the Moon (Aries to Cancer). You’ll recall that the Mars-ruled Moon is a key factor pertaining to death in the chart and was highlighted by the planetary years. Zeroing in on the day of death we find that occurred just a couple days after the switch to L3 Cancer, so L4 was still in Cancer as well. The Moon transmits to itself (Cancer to Cancer).  That Cancer is highlighted in the shorter periods around the death is very significant.  Cancer is the place of death (8th house) in the chart, and Cancer’s ruler, the Moon, is in the 8th place from Fortune.

As we’ll see when we get to transits, the Moon-Mars relationship also shows up strongly at the time of death. The death occurred on a lunar return in Scorpio with the Moon in partile aspect to transiting Mars.

Notes on Zodiacal Releasing

In conclusion, the zodiacal releasing of the second level (December 2010 to February 2012) highlighted a sense of vitality and heart (the Sun rules the heart) undergoing turmoil or violence (Mars). It was an activation of the natal Sun-Mars conjunction, also highlighted by planetary years.  The third level, Cancer, started on March 21st, 2011, and activated the natal Moon-Mars relationship. Mars transmits to the Moon and activates two houses with particular relevance for death (the 8th, Cancer, and the 8th from Fortune, Scorpio). The fourth level (March 21-25) again put the emphasis squarely on the Moon, with the death occurring on a lunar return.


Distributors are important time lords that one finds by directing certain important points through the bounds.  The dis­trib­u­tor is typ­i­cally the bound lord of the directed Ascen­dant (using zodi­a­cal semi-arc non-latitudinal ptolemaic-key pri­mary direc­tions). However,  some Per­sian astrologers used the sect light rather than the Ascen­dant. This parallels the use of the sect light as an alter­na­tive to the Ascen­dant in many Hel­lenis­tic tech­niques, such as for profectional lord of the year.

Planets apply­ing an aspect to the directed point (Ascendant or sect light) can share in the distribution as co-distributors. Presumably this aspect would have to be within 3 degrees, as that was the defin­i­tive range for appli­ca­tions in Hel­lenis­tic astrol­ogy.

Primary Directions Then and Now

In later traditional astrology, there was something of an obses­sion with direct hits by pri­mary direc­tion. This contrasts with the traditional emphasis on the distributor as time lord. After about the 15th century CE there also was an outgrowth of different ways of calculating primary directions. However, the traditional manner of calculating them, in the zodiac using semi-arcs without latitude and by the rate of the Ptolemaic key, was the standard before then. I touch on some of these issues in my intro­duc­tory post on pri­mary direc­tions (and there’s a post on software cal­cu­la­tion).

Elizabeth Taylor’s Distributors

Taylor died on March 23, 2011. The table of distributors are below. The distributor of the Ascendant was Jupiter, while that of the sect light (the Moon) was Mars. You may recall that for Donna Summer also, at the time of death the distributor of the sect light, the Moon, was Mars.

Distributors of the Ascendant and Sect Light

Now let’s look to see if there are any aspectual co-rulers of the distribution.  At the time of death 5° Aries directed over the Ascendant. There was not an aspectual co-distributor for the directed Ascendant.  However, 28° Capricorn passed over the Moon. Saturn at 1 Aquarius, was applying within 3 degrees. Saturn may be thought of as a co-distributor of the Moon but the aspect is out of sign, so I don’t strongly consider it.

Liz Taylor’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

Notes on Distributors

In conclusion, the sect light had Mars as distributor. In this we see the important activation of  the Moon-Mars relationship.

The Ascendant had directed into a new sign (Aries), one ruled by Mars, but it had Jupiter as the distributor. It was noted that there is a Jupiter-Saturn relationship of interest in the natal chart. Jupiter, lord of the Ascendant, figures prominently in some significations at the time of death also, as we’ll see.

Profection of the Ascendant

The final annual profection is very interesting.  She turned 79 less than a month prior to her death.  At age 79, the profection is to the 8th house (72=1st, 73=2nd, 74=3rd, 75=4th, 76=5th, 77=6th, 78=7th, 79=8th).  The 8th house, which is also known as the Place of Death, is the sign Cancer in her chart, ruled by the Moon. Therefore, the Moon is the lord of the year. This is a particularly important planet to look at in regards to the most significant events of the year.

Liz Taylor’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

Moon as Lord of the Year and Month

You’ll recall that the Moon, herself, is located in Scorpio, the 12th house, one of the most difficult houses of the chart. Additionally, in her chart Scorpio is the Place of Affliction and Injury (by lot) and the 8th Place from Fortune (another place of death). We had established that she is one of the key significators of death in the natal chart.

In monthly profections, the first month after the solar return (i.e. “birthday”) goes to the sign of the annual profection. As the death occurred less than a month after the solar return, the monthly profection matches the annual profection. Again, it is Cancer. Therefore, the Moon was lord of the year and the month. This is strong reinforcement of the highlighting of the 8th house (Cancer) and the Moon in Scorpio by planetary years, zodiacal releasing, and the primary direction of the Moon.

Planetary Days

For planetary days, one starts with the lord of the year and proceeds through the planets in the order in which they appear in the chart (via zodiacal order).  The Moon gets 70 5/6 planetary days. As the death occurred less than a month after the solar return, the Moon was the ruler of days at the time of Taylor’s death.

You will also recall above from the discussion of zodiacal releasing that highlighted Cancer for L3 and L4. The Moon became the most important time lord pertaining to physical health matters (by L3 and L4) just a couple days  before Taylor died.  Clearly, in terms of profections, day lords, and releasing for health, the spotlight is on the Moon at the time of Taylor’s death.

Valens-Style Profections

I dis­cussed Valens-Style pro­fec­tions in a past article.  As noted, one can profect any point in the chart, but the pro­fec­tion of the sect light was particularly common, while the Moon was significant for mat­ters of the body. In Elizabeth Taylor’s chart the Moon is the sect light.

Moon Transmits to Mercury

In Taylor’s case, the Moon pro­fects to Gemini, the 7th House, which is empty, so it is a case of the Moon trans­mit­ting to Mercury.  The 7th itself carries some significance for matters of death (place of setting). Mercury is in the 4th, which also carries such significations (place of anti-culmination, endings, and the earth).  Mercury is cazimi the Sun and is with Mars. While overall, the emphasis has been on the Moon, we see that Mercury may also have some special significance in terms of matters of the body. Mercury rules the Lot of Death and the prenatal syzygy, both of which are in Virgo.

Fortune Transmits to the Moon

It should be noted that all the profections are to the 8th place from their position. As the Moon is in the 8th from Fortune, Fortune itself transmits to the Moon. This additional emphasis on the Moon is significant as Fortune’s profections were used to judge overall material circumstance.

Solar Return

Liz Taylor’s final solar return is shown below.

Liz Taylor’s 2011 Solar Return (tropical)

We had determined that the main planet to watch is the Moon and that Mercury may be of some lesser importance.  Also, because of the distribution, we may want to take a look at the malefics and Jupiter.

Liz Taylor’s 2011 Solar Return as transits along outer wheel of natal chart

The 1st House Moon Between Malefics

The Moon in the return is in Sagittarius, which is the 1st house of the natal chart, pertaining to the body and self. Its position in the 1st is particularly significant for the body, as the Moon herself naturally signifies the body (repeat signification). The Moon is in the house of Jupiter, bound of Saturn.  She is separating from Saturn and applying to Mars. Therefore, the Moon moves from malefic to malefic.

Return of Mercury and Mars

At the time of the 2011 solar return, Mercury and Mars are strongly in their planetary returns.  Each one is only about a degree from its natal position. We see the

Liz Taylor’s 2011 Solar Return as transits along outer wheel of natal chart

Other Factors

Jupiter is the lord of the natal Ascendant, bound lord of the directed Ascendant, and ruler of the solar return Moon. Therefore, it’s a planet to watch. Return Jupiter is opposing return Saturn, echoing the natal Jupiter-Saturn opposition. This was one of the natal factors noted as particularly significant for death. Solar return Saturn is on the natal Midheaven and strongly opposes natal Venus (sect benefic).

We’ll see that all of these factors are important at the time of death.

Transits at Time of Death

The time of death was given in a news report as 1:28 am on March 23, 2011, in Los Angeles, California.  The chart of the time of death is below. Rarely are the daily transits of lots examined. However, with the exact time of death, we can actually examine the exact timing of transiting lots, confirming their importance. Therefore, there are some choice lots included on the chart of the transits at time of death.

Elizabeth Taylor Death Transits

Solar Return Moon Rises

We are fortunate to have the exact time of death, as there are many striking features about this specific time.  For one, it is 22° Sagittarius rising. Sagittarius is Taylor’s rising sign. More significantly, 22° Sagittarius is also the very degree held by the Moon at the solar return. Therefore, at the moment of death, the degree held by the solar return Moon was rising. Recall the natal and predictive emphasis on the Moon for matters of death. The solar return chart is shown again below.

Liz Taylor’s 2011 Solar Return

Death on a Lunar Return

Liz Taylor’s Natal Chart with Twelfth-Parts

Recall that the natal Moon is at 15° Scorpio. At the time of death, the transiting Moon was at 22° Scorpio. In other words, Taylor died on her lunar return. Actually, her death was on the very day of her lunar return as astrological days are sunrise to sunrise. Additionally, the transiting Moon at 22° Scorpio was in partile aspect to its transiting ruler Mars at 22° Pisces.

Elizabeth Taylor Death Transits

Therefore, the natal Moon-Mars relationship is popping at the time of death also.  In fact, the death even occurs on a Mars day and at a Moon hour (see article on planetary days and hours). As noted, an astrological day starts at sunrise, which is why it’s still a Mars day (Tuesday). Transiting Mars is at 22° Pisces, square to the solar return Moon and the transiting Ascendant to the degree (both were at 22° Sagittarius).

Transiting Lots

Lots, like the Ascendant, make a complete revolution around the zodiac each day, so their locations in transit are rather ephemeral. However, like the Ascendant their transits can pertain to timing very specific moments.

The Lot of Boldness (noted as “COLD” on the chart) pertains to actions without feeling. At the moment of death it transited right at the degree of Taylor’s natal Moon (15° Scorpio).

The Lot of Death was transiting at 22 Taurus, exactly opposite the transiting Moon!

Therefore, even when it comes to the transiting Lot of Death we see a spotlight on the Moon and its importance for signifying death.

Elizabeth Taylor Death Transits

Transiting Jupiter-Saturn Opposition

There was a strongly applying Jupiter-Saturn opposition by transit (within 2 degrees) at the time of death. Saturn is culminating at 14° Libra (the natal MC degree) opposed to Jupiter anti-culminating at 13° Aries. In addition to transiting Jupiter, the transiting Sun and Mercury are also in Aries, in opposition to transiting Saturn. Saturn, the natural significator of death, is the most strongly advancing planet at the time of death.

Elizabeth Taylor Death Transits (outer) to Natal (inner)


While sudden deaths are often more dramatic in their symbolism, we can learn a lot about astrology from examining the time of any death. As in all types of natal timing, the work starts with a thorough understanding of the relevant symbolism in the natal chart. We then proceed to look at the big period activation patterns. From there we can employ annual techniques to assess the most important themes. Finally, we can examine smaller time period lords and transits to examine timing.


The timing of Taylor’s death is fascinating particularly for its emphasis on the Moon in Scorpio, given the Moon’s symbolism for death and illness. The Moon is the ruler of the 8th, the ruler of the Lot of Affliction, and the occupant of the 8th from Fortune (Scorpio). The Moon-Mars relationship was highlighted for the period by planetary years, the transmission of Mars to the Moon by zodiacal releasing (Aries L2 to Cancer L3), and Mars as distributor of the Moon by primary directions.

Turning to annual methods we found the annual profection and monthly profection to Cancer (8th house) with the Moon as lord of the year and month. The solar return saw the Moon transiting in the natal 1st house and applying to Mars which had returned to its own natal position. Elizabeth Taylor died on her lunar return in Scorpio, with the Moon as the lord of the year and month by annual profections, ruler of days, and ruler of the L3 and L4 of zodiacal releasing. She died during the lunar hour of a Mars day with the exact degree of her prior solar return Moon rising and when the transiting Lot of Death opposed the transiting Moon.

There were some other factors that were relevant as well but these themes surrounding the 12th house Moon in Scorpio are by far the most mind-blowing.


Featured image is in the public domain. 

Update 2/26/2019:

The article was significantly edited for clarity. Passages pertaining to the Lot of Death and an overall conclusion were added.

Lots | Boldness: A Lot for Bloodshed | Holmes Revisited

The Lot of Boldness

And if the Ascendant were a masculine sign, and the luminaries and the Lord of the Ascendant in a masculine sign, with Mars lingering in an angle, it signifies that the native will be bold and his commands will be implemented, and he will love the shedding of blood, especially if the Lot of Boldness were with Mars, or Mars were the Lord of the Lot.   (Abu’Ali, On the Judgments of Nativities, Ch. 34, Dykes trans., 2009, p. 300)


The Lot of Boldness was discussed by Abu’Ali in his material on significations for various the types of actions and strivings.  He discussed the lot in Chapter 34 of his “On the Judgments of Nativities”, when exploring the topic of boldness. This lot and its lord are the chief indicators of how easily a person can carry out military-style killing.  According to Abu Ma’shar and al-Qabisi, the lot is found from Saturn to the Moon by day, or the Moon to Saturn by night, with this distance projected from the Ascendant.

Indications of Boldness

As evident in the introductory quote, the Lot of Boldness relates strongly to how easily one can kill.  Certainly, this is a very important consideration in the military, where a hesitancy to kill can spell defeat.  Another factor that relates strongly to boldness is the prominence of Mars.  The occurrence of Mars in an angle or “stake” (1st, 10th, 7th, or 4th house) was thought to indicate violence, military action, competitiveness, or the like in the life.  Additionally, we see that significators of the self and personality in masculine signs also tends to make one more bold and commanding.

James Holmes and the Lot of Boldness

James Holmes was the perpetrator of a Colorado mass murderer. He executed the audience at a movie theater in a manner reminiscent of a military massacre. His natal chart provides a shocking testimony to the potential of this lot.  Holmes has his Lot of Boldness at 12 Scorpio, both ruled by and conjunct within one degree (applying) his Mars at 13 Scorpio. His Mars is very prominent, being conjunct the angle of his IC at 13 Scorpio and his Lot of Fortune at 10 Scorpio.

Homes Natal with Lot of Boldness


I’ve discussed the character indicators of James Holmes in more detail in another article. Abu’Ali’s approach to character was to examine Mercury and the lord of the Ascendant. He considered their position in mutable signs to be an indication of instability. Holmes has The Sun (Asc Lord), Moon, Mercury (bound lord of Asc), and Saturn all in mutable signs. Masculine (fire or air) signs make for indications that are more active and outward. We find the Ascendant, its lord, the Sun (which is the lord the Asc), and Mercury additionally all in masculine signs.

Mars is in a stake (the 4th), and strongly advancing conjunct the angle of the earth.  Interestingly, Abu’Ali, in Ch. 47, on the planets in each house, noted that Mars in the 4th signifies “the shedding of blood, murders, a sad exit [from life]” (Dykes trans., 2009, p. 320). He doesn’t mention murders and shedding blood for any other Mars house position.  This may pertain to the 4th because it is the “angle of the earth”, and earth is representative of physicality. The 4th also pertains to endings.


The chart of James Holmes provides some indications that the Lot of Boldness warrants further research. This lot may hold some potential in delineating the capacity for cold violence.


Masha’allah, & al-Khayyat, A.  ’Ali. (2009). Persian Nativities I: Masha’allah and Abu  ’Ali. (B. N. Dykes, Trans.). Minneapolis, MN: The Cazimi Press.
Image Attribution

The featured image of an avalanche on Mars on 2/19/08 is in the public domain courtesy of NASA.